Shokushu High School

Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"
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Author:  Zeke [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"

Name: The creature answers to the name "Zeke", which we believe belonged to it's long-since deceased host.

Race: Alien.

Type: Mimic.

Place of Birth: Unknown.

Gender: Asexual biologically, identifies as male due to host. Reproduces by budding.

Nationality: Unknown, identifies as American. Once more, this is derived from it's host body. Creature displays a great deal of attachment to it.

Age: Unknown.

Height: Variable.

Weight: Variable.

Eye Color: None.

Skin Color: Variable.

Skin Texture: Variable.

Hair? See "Special Attributes".

Hair Color: Variable.

Body Build: Variable.

Tail? No.

Tentacles? Yes.

Number of Tentacles: Variable.

Wings? None, but capable of extremely limited gliding.

# of Cocks: None, see "Special Attributes".

Fighting Style: Infiltrator/Camouflage.

Motivation: Natural urges.

Psychological Profile: Observed to be non-aggressive and even somewhat passive. However, given that there is nothing human about this creature beyond it's choice of host body, human psychological classifications are useless. Some believe the creature is not even truly sentient, and is merely a very convincing mimic parroting human behaviour and speech.

Personality: Observed to be easy-going when in it's host body. However this may be mimicry or a predatory behaviour. Extremely non-aggressive when around other monsters, as it does not view them as prey.

Sexual Oddities: Actually non-sexual in nature, see "Behaviour". Attacks are for nutritional purposes. Absorbs bodily fluids.

Human Disguise Form? Uses a human host body for transportation and camouflage.

Human Disguise Appearance: Caucasian male, middle-aged. Bald except for a long and luxurious "ZZ Top" beard, which in actuality is the creature itself. Killed and replaced the school's janitor. Has been allowed to remain due to affect on the budget; Zeke continues to mimic the behaviour of a janitor but neither requires or asks for any of the pay or benefits the job would command. Surprisingly more efficient than the human janitor was, due to not requiring sleep or vacations. Be sure to keep the janitorial closet well-stocked with overalls and mops, as the creature becomes temperamental and destructive when it views it's janitorial mimicry as "incomplete".

Clothing: Janitor overalls and cap.

Special Attributes: A mimic in the same manner as the Mimic Octopus, Zeke appears to be a large beard or rug. Usually displays a surface area of about 6ft x 6ft, though it can stretch and constrict itself to some degree. Made up of countless flexible and sensitive tentacles no thicker than a human hair. It has been speculated that each of these tentacles is in fact a zooid, and that Zeke is a colonial organism. The creature is capable of coalescing these smaller tentacles to form much larger and thicker limbs or to modify it's appearance, colour and texture.

Able to secrete a narcotic and addictive chemical which at first heightens and stimulates the victim's sense of touch, but induces sleep in a high concentration, usually when the creature is "done" with a victim. Also able to secrete mind-altering and hallucinogenic chemicals in much smaller amounts. When out of it's host body, Zeke has no sense of hearing or vision. Instead, it picks up heat, scents and vibrations through it's tiny tentacles.

As previously mentioned, has a host body that it mostly uses for transportation, hunting and camouflage. Though the brain of the host died decades ago, Zeke has kept it healthy by directly stimulating it, essentially piloting or puppeting the body. The creature does this by stuffing itself into the body of it's host and snaking it's tentacles into the brain. Though this allows Zeke rudimentary access to the host's optic nerves and sense of hearing, the creature lets a portion of itself to hang out of the host's mouth, allowing it to continue to use it's own senses. This makes the host body appear to have a large "ZZ Top" style beard.

Distinguishing features: "Jesus Christ, that giant fucking beard is moving!" - an intern, upon observing Zeke.

Behavior: Although we are unsure what it is exactly seeking in terms of nutrients, Zeke derives it's nutrition from salt water. However, the bodily fluids of human females appear to have a narcotic effect on the creature, to the point where we believe it has actually become chemically addicted to them. It hunts in two ways, either by luring victims using it's host body, or using it's mimicry to lie in wait without it.

With the former method, the creature will attempt to identify "delinquents" who may be tempted by contraband such as "smokes" or "hooch", as the creature refers to them. Once it has settled on a target, it will observe her movements for awhile, attempting to identify when it will be capable of making a safe approach. With this method, the creature rarely actually approaches the target, instead identifying a favourite "hang-out" and heading there ahead of time, whereupon it will mimic drinking and smoking when she arrives. The creature will cordially share it's contraband if asked, and research shows that it usually will have laced the "hooch" with it's own secretions, to various ends. At this point, the creature will ensnare the victim.

It's other form of hunting is far more straight-forward. With it's host body safely stowed nearby, the creature will mimic something in it's vicinity, such as a carpet, rug, set of curtains or a blanket. Occasionally it will merely hide out of sight. When a victim passes within reach of the creature, it pounces. Sometimes it has been observed mimicking a warm and inviting-looking blanket, and will actually wait for it's victim to wrap it around themselves before attacking. We believe it entices them to do so with airborne pheromones, though these are quite weak and almost entirely useless outdoors. Occasionally it has been observed burying or destroying items such as towels while their owners are away, then mimicking them.

Whatever it's method of hunting, the attack itself is extremely uniform. The creature engulfs it's victim and entangles it. If indoors, the creature will drag itself and it's victim somewhere secluded, such as a nearby closet or bathroom, making escape more difficult. If outdoors, it will generally climb the nearest tree, taking it's victim with it, so that they will be deterred from attempting to escape by the fall. It is worth noting that Zeke has never actually allowed a victim to fall, however.

At this point, the creature will begin to either undress the victim or slither beneath their clothes, in order to maintain contact with as much flesh as possible. By now the narcotic secretions will have begun to take effect, and the victim's skin will have become highly sensitive. The creature will then begin to forcibly sexually stimulate her, in order to harvest the resulting bodily fluids. When the victim has been exhausted and the creature has had it's fill, it will coalesce some of it's tentacles into a thick growth (if it hasn't already). This appendage will be forced into the mouth of it's victim, which will then secrete the creature's secondary chemicals. What the creature has it's victims believe will depend on the nature of the attack.

As noted, it's secretions can have an addictive quality to them. The creature has been observed selecting the same victim multiple times occasionally, as the victim will become addicted to what she believes are the "smokes" and "hooch" the creature offers, when in truth they are addicted to it's chemical secretions. It has been speculated that the creatures terms for it's laced contraband are actually spoken triggers implanted during previous attacks. However, it will eventually become tired of a victim, and will no longer hunt them. This will of course leave the victim without a "fix" and in dire straights, but the creature does not seem to care or even recognise this.

It has been noted that due to it's bizarre senses, the creature seems to be drawn to rhythmic vibrations, such as a beat from speakers. More than a few students have been attacked while playing their music too loud.

It is also worth noting that due to it's nature and tastes, the creature has absolutely no qualms about co-operating with other monsters or sharing victims. As it can get what it wants by merely restraining a victim and allowing another monster to have the "fun" of stimulating them directly, more intelligent monsters have been observed utilising it in attacks as a secondary attacker or accomplice. It should be noted that the creature is not intelligent enough to initiate these partnerships itself. For maximum effectiveness or as a "plan b", fleeing victims can often be driven into it's waiting tentacles by another monster.

It will also occasionally "scavenge" targets of opportunity.

Weaknesses: Flammable. Can also be placated by soothing beats or vibrations. While it can survive away from it's host body indefinitely, it does not like to be away from it for too long. We believe that if not stimulated by the creature for a protracted length of time, the host body will finally die and decompose. While the creature will survive and could easily find a new body, we believe it would become extremely upset and erratic, as it is very comfortable with the body it currently occupies.

Likes: Delinquents. Music. Salt.

Dislikes: Fire.

History: As the creature is appears to only be capable of very limited communication, we cannot tell. However, we believe it has been brought to the facility by another monster, due to it's observed co-operation with other, more intelligent creatures. Perhaps as a pet, perhaps as a utility. If so, however, it does not seem to answer to a particular owner or master, at least anymore. Given the fertile hunting grounds it has found itself if, it does not seem eager or willing to leave.

Author:  Madison [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"

Monsters can't be from Earth. Plus SHS isn't even on Earth either.

Author:  Zeke [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"

So I should change the parts about it being first observed on Earth, then?

Author:  Madison [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"


Author:  Zeke [ Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"


Author:  alexvano [ Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"

Well thought out and definitely worth more than a few chuckles from great writing. Welcome.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"

Welcome to Shokushu! You have a good character there! Happy Hunting!!

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zeke AKA "The Weird Beard"

Awesome monster, welcome aboard :)

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