Shokushu High School

Varlan Kuul and his flair for toxins
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Author:  Risque [ Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Varlan Kuul and his flair for toxins

So hello to all! As you can see, this is my first post, but what the hell - I'm going to dive in the deep end and post a possible monster.

Name: Varlan Kuul

Summary: Scaled 'hunter' with a flair for toxins.

Gender: Male

Age: 254, but approximately 32 in human years.

Height: Around 6'1

Weight: Quite light for his height.

Eye Colour: A deep amber/honey colour.

Skin Description: Varlan's skin is a tanned brown colour, with green flat scales covering the back of his arms and neck, plus the front of his legs. A thicker ridge runs down Varlan 's spine, spreading outwards across his back to blend into flesh near the sides of his ribcage. There are two ridges across his cheekbones as well, giving them a more pronounced appearance.

Hair: Varlan has long silky hair that he always pulls back into a ponytail, and gets very irritated if any strands fall across his face whilst he's hunting.

Hair Colour: Black

Body Build: Slender / athletic, humanoid stance (ie two arms and legs).

Claws: His fingernails can slide further out of the nail bed to form pointed claw-like tips, useful for clinging to walls and ceilings.

Tail / Tentacles: His 'tail' consists of writhing, tentacle like appendages - smooth and a darker green than his scales.

Number of Tentacles: Due to the nature of his ability, Varlan can have from one 'tail' to as many as twenty at a time. The regeneration rate of these is incredibly fast, and they can act as a sort of hydra's head - cut one off and two more can spawn from the stump. In short, if you're hoping to fend Varlan off, don't go for the tail!

Wings: None.

Fighting Style: Varlan prefers to go for the 'silent but deadly' approach at first, using his ability to intoxicate and render his victim hopeless before he reveals himself to them.

Motivation: Varlan is driven by a strong sense of bestial instinct - mainly that of reproduction, (even though he is infertile). This inability to spawn offspring causes Varlan to rarely use the same victim twice, as his instinct tells him it is the woman's fault, not his own, and tends to induce frustration. However, if a particular woman pleases him, he may repeatedly visit her as a sexual partner for his own amusement. The actual act of intercourse is seen as a game, a 'hunt' for Varlan and although his instincts wish him to reproduce, he DOES NOT think about it at all, instead taking girls simply for the fun. To make it clear, he hunts with the intention of sating his lust.

Sexual oddities: Infertile

Personality: Intelligent, calculating, and above all patient - he adores playing games with his victims.

Human Disguise Form: None.

Special Attributes: Varlan 's race can live for up to 9 years without eating, drinking or breathing - an ability that proved useful on his search through space.
The mass of 'tails' he has almost seem as if they have a life of their own, and are constantly moving around, destroying and regenerating themselves. As such, the number of 'tails' he has at any point can be difficult to tell, and can change in just a few moments. Varlan can will these 'tails' to remove themselves from his body, (all, or just one). He can still control them, and they often take the form of a snake to move stealthily towards his victim, with a venomous bite that can cause mild paralysis (the limbs become heavier and harder to move by themselves), stimulation, memory loss, and other things, as the venom targets the nervous system of the victim. The 'tails' can be willed to take on a variety of forms, as they are not 'tails' but rather a concentration of Varlan 's energy willed into a visible mass.

Weaknesses: The base of his spine from where all his 'tails' spawn from, and the non-scaled fleshy areas of his body. Not to mention his precious hair band that keeps his hair up!

Likes: Apart from the obvious? Brushing his hair and thinking up new toxins to use.

Dislikes: Having any of his hair down, and will fly into a rage if it is pulled out.

History: Cast out from his home planet due to a voracious appetite for women, (caused by his infertility), Varlan started to search the cosmos for potential hunting grounds to sate his hunger. He first chanced across a rich jungle filled moon, and after narrowly surviving being bitten by a snake, decided to research the potential of toxins. 43 years were spent on the scholarly world of Akal. He studied at day and hunted at night, until a somebody came dangerously close to discovering his identity. He boarded a shuttle for another planet, but it was cut off by pirates mid-voyage and a hole was ripped in the side of the hull, spinning Varlan, hiding alone in an escape pod, out into space. Since then, he drifted for 5 years, hibernating to conserve resources once the air ran out, (see special attributes for how he could survive), until, in an insane stroke of luck, the pod was picked up by the gravity ring of a nearby planet. It hurtled down, landing just off the coast of Shokushu High School's island. After a frenzied orgy of lust-sating at the school, brought on by the 5 years of abstinence, Varlan settled down in his new 'home', preying on those too foolish to keep an eye out.

Miscellaneous: Varlan has no technology from the escape pod, which sunk to unreachable depths after he escaped it.

Author:  alexvano [ Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varlan Kuul and his flair for toxins

Nice welcome

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varlan Kuul and his flair for toxins

Nice monster! Welcome aboard.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varlan Kuul and his flair for toxins

Welcome to Shokushu, I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Author:  Dendrite [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varlan Kuul and his flair for toxins

Hm, everything seems to be in order. ;)

Author:  Madison [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varlan Kuul and his flair for toxins

Welcome to SHS.

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