Shokushu High School

Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire
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Author:  Ezio [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    Here goes nothing
    Name: Ezio Auditore
    Race: Half human( human half is Italian) ,half Xenian
    Height: 6'4''
    Weight: 190 lbs with gear
    Eye color: Changes, depending on mood
    Skin color: Light tan
    Hair color: black
    Cock size:1 foot
    # of cocks: 1, but he seems to be all over with it lol
    Monster form: When on a mission or when he thinks he is by himself, reverts to this. 7' 6'' green scales, wings that go out three feet,enlongated snout teeth grow and sharpen. Shape is vaugely humanoid otherwise.
    Tattoos: Brand on the left cheek from assassin days. Scar on right cheek from battle with king
    History: Born on Xenia, a planet where only the toughest survive, Abandoned by his parents at 1 year old he was rescued by a maidservant to the king. She was the only person who ever cared for him. She taught him to be strong. On his 14th birthday, she did not come home. She had been raped and killed by the king. In his rage, he discovered he could control shadows, and transport through them. He snuck into the palce with this power, and killed the king, but not without recieving a cut on his cheek, which later scarred. A war broke outt on his planet over whether or not he should be king. His side lost and he had to leave the planet. Today, He will do anything for anyone who has enough money. He steals a wide range of things, but the most common are slaves. He lets them go, if they want to, after letting them recuperate.
    Psychological profile: Cocky and overconfident, Has a soft spot towards other people.
    Powers: shadow manipulation and transportation, a good fighter, gets the general idea of what someone is thinking
    Sexual traits: though a virgin he thinks he would enjoy sex. [never had time]
    gear: Has a long coat that goes to his ankles, blades that slide out into his hand with the press of a button, and good ol' 44. magnums strapped to his waist
    let me know what you think.

    Author:  Leriana [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:47 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    I'm going to have to ask, how is he different from a normal human in terms of apperance?

    Author:  Ezio [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:51 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    I forgot to put that [oops]. He has a row of spikes down his backthat are covered by clothing and elongate when exited, and if you look closely scales that are harder than diamond. Also when angered or frightened, his eyes turn reptile.

    Author:  Madison [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:48 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    Um...doesn't really seem....monsterious enough for here in my opinion.

    *Puts that up for discussion*

    Author:  Ezio [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:52 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    I'll make some edits

    Author:  Dawn Portman [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:56 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    Since I played and finished AC2 I'll have to say you pretty much copied Eizo from AC2. It's pretty obvious to me. I think you should probably change the name as well as a number of other things because, you just can't really do that. You should also probably remove the weapons as well. It isn't necessary here, the girls don't generally fight back, and even then you won't need to castrate them either.

    Author:  Leriana [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:09 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    I have to agree with Dawn that this character seems a very close copy of Ezio Auditore da Firenze (To give the full name) from Assassins Creed 2.

    On weapons ... as it stands now it just reinforces the idea that you are coping the aforementioned character from Assassins Creed 2 (To the point where you are exactly copying the signiture weapons of the Assassins from the Assassin Creed series of games). But in general I would think that weapons would remain aboard your ship and you do not have them while at Shokushu, but do in any space scene.

    Author:  matt [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:10 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    I gotta agree Sounds just like Ezio. 'cept for the dragon and thespace stuff

    Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:33 pm ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    Never played any of the AC games, so I cannot comment on that bit. As long as he is part human, part supernatural creature, with supernatural powers and an altenate shape, that seems OK to me. In the end, I guess it all depends upon how he turns out IC.

    As for weapons, in space, if he goes up against the ADD, a SFA or another monster, he will probably need them. Since the girls on the campus are not supposed to be killed (and are generally unarmed except for improvised/self-made weapons), he might not have much use for them, except maybe to threaten. Or perhaps he enjoys a fight, likes handing them over to a girl to give her the illusion of a chance, then strips and disarms her?

    And your monster is a virgin :shock: Supposedly he has come to SHS to have is debut, then? That is original.

    One question. Is he from Earth? It seems a bit unclear..

    Welcome, anyway :)

    Author:  Stormbringer [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:21 pm ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    It'll play in space. It won't work at the campus itself. Not unless you drop the weapons and the half human aspects. So you need to decide which area you prefer.

    Author:  Anna Lenox [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:02 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: Ezio Auditore- Assasin, spy, and theif extrordinaire

    Hah! My roomies were just playing this game!

    Yeah... Guy, I don't know... Aside from the fact that he's basically an unfitting transplant from another franchise, there's nothing particularly interesting that really makes the character stand out.

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