Shokushu High School

Dravin-Here to clean up...
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Author:  RaindropsOnRoses [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  Dravin-Here to clean up...

Additions and updates are in this color!

Name: Dravin
Race: Insect
Place of Birth: N.I.C.E. Labs
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Height: 2 Feet
Weight: 80 Lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: dark grey
Skin Texture: Smooth and hard.
Appearance Description: Dravin is the size of a small dog, although he is more of an insect. He had two yellow eyes that glow in the dark and a small mouth that opens wide with his 16 inch tongue. Though most of his body appears to be covered in a hard, smooth shell, his feet are soft with no bones. Each leg is just under two feet long, and bends at the elbow like a spider's.
Tail Length: 18 inch.
Number of Tentacles: His four feet resemble tentacles, though they are only about six inches long, his legs extend it.
Cock Size: 9 inches
# of Cocks: 1
Fighting Style: Dravin secretes oils from his mouth and penis that have different effects.

Clear goo with a green tint~Cuts off the connection between the human's brain and their limb, making them unable to move it.
Thin, runny, blue liquid~Aphrodisiac that makes the girl horny. Must be put into her mouth or ingested.
Thick, white gloop~Dries in seconds and creates a solid block.

His feet also secrete a clear, yellow-ish goop that allows him to stick to walls and ceillings. He doesn't usually use this as an attack though since it seems quite pointless to cover the girls in a somewhat sticky syrup that turns to dust within an hour to leave no trails behind him.

Motivation: Hunger
Psychological Profile: Just after getting out of Labs, Dravin was naive and learning. But now he has found that the right manipulation could give him a constant supply of food. He has become somewhat malicious and sneaky.
Sexual Oddities: He doesn't enjoy using his penis most of the time as he usually is looking for a meal. Although when he does partake in sexual enjoyment, he just loves to watch the girls squirm endlessly and hopelessly. He also loves to inflict them with his horny enducers and follow them, watching them want and water until he attacks.
Distinguishing features: His glowing yellow eyes will be easily reconizable to anyone that knows him.
Behavior: Sneaky, quiet, manical.
Weaknesses: His hard, white secretion becomes more brittle by the hour.
History: Dravin was created in the N.I.C.E. Labs as a vacum cleaner for the secretions of the poor girls. He was made to feed off the cum of woman. So, to get him working at his top capacity, they locked him in a cage for days before letting him loose in the lab to clean all bodily fluids off the equipment, floor, walls, and ceiling.

Well, unfortunately for them, one day they had locked him up just a touch to long. Only to release him to a meager meal. On a rampage, Dravin-who then was known as ex. 313-attacked the window that kept the creature away from the female doctor. Breaking through, he raped the woman for all she was worth and snacked on all her secretions. After, he quickly made haste to escape the horrible building to find the better life of younge, nubile girls that ran about, just waiting for him to please and feed from them.

Author:  Alice D [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dravin-Here to clean up...

Hey if your ever in need of a meal come find me :wink:

Author:  RaindropsOnRoses [ Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dravin-Here to clean up...

Dravin is always on the lookout for a

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dravin-Here to clean up...

Care to be allies !?

Author:  raindrops2 [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dravin-Here to clean up...

Due to my own stupid error, RaindropsOnRoses is probably permanently going to be raindrops2. I'll put updates for Dravin here since I obviously can't edit them uptop.

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