Shokushu High School

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Author:  Karzak [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Karzak

Monster Bio/Profile

Name: Former Human name: Arumat Mutant Name: Karzak
Race: Mutant (Not Pure Blooded)
Type: Appearance looks like Cross Gargoyle/ Minotaur
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the Carribean
Gender: Male
Age: Lost track, physical appearance shows this beast has been around a while though
Height: 7’5”
Weight: 1 ton
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Black with a molten lava glow
Skin Texture: Rough skin, almost shark like
Hair? Yes
Hair Color: Lava Red
Body Build: Overly Muscular
Tail? No
Tentacles? Yes, Located all over body
Number of Tentacles: 30
Wings? No
Cock Size: 1 foot
# of Cocks: Two
Fighting Style: Savage, animal like fighting using its claws and teeth yet if opponent poses a threat it changes its tactics to however it must to win
Motivation: Anger, hatred of women, caused by one
Psychological Profile: Completely disturbed due to torment in childhood
Personality: He is a psychotic cold disturbed killer whose only pleasure derives from causing pain or discomfort to others. As for women he thrives off making them succumb to him and making them fall into lustful desires – a punishment for all women for the sin of one
Sexual Oddities: His sperm has a special pheromone in it that causes females to fall in love with the taste of it. In addition his tentacles and cock have bumps on its sides to stimulate pleasure when fucking
Clothing: None
Special Attributes: Can Cloak itself, both sight and sound. Inhuman strength and speed.
Distinguishing features: Four arms all of which have claws
Behavior: Typical beastlike behavior with an unquenchable thirst for vengeance on females. Combat is not recommended as unlike animals it retains its knowledge from combat training as a soldier. It learns from its mistakes and can be extremely cunning.
Capabilities: Can carry 10 tons and run significantly faster than a human.
Weaknesses: Not necessarily a weakness, but it likes to strike in dark areas.
Likes: Seducing and toying with women, inflicting pain, torture (both physical and psychological)
Dislikes: Being ordered what to do, affection, deception, anyone who looks like the mistress
History: Arumat was born into slavery. His parents were both slaves. He served his Mistress in the Caribbean since as far back as he could remember. His daily tasks involved helping his parents in the sugarcane fields as well as cleaning the mistress’s home. On the surface this slave life was not such an unbearable one. However, after working hours Arumat and his family were victim to cruel sick fantasies of the mistress.

The mistress would often tie up his family and make them well acquainted with her whip. So many beatings had occurred as the years passed that the enormous amount of scars all over their bodies formed almost a second skin. This was just physical torment though. Even worse she would tie him and his mother down and make them witness a “show”, one where his father would pump in and out of her. The sight repulsed Arumat. Years of exposure to this and beatings killed most of his sense of feeling, emotion, love, and compassion. However the finishing blow to his innocence was at the age of 16, when he discovered he was the mistress’s son. All that cruel, sick sense of pleasure in pain was flowing in blood. Unable to handle this news he killed all three of them with a sickle. He was betrayed and alone now.

The years following that were a bit more interesting and less painful for Arumat. This didn’t really matter anymore though since he no longer felt pain. He was an emotionless empty body. After he murdered his parents and the mistress he fled the country. He went to America which had just been establishing itself as a world power and a country seeking power needed something – an army. Arumat joined the ranks of the American militia. Earning many awards for being the “model soldier”, Arumat became an expert marksman and killer. His experience as a soldier trained him to become a strong assassin and taught him a great deal in combat tactics. Fueled by his hidden anger from his past he was a person that was deadly on the battlefield. However Arumat found that his coldness, his lack of compassion, and his disbelief in love and friendship alienated him from everyone else – not that he cared. Things became worse for his state of mind when he did get some sense of emotion but it was the same sick sense of pleasure as the mistress. He took enjoyment in toying with his prey now which was displayed when he would proceed to torture his targets in different methods, one of the worst being skinning them alive.

In his last years known as human and much older now, Arumat was recruited by the government for experimental testing. They had been trying to create an ultimate army as war was soon to be upon them. They found that while they had combat efficient soldiers they didn’t have enough. They took dna strand formulas from several different beasts and injected them into humans in an effort to give them the same physical prowess and animal instincts these beasts possessed. This would not only make the weak candidates for the army fit but also make soldiers out of their prime such as Arumat “the perfect soldiers.” Arumat was injected with a strand but for whatever reason his body did not respond. Scientists then injected several strands into him. Still his body had no response. Feeling the operation was a complete failure and Arumat was no longer of any use, the army discharged him. They didn’t know how mistaken they were.

With no more purpose in life, Arumat wandered the streets most of the time, frequenting at a local bar. One night a young beautiful woman came in that was the center of attention. It may have been the alcohol that night impairing his vision but when he looked at her he saw the mistress, the symbol and source of his hatred. Out of anger he morphed into a beast not recognizable to any. It seemed to be some type of mutant, which exactly couldn’t be determined. A more proper term would be it was every mutant in one hybrid. Arumat was no more. All that remained was this beast. Forty five people entered that bar that night. One beast exited.

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Looks good to me, I feel that to call him a 'demon' specifically would be a bit of a reach considering the history you've given Karzak. More accurately his DNA was spliced with several different strands as you've said which makes him more of an Bioengineered mutant.

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Eep! Welcome to Shokushu *waves*

Author:  Karzak [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Thanks for the welcome and yea I was thinking that too, I think I'll change that right now. Thanks. *waves to all*

Author:  Katya [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Welcome! Nice back story, I don't think we've had monsters from that particular time period yet.

Out of curiosity - what exactly did the much-maligned "Mistress" look like?

Author:  Karzak [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

But if I told you what she looked like what fun would that be? :P This way it puts some girls on edge because if they do look like her it will be all the more.... interesting to say the least

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

*Stands beside Katya* Interesting specimen, perhaps we should send him a student or two to welcome him =)

Author:  Karzak [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

That would be most appreciated Thanks ^^

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

We wouldnt though! *glares at Head Girls*

Author:  Karzak [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

XD fair enough

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Kanoe wrote:
We wouldnt though! *glares at Head Girls*

There there, that's no way to talk to new clients. Perhaps you'd like another detention with dear Alucard then. *mischevious grin*

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Hmph! *sticks out her tongue* Nyah!

Author:  Katya [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Tsk tsk, have you no respect for authority Kanoe? I think this may merit a demerit...

Hehe, I made a pun :D

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Hehe well that can wait till I encounter one of you Head Girls =P. But welcome Karzak, hope you enjoy it here.

Author:  Karzak [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karzak

Thanks Kanoe ^^

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