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Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:05 pm
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Post Valak
Hehe, I'm joining the Dark Side... Mwahahaha!! :twisted:

Name: Valak

Race: Vahrall Monster

Place of Birth: Earth - Eastern Continent - Vahalesh Hall (We’re talking about an alternate version of Earth, a Parallel Universe, more explanations to be found in his Bio ^_~).

Gender: Male

Age: He’s 53. His species doesn’t have an exceptionally long life spine compared to other monster races, but they do live significantly longer than humans, we’re talking a good 200 years. He’s quite young for one of his race, the equivalent of a human in his early twenties.

Height: Approximately 8’2” or 2,50 m

Weight: About 662 ibs or 300 kg

Eye Color: Yellow

Skin Color: Greenish/Brownish, great for camouflage

Skin Texture: Valak is from a warrior race, consequently, his skin is designed to offer him optimal protection. It acts as a natural armor, it’s very thick and very hard to penetrate. Blades are useless against him, they are more likely to break against his skin than anything else. Bullets would be able to hurt him but wouldn’t do much damage. It would take a weapon with much more destructive power than that to actually hurt him.
For a human, his skin wouldn’t be pleasant to the touch, it would feel like hard-boiled leather

Hair? No hair.

Body Build: Valak is at first glance built very much like a human: a head, two arms, a torso and two legs. However he is much taller and much more powerfully built than any human could ever hope to be.
At 8’2” he cuts a rather imposing figure, an impression further reinforced by the fact that he is as large as he is tall. Valak is quite literally a mountain of muscles. He’s got a very powerful torso and exceptional upper body strength, very much like a gorilla, though he is much more dangerous and deadly!
He’s got a square head, much bigger than a human head would be. He’s got two sets of small yellow eyes and a flat nose.
Valak species is carnivorous, they hunt big prey, hence the need for a very strong jaw. The major part of his head is occupied by a huge jaw, full of sharp fangs. He’s also got three big tongues to help along the process, each of them is several metres (feet) long and has a diameter of 3cm (1.2 inches); he also has some other interesting uses for them. *wink*
Valak is a monster and descends from a long line of warriors and predators. His body is designed to kill, one of Nature’s finest work.
Valak doesn’t need any weapon, though he’s quite fond of them. Anything that can hurt, maim and kill is good in his book; plus he likes versatility. His whole body is a weapon. Should anyone get close enough to him, they’d have to deal with his fangs or with his claws, and these are quite formidable already, but his true strength lies in his tentacles.
Valak has got two sets of tentacles, they’re all lodged in the same place, in a pouch on his back forming a small bump under his skin, but they can be out and ready to fight in a matter of nano-seconds! One set is for fighting the other has... a very different purpose... Originally they’re part of his species reproductive system, but he’s discovered that they can be used to ravage human females in all sorts of interesting and pleasurable ways. *wink*
As for the other kind, these tentacles are several feet long and equipped with blades and fangs, making him a long range fighter and allowing him to fight multiple adversaries at the same time. They’re very flexible and act as an offensive mechanism as well as a defensive one. It is very hard to get under his guard. He’s got fifty of them.

Tentacles? Yes!
Number of Tentacles: Valak doesn’t lack for tentacles, he’s got 50 of them and he knows how to use them!!
Each of them is 5cm thick (3 inches). They’re of the same greenish color as his skin. They’re several feet long and are extremely flexible. They’re very thick and strong, like his skin, it is almost impossible to do any damage to them, and any prey trapped by them would be fighting in vein to escape as their grip is extremely powerful. They have a rubber like texture and are quite slimy.
He’s also got three tongues that can be used as tentacles. Each of them is several metres (feet) long and has a diameter of 3cm (1.2 inches)

Cock Size:
# of Cocks: 16 inches (40cm) long, 6.3 inches wide (16cm)

Fighting Style: Valak’s favored method of fighting is the use of brutal strength. He’s from a race of warriors and naturally loves violence and carnage, he usually happily throws himself into the heart of a battle using fangs, claws and tentacles to cut his way through his enemy. However, he’s also capable of a more strategical fighting style when the situation calls for it.
While his race is capable of powerful magic, Valak is not himself a magic user. Although he’s got some innate magical abilities that, while useless against powerful magic users, can have some interesting effects on Shokushu students.


Valak was born in an alternate version of Earth, A parallel universe if you will.
This Earth was populated with Humans and Monsters both, and while similar to our Earth was quite different is some aspects. By some twist of fate, this world only had two continents, one populated by Monsters, the other by Humans.
This world never became as technologically advanced as ours, getting stuck at a middle-age stage of its evolution, but magic had a much more important place in this universe than it had in ours.
For centuries, Humans and Monsters fought for the control of this Earth. Eventually, Monsters won the war over Humans and reduced their whole race in slavery. Valak was born when Monsters had almost won the war and he played a major role in the last battles against Humans.
Valak was born in one of the most powerful Monster Clans of his world and is someday to succeed his father as Head of Clan.
He’s known to be a strong and powerful warrior. He’s also got a reputation for being cruel and absolutely merciless to his enemies.
Valak is absolutely fascinated by Human females. He grew up in a culture where Human slaves were freely used for sex, and always enjoyed their bodies a bit more than some of his peers.
His fascination only grew further when he captured his first group of free Humans. By this time, the only free Humans were women, as most men had been killed during the war or enslaved. So only women remained to fight the war.
Valak was pleasantly surprised by their strong spirit. He’d always loved a challenge and these warrior women were proving excitingly hard to break, even after repeated rapes and beatings. This is what got him interested in the human psyche. Since then, Valak has become some sort of expert in the human mind, and has discovered countless ways in which to submit a human mind or body to his will.
The war had been over for a few years and Valak was growing restless without new challenges to face, when an emissary, claiming to be from another world contacted his clan. This emissary told them about other worlds and dimensions, talked to them about alliances and worlds to be conquered. He offered to open a gateway to another world, a crossroad of sorts for evil creatures and monsters from different alliances, where they could meet in neutral territory to form alliances while having recreational fun. Valak was chosen as an emissary, and a few days later, he arrived at Shokushu.


Valak is fascinated by human females. He considers himself some kind of an expert when it comes to them. He’s grown bored with the women of his world as they present no more challenge to him. They’re all enslaved, meek and submissive. The fight has gone out of them. And there are few things he loves more than a defiant female waiting to be broken.
The premise of high spirited nubile young women who are totally oblivious to the existence of demons and monster...The prospect of a new challenge, of new bodies to ravage and explore, and of strong wills to be broken... These things could only draw him in!

Psychological Profile:

Valak is a monster. You can’t exactly judge him by human criterias.
He’s a hunter. He can track his prey for days, weeks even, observing her, taking in every detail about her, progressively understanding the way she thinks, finding out her weaknesses, what will make her tick, what will scare her, humiliate her... He can really be quite thorough in his observations. Once a girl has caught his interest, he will be very dedicated to the hunt. She will not escape him.
While not human in any way himself, he’s very good at understanding the way a human mind works and the best way to get under someone’s skin.
Valak is entirely dedicated to his own pleasure and will do anything to ensure that he gets what he wants.
He doesn’t feel any fear, guilt or hesitation.
He’s prone to anger but nothing a human say could anger him as he doesn’t consider them as equal and therefore not worth being taken seriously.
He’s cruel and sadistic, he likes to torture his preys, and though his appearance would make you think the contrary, physical torture is not that interesting to him, he’s much more interested in mental torture and manipulation. There is nothing more exciting to him than humiliating a girl, than breaking her mind and resolve little by little. The best thing being that it’s different for every one of them. He also loves using a girl’s sexuality against her. While the act of ravaging a girl’s body is always very rewarding and pleasing for him, he’s found that things got a lot more interesting when he worked on giving the girl pleasure as well. He’s found, in his studies of humans, that his body could give far more pleasure to a girl that another human body could ever hope to. It is highly satisfying for him to see a human girl, moaning, mewling and helplessly writhing under his ministrations while knowing that she hates him and herself for enjoying it that much.


Valak is proud and arrogant, and with reason as he’s a very powerful warrior, held as a hero by his people. He’s violent but is able to restrain himself when the occasion calls for it. He’s also capable of more tactical intelligence and finesse than most of his race. He’s also cruel and sadistic.

Special Attributes:
Valak is not a strong magic user, but as stated before, some of his abilities can become highly interesting when used against unsuspecting human girls.
He’s able to enter a girl’s mind and to suddenly awake her libido. The girl will instantly and inexplicably find herself incredibly horny and unhibited. She will seek the most immediate source of sexual release available. Be it masturbation, or sexual intercourse with a willing or unwilling partner. This ability can have all sorts of different effects depending on when and where Valak chooses to use it.

Valak cannot make himself invisible, but he can make people unaware of his presence if he’s hiding among trees. (part of his hunter’s skills)


Valak is big, he cannot easily hide is small places, such as dormitories or classrooms. It would be quite hard for him to get there without being noticed.
His tentacles are fast, but his body is slow. Not that much of a problem since his tentacles have a long reach, but still worth noticing.
He skin offers him some natural protection against magic, but should he run into a very powerful magic user, he wouldn’t be in a good position. However he knows he doesn’t have to worry about that when it comes to Shokushu students. When it comes to other monsters, well it’s an all different kind of story...


Valak is very proud of his natural attributes, but he has found that in some cases, human technology could be put into good use. He’s recently discovered human sex toys and is quite intrigued by them.
He’s also discovered than in some cases, tying up a girl with rope or handcuffs can be as interesting as using his tentacles for that same purpose.

Ok, while not exactly what I have in mind, this is kind of what I imagine Valak to be like.


Last edited by Valak on Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:10 pm
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Post Re: Valak
Welcome to the dark side :)

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:46 pm
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Post Re: Valak
Thanks! :lol:

Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:53 pm
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Post Re: Valak
Welcome to Shokushu, fellow monster! :)

Myself, I have to say I really like how you did your monster. The tentacles in that picture, though, reminds me of the ones from that movie, The Mist. Which was awesome, which makes your monster more awesome by association. :D

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure there's still a ban on using demons and angels as monsters, due to religious issues/overtones/whatever. :/

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:08 pm

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Post Re: Valak
Thanks! :D

Oh, really? I wasn't aware of that. But if it's an issue, I can easily change it, no problem. :wink:

Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:14 pm
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Post Re: Valak
-nods- Not sure myself, as I've been absent for a while so they might have changed it just to troll me but... Well, in any case, I think he'd easily be just as awesome any way you put it.

That, and the alternative reality thing, a nice touch. :)

Now, excuse me. I need to go and figure out where to hide these corpses.

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:21 pm
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Post Re: Valak
Yeah its better to keep things more towards sci fi as much as possible. So just make it some sort of unique alien species rather than a demonic creature.

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:15 pm
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Post Re: Valak
Now the question is... how EXACTLY did he get to the planet Shokushu is on? And if he came into our realm from Earth... that's a no-go, since we have a rule about no monsters can origionate from Earth...

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Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:59 am
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Post Re: Valak
Seem he was in an alternate Earth than real Earth, though.

Aside from vague description of where exactly he made it to this realm aside from being an emissary, he seems to be alright.

Although... looking at his pic those don't look like 'nice' tentacles for what they may used for. xD

Welcome to campus, Valak. I look forward to being raped by you soon. Hey wait...


Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:03 am

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Post Re: Valak
Yes, he is from an alternate dimension. But apparently that's cutting it a bit close with Shokushu's regulation, so I'm gonna change it as soon as I have time. :wink:
Oh, no worries, as stated, this picture is just to give you and idea of what he looks like. The tentacles that you see here, are the ones he uses to fight, but the tentacles he would use to molest you wouldn't be half so threatening (well, it's all a matter of perspective :twisted: ). Anyway, I would never think on touching any of you ladies with anything so dangerous. *shudder*
Could, you point out what you found vague Clarice, I'm not sure I understand what you mean? I thought it was clear that the emissary from Shokushu opened a gateway from his world directly to Shokushu, was that what you were referring to?
Anyways, lots of rewriting to do. :lol: Thanks for your advice, everyone!

Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:27 am
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Post Re: Valak
I was just teasing with you. I sort'vew figured (And slightly hoped) that those tentacles were not going to be used in some cases.

Yes, that's what I was referring to. Not that it's bad or needs changing at all. *Shrugs* I've seen monsters who did even describe how they got here. At least you offered some explanation. I think being as it is, the emissary coming to greet you is fine from my point. I'm not a mod or admin so my approval is just my own opinion though. XP


Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:15 pm
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Post Re: Valak
Well, seeing as the existance of Shokushu being on another planet's highly classified on Earth...

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
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Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:12 pm
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Post Re: Valak
If you haven't realized that Shokushu Campus is not on Earth, you need to read the site background information a little more carefully. ;)

The students were sleeping all snug in their beds, while visions of tentacles danced in their heads.

Dendrite, irresistibly helpful tentacled alien! Message me to move your completed threads.

"You've got to be able to fuck when they can't."
--Jason Carter

As seen on Something Awful!

Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:30 pm
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