Shokushu High School

Noctros returns to the campus
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Author:  Noctros [ Sat May 05, 2007 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Noctros returns to the campus

Finally found my way back after a month absence and this move to the new board. I'm reposting my bio here.


Name: Noctros
Race: Night gaunt
Body Build: Noctros is a winged creature that vaguely resembles a gargoyle, except that it has a second pair of arms instead of legs. Each arm ends in a clawed hand with opposable thumbs. His head is nearly featurless, having no eyes, ears, nose, or horns. The only feature on his oval head is a thin mouth, which opens to reveal rows of razor teeth and a thin, snakelike tongue. When closed, the mouth is virtually indistinguishable from the rest of his head.
Height: If he were to stand on its lower arms as though they were legs, about 7'6"
Weight: 475 lb (he's very wiry, but also very dense)
Eye Color: None. He has no eyes.
Skin Color: Dull grey and slightly mottled, much like unpolished granite.
Skin Texture: His skin is very coarse and rough. However, he can secrete an oily substance that covers his body when desired. This substance reduces the friction of his skin to almost nothing, making it virtually impossible to restrain him, or to force him away.
Hair: No hair
Tail: Noctros has a tail almost six feet long and tipped with a sharp, bony spike. He is very deft in his usage of this spike, able to slash apart clothing without harming the wearer or to trail the spike along a persons skin without causing injury.
Wings: A pair of bat like wings spread from his back, with a wingspan of twelve feet. They are a seamless part of his body, matching his skin in both color and texture. He is capable of limited flight without the use of his wings, but they are necessary for any kind of speed or distance in his flight. They are almost always covered by the oily substance mentioned above, reducing wind resistance significantly.
Cock Size: fifteen inches in length, and about three inches in diameter. The head may swell during airborne sex to prevent unseating while raping in flight.
Fighting Style/Method of Attack: He can use his claws and tail spike as weapons, and will typically employ them in a diving attack. However, he prefers to simply run his opponents/victims to exhaustion, at which time he can simply descend upon them and attack them at his leisure.
Motivation: Noctros attacks women largely out of instinct. His need to attack women could be compared to a hunger, even though he derives no sustenance from the act.
Psychological Profile: Predator
Personality: Noctros is in every way a hunter. He attacks women because it's what he feels compelled to do, and he does it with efficiency, if not with haste. Once he has selected his prey, he will pursue her tirelessly, relenting only when his attack upon her is complete.
Sexual Oddities: His first ejaculate is a thin, oily substance similar to the secretions of his skin. It is very fluid, yet clings anywhere it strikes. This substance has shown no potential for reproduction with humans, but it may serve a similar purpose in his species. The second fluid is a much thicker, more viscous fluid. While it clings just as effectively as the first fluid, it tends to simply stick together in a pool. Again, it does not seem to show any reproductive value with humans.
Capabilities: As he has no eyes, he is completely unaffected by any level of light or darkness. He instead 'sees' with a sense fairly similar to sonar, which works more effectively than normal vision. His 'soundseeing' is even able to detect color, something impossible with normal sonar. In this way, he can both 'see' and 'feel' his prey from a distance.
Weaknesses: As he sees through a sense similar to sonar, magical silence does have the ability to render him effectively blind. He will still be able to track prey by scent, but he is much easier to lead into trap/ambush when blinded in this fashion.
Likes: Noctros prefers his prey to be afraid. He wants someone he can chase and harrass before finally capturing them and forcing himself upon them. He finds that the exertion of the chase makes his prey much easier to manage, and also makes the capture that much more fulfilling.
Dislikes: Loud noises are moderately uncomfortable to him. The sound produced by a human voice, even a screaming, terrified woman usually isn't loud enough to be unpleasant, however. It typically takes some form of machine to cause him any degree of discomfort, but a whistle will still unnerve him.
History: Noctros is a creature from another dimention, inadvertently summoned during an ill-advised ritual to the world of Shokushu. After quickly flying free from his summoners, he set up a place to stay high in the trees of the forest around Shokushu Campus. Highly disoriented by his forced transportation to this dimention, he recalls little of his previous existence, other than being a hunter, taking what he wanted when he wanted it. Seeing nothing wrong with this way of life, he has started up hunting the woods and plazas of Shokushu, always by night, preying upon any convenient females he finds.
Miscellaneous: Noctros is capable of limited speech, which always comes out with a bit of a hissing sound.

Author:  Diana [ Sat May 05, 2007 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

He sounds... Exciting...

Author:  CMS [ Sun May 06, 2007 3:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll get our roleplay moved.... :wink: Happy to see a return!

Author:  Noctros [ Thu May 17, 2007 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

*grumbles* Go figure, after I finally make my way back to the forums, my "Real Life" decides to make things difficult for me and I have to do massive cleaning because the landlord decides he's selling the building. *shrugs* Well, if you're still interested in bringing that story over, Cassie, I'll see if we can't pick things up. And I certainly won't object to a new parter, Diana. *grins*

Author:  Demon_rose [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:59 am ]
Post subject: 

hey there *smiles*

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