Shokushu High School

Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu
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Author:  Ruisetsu [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Hello, everyone! I've been reading this site for a while, and I finally have a character I think will be fun. Gonna start with....


Ethan Valentin was human, once. He has a hard time remembering that part of his life, though. He thinks he was a fairly ordinary guy. Not evil, but he had his moments of dissatisfaction. He wanted more. He wanted power, over the common idiots surrounding him, over the women who constantly turned him down. One day he found a supposed "magic spell" in an old grimoire that promised him all that power and more. He was skeptical about it, of course, but he thought it couldn't hurt to try it out.


The book Ethan read in his ignorance was actually a trap laid by cosmic horrors from a dimension outside ours.... cosmic horrors that want to break through into our dimension and wreak havoc. The power of those otherworldly creatures took Ethan over when he cast the spell, mutating him into the undying leader of an invading force. The idea was this: Blinded by the insane lust bubbling within his new body, he would be driven to impregnate as many human women as possible, siring an army that would quickly overrun the entire Earth and pave the way for the other dimension to invade....

Fortunately for Earth, however, Ethan was detected and captured before he could successfully take any women. N.I.C.E. Labs quickly transferred him to their facilities. For weeks they attempted to kill him, but even their most powerful weaponry could not destroy his body faster than it could regenerate. He could not be eliminated... but he could be neutralized. The scientists of the labs created an implant that sterilized him, and a headband that dampened his constant lust and let him think straight again. And with that they released him on the island of Shokushu, where he could take as many women as he wished and not have to worry about aiding an invasion.

Name: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu
Race: unknown monster (formerly human)
Place of Birth: San Francisco, California, Earth
Gender: male
Nationality: formerly Caucasian
Age: 22
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 142lb
Eye Color: pitch black (no whites)
Skin Color: pitch black
Skin Texture: normal
Hair? Instead of hair, he has several long tentacles curling down from the back of his head. Kinda like a Twi'lek, except he has more than two.
Body Build: toned but slightly underweight
Tail? no
Tentacles? yes
Number of Tentacles: unlimited (see powers)
Wings? no
Cock Size: 5"
# of Cocks: 1
Fighting Style: No "style" at all. As a human he never learned to fight. And when he goes insane with lust, he just goes after the nearest women mindlessly, not caring if he gets hurt.
Motivation: Ruisetsu is driven by the lust boiling in his mutated body. The headband created by the scientists of the labs holds this desire back to some extent. With it on, he can think straight and resist his instincts for a while. But even with that, he has to find new prey at least once every day or two, or he starts to succumb to the madness. And if the headband is removed, he completely loses control of himself.
Psychological Profile: Ruisetsu hasn't been a monster for long, and he might not be dealing with it very well. But he's going to do what he has to to survive and to keep himself from going insane. He doesn't really like attacking the girls of the island, but he rationalizes it in his head and focuses on how good it feels. "At least I'm not creating an army this way." "They'll get raped anyway, it might as well be me." Stuff like that. He also hates the fact that he's trapped here too, but he tells himself, "This way I can't endanger the earth. It's better this way."
Personality: I'm still figuring this out. I do know he's generally solemn and thoughtful. And he can't stand stupidity.
Sexual Oddities: Does everything with his summoned tentacles and rarely uses his actual cock. Commonly uses them for double or triple penetration. He's careful not to hurt the girls he captures (except when he loses control).
Human Disguise Form? yes
Human Disguise Appearance: many (see powers)
Clothing: none
Special Attributes:
Distinguishing features: There is absolutely no color to his body. Every inch of his skin, eyes, teeth, tongue.... all pitch black. The only deviation is the silver metal headband that loops around his forehead and under his head-tentacles.
Behavior: Like the personality, I kinda still need to figure this out.

Ruisetsu is extremely resistant to pain and damage of all sorts. The labs did everything short of drop a nuke on him, and he regenerated completely from whatever bits of his body were left. The scientists suspect he's somehow drawing energy from the dimension of the wannabe invaders.

Aside from that, Ruisetsu's greatest power is his ability to create tentacles. He can summon them at any length and size he wishes from any inch of his own skin.... and also from the surface of any object he has ever touched. It only works with inanimate objects that are solid and somewhat smooth. So he could grow tentacles on a brick wall or a bedsheet, but not a tree or dirt road. The tentacles can be created with feelers, mouths, or cock heads at the ends. They can be cut away from the surface they grow out of, but they die instantly, basically turning into tough black rope. There might be an upper limit to how many tentacles he can create at once, but he hasn't found it yet.

Ruisetsu can also pass through solid objects at will, taking whoever or whatever he wants to with him. The labs were able to contain him with both magical and scientific force fields, though. The scientists said something about dimensional shifting, but he didn't understand a word of it.

His last special ability is a low power psychic ability. It lets him influence the minds of everyone around him and make them believe that he's an ordinary human. He can look like a male or female, with whatever features he wants, but he isn't actually changing and anyone with magic or psychic resistance might be able to break the illusion. His favorite male form looks like this: ... kezawa_kaz By now he can't remember any more if that was what he originally looked like or not.


Ruisetsu is especially sensitive to magic. He still regenerates from magic damage, but much slower. And magic force fields can easily contain his shifting ability.

If the headband is removed or he goes too long without sating his lust, he will basically lose consciousness and become a ravening tentacle monster. In this state he can be easily outwitted or lured into a trap.

Ruisetsu feels no pain when his tentacles are attacked, but that doesn't apply to his core body. If it's damaged, he may be incapacitated by the pain until the regeneration kicks in.

Likes: curvy women, cleverness and wit, freedom
Dislikes: getting denied, stupid people, losing control
Miscellaneous: When NICE Labs first found him, they didn't know his identity. Someone suggested "Ruisetsu", which is Japanese for "black rope used to bind criminals", and the name stuck. He flipflops between going by that name and going by Ethan.

Author:  Katya [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Welcome! Great monster you've got, I really like all the thought behind why he's on the island and how he got here.

Hehe, I imagine he'll do quite well at the prom if you decide to play, his preferred human form's cute! :D

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Nice character and welcome to the island.

Author:  Raitei [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Nice character! Only needs the stuff you left out but besides it's good. Welcome to Shokushu, enjoy your stay.

Oh, and very good signature by the way :wink:

Author:  Ruisetsu [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Thanks for the welcome, everyone! I'm looking forward to bringing him out. And the prom really sounds like fun! Picked a good time to start playing. :mrgreen:

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Interesting character. Welcome to Shokushu. Hope you have alot of fun here.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Very nice character :)

As a bookworm I have to ask, is the grimoire still around?

Author:  Ruisetsu [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Thank you both! :) I'm sure I'll enjoy it here.

PiaM. wrote:
As a bookworm I have to ask, is the grimoire still around?

Unfortunately, the authorities probably confiscated it when they took Ruisetsu in.The whole book was just a front for the invaders, and they don't want any MORE monster running around.

Author:  Calidare [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tentacle Summoner: Ethan Valentin/Ruisetsu

Great work hope you enjoy your time with all the lovely girls here.

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