Shokushu High School

Special Agent: Bacchanalia
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Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  Special Agent: Bacchanalia

Name: Rebecca Renfroe
Aliases: Bacchanalia
Rank: Specialized
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Place of Birth: Rome, Georgia. United States of America
Nationality: none
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue
Ethnicity: Nordic (speculative)
Skin Tone: Fair
Distinguishing features: None
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Bust: 34
Waist: 25
Hips: 35

Background: Rebecca Renfroe first came to our attention in the late 1980's through our surveillance of her father, Reginald Renfroe, who was at the time an aspiring local politician and a pundit of the religious right. He found his ticket into national politics by aligning himself with the political puppets planted by Shokushu's administration. His daughter was the first of many sacrifices made for his own power. Miss Renfroe was enrolled in 1993 at the age of 18, and spent seven years at the school. The exact specifications of her extended stay are difficult to unearth, and Miss Renfroe refuses to say anything, but we can speculate based on reports that have been requisitioned from a liberated transport that she spent a substantial portion of her imprisonment in the N.I.C.E. Labs Facility. I will leave further speculation on these experiments to the doctors that examined her.

Miss Renfroe was dismissed from the school in 2000, wherein the transport she was located in was liberated by ADD command. While Miss Renfroe was integral in the liberation of the transport, she shortly thereafter fell into a disassociative state, and spent six months under persistent psychological care.

At the grudging discretion of command, she was offered a position within the Directorate, and quickly earned her right as an agent in the Special Ops Division of the ADD. She has spent the past five years working independently in the wet works mission known as Operation Falcon. However, with the operation deemed unfeasible for the immediate future and all operations shut down, she is being sent back to central command to take a more direct position within the Directorate.

Psychological Profile: In any other wartime situation, I would immediately consider Agent Renfroe for a dismissal. She exhibits ten of the sixteen possible indicators for a psychopathic disorder. Violent and regularly irrational, she has trouble focusing or sympathizing with any stimulus that's not directly visceral: primarily violence or sex. Like many of the girls who arrive within the ADD, she has an obsession with the neutralization of monsters. However, her passion is driven neither by altruism or vengeance, but rather out of the sheer thrill of destruction. We hypothesize that the trauma induced from her time at Shokushu allowed the emergence of a second persona, one which consumed her old self. The vegetative state induced by her liberation, along with the negative and sometimes violence response in being referred to by her birth name seem indicative of this hypothesis. Channeling the trauma into pure, frenetic energy is how she copes, and we doubt that there's any chance of reparation this far in.

As said, in any other situation, I would suggest immediate life-long institutionalization. However, given the state of our war and her effectiveness as a soldier, I am recommending her to remain in active duty. As long as she is given monsters to channel her rage into, she will continue to be an effective tool.

Physical Results: Our physical of Miss Renfroe brought a number of physical anomalies. The recovery of data from N.I.C.E. Labs research alludes to her internment within the facility for at least two years, and we can postulate that this accounts for said anomalies.

The oddest of these anomalies is the apparent alteration of her body composition. While photo reference shows the Rebecca Renfroe as having a darkly toned complexion with dark hair and eyes, the girl who was submitted to us was obviously Nordic in origin. We thought it a clerical error at first, but extensive DNA tests prove she's the same girl. Despite issues of coloring, her actual physique matched the photo referencing. Further, although she should be aged in her early thirties, she appears to be in her mid-twenties, at the latest. Further studies showed signs of severely decelerated aging, which suggests her appearance could remain mostly the same for an indefinite period. We believe both of these alterations to her body were part of experimental procedures instituted by the Shokushu staff - an effort to boost the price of slave sales by creating slaves who can be tailored to personal taste and sustain a longer shelf life.

Otherwise, Ms. Renfroe seems to be in excellent condition. While below average in physical strength to most recruits leaving boot camp, she shows an extraordinary level of dexterity and reflexes. Further, she charts a prodigious cunning and intelligence. Combined with her frightening bloodlust and the indefinite youthfulness of her body, we calculate she can operate within the long-term as not just a soldier, but a weapon of the ADD.

Notable Family:
Father - Reginald Renfroe. currently a Georgia Senator
Mother - Jing-Li Renfroe. negligible
Sister - Elise Renfroe. currently enrolled at Shokushu. She has shown a
strong aptitude for magic.

Piercing or Tattoos: There's a tattoo in the style of WWII ace fighter art on her left inner thigh. The stylized face of a demonic looking cat is underscored by the words "Death By Pussy".
Language: English, Russian
Magical Aptitude: Negligible
Weapons of choice: She keeps a pair of Glock 18C's strapped to her legs at all times. They have been specially fitted with suppressors, laser sighting, and reconfigured to fire irradiated pulse rounds, as per ADD regulations. She also keeps a large hunting knife strapped to her back and at least two smaller knives on her body.
Equipment: extra rounds, rations, knives, make-up kit, explosives
Fighting style: Muay Thai mixed with techniques of traditional bare knuckles boxing

Author:  The Count Alucard [ Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome. Hopefully we can have some fun together...

Author:  Keemari [ Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmm, that would be an intreasting person to fight. I would be intreasted in an RP with you, hopefully I won't end up with anything missing.

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Keemari wrote:
Hmm, that would be an intreasting person to fight. I would be intreasted in an RP with you, hopefully I won't end up with anything missing.

;) Sure. Show me what you got.

Author:  Terasmus [ Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:02 am ]
Post subject: 


Up for alittle action and less talk? I could always employ my ADD disaster team to come play with you. Only if you want to do so. I'm sure it'll be quite fun.

Anyway... nice profile and all. It'd be interesting to play with your agent, for sure.

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Agent: Bacchanalia

Maybe I should dust her off...

Author:  Dendrite [ Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Agent: Bacchanalia

*brushes a feather duster over her*

Author:  Kariktul [ Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Agent: Bacchanalia

no reason not to might be fun to read

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Agent: Bacchanalia

So, I don't particularly intend to resurrect this character, as I've already got a lot on my plate....

But she was a fun idea!

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