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 The Progenitor 
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Post The Progenitor
The race between entropy and energy had been decided… and the favorite won.

The end of the universe…More and more stars went dark, turned into black holes that crunched the last remaining matter and transformed it’s energy into formless radiation which slowly filled the nothing that grew into nothing. It was the end of the universe…

The end of the universe…it was also an aeon of strange things, an aeon of beings unnameable by human tongues, beings of immense powers, which had seen all and everything, which had grown so mighty that it didn’t matter anymore if they were evil or not. And evil they were, for they knew that they would see the end, and did not fear consequences anymore. They felt a different fear...
Psychopatic and gruesome beyond description. Empowered by technology that was so advanced that nothing could distinguish it from magic anymore. Atrocious and uncaring about how their aeon lasting games had destroyed uncounted civilizations…these beings felt fear for the first time since aeons.

Despite their power… the beings felt their composture wither, as everything withered that was once part of their reality. Because this last process of nature even they couldn’t withstand.

And so they fled. Imprisoned themselves into pockets of reality where time and progress had no meaning, until a new universe with almost similar priciples would emerge and their inhabitants would free them from their eternal prisons.

And then they waited, witnessed how their universe died, and the eternal darkness returned.Billions and billions of years they couldn’t do anything but watch … unable to touch or hear, see or feel, sense or be sensed… just… think.

Of course they turned insane.

Universes came and go, but none suited their needs. No structure… and no life possible… not for them.... But then… then the Void gave birth to a new possibility in a big bang.

Didn’t quite fitting, it would yet be close enough… close enough.

One half was a universe of matter, matter that was different to the composture of Them, yet nevertheless akin enough to sustain their presence But it was the other half that attracted their interest.

This half was an universe of thought. A Place were thoughts could live, strive and grow... a dreamworld were worlds can be created. And so their malignant minds left their physical bodies behind in their prison beyond the spacetime of our universe. Until a creature foolish enough would free them. And foolish this creature would be,

For if They would roam free, They would be a gate between the two halves. A creature that could form reality by thinking. In their universe They had been masters, kings, generals and foremost… abhorrent monsters… in this reality they would additionally be gods.

Millenia passed… billions of years, until the first stars formed worlds, the first worlds formed life, and the first life formed thought.

The small minds of the feeble creatures inhabiting this cosmos were reaching out into the unknown void that was the conscious mind. Yet it was a place far from undiscovered. When an especially receptive mind reached far enough, it found them, thought them... and was poisened by them.

Cults arose that chanted their names, killed in their name, and perished in their name. And names there were many. For even They couldn’t remind their names anymore, they had been washed away by the eternity that has gone by, since they locked themselves in.

But what is composed of thought, can be thought. And what can be thought… can be thought in a different way. And so… slowly… they changed. Alien desires that were reminiscent of their physical body, a body which was born in another time and another universe, diminished, and were replaced by…physical desires that were solely part of this universe, because this was what their disciples understood. So as much as they formed the thoughts of the inhabitants of this reality, these thoughts formed them back.

And as their desires changed… their bodies adapted.

Soon… soon their new but old bodies will be unleashed as the walls between our realities fade. And then they will satisfy their appetites with us. Appetites well known, yet still disgusting beyond recognition. Appetites that we evoked in them, and yet to them it seems as if they waited since the beginning of time to satisfy them.

Inscription on an old relic stone found in the ruins of Ryll.

15 billion years ago... there was a light. The birth of a universe.
The thing in its prison had seen it time and time again, and time and time again it had been disappointed. New universes didn't quite tend to have a structure fitting to support the existence of things from the universes that predated them. In fact it was something rather rare. In fact it has never happened since the progenitor locked himself in in his little reality bubble. (Where "little" should be understand as a metaphor, for the scales differ, as do the meanings of size itself).
The whole "Lock ourselves in to survive the end of the universe" thing had a lot less appeal after some time already. Taking solitary cells had been another bad decision, but an inevitable one. Being anticocial control freaks they had no real choice. They knew that given time, sooner or later they would have tried to kill each other. And sleeping in statis... no. Their minds rebelled against the thought of giving up so much control. Nevertheless they should have considered it harder. But this were rather structured considerations, and had been long gone, because after thousands of universes had passed on, insanity was the only constant state in the mind of the progenitor. The term "thought" was not appropriate anymore, for what its mind bred contained meaning only to itself.
But now there was a universe... no... two actually, one made of matter, one made of... something else. The prison was embedded into the new spacetime somewhat skewed, parts of it were reaching into the material world, while the rest was reaching into the other strange reality, which somehow seemed to form according to the wishes and dreams of the Progenitor. Even more: Being a creature from a space whose dimensions were formed differently than the ones it found now, the progenitor became a gate between the dreamworld and the "real" world, even though, in it's case, the real world consisted merely of its prison and nothing more. By shifting something along an axis in space the way the progenitor understood it, it could transfer things from the dreamworld into its prison universe, and back.
And thus it formed. The dreamworld in the vicinity of the alien being bent itself and became a nightmarish representation of the progenitors mind, a mind driven mad by aeons of imprisonment. And so did the physical form of the progenitor itself. There were no bounds.
Though... the prison was still closed. Things or thoughts whose origin lay on the inside of the prison couldn't open it, because it had been designed this way. Otherwise entropy would have finally caught the physical form of the progenitors, and they would have vanished like the rest of their universe. The jail was closed, and in order to break its walls, the Progenitor needed help from the outside. The desire to escape to the real world was still burning in the chest of the progenitor, hidden under layers and layers of madness which had settled during the aeons. It was practically the core of the being, the thing that first drove it to lock itself in. It was the statement "No, i will not perish... so much knowledge... so much power... i will not let this die." But there was no one on the outside yet. It took several billion years, until there was someone.
The first race which found the progenitor in its dreams and visions were the humans, and they turned it into a god. It became a dark god of sex and fertility, a demon of rape, A fiendish fulfiller of lewd, perverted desires. It's disciples taught that it gave power about the enemies, that it showed how to humiliate them . Unholy rituals had been held in one of it’s names on planets long devoured by their sun.
The layers of alien madness in the being restructured, and became replaced by madness which humans could relate to. It felt greed for power again, the urge to dominate and the lust for sex. The aspects of the being changed, and so did it's physical form to adapt to this newfound desires. But the progenitor did not recognize these changes... they became part of it, as if it has never felt different. And probably it would have accepted these changes either... for it became part of the plan to breach its prison walls.
The thought spheres of the humans and the other alien cultures which worshipped it were tiny, weak compared to the presence which the progenitor could impress onto the dreamworld... yet they had an important feature which made them special. They came from the outside of its prison, and therefore had the power to open it. The progenitor was a dark god of sexual domination and rape now, and every time someone was raped in the universe on the other side, the rift between the universes narrowed. It took time, basically it was somewhat as if a colony of ants took on the job to erode a mountain, but finally... finally the prison gate opened.
Of course the gate opened first at Shokushu, it is practically a temple to the progenitors aspects. But it is still small, too small for the progenitor to pass through yet. Only little parts of its essence can pass through, to form an avatar. But the progenitor knows... the gate would grow. It would make it grow.

There was a school nearby with nubile young women ready for the taking... And it had waited forever.

Monster Bio/Profile

Name: Not Known anymore

Race: Progenitors

Age: 127021232 times the Age of the universe.

Fighting Style:

The Progenitors avatar is physically relatively weak (relative compared to some of the aliens out there), but still several times stronger than the average human being.
It feels much less as a disadvantage, given the Progenitors ability to bend the reality.
It loves to hunt it victims not in the classical sense, but rather "support" them in the cause to realize the full horrible reality of its existence in a slow downward spiral, before it comes for them.
A sometimes used tactic is to transport the physical self of a victim unbeknownst to them to the progenitors own universe (the former prison cell, which has become a fullblown universe since the prison has been breached and progress is possible again). In this reality it mercilessy hunts them down.
Another strategy sometimes used is to turn a dream into a horrible nightmare, letting the victim believe it is a dream and then let it realize the horrible truth. Or imprison a girl in a dreamworld while her body is raped in the real world. And make her watch (and feel) it.
And so one... so many possibilities.


This Progenitor always had "A thing for the humans". They were the first race whose consciousness delved deep enough into the World of thought and dreams to find it, not sure if it was part of what they dreamt or if it was something calling out for them. And because they were the first, they shaped it the most.
Naturally they began to worship it, because if it was more powerful then a human... what else could it be than a god? They called it Algul, Dahor... and other... more darker names. But a god cant just hang around all powerful and do nothing. He has to have some objectives right? He has to have some motivations, does he? Something that drives him...Something he wants...
Naturally, in order to make sense of this question, The human minds (and to this end, the minds of all other aliens too, who worshipped a Progenitors self image at least once in their history) resorted to the aeon old question: "Well... if i was a powerful entity, aeons old, and... besides... a god... what would i want. What would i take interest in?. Well food, more power, security... oh... and...*cough* of course".
Could you imagine a god, old as time itself, strange and sickening to the human eye, who does not want to get it on with it's human worshipers?
Nah... that would be ridiculous. Where should all the demigods stem from.

And if it was a demon... well demons want to lay virgins all the time.

And so the desires of the Progenitor changed, even if itself did not recognize this. One moment it did not even know the meaning of sex, and a few millenia of worship by dark and twisted sects and cults later, the desire to have intercourse with human women was as old as the being itself. (With the Humans, the progenitors never made it into the league of the big gods. The Self image they imprinted into the dream world was just not... appealing enough. Though they did a great job being demons, or gods of death, destruction, perversity and twisted fertiliy. But those guys want to have sex too, and they get plenty with all the virgin sacrifices)

Now... why Shokushu. Well first, Shokushu is not the only place in the universe where The Progenitor is active. (Meaning: it could be used in the different forums like Slave Pens, Pirates or Alien Defense Directorate too). The gate opened on Shokushu, but the the avatar can, given the multidimensional meaning of "here" in its world, of course
form everywhere in the universe, to fulfill its purpose.

Psychological Profile: There is no way a being of our universe could analyse the progenitors, simply because they are not part of our universe. That said one would have to take the next best extrapolation...
The Progenitors are antisocial but highly intelligent hedonistic Thugs, which had attoned for their crimes in a solitary cell, deprived from any sensual input and unable to sate their needs, for the age of at least one million universes. And now, they have been released from it without any psychological consultation.

Personality: Dominant, unforgiving, insane, antisocial. Takes what it wants. Likes to play with its victims before it comes for them, because the stronger the impression the rape leaves, the more it opens the gate of the Progenitors Prison cell.

Sexual Oddities: Yes.
Behavior: Playful... in a horrible way. Loves to create Horror in its victims as much as it likes to take them finally. May be reminiscence of the creatures original malevolence, or a new feature gained by the millnnias of worship as god of pain, perversion, dominance about the weak.

1. Realityshifting:
It can transport anything not bigger than itself from any of the three realities to any of the three realities it is part of.(Dreamworld, Prison universe, Reality) For its body is only partly made of physical principles which hold in our universe, this means it can walk through walls, and generally ignore our physical laws if it wishes to. (it could also think to move through the wall in the world of Dreams, and transport this reality to the real World... different technique, same result.
To make full use of this tactic and to prevent disturbing incidents, it sometimes creates a reality in its former prison universe solely for the purpose to transfer its victims there and hunt them down. The reality could even simulate the real world, with small but horrifying differences (in which case the victims don't even realize the change at first), or be a complete nightmarish environment with strange new aspects sickening to the human mind.

2. Dreamwalking:
The Progenitor can visit the dreams and turn them into nightmares... and it can make them real.

Likes: Raping young girls (or SFAs) in the fashion most horrible or disgusting to them. Why? because its fun.
Dislikes: Being unable to satisfy its needs or wishes. Being discovered by another Progenitor.

1. No Mindreading. Even though it can traverse through the space of thoughts and dreams, the things one thinks remain unknown to it. Has to do something with self image. So it will never know what a girl thinks, if the girl does not think it towards him somehow (projects the thoughts consciously) Not even in the dreamworld.

2. No Mindcontrol. Same as above. The residual self image of the consciousness of a living being can not be overwritten. Therefore no Mindcontrol. Choices will remain with the girls. (The "choice having" not so much i guess...). Oh and it would be boring.

3. No timetravel. Causality is a nice extra in a story. Imagine porn in a structure like Primer. It would probably result in scenes like: "Why are you watching this stuff? Oh it challenges me intelectually?"


The real world appearance is but a part of the real creature. Its body, completely transfered to our reality, would probalby be the size of a major city at least. Therefore one only sees small parts, but these are changing ceaselessly. Sometimes on six legs, sometimes crouching like a giant slug, sometimes bipedal and humanoid, these Creature seldom shows a constant face. The view feels sickening, as if the old body constantly grows a new one out of itself. The overall theme however seems to remain relatively fixed.
Nevertheless an onlooker can never completly witness the thing in its uglyness, for the parts that primally belong to the universe the creature came from, can not be explained by the human mind. They are there, but witnessing them feels to a human (or an SFA) as if they are turning blind, or looking into a dark and endless vortex. So the mind decides to concentrate on the more mundane parts. Tentacles, Horny Plates, leathery wings, slimy whips, horrifying and unsettling faces...

File comment: A few examples of the heads of an Avatar. They usually fluently fade over into each other.
forerunnerfaces.jpg [ 222.29 KiB | Viewed 7412 times ]
File comment: Nearly humanoid Avatar
urhmungus concept01R.jpg
urhmungus concept01R.jpg [ 218.21 KiB | Viewed 7412 times ]
File comment: Non humanoid Avatar
forerunner1.jpg [ 489.54 KiB | Viewed 7414 times ]

Last edited by TheProgenitor on Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:44 pm, edited 14 times in total.

Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:45 am
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Um.... wow. I....I don't know what to say right now.

Aside from "Lovecraft anyone?"

Anyway, going over it more... it seems a bit.... much. Like using a steamroller to make cookies.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

Now on Discord, flarecobra#8525

Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:46 am
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Um, wow. That is an amazing character. Welcome to Shokushu. Happy hunting.

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I love to RP!! Please PM me, if you are interested!

Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:23 am
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Welcome, from both of us. :-)

Cousin Anairah

We are always open to Rp. Just PM us. :wink:

Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:46 am
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Welcome :)

That is quite a monster! I think the part about creating pocket copy of the real world to hunt down a girl can be quite cool, if played properly, and I kinda like the background story. It makes me want to play CoC again :wink:

The only thing is that I kinda wonder why it hangs out at SHS, it seems it would be more likely to take on entire civilizations (but I might be miss-interpreting the power level involved).

Anyway, welcome again, hope you have fun :D

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

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Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:22 pm
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Post Re: The Progenitor
It's a nice creative story but this isn't a universe-shattering space opera.

Tone this down to a 'normal' monster please.

Masochist "Whip me! Whip me!"
Sadist "No!"

Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:04 pm
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Well thanks for the quick responses. Madison nailed it of course with the Lovecraft comparison and the steamroller. Well it was just a first draft, Haven't thought there would be so many responses in such little time already. I wanted to tone him down to a playable level either. Nevertheless thanks for the advice.

What worth is all power if one couldn't use it?
Now we talked about what it can do... so what can't it do? Well... basically everything.

The Progenitor still does not yet know who or what freed it from it's prison (or even how it has been done). Aaaannd ...that's a problem.
If it was the first of the progenitors to be released, it would have relished in it's new found freedom. It would have turned one or two galactic civilizations into it's slave races and their planets into its harems. It would have enjoyed all the carnal and mundane sensations of which it had been deprived for aeons uncountable, until they would become shallow and insipid. And then, in a few millennia... ,when the blandness of all mundane experiences becomes apparent... probably it would release the other progenitors. They also would relish in their new found freedom, and bring Horrors yet unknown about the universe. They would satisfy their needs with its inhabitants, and then War would come. War in their name, and to their pleasure. And in the end they all would bow before the entity which overcame all other, being no more or less slave than the lesser races.
But a new set of cards had been shuffled, and the game had gotten an updates on the rules. There was no way to tell the winner in advance. So the Progenitor would have prepared for the return of the other progenitors. Carefully it would have created own advantages in advance, and layed out traps for the others of its kind. And then it would have opened their cells and went into hiding, to watch with mischievieous pleasure how they left their prisons, and entangled themselves in its carefully laid out plans.
This is what it would have done. And This is what every single one of them would do. So if it was not the first...

It had to keep a low profile. At least for the next few centuries, until it could be sure that it really was the first one. For it would certainly not be so stupid and trip into the traps that it... or they... laid out for it. But the result of this toughtchain was devastating...It had to behave like one of these usual... demons that this universe seemed to have no lack of. It was... humiliating..

A little scene shall clarify it's feelings about this situation (it doesn't know fast food restaurants yet, but it's just to show how it feels):

Man: Hey Mister...
It: Who are you calling Mister. I can wipe you out with a thought... and the rest of your planet too... I could turn you into my eternal slave by looking at you. I could take your worst nightmare and imprison you in it forever. So what is it that you puny earthling demand of me...
Man: Coke, fries and Burger please. For Takeout.
It: gnh...gnh...gnh As you wish. This you will pay for....
Man: How much?
It: Your eternal soul, little earthling. Your eternal soul... and 3.45 please... gnhgnhgnh... That's it.. iv'e had it to the limit... now you will...
Man: Heyheyhey... don't become overconfident here... or we tell you-know-who...
It: (Teethgnashing) ...Have a nice day...

That seems to be a lot of frustration building up here. But fortunately there is a school nearby and if it would not partake in the overall activities widely accepted as usual intercourse between monsters and girls, it would probably draw more attention....

Don't know if this would suffice. I wanted to transport some CoC Feeling with this monster (into the scenes too, don't know if this would be possible). Therefore some unspeakable , unnameable, over the top seemed ok... Didn't plan to destroy the universe...

So... please comment. I am happy about any advice you can give.

Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:01 pm
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Post Re: The Progenitor
One question: Why is it here? It's not really that clear to me...

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

Now on Discord, flarecobra#8525

Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:17 am
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Chaged the Motivation part:

Why Shokushu? Because it is a place where it can still its hunger for the carnal pleasures. An Hunger which had been induced into it by human worshippers. Because this Progenitor always had "A thing for the humans". They were the first race whose consciousness delved deep enough into the World of thought and dreams to find it, not sure if it was part of what they dreamt or if it was something calling out for them. And because they were the first, they shaped it the most.
Naturally they began to worship it, because if it was more powerful then a human... what else could it be than a god? They called it Algul, Dahor... and other... more darker names. But a god cant just hang around all powerful and do nothing. He has to have some objectives right? He has to have some motivations, does he? Something that drives him...Something he wants...
Naturally, in order to make sense of this question, The human minds (and to this end, the minds of all other aliens too, who worshipped a Progenitors self image at least once in their history) resorted to the aeon old question: "Well... if i was a powerful entity, aeons old, and... besides... a god... what would i want. What would i take interest in?. Well food, more power, security... oh... and...*cough* of course".
Could you imagine a god, old as time itself, strange and sickening to the human eye, who does not want to get it on with it's human worshipers?
Nah... that would be ridiculous. Where should all the demigods stem from.

And if it was a demon... well demons want to lay virgins all the time.

And so the desires of the Progenitor changed, even if itself did not recognize this. One moment it did not even know the meaning of sex, and a few millenia of worship by dark and twisted sects and cults later, the desire to have intercourse with human women was as old as the being itself. (With the Humans, the progenitors never made it into the league of the big gods. The Self image they imprinted into the dream world was just not... appealing enough. Though they did a great job being demons, or gods of death, destruction, perversity and twisted fertiliy. But those guys want to have sex too, and they get plenty with all the virgin sacrifices)

Now... why Shokushu. Well first, Shokushu is not the only place in the universe where The Progenitor is active. (Meaning: it could be used in the different forums like Slave Pens, Pirates or Alien Defense Directorate too).
Being a Thing from a space which intersects with our universe and our dreamworld, it could of course appear almost everywhere.(just not anytime. The timearrows are aligned and parralel. No Time travel). But Shokushu is a place where the Progenitor can get all the human sex it wants, without raising it's head too high and risk being spotted by another Progenitor, something it wants to avoid at all cost. For the only thing it fears right now is another Progenitor. This leads to the result that it has to refrain from world shattering effects yet(and for the next millenium, just to be sure), which in itself causes quite some frustration. But at least it can live out "It's" needs, even more now, to quell the frustration.
Compare a sexcrazy insane Politician with the goal to conquer the world in a few years, who is forced to keep a low profile to prevent the secret service from finding out about his plans, but who is living under false name in a red light district, where sex is cheap and even expected. Subtract consent of the prostitutes... or payment.

Thanks for the question. Hope this clarifies it somewhat. Don't know if this is toned down enough or not... Don't want to start a scene and quit it, because i have to change the monster again.

Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:53 pm
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Added other limitations:

2. No Mindreading. Even though it can traverse through the space of thoughts and dreams, the things one thinks remain unknown to it. Has to do something with self image. So it will never know what a girl thinks, if the girl does not think it towards him somehow (projects the thoughts consciously) Not even in the dreamworld.

3. No Mindcontrol. Same as above. The residual self image of the consciousness of a living being can not be overwritten. Therefore no Mindcontrol. Choices will remain with the girls. (The "choice having" not so much i guess...). Oh and it would be boring.

4. No timetravel. Causality is a nice extra in a story. Imagine porn in a structure like Primer. It would probably result in scenes like: "Why are you watching this stuff? Oh it challenges me intelectually?"

Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:32 pm
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Post Re: The Progenitor
yes, for it to work there needs to be some challenge, some sense of having overcome the victim. Otherwise it takes away any sense of drama and becomes an endless series of 'look into my eyes, OK, now we fuck'.

Masochist "Whip me! Whip me!"
Sadist "No!"

Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:41 am
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Post Re: The Progenitor
I am working at a revamp in some aspects now which will limit its powers in the "real world". Though it would not change the overall being, and in some sense, make it even more Cthuhuesque.

Thanks to all for your advice. I am trying to upload a newer version this evening.

Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:08 pm
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Post Re: The Progenitor
Changed it somewhat.

Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:47 pm
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