Shokushu High School

Lillith A Woman Of Many Desires
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Author:  Lillith [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Lillith A Woman Of Many Desires

Name: Lillith
Race: Succubus
Place of Birth: Her Realm Located In an alternate Universe Called Njozi
Gender: Female
Age: As Old as the Earth Itself
Height: can vary but normally 6ft 8"
Weight: can vary but normally 175 pounds
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Long and Black Brushed away from her face.
Body Build: While she appears to have no visible muscles she had hidden strength.
Breast Size: 36DD

Number of Tentacles: Yes but none attached to her body she summons them from the ground. They are that same skin colour as her.
Wingspan: 35ft
Wing Color: Black
Cock Size: Roughly 8 inches in length, Her clitoris can, if desired, emerge from her body
# of Cocks: Dependends on the number of tentacles she had created. Can conjure her own

Fighting Style: Lillith doesn't usually fight but if she were to it would be in fast and fluid movements not allowing her opponent the chance to attack or counter attack.

Motivation: In the realm that she is trapped in she is forced to a life of solitude and bordem. What other reason would a she need to have for escaping her prison and wreck havoc on man, woman or creature to quench her sexual desires. Though in truth Lillith gains in strength and power the more sexual energy there is in the air.

Personality: Lilith is a very playful creature and loves to play with her food before eating it. Probably because of her being a demonic being but she takes pleasure in watching mortals suffer and squirm. Lilith is a big fan of domination and obedience and demands that when someone is talking to her they address her as Mistress Lilith or the punishment can and will be quite severe. Overall Lilith loves getting her hands on mortal flesh causing un-told amounts of pleasure to fill her never ending hunger.

Sexual Oddities: As her prey becomes more sexually aroused Lilith grows in strength allowing her to do a number of different things when at full strength. One being taking a Mortal back to her realm for her own entertainment

Clothing: What use does a seductive creature have for clothing? Only what you see on the image is what she wears.

Special Attributes:

    Using Pheromones excreted from her pores she can lull people into a relaxed and calmed state allowing for easy capture and transport.

    Her lips are sprinkled with a powerful hormone that has an amazing effect. It causes the bodies senses to become extremely aroused and heightened making a light slap feel like a full force shove.

    Lilith can communicate telepathically with any creature, as well as implanting thoughts into their heads and sift through their own memories.

    Able to do short range teleportation but this tires her out quite a bit so she tends not to use it.

    Able to control the earth to create structures or objects this is not limited to rocks or sand.

    Lilith can go invisible to sneak up on her She technically does not go invisible she creates a kind of blind spot where Lilith is making the person unable to notice her, another person could easily spot her if she had not applied this affect to that person..

    While She is not in her realm she can suffer as any human would suffer (get ill or Hurt) However she is a lot more resilient to injuries and illness and can easily heal her wounds through the use of Sexual energy


    Lilith does not like light especially that from the sun but she will tolerate it if she has something to gain.

    Does Not like water and especially does not like running water (River / Stream) her power is drained by it.


    Humans especially the Women
    Sexual Energy
    Obedient People
    The Thrill of Dominating someone


    Non-obedient people
    Getting hurt
    Water / Running Water (Stream or River)
    The Sun or Bright Lights

Lilith was born when Earth first came into existent by born I mean she began to exist. She is a creature like no other, powered by the sexual thrills of other races. For Years she travelled to different parts of the galaxy and harvested it's the creatures that like there for their sexual energy, only to return to her Realm known to the human race a Njozi which mean Planes Of Desire. In about the 19 hundreds (Earth years) several priests on a planet Lilith was visiting got together and decided to banish Lilith back to her own realm, where she would spend the remainder of her days. They accomplished their goal but each one of them perished because of it. Furious at being expelled from her favourite hunting ground she set about finding a way to release herself.

The bindings on her prison were too tight for her to be able to remove them without help and because she was weak from having little contact with the energy she needed she decided to look for high sources of sexual energy. For several years she had felt a massive amount of sexual energy coming from a Planet and on that planet was a school Shokushu high. This school was where the majority of the sexual energy was coming from, intrigued and curious Lilith Ventured to this planet to explore it's inhabitants. What she found made her squeal with Joy, Young, Beautiful, Sexually Active, Women. Descending on the Planet she started her knew life on Shokushu High exploring the students there......


Author:  Madison [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lillith A Woman Of Many Desires

Sounds just like this profile: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7737

Author:  Lillith [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lillith A Woman Of Many Desires


Author:  bleu332 [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lillith A Woman Of Many Desires

Madison is right.. Does sound a bit like the other profile...

Also.. The punishment can't be severe physically beyond sexually assaulting a female.. The general rule is: If it bends, it is funny. If it breaks, it isn't. Basically, you can't physically cause any permanent scars, or markings.

Also, taking a student to your 'realm/lair' for extended stays is generally frowned upon and has a tendency to get you into trouble with the moderators and admins such as myself and Madison.

Correct me if I am wrong on this one, Madison.

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