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 Nyelle - SFA turned Monster 
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Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:17 am
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Post Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
(If the part of her history at the end doesn't fly, I have no problems changing it. I just figured that a lab would have waste it would have to get rid of somewhere :) )

Name: Nyelle
Race: Cnidarielle
Type: Semi Aquatic
Place of Birth:
Age: 28
Height: 15' including tendrils. 3' from waist to top of her head
Eye Color: Greenish-yellow
Skin Color: Light green
Skin texture: Smooth, like human skin for her upper half. Slippery and gelatinous for her lower half.
Hair: She technically doesn't have hair, even though it appears she does. What grows out of her head is gelatinous material, similar to what her lower body is made out of. From that material, stinging tendrils also grow.
Hair Color: Darker green with grays mixed throughout.
Body Build: Upper body: Lean human, toned, but not muscular. Lower body: Bulbous, gelatinous, tentacled.
Tentacles: But of course! A mix of stinging and non stinging. The majority are long and slender, but she does have several that have wide, fin like protrusions at their ends.
Breast Size: 32D

Fighting Style: Deception, trickery, lulling the opponent into not fighting. She doesn't possess brute strength, so she uses her mind, telepathy, and stinging tentacles to work to her advantage.

Motivation: Amusement and self pleasure. Due to not having female sexual organs and reproducing asexually, she takes pleasure from her victims. The pleasure that her prey experiences she feels, though somewhat muted from what the prey feels.

Psychological Profile: Somewhat of a junkie for pleasure and heightened sensations, she actively hunts new prey. With the island's plentiful students, she never has to go too far to find her next prey to inject with her venom and have her way with.

Personality: Although as noted above, being a junkie for pleasure and the wide array of sensations, she is for the most part a calm and patient hunter. She will, for instance, either lie in wait and use her polyps to attack and inject the first amount of venom before she moves in from below or leave the lower part of her body submerged and beckon a student into the water. She's sneaky and deceptive, even going so far as to fake drowning to have someone swim out to save her, only to spring her trap once they reach her. A true snake with a forked tongue.

Sexual Oddities: Even though she feeds off the pleasure from her prey. Every touch, caress, lick, thrust of a tentacle or flick of a tongue on her prey hits her as well. Her mood at the time will depend on who is in her clutches, how sensitive they are, and how they respond to her.

Human Disguise Form? Yes
Human Disguise Appearance: A young human female, who blends right in with the rest of the student body. She passes herself off as Nyelle Fitzgerald a Junior and an average student, using both to fly under the radar and not stand out like a sore thumb. She's the girl you notice over on the far side of the class, but have never really talked to, she's familiar, but still a stranger. Her measurements are quite shapely at 32D-24-34 standing at 5'4" tall, with just the right amount of weight on her. Not a twig, but not overweight, and with curves in the right places. The one thing that somewhat betrays her and makes her stand apart a bit is her long, ankle length, dark purple hair.

Monster form: Nothing
Human form: A school uniform that's in violation of the dress code(skirt too short, mid riff showing, cleavage prominently displayed, top too small for her size)

Special Attributes:

    Stinging tentacles: While she has non stinging tentacles as well, the ones that do sting are lined with penumatocysts. The venom injected on contact with them at first produces a euphoric calming effect that is short lasting, designed so that catching prey is easier. After the calming effect wears off, a gentle warmth will begin to grow and flush through the body as every sense and emotion are heightened.

    Underwater breathing: She is able to breathe underwater with no issues by taking in oxygen through primitive gills in the lower part of her body. She possesses a modified tentacle that if inserted into a victim's trachea, they will be fed oxygen from her body and will not drown if held under water.

    Telepathy: While she has a fully functioning voice, she also is able to communicate through telepathy. She must be in sight of her target or one of her polyps to be able to use this ability. The subject could very well brush it off as a figment of the imagination, but the voice does have a soothing and seductive quality to it (think of the Greek sirens).

    Polyps: From her elbows she is able to spawn small jellyfish, their stinging tentacles act the same way as her own. They share a telepathic link with her and through it are able to feed her data about their surroundings. The data doesn't create a clear picture, but does serve as a proximity warning of sorts. Additionally, she carries two fully formed jellyfish that cover her breasts when she is not on the hunt.

    Bio-luminescence: She is able to produce a light greenish blue glow from her skin, similar to the light given off by a candle, at will.

Weaknesses: Being mainly an aquatic creature, she cannot be out of water for long periods of time. She does have lungs and with them, as well as a reservoir of air within her body, she is able to breathe in the atmosphere, but it is completely inefficient. If out of water too long, she will suffocate, just like a human drowning. Also being mainly aquatic, she is vulnerable to heat and dry areas; They make her skin dry out and begin to crack. She also doesn't have the advantage of brute strength on her side, and her mobility on land in her monster form is severely reduced due to the makeup of her lower body.


In terms of Shokushu, Nyelle started her life as what would be classified as a S.F.A. Life was rather uneventful for her until 8 years ago. She was able to navigate the waters around the island with relative ease and found that the 'predators' that lurked in the waters and in their shallows were more interested in the female humans. It amused her now, but back then, she felt somewhat ashamed for not helping the girls and for becoming turned on as she watched. They say whatever you observe not only changes the it, but the you as well... gazing into the eyes of the beast or something like that. She didn't think that was the case with her transformation in roles, but none the less, the observer was indeed changed.

She had been basking on a small outcropping of rocks near the shore when she heard a high pitched scream from the woods at the upper edge of the beach. In the blink of an eye later, she saw the young woman sprinting through the sand towards the water... and her. She rolled off the rocks and back into the water, she moved around the back of the outcropping and peered around it, a tingle of excitement and shame flushing over her. Her excitement soon changed, the woman was swimming right towards her and closing fast with the ridged back of some reptilian creature. No, the girl couldn't be headed for her, the rocks! That's it, she must be trying to escape to the rocks thinking the beast couldn't swim.

She took one last look at the blonde girl who churned the water into a torrent with her frantic strokes, then dove beneath the waves. As she propelled herself into the depths, she turned for a moment and looked back towards the girl. The beast had caught up to her and had her pinned against the rocks. The last thing she saw before she turned and swam deeper and away, was the girl's bikini be torn from her body and her legs violently forced apart. The tingle returned as she glanced back again to see the beast's cock press against the thrashing girl. She wanted to stay and watch. She wanted to have that flush run over her body. But, she didn't want to end up in that girl's place. Nyelle was comfortable being a dirty voyeur, but frightened at the prospect of being on the receiving end on one of the beasts she had watched countless times.

She continued to dive until she reached the bottom and drew closer to the rise of the cliffs on the side of the island. She turned her head and looked back towards the girl and the beast, all she could see was a black mass of their bodies and churning water. Better to stay out of sight and out of mind, after all, if she watched the monsters have their fun with the girls, chances were another set of eyes was probably watching that scene this very moment. Why expose yourself and take the chance of ending up like the students? She nodded to herself, yes, she would stay put and wait until she saw the beast swam back to shore and then for a while longer to make sure the coast(no pun intended!) was clear.

Though, as she waited, the water began to cloud and turn a greenish gray tint. She looked around her and at first saw nothing, then looked up to the rocks to find that the mating couple was still there. She looked around herself again and turned around. Her eyes followed the slick through the water to the rock face near the ocean floor... there was a grate, a metal grate at the end of a pipe that protruded from the rock. Wonderful, she'd have to risk getting spotted. As she began to ascend through the water and out of the cloud there was a loud splash above her... she had been right, there was another set of eyes watching. Another beast had jumped from the cliffs into the waters and was now swimming towards his 'friend'. She made a sharp turn and returned to the ocean floor, but distanced herself from the pipe.

Later she would find it was futile. The cloud grew, the monsters took turns with the girl for hours, and there was a shadow of wings that was cast on the surface above her. It seemed at every escape there was something blocking her. But hey, at least she wasn't only in a thin part of the cloud that hovered in the water.

Days after watching the girl and her monsters on the rock things began to change for Nyelle. The first thing she noticed was her thoughts of the girl on the rocks. She was no longer ashamed, the thoughts of taking a girl for her own pleasure began to take root. The next thing she became aware of was the toxins in her tentacles that helped immobilize her food no longer worked. They made her prey slow down for a few moments, but then if she didn't have them in her clutches, she'd have to give chase. Then came the growths on her elbows, similar to her lower half, but small jellyfish seemed to be able to break off from the tissue... and much to her surprise, two larger ones took up residence on her breasts, covering them where they were once bare. What was happening to her? It had to be that cloud that moved through the water, that was the only thing it could be.

It wasn't long after she began to notice all the changes that she saw a splash in the water above her. The outline told her it was one of the many girls on the island. She was alone, no monster had yet claimed her. She stared at the swimming figure for some time before she began to close the distance. She ended up taking her time with the girl once she discovered that every sensation was transferred to her own body. That girl had her hook, line, and sinker. She was no longer content watching. She wanted, no, she needed girls in her grasp, her tentacles wrapped around them, plunging into their bodies, she needed to feel their climax rage through her own body. She licked her lips as she watched her prey stagger back onto the shore once she let the girl go. The girl was able to answer the one question she had, where that slick had come from... the N.I.C.E. Labs. The girl didn't know exactly what went on there, but it was clear that they were the only ones who would be behind dumping chemicals into the water that would do the things they did.

As she swam away she laughed to herself, before she would have raged about what happened if it befell another, but now... now she wanted to thank them.

Misc: Read over the rules and a plethora of profiles and threads, hope everything looks ok and can't wait to start playing :mrgreen:

Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:05 am
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster

Wonderful creature, I must say. My student character, Pia, used to be fond of swimming..

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

The Shokushu Pixies

Striktor, undead pirate.

Astrid, red scarf of the Tramps.

Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:15 am
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Hey there fellow comrade in arms! Hope you snare lotsa girls.

Monster Of The Year 2005, bitches!

Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:38 am
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
An interesting monster! She looks to be fun... good job writing her up, it's very thorough and well-laid out, and has a nice background. Pushes me to finish Ico's own bio!

poor Ico. Quite the eye-catching human form, but he'd best keep in mind to behave around that one ;)

Icosagon, Revised!

Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:34 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Oooh, very cool idea and doubly cool monster, hope to run into you sometime, hehe.

Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:00 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Well, what can I add? An interesting character with a "cool" bio and well thought out additions.

I hope you have fun with all the 'additions' to the campus, enjoy your time here. ^_^

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:30 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Welcome. Maybe I'll see you around. :-)

Cousin Anairah

We are always open to Rp. Just PM us. :wink:

Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:36 am
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
An amazing character.

Hope you have fun at Shokushu and that the students provide a wide variety of fun and entertaining sensations.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

For a list of my chars go to here

Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:16 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
You have a very interesting and unique character. If you ever want to roleplay, I've been known to wander down to the beach from time to time.

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I love to RP!! Please PM me, if you are interested!

Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:27 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Welcome to SHS.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

Now on Discord, flarecobra#8525

Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:15 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Thanks for all the warm welcomes!

I'll be sending out a some PM's in a few now that I'm back home. Go go spontaneous weekend road trip lol

Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:08 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Spontaneous holidays are often the best :)

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

The Shokushu Pixies

Striktor, undead pirate.

Astrid, red scarf of the Tramps.

Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:14 pm
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
I like it, I like it a lot! Such an interesting character! :D


Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:52 am

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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Well, I know it's against the rules to necro threads, but since it's my own and been so long/since I'm back now I thought this could use a bit of a bump.

Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:40 am
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Post Re: Nyelle - SFA turned Monster
Welcome back! I think its okay since it your character.

To see Ishtar's Profile, click here
To read Ishtar's Notebook, click here

I love to RP!! Please PM me, if you are interested!

Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:23 pm
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