Shokushu High School

Siolazar, Shadowborn (Tweaked a Bit)
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Author:  planeswalker [ Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Siolazar, Shadowborn (Tweaked a Bit)

Name: Siolazar
Race: Unclassified
Type: Shadow
Place of Birth: Unknown
Gender: None
Age: 230
Height: Varies
Weight: None
Tentacles: None of its own, but creates via manipulation of shadow

Number of Tentacles: As many as it wishes to create

Fighting Style: As a being of pure shadow, it manipulates the shadows around it to its advantage. Also known to use moving objects as a distraction, and then a surprise attack.

Motivation: Humans are unique creatures that have interesting reactions. Testing these reactions and getting response is its purpose.

Psychological Profile: Curious and scientific, but lacking in emotion, Siolazar could be seen as fairly harmless, or extremely dangerous, depending on how it wishes to execute an experiment.

Personality: Siolazar is a driven creature, wanting to fufill his curiousity with the human beings.

Distinguishing features: None, it's a shadow.

Behavior: A sutble predator, Siolazar likes to watch the victims for a while before moving in and experimenting, generally poking and prodding at the girls first.

Capabilities: It is able to manipulate the shadows of other beings, and can move the being by manipulating their shadow. For instance, victim is sitting in the classroom, bored. The flourescent lighting provides perfect shadows for Siolazar to hide in, and it grabs the shadow of the girl's arm, and uses it to move her arm to begin playing with herself. Also has the ability to control any shadow, and solidify it in order to manipulate things that have somehow hid their shadow, or so that it may introduce it's subjects to more personal attention.

Weaknesses: Unable to operate in complete light or complete darkness.

Likes: Shadowy areas

Dislikes: Complete darkness, complete light

History: Siolazar is a member of an unclassified species that are beings of pure shadow. It was born about 230 years ago, a teenager in the race, some of which living in excess of 1000 years. It originally had a job as a spy for the monsters against the ADD, but then decided to come to Shokushu so that he could study the humans, and test various theories on them so that it can further it's knowledge of the species. After several experiments on Shokushu, it has discovered several unique girls, some of which possess strange appearances or abilities, and it wishes to further study these individuals, and others to test for similar traits.

Author:  Arith [ Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the brotherhood of genderless lifeforms... which I should see how many there are for my records... anyway; there are quite a few nuble young women that would make perfect test subjects for you; I'm sure you'll find them as unique a species as I do

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