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 Testing the Waters (Leriana) 
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Post Testing the Waters (Leriana)
It was still early in the afternoon when Katya returned from the administration building, a manilla folder in one hand and a faint smirk gracing her soft, full lips. She swept into her suites, brightly lit by the sunshine filtering in through the large windows, and made her way over to a pair of comfortable looking chairs situated before the double doors that led out onto her small private balcony. Sinking gracefully into one she flipped open the cream colored folder and scanned the documents inside, her sly smile growing as the reports confirmed everything she had been told.

Her prefects, though a hard working, capable group, were all remnants of her predecessor's reign. With the transition to her new position and the hectic rush to pull together the prom, Katya had little free time to scour the student body for suitable candidates. Luckily, if there was one thing the auburn-haired Russian was good at it was getting others to do her work for her. A few complimentary words and a bat of the eyelashes were all it had taken to gain an ally among the secretarial staff, someone to keep an eye on the constant flow of activity and bring things of interest to her attention. One such interesting report sat in the folder she held.


“Hello miss Vallori.” said the slender blond standing outside Leriana's dorm room, a smile on her face that didn't quite seem to reach her eyes. The pale blue sash she wore indicated her rank as prefect, and she paused for a moment to let that information register. “If you are free, Katya would like to speak with you.”

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Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:24 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Leriana smiled sweetly as she opened the door. Her eyes took in the other student's appearance, and most crucially the pale blue sash she wore. A Prefect?! Katya wants to see me!? Leriana almost shivered with excitement, and anticipation. She tried to work out why a head girl wanted to see her, but every idea was dismissed. Leriana knew that she had not broken any rules, she had come close on occasion when her uniform had been dirty, or bits missing. But she had always found a spare somewhere. She had heard that head girls would often call students up to discipline them, but since Leriana had never broken any rules, or disobeyed a teacher, that couldn't be the reason.

Of course I'm free! Leriana remarked, and as she stepped out of the dorm room she locked it behind her. She knew without checking that her uniform was as immaculate as always, Leriana had never had a problem keeping her uniforms clean. With her dorm room locked behind her she quickly set out towards Katya's dorm room. Her entire body seemed to be bursting with excitement, a chance to actually talk to a head girl was amazing, let alone being called to one's room!


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Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:40 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
The blonde Prefect blinked in surprise as Leriana rushed past her, baffled for a moment. She watched the swish of the girl's skirt as she made her way down the hall at a brisk pace, arching one of her pale golden eyebrows. That is definitely not the usual res ponce to being summoned to Katya's rooms, she thought as she quickly followed the enthusiast student. This was usually her favorite part of the job; students made such amusing faces when they found a prefect standing before them, and it only got better when a Head Girl was mentioned. First came the confusion - no one ever really thought the student enforcers were watching them or they wouldn't be so careless with their misbehavior - and then the panic as every rule infraction they had ever committed, petty or severe, flew unbidden to the forefront of their minds. She didn't know what Katya wanted with this one, but it would be amusing if nothing else...

The blonde finally caught up with Leriana half a hallway and several flights of stairs later. Katya's suite was on the very top floor of the dormitory, just like the other Head Girls', and the prefect swept past the perky brunette with cautioning stare. "Miss Katya?" She said, pressing a button on an intercom panel next to the plain white door. "I've brought the Vallori girl."

No answer came from the small speaker inset into the panel, but a moment later the door opened the reveal the instantly recognizable figure of the auburn haired Head Girl. She smiled warmly at the prefect and dismissed her with a small nod. "Thank you Mina."

Katya motioned Leriana inside, showing none of the surprise her prefect had at the girl's attitude. "Come in, come in, have a seat." she said, stepping back so her guest could enter.

The room was spacious and surprisingly...friendly, given Katya's somewhat distant, icy reputation. The walls were painted a cool, blue green color and numerous plants sat upon shelves and tables, all apparently well cared for. After closing the door behind Leriana with a loud click that would have sounded rather ominous to anyone else, the head girl swept over to a large, plush white chair and sat down gracefully, gesturing for Leriana to take a seat on the matching couch across from her.

"Do you know why I've asked you here this afternoon Leriana?"

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Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Leriana was overjoyed as she walked through the corridors and up flights of stairs, so much so that she didn't notice the prefect trying to catch up to her until she had only just managed to catch up. Leriana cringed for a moment at the thought that she might have annoyed a prefect, but that uncertainty quickly faded under her joy at a chance to talk to a head girl, at being called to the top of the dorm that was taken up by the head girl's dorm.

When they finally reached the tower door Leriana felt her anticipation rising. She had, obviously, heard the stories about the various head girls. But she knew just how twisted from the truth such stories could be, after all she had suffered from others making up stories about her. This would be her first chance to actually talk to one of them.

The moment the door opened Leriana dipped her head in a very semi-formal bow, glancing to the side as she did so. When Katya invited her inside she stepped in instantly, almost before Katya had finished speaking. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the various features that made it up. When the door closed behind her she simply ignored the click that was probably a lock. She was here because Katya had asked her to be here, and would remain until Katya said otherwise. The lock's exsistance did not change that simple fact one little bit.

Leriana watched in awe as Katya swept over to a chair and sat down in it, and when she gestured Leriana to the couch oppisite she gulped, nervous. It felt disrespectful to be seated on a couch in such a informal setting, but since she had been asked to...

Leriana sat down on the couch, her posture as straight and formal as she could manage. At the first question she shook her head. I'm sorry Ms. Ivanova but I don't know why. Leriana's voice was apologetic, your question suddenly making her wish she knew, making her think you expected her to know. And Leriana hates not being able to answer a teachers, or a head girls, question.


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Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:20 pm
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Katya's smile broadened as she observed Leriana with a keen eye. Slight shifts in posture and almost imperceptible changes in facial expressions told Katya more than overt actions ever could about just what was going through the younger girl's mind and all of her inferences were being confirmed. Drawing conclusions about a total stranger from a few pages in a file were one thing, seeing them before you in the flesh was another. It was deeply gratifying to see something going just as planned for once - when most of your deals are made with ravenous aliens who want nothing more than to strip you bare and fuck you into a stupor you can't often count on your partners to hold up their ends of the bargains.

Leriana, on the other hand, looked as if she was going to work out very nicely.

“There are two things, really. The first, I'm afraid, is about this...messy little incident with your history professor.”

Leaning forward, Katya laced her fingers together and rested her elbows on her knees. She affected an air of concern with perhaps just a bit of weariness, as if this was a subject she had been over countless times over the past few days. In truth she had spoken to no one about it. She hadn't even been aware of the situation until her contact had brought it to her attention and by then the situation had been taken care of. Though officially prohibited, staff knew that liaisons with students were accepted and overlooked. Had the professor not gotten greedy and removed Leriana from the approved victims list, chances were good that no one would have batted an eyelash at any wicked, depraved things he subjected her too, so long as she was still fit to be sent to Vanejin after graduation. Now, however, he had been caught and “dismissed.” Katya wasn't sure what that involved, but given the sensitive nature of the school she was confident that the professor would never set foot on Earth again.

“I'm not sure how much you've been told, so I'll just be blunt. Teacher-student relationships are a serious violation of the university's ethics code, and the professor's contract has been terminated. Now, you're an adult and as such your part in the incident has to be addressed as well. Under normal circumstances you'd be put on academic probation, possibly even expelled, but-” she paused, just for a heartbeat, “I've asked the disciplinary committee to make an exception just this once.

“I've been watching you for a while now. This man clearly took advantage of your trust in authority figures to further his own goals. You're a principled, disciplined girl, which brings me to my second motivation for asking you here today. I think you would be an excellent candidate for Prefect.”

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Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:23 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Leriana watched Katya silently, she had wondered just why her history professor had vanished, and when Katya explained that what she had done had broken a school rule she paled, her eyes widening in fear. In the heartbeat of time where Katya paused she felt her own heart leap up her throat, she was terrified at what she would say next. She had known about the rule in question, but her history teacher had dismissed it. He had claimed that that rule was a formality, and ignored. She had believed him, after all a teacher wouldn't lie or deceive her, they couldn't!

When a possible exception was mentioned she looked at Katya eagerly, leaning forward in her eagerness to hear more about an exception. Her entire body still tense from her earlier terror at the possibility of her being punished for breaking a fundamental rule of the university. She hung on every word Katya said, straightening up in pride when Katya praised her.

But when Katya stated that she would be a good candidate for a prefect she couldn't do anything but blink in confusion as the words settled in. Her eyes widened with shock, the conversation suddenly shifting from her worst nightmare to something she had dreamed about.

This couldn't be happening, this couldn't be real! A dream of some kind! But if it is a dream why did she start with my breaking the rules, it must be real. Which means ... Leriana shivered briefly in excitement at the prospect, her tense body relaxing in relief. Thank you Ms. Ivanova. I'm ... elated that you think so.

Leriana just couldn't stop her body shivering in excitement, or her eyes from looking at Katya with devotion in their core. Not only had Katya saved Leriana from one of her worst nightmares, now she had offered her a chance to live in one of her dreams.

I promise I will do anything I can to prove that you are correct Ms. Ivanova. Anything you need me to do I will do and anything I need to learn I will learn. Leriana's voice was eager, underlined by her hope that this was real, that she could see something she had dreamed about within her grasp. Leriana would do almost anything to get that position, that chance to prove herself to Katya, and the teaching staff she represented.


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Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:46 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
A little electric thrill spread through Katya's body as she watched each little emotional tell the girl displayed as she shifted from fear, perhaps even terror, to elation. Subtly manipulating people gave the duplicitous Head Girl almost as much of a rush as more carnal domination did. The devotion in the younger girl's eyes was like a little white mouse before a cat for Katya. Leriana's strings might not be particularly difficult for someone in the Head Girl's position to pull, but it was still quite fun. Still, it was best not to rush things.

“Excellent,” she said, giving the girl a warm (and for once, completely genuine) smile, “I was hoping you'd be excited.”

Standing with that same almost unnatural grace she crossed over to her desk and quickly located a folder from amongst the numerous, but neatly organized documents. She returned, handing the folder over to the eager brunette.

“You're guidebook is in here. It outlines all of your duties and explains how to issues demerits and who to report more serious violations to. There's a couple forms you'll need to sign, but you can do that later. Now I'm sure you know all the basics of what prefects do - patrol the halls, hand out demerits where necessary, just generally keep the peace. I'm not worried about any of that.”
The smile Katya flashed was familiar, reassuring before she continued, “The most important issue is that, as my prefect, everything you do is ultimately my responsibility. When you look good, I look good, but if you mess up then I'm the one who ends up paying for it. Heh, trust me, Headmaster Stormbringer is an amazing man but I have no desire to see him angry.”

Katya sat down on the arm of her chair, flipping a few loose locks of red hair back over her shoulder. “Now I appreciate your dedication to following orders - that's one of the things about you that caught my eye, but I need some sort of...assurance that another unpleasant situation isn't going to crop up.”

Leaning forward conspiratorially, Katya gave Leri a playful smirk. Her tone was soft, teasing as she said “You're mine now, got it?”

Joke or not, it would be true quite soon.

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Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:04 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Nodding eagerly when Katya stated the she hoped Leriana would be excited by the proposition Leriana watched with devotion in her eyes as Katya got up, every movement so elegant and perfect, and walked over to a desk. She watched eagerly as Katya quickly and efficiently searched through the many documents and returned to her seat with a folder that was handed to Leriana. Leriana scanned through it, very briefly of course since she didn't want to show disrespect to Katya by not paying attention to her when she was speaking. But Leriana was having trouble staying focused, her mind still trying to recover from the sudden plunge down into sheer terror that threatened to overwhelm her and the sudden rise to the possibility that she would be a prefect. Katya's reassuring smile went a long way in helping her calm down, and she watched Katya closely, hanging on every word.

When Katya stated that she would be the one who paid for any mistakes Leriana made Leriana felt her heart in her throat again. That was far worse than Leriana being punished for her mistakes. Instead the person who had saved Leriana from her worst nightmare would suffer if Leriana made a mistake. In that moment Leriana's eye's hardened, she could not let Katya down, no matter what. If she did good than it reflected well on both her and Katya, and Leriana couldn't think of a better way to repay the Russian for what she had done. Katya's final words might be spoken jokingly, but Leriana took them to heart and intended to follow them.

At least until her memory resurfaced and she paled. Her mind raced with her sudden realisation and she had no idea how she could handle this. But Katya had been nice ... maybe she could offer some advice. I understand Ms. Ivanova. But ... Leriana's voice faded for a moment as she took a deep breath. She was fighting a battle inside her, devotion and loyalty to teachers against her devotion and loyalty to Katya. But the fact her history professor had lost his job tipped the scales in Katya's favour. There are other teachers who offered similar ... special tutoring. And I don't know how they would react if I suddenly told them I am no longer interested. They might report that since becoming a prefect I had taken a turn for the worse ... and then you would suffer. But if I continue going along then you might suffer as well. Leriana seemed to be breaking down at the words. She was quite capable of handling most things, but the conflicting orders from authority figures she holds loyalty to is enough to shatter any semblance of control.


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Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:04 pm
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Pale blue eyes watched Leriana's every move with with carefully concealed fascination. She was so open, so trusting...despite her numerous carnal entanglements there was something innocent about her. It was easy to see why so many of her professor's had succumbed to the temptations she offered. Her body was gorgeous, but there were countless gorgeous young women on campus. No, Leriana's draw was her very nature. Katya had studied every file available to her about Vanejin and the intergalactic slave trade that so many of Shokushu's students were doomed to and she knew how eager many of the trade's clients were for girls just like her. Usually they took months, maybe even years of training to reach the sort of eager obedience that Leriana offered. Katya made a mental note to look a bit deeper into the girl's background.

She nodded somberly as the newly minted Prefect explained her predicament, her expression thoughtful. "That is a tricky situation, and unfortunately I cannot give you a simple answer. Much responsibility comes along with your new role, so this isn't something we take lightly. For the next month you will be on something of a trial basis, just to be sure you can handle your new duties. Consider this your first test."

Katya smiled, breaking the tension. "But I trust your judgment, and I'm sure you will come up with a solution that...satisfies everyone."

Of course with Leriana re-added to ranks of students at the mercy of the school's more exotic guests, no amount of illicit activity with teachers was likely to get her or Katya into trouble, but it would be interesting to see how she handled the situation.

The auburn-haired girl settled back into her chair and eyed Leriana with a rakish grin. "You seem quite enthusiastic to...accommodate your professors. Is this merely for their benefit, or do you enjoy being 'tutored'?"

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Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:40 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Leriana paled a bit when Katya did not offer a solution, but the moment she called it her first test her resolution hardened. She would not ... could not ... fail to meet Katya's expectations. A test was something she understood, it was something she had to pass. She could handle this, she could manage it. She would find a way to ensure the teachers did not complain about Leriana's sudden change, that they would not decide that Katya was the reason Leriana would no longer play along with their desires. She would have to find a way to either make them direct their attention to her and her alone or ... an idea. Leriana had a few ... friends ... amongst the student body. Both in her year and even a few the year below. Some she had helped with school work, those would probably not be very useful for this situation. But others ... seemed to yearn for what Leriana could do with her hands, and tongue. One of them, Alisha, even claimed to love Leriana. It would be hard to manipulate some of them into positions where they became the focuses of the teachers attention, but that seemed to be the best solution Leriana could come up with.

All of that flashed through her mind just before Katya smiled, and with a course of action now settled in her mind Leriana smiled confidently back. I won't betray your trust Ms. Ivanova ... and I think I have such a solution. It will take a week or two to set up, but when it starts it should keep everyone ... content. Leriana hadn't missed the duel meaning of the word 'satisfies', and so had picked her own duel meaning word in response. All traces of her earlier uncertainty were gone, she had her set goal, the score she had to get to remain on Katya's good side. Leriana would not consider if she had leeway, she had never needed it before and wasn't about to stop now.

Leriana regarded Katya curiously as she asked if Leriana acted the way she did for her teachers enjoyment or for her own. With a teacher I seek to learn how I can best make them happy. Once I learn that I simply put that knowledge into practice. That applies to school work as well as ... special ... private sessions with them... Leriana trailed off, she could have ended it there. After all she had answered the question. But she felt that she needed to add more, to explain everything. In terms of enjoyment I get more from putting what I learn from my teachers, both here and from High school, into practice. I've noticed that a number of student's here are very ... interested ... in sex. Prove you are skilled enough and you can wrap them around your finger. The only thing more pleasing than that is knowing that a teacher is happy with me.


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Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:26 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
"Excellent!" the Russian girl said brightly, clapping her hands together. "I am sure you will not disappoint." She could practically see the gears turning in Leriana's mind, and seemed quite pleased with the way she had mirrored her own play on words.

The Head Girl listened intently as Leriana answered her second question, smiling all the while and even chuckling softly when she finished. " an excellent observation, and I am sure you will have many opportunities to put your skills to work. Regular detentions and the like are not always enough to curb the bad habits of certain stubborn students. Just use your best judgment when handing out more...personal punishments. We do not want to encourage those unseemly rumors about Head Girls and Prefects that occasionally crop up."

Katya stood again, a subtle hand gesture indicating that Leriana should too.

"Well, I think that is probably enough for you to deal with for the day." the red haired girl said, smiling warmly. She lead the brunette back to the door as she continued, "You may start your new duties tomorrow - I've already had a sash sent down to your room. If all goes well you will be moving into your new quarters at the end of the month. Until then, I'd like you to report to me each week. Be here next Friday, same time. I'll debrief you and review your performance.

Good luck, Miss Vallori."

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Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:36 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
Leriana smiled at Katya as the head girl chuckled and commented on her words. When Katya rose Leriana was already rising, almost as quickly as Katya had risen up. It just didn't feel right to remain seated when Katya was standing, and when Leriana did see that subtle hand gesture she knew her guess had been right.

If any such rumours exist Ms. Ivanova I promise they will not originate or be based on my actions. Leriana's voice was confident, she felt quite sure of her ability to ensure that anyone she gave a 'special' detention to did not speak a word about it to anyone else. Well they woudln't want to discuss details at the least. Just saying that it was bad should be fine, after all that would, hopefully, make more student's follow the rules.

Leriana followed Katya to the door, her mood dropping only slightly that she was being dismissed. She hid it well, it was a tell that none of her teachers ever picked up on, but to someone who was skilled at reading another it would be there, hard to see, but there. Despite her genuine honesty and innocence Leriana did have some secrets she hid, little things that she adored, things that she hated. No matter how warmly it was done a dismissal was still something that could be boiled down into 'You are no longer interesting to me. Leave.' No matter what she told herself she had always hated it, although over the years that hatred had both died down, and she had learnt how to hide it.

However she still walked out of the room, pausing briefly to give a half bow to Katya. I won't betray your trust in me Ms. Ivanova, I promise. With that Leriana turned and walked away, folder in hand. When the door closed behind her Leriana started walking towards her dorm, only to discover that she was already wishing it was next friday. She smiled to herself at that for a moment before her smile faded. She would have a lot to organise, a lot to learn. Everything had to be done perfectly, for giving her this chance Katya deserved no less than Leriana's all. When she reached her dorm Leriana settled down on her bed and started to read through the folder. It was a lot of information to take in, but learning information from a book was something a lifetime of doing her best at school had taught.


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Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:59 pm
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
The week went by quickly, at least for Katya. Between her duties as Head Girl, her scholastic pursuits, and her Master's apatites she had practically no time to herself. She had servants with their ears to the ground who kept her abreast of Leriana's process, but it wasn't until just before their scheduled meeting the next Friday evening that she found the time to thoroughly review the new Prefect's progress. She smiled to herself as she scanned over the daily reports Leriana had filed and read through the demerits she had handed out. All deserving infractions and fair punishments, nothing surprising. Finally though, she flipped open her laptop and retrieved the video the surveillance and security team and forwarded to her.

A sly, crooked smile spread across her lips as she watched her Prefect quickly and efficiently strip the red headed delinquent of her clothing and get to work. The video was sharp and focused, far higher quality than the fair usually recorded by security cameras, and the occasional cut to a new, more interesting angle revealed the presence of multiple cameras. Security was getting quite good at editing these together. Katya made a mental note to ask the Headmasters about the possibility of selling some of the more interesting ones on Vanejin.

When the knock on her door came, Katya closed the computer and called, "Come in Miss Vallori!"

The Head Girl smiled to herself as she glanced up at a clock - precisely on time, just as expected. Turning the smile on Leriana she gestured to a free chair. "Please, make yourself comfortable. How are you doing with your new duties, Leriana? Any troubles, concerns?"

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Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:39 am
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Post Re: Testing the Waters (Leriana)
For Leriana the week was a blur of learning. For the first time in her life classes took a back-seat, although her marks did not drop at all. However Leriana had found herself devoting every free second to her new duties as a prefect, or actions supporting those duties. Patrolling the corridors even when she wasn't scheduled to do so, slowly building up her own small web of 'eyes and ears' in the form of student's who owed her favours, or considered her a friend. As well as learning her way around 'her' room in the basement and how to use the various tools stored inside it. That had been something she had taken a particular liking to, and she had picked up just how to use the various tools quite quickly. The highlight of the week had been the red head delinquent by the name of Ryu. She had started out strong willed and determined to not let the detention get to her. She hadn't kept that attitude for long however, and just the memory caused a half smile to spread on Leriana's face.

However the smile faded into a neutral expression as Leriana knocked on Katya's door. She had mentally considered this as just another class, and as a result had found herself arriving exactly on time. She had almost been late, a student asking for help had delayed her and prevented her from arriving early. But it hadn't delayed her enough to prevent her arriving. As Katya called out for her to enter Leriana checked her uniform, the prefect sash wrapped from left shoulder to right hip, to ensure that it was immaculate as always. That check occurred in the moment it took her hand to turn the door handle and open the door, and was unnecessary. Her uniform was as perfect as always.

Leriana stepped into the room, smiling back at Katya when she saw the head girl's expression. The moment Katya gestured her to a free chair Leriana walked towards it, an idle push sending the door to close behind her. She didn't notice, or care, if it locked itself when it closed. Leriana settled down in the chair, although her posture remained formal, despite Katya telling her to make herself comfortable.

I am still learning, but I would hope that I am proving myself worthy of your trust. I promise I am devoting everything I can to it without causing my studies to suffer as a result. As for the teachers ... I told them that I am busy with my new duties, and that should buy me enough time to put my plan in action to ensure that they do not complain about me refusing their offers of ... private tutoring. Otherwise I have had no real problems Ms. Ivanova.


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I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:35 am
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