Shokushu High School

The Cockwasps
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Author:  roscoso [ Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  The Cockwasps


Species Name: Cockwasp

Type of creature: Insectoid

Sizes: Are usually about 4 feet long from head to stinger and are about 3 feet tall from head to legs, while not huge it's numbers that win it.

Size of Swarms: Most Swams come to at least 3 or 4 Cockwasps per swarm due to there bigger size than normal wasps.

Tentacles: None

Cocks: One attached to the stingers, About 7 inches about the size of a good size normal human's.

Wing Span: 3 Feet and 5 Inches each.

Skin colours: Many ranges of colours usually one colour for every wasp.

Attributes: They have long tongues almost half the lenght of there bodies that can be used to lick and taste things as well as stimulate possible mates pleasure organs before mating...there cocks also are lined with a special fluid that if swallowed in the mouth of a human will cause a very short term aphrodisac effect so constant feeding would be needed to keep a woman aroused, they also can create a green slime that can be used as a restraint on anybody used mostly to keep mates still while fucking them.

Bio: The Cockwasps are an alien race of strange insects...there origin is not fully explained there home world is unknown and how they left that world is another question...but the ones that appeared on Shokushu's campus and island began a few months ago, when an alien ship taking a batch of captured Cockwasps to another system for study, the insects broke out of containment and began a panic on the ship forcing a crash landing nearby the island the campus was home too..and after crawling out of the wreck flew away and made shelter on the island as they made a hive for themselves using some caves to dig small caverns from the cave they found and began sending out drones to find food...

These insects are highly lustful creatures and are given the basic needs to eat, and to breed, luckily they can't breed on humans, but unfortunately for any female humans, they without knowing have an aroma that the Cockwasps treat like high class sugar and have to taste it, so they normally nab one girl and usually taste her with there tongues before raping, usually gang bangs due to there sizes, the Cockwasps have nests rather big ones and could easily bring a girl back here to be used constantly though this is risky due to the schools track of students and only rarely ever used...

Strenghts: These things are easily stronger than humans and even one of them if grabbing the right spot could carry a shokushu student with ease even some of the busty ones, they also use strenght in numbers so a swarm of hem is very hard to run from or fight.

Weaknesses: Like all insects they hate fire and hate water so usually jumping into the sea or a river will save a student from them but only if the student submerges in the water until the insects leave, they also can be swatted away but due to there hard carapaces that rarely does any damages...

Author:  Dendrite [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

You actually did it...:shock:

Well, looks okay. As long as you emphasize that these are alien insects and not anything like on Earth, it should be fine. ;)

Author:  roscoso [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

Yeah that's all I was thinking off, them being alien bugs that wound up on Shokushu and made a nest there or something like that...not sure yet If I'll have them in ADD threads yet...for now just students.

Author:  Madison [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

They ARE intelligant lifeforms, right?

Author:  roscoso [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

Are they intelligent yes...can they talk...not so well, they kind of didn't feel the need to learn to talk, so they talk with buzzing sounds to each other...but they can think and plan, they don't just rush out grab girls and rape them they use hunting skills to nab a girl quietly.

Author:  roscoso [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

So um I have to ask, are these things accepted as part of the monsters now?

Author:  PiaM. [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

I love these, obviously :lol:

If you are unsure about approval, maybe you should PM a mod?

Author:  roscoso [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

Yeah I probably should...

Author:  Dendrite [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

I'll go ahead and say they're approved. ;)

Author:  roscoso [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

Oh thanks Dendrite

Author:  AndyB2183 [ Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

Interesting concept you have here. Can't wait to see them in action.

Author:  roscoso [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

Anyway I'm making an Update on the Cockwasps, not much just that I'm also thinking of Cockwasps hives being able to survive space travel kind of like those meteors that hold organic life, well the idea can be that some Hives can end up now in space related scenes from one crashing into a spaceship or station to a planet, so if any SFA's or ADD Agents want to end up a Cockwasps playtoy, let me know

Author:  roscoso [ Fri May 11, 2012 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

(Updating section with a new part of the Hive)


The Hive Queen

Type of creature: Insectoid

Sizes: Usually around 6 Feet tall and weigh about 130lbs though most of that is in it's rear and chest.

Tentacles: None

Cocks: One attached to the stinger, About 7 inches about the size of a good size normal human's.

Appearance on Pic

Attributes: Flight, Stinger capable of injecting aphrodisiac venom into victims also douses any Cockwasps in 'Royal Jelly' is also physically strong..

Bio: The Hive Queen was an unknown discovery until about a month or two ago N.I.C.E labs while observing the Cockwasp hive on Shokushu, they discovered that when a Cockwasp is doused in a heavy concentration of a fluid that is a combination of the slime that the creatures excrete and the Cum of Females in huge quantities can cause a strange rapid mutation, the Cockwasp makes a cocoon around it self using the two fluids it was usually would spend about 1 month's time in the cocoon before it hatched showing inside was a strange almost Humanoid woman with the same kind of Carapace armour yet it felt so soft like that of human skin...scientists believe this is due to the fact the Cockwasps combine there own DNA with that of human women when they absorb huge quantities of there cum which is food to them.

This possibly could happen in wild Cockwasp hives not on Shokushu, if one Cockwasp has enough Female Fluids it could encase itself in a Cocoon and become a Hive Queen...however this requires HUGE amounts of both Female Cum and Cockwasp Slime to make this happen.

Hive Queen's can also create the so called 'Royal Jelly' that the N.I.C.E lab guys jokingly called it since a Hive Queen has total command over any Cockwasp, only other Queen's are out of that control, though if a hive gets too big to handle the Queen will grant one Cockwasp Hive Queen status and leave with some of the hive to build a new one elsewhere..

Strenghts: A Queen is much stronger than the Cockwasps and can easily wrestle most human females to the ground by herself, her wings are very fast flappers allowing her fast movement if she needs to chase someone or to flee from something that chases her, she also has a mental connection with any Cockwasp nearby and can control them like an army, she can also do this with some weak minded girls usually only ones who've been sexually used by her Cockwasps.

Weaknesses: She like her kind hate fire and while she doesn't mind water it can cause her wings to become wet making flying difficult, she also since she's human shaped is much easier to hit than her smaller Cockwasps, she is also due to her human DNA now inside her, can become aroused and possible sexually dominated if anyone can get to her.

Author:  Madison [ Fri May 11, 2012 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

The "queen" part of it, I'm not too sure on... Especally with her being part-human.

Author:  niellwyn [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cockwasps

"...combination of the slime that the creatures excrement..."

Ordinarily I try not to correct spelling or grammar out of politeness, but in this particular case I think it would be prudent to point out that the word you're looking for is probably excrete. Excrement is the same as defecation in usual denotation, and I doubt you want that sort of confusion.

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