Shokushu High School

New monster : The Smegskull
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Author:  smegskull [ Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  New monster : The Smegskull

name: The Smegskull
Race: unknown
Gender: male
Age: ainchent
Hight: 6ft 4in (when disguised) variable (when unleashed)
weight: veriable from feather-nutron star
Eye colour: red on black
Skin colour: pink
skin textuer: gone off carton of milk
Hair: none
body: (viscos liquid) can change shape
Tentikles: can create when wanted (1 on head permonent)
Sexual organs: none body made of seamn
Fighting stile: can adapt to anything seen
Motivation: wants it takes it (strong sense of honour and respect (not for humens))
Psyc profile: compleatly selfish power has corrupted him over time
sexual quifks: though his body is body is made of seamn he infirtle but being imortal excludes the need for reproduction
disguise: can take a general human shape but is easaly distinguished as alien close up or in bright light (can take the form of clothing or poses people
Clothing: doesnt wear but can become
Dislikes: missing opertunatys

Author:  smegskull [ Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  In Character Intro

I am old i remember the creation of earth my people lived there on an islend called atlantis back then i was called kracken. we got greedy and in our strugle for power we destroyed each other now im all thats left. Meh just meens less sharing. ive ravaged and terorised planets for too long im bord of fighting and need a break.
I heard of this planet of peace for maliciose beings like myself where we can take what we want when we want the catch being what happens there stays there.
The place is fild by women humens my favourite :twisted: this will be fun and no army or police will bug me its a dream (actualy i dont sleep or dreem but u get my point)
Im nearly there better slow up or ill punch a hole through the little planet. its a small planet but i feel there r thousands of humens almost all females. its play time :twisted:

Author:  Dendrite [ Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, your ideas seem pretty good. Maybe you need a bit of editing, or practice...(or both!) Just work at it, though, and you'll do great. Welcome to the campus. ;)

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