Shokushu High School

ADD: RLS-90, Cyborg Spaceship
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Author:  RobSpence3 [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  ADD: RLS-90, Cyborg Spaceship

Hi again! Steel here with a new "monster" for the ADD board- if I tried to get Steel to go out and fight those agents he'd tell me to go to hell. This guy's robot army can take on an agent on equal footing, and if they get into the ship... he's got a lot of surprises in store for them.


Name: RLS-90
Race: cyborg- living brain fused with a spaceship's computer system. Originally a reptilian alien
Place of Birth: Squamata (tiny planet a long way from Earth)
Gender: male
Age: 36, but he counts from when he was "reborn", so 11


RLS-90 doesn't talk about what happened before he became a cyborg, but to understand him you should know it. He was born Arliss on the planet Squamata, which is inhabited by a race of humanoid iguanas. Once the obnoxious little kid grew up he got his claws on an old beat-up spaceship and cruised the stars looking for his fortune. On a routine slave run he screwed up and got himself detected, and a sexy ADD agent showed up and beat him in a dogfight. Arliss crashed on a random planet, followed by the agent, and when he tried to attack and rape her she shot him right through the heart. He was dead in an instant.

The agent didn't think Arliss was worth anything, so she scavenged his ship and left his corpse where it lay. That wasn't the end for him though. See, the Archanius Alliance had an eye on him- they thought he was kind of pathetic but had potential for something bigger. When he was killed, they decided they might as well test an experimental medical technique on his brain. If it failed, hey, he was dead already, no big deal. So they had a small team of surgeons and engineers remove his brain and fuse it with the computer system on his ship.

The experiment was a resounding success. Arliss could control all aspects of the ship's operations with a thought, as if it were his own body, and the connection to the computers increased his intelligence a hundredfold. The newly created cyborg was far smarter, far more competent, and his ability to control not only his ship but robots by remote control proved invaluable many times.

Since then RLS-90 has become a powerful member of the Alliance, his previous stupid mistakes only a memory. With each successful mission he's gotten more of that fortune he was looking for, and he's used it to upgrade his spaceship and remote-controlled robots- what he calls his "body" and his "hands." His ship is fast, his robots strong, and his mind smart enough to control them all at once. In short, a formidable adversary.


Before he became a cyborg, "Arliss" was obnoxious, stupid, and short-sighted. But the process that fused him with his ship expanded his mind near infinitely. RLS-90 has become cool, calm, and analytical- but he's still got as many emotions as anyone else, so don't think he's a drone or anything. His memory is almost infallible too and he's clever enough to always plan several steps ahead.

Despite being a brain in a computer, RLS-90 still appreciates physical pleasures. He's acquired various sensors that can send his brain touch and sexual pleasure, and they're built into his robots and some of the "defenses" on his ship. He enjoys playing with the girls he captures before dropping them off for sale, and he wants nothing more than to get his hands on some ADD agents for a little revenge. He's a lot happier this way, but he still hasn't forgotten the insult.


- EMP guns will cut off his connection to his robots temporarily
- His systems are susceptible to viruses or getting hacked- he recovers quickly, but that still gives an attacker time to strike
- He is incredibly self-confident and generally always expects his plans to succeed (although he does make backup plans at all times)
- Aside from those his only real weakness is just being overpowered or outsmarted, which isn't easy

The Ship:

- RLS-90 is a powerful ship capable of above-light-speed travel and equipped with multiple weapon systems and shields. It's big, too. Think of it as having about as much space inside as one of the Enterprises from Star Trek. It can carry about 1000 people at a time.
- Four fighter sub-ships are stored in the hangar, all more maneuverable than the main ship.
- Ten transport sub-ships are stored in the hangar, each able to carry and sustain about 100 passengers. (or a lot of supplies)
- Scanners are scattered through the ship to keep tabs on all occupants.
- The cockpit and engine room are locked off to anyone who might be in the ship. Only RLS-90's robots can enter.
- There are numerous prison cells in the ship as well as torture chambers- but it's all sexual torture, with tentacles and dildos and toys of all sorts. With those sensors built in of course. Many of the torture chambers are devoted to fantasies or fetishes RLS-90 has.
- There are ducts going through the entire ship big enough for a person to go through- but they might not like where they come out...

And more if I think of it.

The Robots:

Note- Most of the time RLS's robots are running on automatic, but at any moment he can take full conscious control of whichever ones he likes.

The ones marked with a + are equipped with sex organs for playing with slaves or agents.

+ Model 05. This is the robot he usually shows on video screens to represent him and it's the one he sends out to talk for him when he wants to impress and intimidate. Besides the looks it's an extremely fast and dexterous robot but it doesn't have much firepower.
+ Model 09. He never seems to run out of these guys. They're mostly used as a sort of mini army. Enough strength to tear through armor with their bare hands. Not particularly difficult to take out, though. Probably cannon fodder for most ADD agents, unless they get overwhelmed by numbers.
- Model T2. Used for repair work and technical/lab stuff. No weapons or defenses to speak of. About a dozen of them zooming around the ship at all times.
- Model 30. He has twenty of these stored for spying and sniper work. They move fast and silently and can shoot down an enemy from half a mile away.
- Model 86 one two. Only two of these but he rarely needs more. There's almost nothing that can get through their armor and almost nothing that can handle their firepower. One usually has melee weapons and the other has ranged. Only problem is they drain a lot of power.
+ Model 31. He couldn't resist buying this one when he found it. It's a spider robot equipped with sex organs and he only really has it to frighten or horrify or embarrass slaves.
+ He's got one robot that looks just like he did before he died, only with increased speed and strength and weaponry and all that jazz. He doesn't use it very often though. Sometimes he likes to use it to play with the slaves.

whew! let me know what you think!

Author:  Demon_rose [ Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very very interesting... a challange that's for sure ^_^ hope to gety a mission for you soon

Author:  .Christine. [ Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wanna tango with these guys someday >=)

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very good for handling the agents, I'm certain. Sex-robots are always a plus, I say. Definitely a great character you've made.

Author:  Syll [ Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can't wait for Devon to explore this mysterious floating hulk. Would love to get captured by the Model 31. Look me up on mIRC when you're on.

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh my! :shock: We HAVE to play. I'm wet just thinking about the possibilities.

Author:  swordsman_adrift [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Be odd to fight one such as yourself...

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