Shokushu High School

Zilver Rozencraft Achemy Master
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Author:  Zilver [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Zilver Rozencraft Achemy Master

-First Name: Zilver
-Last Name: Rozencraft
-Gender: Female
-Age: 22
-Height: 5'8
-Weight: 115 pounds
-Place of Birth: Hokadio
-Skin Tone: pale
-Hair Color: White
-Eye Color: brown
-Nationality: Japanese
-Bust: A
-Sexuality: Bi curious
-Virgin: No..
-Likes:Rain. books, Green teas, Alchemy, Raven(she does not really remember though)
-Dislikes: Chocolate, Pizza. conflict
-Distinguishing Features: White Hair

-Background: Nobody is quite sure where Zilver came from. From her reaction to monsters it is assumed she was once a student at the school. Her name an abilities are similar to those of a missing student by the name of Zilva Silvermoon but DNA tests have proven they are not the same, or if they ever were they are not anymore. If she is ever question about her past she will say she does not know and perhaps that is true...nobody really knows and as long as she knows her place nobody will care. A quiet calm and a little cold, Zilver is not someone you want to cross even if you are a monster. She seems to be searching for somethign but what that is by now evens he has forgotten.

-Secret Background: A book within the library though over looked by many had great power within. Zilva Silvermoon found that book and read it learning. After she finished it the book vanished in a flash of light. When she was taken away to be a slave she escaped by sheer luck. It was then the book changed her as it had combined with her and without the limiters it was released. It gave Zilva great power but took her memories and gave her a new identity , what she ahd truly wanted, a new start.

-Powers: Alchemy: The art of combining materials to create new things and in doing this Zilver is nothing short of a master. She can create things on the spot though she mostly carries her materials with her. The book has granted her mastery over it to the point where only a touch is needed though is uses much of her energy.

Sound Mind: Zilver is resistant to mind reading and mental attacks. She cannot be mind controlled though she can be nudged and sometimes that's enough.

Martial arts: Zilver is not a master but she can still hold her own in hand to hand.

-Items: Alchemy Gun: A gun that loads shells that have alchemical comments within. When fired it launches the shell and unleashes whatever was within.

Bombs: Thrown vials of materials that she puts her power into. Cause a multiude of effects.

Staff: Zilver carries several silver tubes that can be formed into four foot long Alchemy wands used for melee combat. The wand is near unbrakable

Strengths: Zilver is very smart and rather tough both physically and mentally. She is also fast though not much more than slightly above average.

Weakness: Zilver is not very physically strong and if she is ever caught she stands not chance.

-Languages: Can speak English and some alien though she can understand all


Author:  PiaM. [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zilver Rozencraft Achemy Master

A cool adaption of old character :)

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