Shokushu High School

New Race/Monster Encountered
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Author:  FireStorm [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  New Race/Monster Encountered

Name: FireStorm
Race: Unknown
Age: Ancient in galagtical means
Gender: unkown, it is said to be male cause of the behavior
State of Existence: Energetic with solid manifestation
Form: Seems to be a FormShaper, normaly a amorph energetic mass
Tentacle: yes, number unknown,
Tentacle Shape: as a FormShaper hes able to give them any form, but it is said, that there are at least 3 Tentacels that are never smaller then 3 inches in diameter
View: Bright energetics makes him glow from blue to white, sometimes red spots running over his "body"
Language: non, cant speak in human terms
Comunication: direct mind to mind

Ways of approach/assault: due to his energetic form, he appears as shimering dot from far distance, when comming closer to the victim the area is filled with light and flashing electricity. Relaing on his mental powers to comunicate, he is able to calm his victim, implanting a sense of couriosity in the victims mind and ruthelessly attack when the selected one is within tentacle range. Yet he doesnt shown any abilities to stun the girl he focused on, but its obvious that his energetics makes him able to do so.
His tentacles are able to shape any form and size, though there seems something special about the three reported ones, that never been seen less then 3 inches in diameter. Actually they are used to drain the mental and physical power of the girl when raped, and refering to this they must be thicker, so the power drain works properly. Concerning this, FireStorm prefers the girl as tight as possible, to get the best contact between the flash and the tentacels, making it painfull in the beginning for the girl . On the other hand he gives something back mentaly to the girl, that raises her arousal beyond her wildest dreams.

Motivation:Less is known about this race, but as far as the ADD can gather information about this race, it seems that Firestorm belongs to one of the oldest races in the galaxy, roumors spreeding not only in this galaxy.
Firestorms race is an ancient soldier race, fighting from the beginning of time to the very end of the Universe. They see themself as the guardians of this existence, protecting the entire universe from beeing devestated in the realm of the different universes. Only few of their Spaceships were spotted, but every sight indicates, that their ships outpower any vessel in known space. When first encountered the Question was, why such a powerfull race visits Shokushu High School to rape innocent girls. After some time ADD finds out that the tremendous power of their ships is depending on the energy that these young girls spilling out physicaly and mentaly when raped.
Several different ships were spotted from minor scale, size like average ADD ships, to massive titanlike vessels. Noone asks how many power such a capital ship needs, in concrete terms, how many girls need to be raped to power them.

Firestorms race raises a feel of being wonderfull when sighted first, the glows of light of their energetic existence dulled the average girls mind, accombined with his mental abillites to keep her in this state untill its far to late to run away. Refering to his mision he shows no mercy with the selected victim untill he drained every single drop of phsysical and mental arousal, wich can take several hours. Thinking of himself being far superior to any other lifeform in this Existence he doesnt care about the girl in his tentacels, though he and his race pretends to act on the behalf of every lifeform in the universe.

Author:  Beth [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to the campus, nice monster bio hope to see you around soon.

Author:  Heinel2183 [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Interesting... a Form SHaper... reminds me of a Tempest from the D and D monster Manual that I obtained recently.

Author:  FireStorm [ Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the nice welcome.

I am new to this, so if anyone wants to suggest something, or want to offer some help, I´ll be greatfull. I read the rules, and so far I hope I didnt screw it, but sometimes I just need any help I can get! :)

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Indeed, welcome.

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