Shokushu High School

Terratron discovers Shokushu
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Author:  Lesion [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Terratron discovers Shokushu

Name: Andromeda Inc. SX3500 Cybernetic Infiltrator Prototype (code name: Terratron)
Race: Cybernetic Organism
Type: Mechanical shape-shifter
Place of Birth: Andromeda Inc. R&D Labs
Gender: N/A; essentially male
Age: Roughly 30 years
Height: Human Cloak - 6'2'', Full Form - 10'
Weight: ~350 lb

The Terratron project wasn't going according to plan. With deadlines approaching, Andromeda Inc. scientists and engineers scrambled around the clock to resolve countless technical issues with their ambitious military project.

Project Terratron was an attempt to create a powerful cybernetic weapon, capable infiltrating enemy organizations and inflicting damage from the inside. The approach was to create a mechanical body out of organic components, allowing it to pass through basic bio-scans, which could re-configure itself physically to meet combat or other challenges.

But there were a number of hang-ups. Engineers couldn't get the organic armor to hold up as well as conventional metals. Fusing conventional projectile weapons into the system was a similarly impossible challenge. But worst of all, the unit's artificial intelligence was erratic and mechanical -- not suitable for infiltration at all.

Weeks before a demonstration deadline to the Brass, lead genetic engineer Thal Hodgeson decided to radically redefine the AI approach -- he would attempt to copy his own mind into a Neural Net onboard the cybernetic organism. Surely, this would result in a much smoother and more human-like control of the bionic body.

Early results were promising. The neural net began to develop control over it's cybernetic form, although it's personality seemed far more disturbed than Hodgeson's. Within 2 weeks, it was moving around on its own, and could shift between a human form and a more menacing combat form very effectively. Success seemed imminent.

On the day of the military review, the device "malfunctioned" completely. After completing half of the demo course, it left the arena and murdered 3 of 5 witnessing generals, as well as numerous security guards, before escaping the testing ground. Within 2 hours, the device had secured a small ship docked to the research station and escaped radar contact.

In the aftermath of the event, 15 male officers were found dead. Seven female officers were found wounded and traumatized, all claiming to have been horribly raped by what was variably described as "a demon," "an alien," "a giant spider," and "a robot."

Andromeda Inc. has not to date been able to find, or recover, their lost prototype.

Physical Description:
In Terratron's human cloak, the rest of it's appendages are retracted and folded into a mostly-functional human body. Although close inspection reveals creases and deformations that are unnatural, the form will pass for human for at least a short time, usually long enough to put it within range of it's target. With the addition of Hodgeson's mind, the device also began to think and act like a human, giving its physical movements nuance, and everything from emotional reasoning power to an active sex drive.

The human form is around 6'2'', has pale skin, and piercing blue eyes. Medium-length jet-black hair and a laid-back grin give the impression at a glance that it is non-threatening. Most of the bionic creases in it's skin are located on it's torso region, consealing them when it is clothed. With a deceptively-human persona, the device manages to play off a good "nice guy" when it wants to.

When opportunity strikes, the device transforms into it's full form. Originally designed for combat, the personality inhabiting the machine has crafted and repurposed itself to serve other goals, such as sexual gratification.

4 Long, thin, segmented, bone-like legs unfold from it's back and lift it to a full height of about 10 feet. The human arms and legs are assimilated into the main body, which reconfigures to look more like the armored exoskeleton of an insect. In place of the head, a sensor-array protrudes, covered in detectors, small tendril-like "feelers," and most notably, three neon-blue glowing eyes, rotating and refocusing to best parse it's environment.

Two muscular cybernetic arms descend from it's body, strong enough to overpower any human strength, each tipped with a firm gripper which can be used for movement, or for capture, and claws that can raze even light metals. Alongside these, eight biological tentacle "manipulators" descend, not as strong as the arms, but far more mobile, and softer to the touch. The tips of these tendrils can change into a number of shapes, but as a display of masculine dominance, the device usually makes them very phallic and studded, sometimes dripping with an unknown sticky fluid.

The infusion of human personality (of a genetic engineer no less) prompted Terratron to modify it's original design. Where originally no genitalia had been modeled, a large, prehensile cock now protrudes from the underside of the back of it's body, roughly equivalent to where it would have been on the human form. It's head is nearly 4 inches in diameter, and has several steep ridges each resembling the flare at the end of the head of a normal human penis. The cock's full length is 20'', and the shaft is studded with bumps and deformities. Sensitive nerves are grown into the organ, and to the underlying personality, it is as good as a real sex organ.

Psychological Description:
After escaping containment, the organism began to come to terms with itself. It thought and acted like a human. It wanted to be human! With no orders or directives, its unsettled mind only searched for violence and sexual release. After a few months, and multiple encounters with groups of humans, the device began to really understand how to act like them, and how to get close enough to satisfy it's urges for destruction and copulation. It made excellent use of it's human form, and fleshed out it's "personality."

After as much development, Terratron is very tormented, and very sadistic. He has learned to take pleasure in the torment of others, and enjoys teasing, torturing, and psychologically assualting his victims. He will pretend to show you mercy, only to crush your hopes. He will let you escape, only to return and find the same victim again.

Hodgeson, the original personality imprint, had a number of traumatic childhood experiences, and had a very tortured and repressed mind. These qualities fully manifest in Terratron, and he takes exquisite pleasure in raping women into submission, psychologically breaking them, and forcing them to do his bidding. He is a monster both in body, and at heart.

Despite these qualities, he is an expert at masking them behind a kind, loving personality at will, with all the skill of the most frightening sociopath. He has a nasty habit of befriending his victims and gaining their trust, before revealing his true nature and condemning them to a world of lustful agony.

Abilities: (This list will get added to as I fill out the character)

Personal Cloaking Field - At any time of his choosing and without forewarning, Terry can become completely transparent, detectable only by a slight blur or distortion in the space that he occupies. Using this ability consumes nearly all of his internal generator's power output, so he is unable to do much else until revealing himself.


Sketched a crappy version of the character!

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Welcome aboard! Hope you will have fun here :)

Author:  Lesion [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Thanks! I'll be sure to.

Author:  alexvano [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Welcome seems well thought out.

Author:  Giza Wolf [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Samara welcomes you to Shokushu!

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

The age is going to have to be changed; all characters have to be at least 18.

Author:  Lesion [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Age edited, I guess that's for legal reasons. Not a big deal.

thanks all!

Author:  Forny [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Hmm. Looks like General Grievous' cousin or something. The picture, I mean. :P

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Welcome to Shokushu, I hope you enjoy your time here.

Author:  Lesion [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Forny wrote:
Hmm. Looks like General Grievous' cousin or something. The picture, I mean. :P

I'll take that as a compliment. I like Grievous.

Ishtar_Rocha wrote:
Welcome to Shokushu, I hope you enjoy your time here.

Thanks! I'm sure I will.

Author:  Madison [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terratron discovers Shokushu

Welcome to SHS.

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