Shokushu High School

LX Arena Combatant
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Author:  Ike Haw [ Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  LX Arena Combatant

Name: LX
Race: Unborn
Type: Evolved Unborn
Place of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown

Physical Profile:


Psychological Profile:

LX is defined by his will to fight. He is what some call a being that was born for the sole purpose of fighting. Despite this he despises the fact that N.I.C.E. and arena officials keeps him confined to the island the arena is located on. His kind had evolved to include a special way of fighting against female combatants. It was a sort of past time to humiliated defeated females in front of a crowd. It wasn't just for entertainment purposes, but to break the women so that they knew what their new role was. A sort of pleasure he takes in and is glad the arena allows him to perform. It brings up another thing he dislikes about the arena, which is not being able to keep the defeated gladiatrixes as prizes for his own personal pleasure.


It’s unknown where LX was actually from. He was found at an archeological dig site around the Ixion corridor. The alien written left behind or what hadn't been lost to time, suggested that he was some sort of champion. The researchers who found the site were more interested in the ruins then the life form in the capsule. Needing funding to continue the archeological expedition they would sell the capsule to N.I.C.E Labs. With need of fighter for the newly opening arena LX was brought to the labs at Sholushu, so that he could be properly studied. In their research it is believed LX was a fighter of a high caliber and his physiology lent itself to such along with a few interesting traits.

Due to the millennium that had pass the lab hypothesized that the species LX was from had evolved. In order to get a better idea of what the species looked like the lab would force his evolution. The process was very painful for LX to undergo many of the scientists were afraid he wouldn't survive the process. In a test match it was found out how lethal LX could be in the arena, especially when he was forced to use his mode x. The labs though would make some modifications to make sure that he never actually killed any of the gladiatrixes in an actual fight.

Miscellaneous Information:

Neural Toxin – Lx claws and weapons secret a neural toxin when he is combat. The toxin is introduced through scratches mad on the opponent. The toxin is activated by adrenaline and will cause the infected person to feel pleasure instead of pain. The toxin last until the victims adrenaline levels go back to normal. This toxin becomes even more lethal when LX is in his mode x state. This toxin only works against females of a species.

Mode X – A side effect of LX forced evolution is something called mode X. It is believed that when in a bind LX can purge what seems to be an exoskeleton to become faster. In this mode LX is faster than he was in his previous form. The speed comes at the cost of a weaker exoskeleton and attack power.

Appearance in Mode X: Mode X

Restrictive Armor – the ornamental Armor LX is seen wearing is actually a restrictive device. It is meant to keep him in line with the arena’s policies, and to keep him from trying to kill any of the other fighters. This seems to even apply to his mode x. In cases of victory this armor can be willed into tendrils to aid in the humiliation of the losing gladiatrix. The armor also has a universal translator built in so that he can understand others, and communicate with others as well.

Author:  alexvano [ Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LX Arena Combatant

Cool monster, love the two forms, can see great arena application, what's his psychological makeup and drive or do we have to wait for stories to find out? Obviously he seems driven to fight and win or is it terminator like in simplicity?

Author:  Madison [ Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LX Arena Combatant

Sooo... what's the point of this one? There doesn't seem to be any real reason for the character to BE here, since the arena is ment for a girl to end up losing her clothes and get raped.

And to be honest, the poison just seems to be tacked on, doesn't seem to flow well with the character concept.

Also, seems to be more focused on the combat aspect of the arena, which isn't the point of the arena, as mentioned before.

Author:  Ike Haw [ Mon May 02, 2011 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LX Arena Combatant

Okay, believe I fixed everything to make him more arena compatible.

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