Shokushu High School

Pisha, the Devil Plant
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Author:  Pisha [ Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Pisha, the Devil Plant

Name: Pisha
Race: Plant
Type: Carnivorous
Place of Birth: A Jungle planet, where in order to feed, the plants on the forest floor have to devour passing animals.
Gender: Hermaphrodite (Appears female)
Nationality: N/A
Age: 200
Height: Humanoid body: 6'. With plant and vine attachments: 20'
Weight: Incredibly light (No inner organs or bones) about 50lbs in humanoid body. With plant attachments about 200lbs
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Green
Skin Texture: Soft and slick, often covered in nectar
Hair? Yes
Hair Color: Dark Green with occasional Red
Body Build: Curvy
Tail? No
Tail Length: N/A
Tentacles? Yes (Vines)
Number of Tentacles: Variable, can use all nearby vines.
Wings? No
Wingspan: N/A
Wing Color: N/A
Cock Size: 12"
# of Cocks: 1
Fighting Style: Restrain prey with vines, and then draw them into the body for feeding.
Motivation: Feeding off of the bodies of smaller animals. However, Pisha has learned that at the height of orgasm, female humans release hormones through their skin which she finds delicious. She will not eat human females, but will rape them.
Psychological Profile: More cunning than intelligent, Pisha is a sentient plant who is ruled by her hunger.
Personality: Can be very seductive when around human females, in order for them to put their Guard down and have her pounce. She is very far removed from an animals way of thinking and so appears to think in strange, alien ways.
Sexual Oddities: Can have sex from the outside of her plant, or from inside the closed bulb where she sleeps. Loves using her penis for anal sex, as it allows her tentacles to enter the human females vagina and taste their fluids.
Human Disguise Form? Yes
Human Disguise Appearance: Much the same as her normal form, but without the plant attachments. Green skin, Green and red hair and a lithe, curvy form. She often wears wide brimmed hats to cover her face, but not much else.
Clothing: Usually nothing, but when situations call for it, will wear revealing clothing made from leaves.
Special Attributes: Plant (Regenerates, has certain features that animals don't)
Distinguishing features: Her voice appears to ripple like fluid, making it seem as though it's coming from all around.
Behavior: Aggressive, but will lie in wait before catching her prey and doing with it what she will.
Capabilities: Very durable body, nigh indestructable, very effective method of catching prey.
Weaknesses: Limited number of places she can live, vulnerable to fire and herbicides.
Likes: Rain, Feeding, rich soil
Dislikes: Fire, dry days
History: Brought across to the planet as part of a terraforming experiment, Pisha's species began to flourish, devouring the smaller creatures. However, as prey became scarce they began to die out, until only Pisha remained. She was on the brink of death when the first female humans arrived, where she quickly caught and devoured a few, before realising how delicious their orgasm-pheromones were.
Miscellaneous: None

Hope this is ok :)

Author:  Emily [ Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

A female monster? You are a rarity!

You are quite welcome to the Campus!

Author:  Dendrite [ Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

It looks okay, but personally, I think you could use a paragraph explaining the physical appearance of your monster. It's like...there's a plant part, then there's a plant-girl who can leave the plant and wander around? Do I have that right? It's not entirely clear. ;)

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