Shokushu High School

Therion, The Shadow (Revised)
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Author:  Therion [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Therion, The Shadow (Revised)

Name: Therion
Race: Greater Demon
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, over a few centuries old
Height: Varies
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Black
Skin Texture: Hard and smooth like steel but warm to touch
Hair: None
Body Build: Sleek, slim frame but clearly well built and possessing superior strength to that of a human

Distinguishing features:

First Form / (Shadow Puppet Form)

His entire body is jet black and almost impossible to make out in the shadows or darkness. At first glance the only feature that stands out is his almost glowing red eyes. They shine a vibrant blood red when at night. His hands end in claw like limbs that can easily slice through clothing but he has enough care never to harm his victims with them. He has horns extending from the back of his head. A tail extends outwards from his back and can easily coil around his victim if desired.

Second Form / (Current Form)

His body has grown taller with added bat like wings extending from his back. The horns upon his head now extend forwards like a bulls and another pair of horns has joined the first around his head like a protective helm. His face now has a more canine like appearance. He has currently taken a liking to wearing a black robe over his body that hides most of his features from view, reshaped from his wings with his powers at will. He also wears a stone mask that gives a human-like face for his victims to gaze upon before he reveals his true appearance.


Therion's power comes from his unique nature, almost like a vampire he need only feed upon a single source to regain his strengths and gain new abilities. Of course as a demon, he feeds off sexual pleasure, from his victims and his own.

At night and in dark places, Therion can blend with the shadows and become invisible to the naked eye. Artificial light isn’t enough to break this power unless it is a high concentration focused upon him. He can hold this state for quite some time and often uses it to spy upon his prey to learn what information he can to use against then later or simply to take stock and decide who he will toy with next.

Shadow Puppet
Using his control over shadows, Therion can create one or two “copies” of himself. They have none of his powers but they can easily overpower a human and aid in his “games” with his prey. He uses his power most often, as it allows him to double team a student or just ensare and toy with them further then on his own.

Dark Hold
If his prey is proving to be difficult to pin down or trap, he will use this power which allows him to make the shadows turn against his prey. This can take the form of simple hands that grasp and try to grab and hold his prey or even rope like limbs that coil around his prey and hold them in place.

Electric Touch
A more uncommon power but one that has proven useful. Therion can channel pulses or jolts of electricity through his fingertips into his prey. These can vary from small shocks to packing enough punch to stun his prey. He commonly uses this power to tease anyone he has caught by applying it to the right areas of their bodies.

Shadow Cloak
This takes the form of the robed garment he wears to hide his true form. It appears to be a ordinary jet black item of clothing but in truth it is as much a part of his body as his hands. It allows him to hide his more demonic features and fool people into believing he is just another human. But of course it only hides his appearance beneath it's cover, it does little else to mask his nature or power. When he decides to be rid of it, it reforms into his wings.

By nature, Therion is not an “evil” creature. Aslong as he gets what he wants he does little harm. But that does not mean he will go easy on his prey. He will take what he wants and enjoy it but first he enjoys breaking and “taming” his prey. Making their bodies and minds beg for release that only he can provide, and once he is gone he doesn’t care if they hate him, it only adds to his pleasure when they come after him.

Due to his nature he has two sides reflected by his stone mask, if a student breaks and gives into his advances, he will treat them more "kindly" if only to enjoy his prize all the more. If they resist and fight against him or frustrate him, he will be much more unkind and he will punish them.

He tends to use his puppets when he isn't interested in a student or to show them that his own advances are much more pleasurable then being brutally raped by his puppets. Although they are a part of him they are slowly becoming more self aware and acting as such. But they obey his call, without him to hold the leash they are mindless, only thinking about raping whatever poor student they have. While he is around they are often teasing and toying with the student to make them more prepared to please Therion's own dark desires.


With so many of Therion’s powers depending on darkness, he is severely weakened by direct sunlight. For this reason, he is rarely found out and about during the day. Instead he sleeps in a dark and secure place each day to recover and plot for the next. Artificial lights can blind him but will do little to harm him or force him back. If anything it will only buy added time to escape before he gives chase.


Little is known about Therion before he became the creature that he is now, and what little is known only makes him all the more a curiosity. At first glance he appears to be a shadow demon, a creature who can shift and control the shadows to his whim, but there is more to him then what it seems. His own goals and games are much more complex and suggest he has had little pleasure for life. The only release he finds is toying and raping his victims, breaking them and misleading them.

The first time Therion appeared he was accompanied by two fellow demons refereed to as his "brothers", one of which was a demon named Morloch. In their height of power, they terrorized the helpless villages of the humans that lived in the shadow of their domain and took many young females for their own dark desires. For a time it seemed they were too powerful to contest with and so the humans hoped to appease them with sacrifices and for awhile it seem a balance was created. Therion and his brothers rarely left their lairs to bother themselves with the lives of mortals. Instead they remained locked away, enjoying each poor girl sent to them.

But it could not last, the humans of course plotted all those years, becoming more and more bitter as they watched their loved ones be traded off to these demons like sheep if only to spare their own lives from pain. The demons had become too laid back in their affairs, they did not keep an eye on the humans or what was going on in the outside world. Creatures like Therion were being combated and defeated and it was only a matter of time before humanity caught up with their "masters".

From what little is known, the Demon Therion and his brothers were defeated by powerful magic but it was not enough to kill them only seal them away deep within holy artifacts. Prisons that drained their powers and left them without any source to feed upon. No more sacrifices, no more pleasures. Only the darkness of the abyss.

In their final moments before they were sealed, they had made a pact, whichever of the three broke free of their prison first, would bring the other two back in time with them. As luck would have it, it was Therion who gained his freedom before the others. The eldest "brother" he was thought to be the strongest but his time spent in his prison had drained him greatly reverting back to a lesser demon form.

To regain his strength he sought out a place that seemed a haven for his kind, an island isolated from the rest of the world. The perfect hunting grounds for a creature such as himself, fresh young playthings to feed his hunger.

It was not long before he regain his true form and enough power to seek out and free his brother Morloch, drawing him back to Shokushu where the two begain to enjoy their new home. After all, with so many victims and so many fresh students arriving, it seemed Therion had found a paradise he did not wish to part with...

Author:  Allirabeth [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Therion, The Shadow

Welcome Therion. :-)
You sound scary though ... I'll have to watch out if I step into any shadows.

Author:  Therion [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Therion, The Shadow

Thank you for the welcome, I'm sure he's not much compared to others on this

Author:  Allirabeth [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Therion, The Shadow

Guess we'll soon see, hehe :-)

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Therion, The Shadow

Welcome to Shokushu! I hope you enjoy your hunts.

Author:  Therion [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Therion, The Shadow

Thank you for the welcome, perhaps we will roleplay sometime when I get settled here.

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