Shokushu High School

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Author:  Raziel [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Raziel

(Taken from the immigration interview to Hayao... filtered to only include subject's responses)

"Hrm, some personal information... yes... well, I'm of a species known as Daeva. I'm... from earth, in a manner of speaking, though not of a plane of existence most humans can perceive. My species used to share the same realm as humanity though, as the human populace grew and our own shrank, we simply found we weren't welcome there anymore. It was inevitable I suppose. They breed faster... they were afraid of our superior genetics at the time. One can hardly blame them. Still... sterilizing my people might have been a bit over the top, but humanity has always been prone to extravagant showings of power.

Yes, I spoke the truth... though we're also immortal, so, as long as we're careful, there will be plenty of us around for quite some time. I myself have been alive for some time... well before the Mediterranean city states, for that was when we were banished... and I fought in that war. Yes... I believe it was some sort of magic they used... we've never really figured it out, but at the same time, we blinded much of their species... your species... to its power in return. But I digress.

Yes, most humans know us by the name "demons" though that's a bit of a bastardization, to be fair. That, and most of what they hear is pure and utter propaganda... garbage. I'll not be sucking you down to a fiery afterlife for living a life of hedonism... that would just be hypocritical. Not to say there aren't other... beings... who might not do the same. Being immortal, my species has few myths about the afterlife.

As for why I'm here... well, despite our outwards civility, most us harbored a grudge for a long time against the humans. We would sneak into their realm... kill some... make examples... drag women back as trophies. After a while, I suppose, we just grew tired of the killing and sacking and realized that nothing would come of it... the damage had been done, so to speak. The slaves on the other hand... they brought back a certain something we had missed. Our species had always reproduced with humans... it's why we share so many characteristics with them... why I can speak perfect English, to an extent. Even if we can't reproduce, there's still a certain appeal, however. It's gotten harder and harder to kidnap them from earth, however... so your institution provides a certain appeal to my kind.

Ah yes, abilities. Most of my kind are skilled in magic, though the type varies from individual to individual. It's very easy for us... we can command it as easily as any part of our body. As for myself, I believe humans call it being... ferrokinetic? I can move metallic objects at will, thus my attire. I have a row of tentacles, yes, but they're merely for dexterity purposes... and perhaps devious purposes. They hold little advantage in a fight as they're rather weak... they lack the muscle structure of our main limbs.

That's enough then, yes? Well, I thank you for the opportunity... I'd best go acquaint myself with the locals."

(Log ends here)

Basic stats:

Name: Raziel (no surname)
Age: Unknown (Not given)
Height: 6' 8"
Weight: 290 lbs
Hair: Black, Shoulder length
Skin: Gray, otherwise merely toned human flesh
Horns: Two, sloped back, protruding from skull
Wings: None
Tentacles: 8, two rows of four across upper back, just below shoulders
Clothing: Crude fabric or hide pants, belt lined with numerous chains, many ending in metal collars or cuffs that hook back up to the belt until used.
# of cocks: 1
-Length: 11"
Build: Athletically muscular. Raziel is surprisingly quick for his size and build.
Fighting style: Daeva (Very offensive... almost animal like, though gives some consideration to defense)
Motivation: Purely hedonistic... though Raziel seems to consider it an art to pose and play with his victims, much like an artist would with a subject, while using them. As for "why shokushu", his species often abducts humans to their own realm, though an increased population and an advanced civilization have made such actions much more difficult on earth. Raziel typically employs the various chains, collars, and cuffs about his waist, or other metal objects, in order to capture his targets.
Sexual oddities: As mentioned above, he tends to pose and bind his victims, or otherwise invent other "artistic" (at least in his mind) things to do with them.
-Solar Radiation. Not deadly in the slightest, though Raziel's species exists on a plane that's typically illuminated more by magical means than any natural ones, so their grey skin tends to burn in direct sunlight. They're far more used to dark, cold, or even wet environments, and thus Raziel tends to hunt either at night or inside.
-Women. Raziel is utterly hedonistic and almost predatory in his sexual desires. Once he decides on a target, he can become almost single minded in his pursuit of it, oblivious to outside distractions.
-Build. His size and attire make it difficult for Raziel to disguise himself, though he occasionally manages, albeit poorly.

((Hola all... hope this looks alright! Been reading around the boards and decided to make a profile myself. If anything needs changing or could be improved, let me know!))

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Raziel

Looks fairly descent to me, the use of chains and collars that he wears on his body is a nice touch. Welcome to Shokushu.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Raziel

Welcome :)

By posing his victims, does that mean he dresses them up, ties them up in interesting positions and such?

Author:  Madison [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Raziel

Welcome to SHS.

Author:  Raziel [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Raziel

Thanks all!

Pia: Yes... had meant less the dressing up part, but there's an idea as well :wink:

Author:  Allirabeth [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Raziel

Welcome. :-) Sounds like fun.

Author:  Vaaloris [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Raziel

Welcome. Seems there are lots to go around. :twisted:

Author:  Napton [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Raziel

Welcome to the island, Raziel. Looking forward to RPing with you. ^.~*

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