Shokushu High School

Agent Present
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Author:  Present [ Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Agent Present

Name: Shiina Fuko
Codename: Present
Age: 20
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Former Shokushu Student? No
Nationality: Japanese
Hair: Long blonde hair
Eye Color: Brown
Ethnicity: Japanese
Skin Tone: Light
Pubic Hair: Shaved
Distinguishing features: A smile where others will classify as a wicked smile.
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 103lb
Bust: 28AA
Waist: 24
Hips: 33

Background: Shiina once live peacefully in Japan, but an unknown virus cause her to fell ill for a couple of months. None of the medicine nor treatment were able to cure her disease. After a couple of weeks, the unknown disease suddenly faded and Shiina was healthy as ever. Everyone thought it was a miracle, but it actually take form in Shiina's gene and thus grant her some abilities such as turning her into a more athlete styled person even though she never take part in any sports before. Most odd of all is that she's able of materialized any form of weapon out of thin air with one type of weapon once.

Shiina was secretly exiled by the UN special administration department onto a Fringe World of Shiloh in a settlement called, Centerville. Without any choices, she had to start her new life at the settlement which is build up for people with strange abilities. She learned that they were exiled in order to keep peace in Earth as not to made an uproar about these cases.

Since it's a small settlement in the Fringe World, the army of the colony was as well weak in the settlement. At an unknowing time, a meteor drop down near the settlement. When the army of the colony went to investigate on the strange meteor that landed in the plains, none of them were ever heard after the investigation had started. With the civilians knew nothing about it, aliens started to charge in the settlement in search for food supply, thus causing chaos inside the settlement. Many were killed in the outburst of alien's assault. As Shiina were escaping from the settlement, she was pinned down by hordes of alien troops. While she think this is the end for her, ADD agents arrived and battled the aliens. With the alien troops retreating to their hive, Shiina was saved by the ADD agents. They gave her an opportunity to join them as an agent in ADD, she accepts it as she believe her abilities will be put into good use. She take up her codename Present and works on her goal to stop the death of innocent civilians.

Personality: She's quiet most of the time though she might be arrogant for sometimes when she's better than anyone in what she's trying to do while taunting anyone who tries to surpass her.

Virgin? Yes

Piercing or Tattoos: None

Language: English, Japanese

Likes: Cook

Magic?: None magic was found in her, only her abilities to materialize weapon out of thin air. (Only one weapon through materialization)

Fighting Style: Comes in random due to the random materialize of her abilities which give her different weapon each use.

Weakness: Her biggest weakness is she always underestimate anyone she's facing with, even though she's trying hard to change herself. She's also fond of cute things as it'll draw away her attention in combat. She'll also easily pissed-off if someone did make fun of her tiny breast. Other than these, she easily gets stimulated if something touches her anus which will cause her to stun if she's being sexually harassed.

Psychological Profile: Somewhat a wick girl by her looks, yet nice to someone at the right time. She's willing to endure to the last in combat no matter what the outcome is.

Ship/Vehicle: None.

File comment: Present at the end of her recent combat.
Present.(Lost.Xmas).full.1043125.jpg [ 306.86 KiB | Viewed 8203 times ]
File comment: Present's custom ADD outfit, she rarely change it, since she like its design the most.
Present.(Lost.Xmas).full.1003320.jpg [ 78.2 KiB | Viewed 8203 times ]

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agent Present


Author:  Minerva Rocha [ Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Agent Present

Welcome to ADD! I hope you enjoy your time here!!

Author:  Present [ Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Agent Present

Thanks everyone :D

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