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 Sole (Myth To Reality) 
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Post Sole (Myth To Reality)

Name: Sole

Race: Demonic Entity

Type: Haakai (High Level Demon)

Place of Birth: Actually rose from a corpse. *Details in History*

Gender: Male

Nationality: No Nationality

Age: Four Thousand Years

Height: Twelve Feet, Four Inches. Most of it is his long neck length.

Weight: Unable to Determine precisely, but is most likely around half a ton or so.

Eye Color: Sole has no actual pupils present. His eyes always have a glowing yellow.

Skin Color: Scales are blue with black outlining.

Skin Texture: Very scaly and hard to the touch. However, has a softer stomach where the color changes to a paler white.

Hair? Absent

Body Build:

Sole has the body of a bipedal reptile; scales cover almost every inch of him that helps him withstand flames and heat rather well. His muscular tone causes most times when he flexes that the muscles tend to bulge in one area. This gives to reason why his wingspan exceeds very far out when fully stretched to carry his immense weight.

Perhaps the most distinguishing part of Sole's large form is the vertical sliver right over his stomach. But as with any captured prey, Sole reveals that it is actually a large mouth that opens to a pitch black hole inside of him. The only way to know what could possibly be the reason for the mouth is the tentacles that wriggle out; a possibly horrific way of being raped is by the tentacles pulling prey into the depths of his open mouth of teeth.

Tail? Yes

Tail Length: Sole's tail comes to around fifteen feet long. Although the same color as he rest of his body, it ends very strangely in a forked like appearance. But upon closer look, one could see there is yet another mouthpiece that can make many growls and snake like hisses, but appears to not have a means to talk.

Tentacles? Yes

Number of Tentacles: The swarm of tentacles writhing in Sole's mouth is unknown by number, but there seem to be more then twenty thick appendages and smaller, but with mouths, tentacles that can only hiss. They seem to be aggressive on their own.

Wings? Yes

Wingspan: Considering his large size, his wingspan stretches more then twenty feet across. They are very bat-like.

Wing Color: The outside of his wings are a very dark blue color and the inside is a very coal black color.

Cock Size: Approx. 2 ft.

# of Cocks: Aside from his own girth, tentacles can be used as functional cocks. All tendrils are connected to his sperm storage.

Fighting Style:

Sole is inclined to having many different styles given the circumstances. He can use stealth through his many disguises and catch his prey off guard for a more advantage type turn of events. He'll even resort to trickery to get what he wants more so then not he gets his way. But he just likes to make thing interesting. Even monsters like to have some sheer fun.


Despite Sole's consistency in appearance for being inclined for sexual interactions with human females, he is in no way of need of energy, liquids, or mental stability. What he does is simply for fun in his own opinion and the knowledge of how his prey ticks is always a bonus.

Aside from sexual gratification of having ravaged a human female, he likes to find ways of increasing his own abilities. Though he in way needs the energy of human females, he has found he can consume the flowing mana of human females and become stronger in such means. However, the effects wear off and long before when that happens the human females regain their mana back just as quickly as their strength. Experimenting with this new found gift may be used in many ways which can either be good or very bad for his prey.

Psychological Profile:

Sole is a very strategic, and patient, demonic soul that tends to plan ahead of making victims of specific women for reason, though an outsider's view would not see much connection between women. Of course in the demon's mind it makes perfect sense.

With three heads, one would think there would be some arguements or differences between them, but Sole has found his entire intellilect is formed in the middle head, which controls the other two in movement. But they have a conscious of their own and they can react when not being commanded to do otherwise.

As with every woman who recounts the interaction with Sole, he is extremely domineering and tends to play with his victims to give him mental gratification then give himself physical pleasure. That is not to say he is without want to satisfy his urges. He tends to lead more to humiliation for women who decide to cause him more then the average trouble. He is merciless in crushing resistances, but is not without some formality. Magically inclined women tend to get the formal approach at first.


It would seem malice could sum up Sole's personality since most who take in his attitude while they're being ravaged. But in actuality, he has, although few, far and wide, different attitude when the occurrence calls for a different approach. In speaking terms, he is very formal and seems to be very wise in the magical arts although he tends to use his own very little unless he feels it's needed or called upon. He has high respect for magical and arcane qualities. Pyrokinesis also seem to peek his interest. He becomes happy, although it shows little on the inside, when speaking of the arcane ways. He's very knowledgeable and has created much of the dark magic spells that tend to be used by the demonic races. He's very proud of his accomplishments in the dark arts and becomes very short tempered when his wisdom and knowledge are insulted. He has no dark side when he has no bright side to begin with. He always has a hidden agenda to everything and tends to think most humans have no idea what they're doing when they practice magic so he assumes from the beginning they know very little unless they show him differently. He accepts very few who may know more then the average amateur and may be inclined to help if certain 'demands' are met. But once a deal is struck it tends to become very one-sided very quickly, although he is a demon of high degree that he will never sway away from a deal. However, he may find ways of degradation to put things his way.

He has met very few alien creatures he fully admits to respecting, but he is never rude at first. It is only when the instigator presses him too much that his temper rages to the surface. The fact he is a higher demon and he is allowed to contract with souls of others, it isn't very encouraged to anger him where he could truly cause some form of torture for one's inner being. He refrains completely from using such dark tendencies on humans, having the mindset that it is unnecessary to damn a human to hell when they could very well do that by themselves and need no help in that area. That doesn't stop him from making simple threats to scare a human into bending to his whim, however.

He views Shokushu as a highly respected facility, even though the occupants who attend the school would tend to disagree. He appreciates the variety of students he can 'study' and 'observe'. It does give him a better means to watch and understand the human females and their behavior.

Sexual Oddities:

Being very dominant in nature, he will tend to do degrading acts to make a human female feel inferior and then build a 'loving' relationship from there. He likes to confuse his victims and make them second guess themselves. He doesn't want to destroy relationships that have been formed between other females and that specific one In fact, he may even be inclined to letting a lover join in on the wonderful experience of Sole's mercy.

Perhaps his most strangest and horrific sexual tendencies is to drag his victims inside the large mouth in his stomach and ravage them from inside this passage in complete darkness. The fear of darkness and not knowing what to expect excites him greatly and brings his demonic side out more often then not. He plots many ways of using this mouth full of tentacles to have his way with his human prey.

And although it isn't uncommon, he can inject or make his prey ingest various liquids from his tendrils that, in human females, tend to heighten pleasure and sensitivity to extreme levels. He used to use this particular way of means to stimulate demonic females in much lesser form of arousal. Whether or not it is because human females have higher sensitivity to such aphrodisiacs is unclear but it certainly shows a big difference between the two races in his viewpoint.

Human Disguise Form? No. Actually, instead of having a human disguise, Sole has other means of fooling human females.

Disguise(s): Sole does not have a human disguise at his disposal. But because of his immense size, he would be made aware of by many females who would alert others of his presence. So through many means of practicing the art of shrouding, he can slip into shadows to hide his immense size. During the day he became a shadow to slip in and out of more confined areas, but leaving is an entirely different story.

Though he can remain in shadows, daylight hinders this process and he is confined to places where there are shadows bigger than himself in order to remain successfully hidden and to even leave the shadows. If the shadows are not bigger then himself, he is confined to being just that-a shadow. He can clearly speak while in this state, but his limitations prevent him from doing much else. It's mostly a during night affair which he tries to heavily rely on instead of simple chance.

Special Attributes:

What have not already been stated are Sole's very unique traits he inherited from his incarnation. Though very attuned to the arcane magic’s, he is also adept in specific poisons that affect victims differently upon the chosen quality. Changing simple components and different mixtures in the gas chamber located beside his diaphragm, he has many different types whether it is used for sleep inducing, aphrodisiacs, dizziness, or even simple smoke for camouflaging effects.

Another trait is his ability to spawn smaller snake like versions of himself of the many tentacles in his stomach orifice that have a mouth-like attribute. These can be used in many ways such as scouting or right in action phases where they have many... many ways of getting the victim to enjoy their time with Sole. Though they listen specifically to him they can act of their own accord if given free range.

His third and last special attribute is his snake like inheritance of suggestion and control. Being a full fledged demon, not only can he peer into the mind of his prey or living target but he can implant suggestions to sway their judgment and make them much easier to apprehend instead of leading elaborate plans to make them come to a specific location (Although, he actually enjoys flaunting his intelligent strategies most of the time.)

Distinguishing features:

If a giant three headed dragon with a mouth opening and closing at his stomach level doesn't make a distinguishing feature of Sole then his glowing eyes and mouthing tail whipping behind can easily be ignored.


Sole behaves as if he were apart of nature's animals and do happens to think of himself as an apex predator. His personality speaks far and wide of his pride as a sorcerer and magical user, but there's an underlining understanding when humans are struggling with their own abilities. He may act as if he could offer something for something in return and unlike most monsters, he's not after just a good time.

He typically follows the rules of the higher demon world, which is quite honestly strict on a few things such as to never delve too much into emotions for a contractor and such. Any violation he finds himself or his partner in he will correct with heavy punishment, but he has noticed he seems to be the only one of the two to not find the penalties pleasant.

He offers many ways to learn of magic if he sees a particular student struggling rather horribly, but he can also share knowledge just as well. Knowing about what's going on in the supernatural can be useful in more ways then one.

But his behavior is to only further his own agenda, though he may seem to be the teacher with the loving cares of his students, it is never the case where he will openly offer his indulgences unless a contract is struck.


He is fully capable of surviving in any environment, whether it is in the waters of Shokushu or the skyline above. But most of the time he prefers to stay on land then anywhere else.


Despite his respective powers, he is still vulnerable to attack that can weaken.

One of his most prominent weaknesses is the mouth on his stomach he tends to use often with ravaging females. Although he seems unworried to have an aroused female writhing in the tentacled mass, many organs are either near to or connected to the elastic walls that separate his mouth from the rest of his body. Any forceful attack can rupture such tender tissue and can cause almost immediate inflammation. Though he can save himself from death, it weakens him considerably for a short time. Fleeing after sustaining such damage is a normal response to avoid more damage.

Holy items tend to be an annoyance. Holy water, crosses, rosary, and especially angelic figures tend to bring more annoyance and aggravation then weakness for the most part.

He tends to take his time with a student or two so it is easy for him to lose track of time and only notice daybreak a little too late. Being caught in the shadow realms can actually trap him if he isn't careful. He would only be able to talk, but in this state he cannot touch or manipulate a student with any powers, but he can also not be harmed at all in this state. It's a rather elaborate way for a student to escape .


Spicy Food
Watching other arcane powers
Hot places
Other fellow demons
Sexual Satisfaction


Angelic items
Angelic figures
Insults (Though he tends to ignore them most of the time.)
Disappointing his heritage
Breaking demonic rules


Legends spoke far and wide of Sole’s father until his untimely demise. The Japanese mythology states how his former self met the end of his life at the hands of a mere human. Many Japanese remember the tale known as ‘Yamata no Orochi’ but seldom know that upon his demise, another life had been born.

Susanoo struck Orochi with his mighty blade, cutting the main head in half and plunged his sword into the heart of the still writhing dragon. Once he could not move anymore, Susanoo left the monster to drown in his own blood. But the dreaded serpent was not done quite yet. Orochi, pooling his desire to kill the man who dared to wield the sword of the heavens, used the last of his strength to create an offspring out of his powerful blood. And so blood created into a form and from that form Sole was born.

But Sole was unable to learn exactly what he was capable of as his father passed on into the abyss. The deep hatred his father had for a specific human, Susanoo, could be felt from Sole and he understood that the only way to quench this utter hatred that was consuming him was to kill this warrior.

Sole ventured to Susanoo’s home to re-kindle the battle his father had lost and did so, knowing full well Susanoo was weak from battling Orochi. In a clash of the newly born entity and the man who had slain the dreaded serpent, Sole found his hatred for humans to grow so quickly that his rage consumed him. Though embodied with three heads, he found that his highest intelligence lied between them three. Being able to calculate Susanoo’s movements his jaws clamped tightly over the man with only his legs dangling out in a kicking furry. But alas, Susanoo, having been still recovering from the fight with Orochi was quickly swallowed by the blue dragon, succeeding his father’s revenge that had pierced his heart.

But after consuming the great warrior, Sole found that his hatred for humans was only his father’s feelings stretching across the depths of death and life. Avenging his father’s death was one thing, but hatred for all of human kind seemed… unnecessary. So unnecessary he perceived human kind to just be ignorant of what his father had tried to accomplish. And being freed from the great serpent’s desires, Sole was able to do as he pleased and so he did. Japan had forgotten the truth and turned such history into legend, allowing Sole to climb high in the demonic chain of power.

He spent much of his time gaining power and knowledge, slowly coming in tune with his magic. Though not truly a high level demon yet he was striving for the title so that he could begin to claim souls for himself. Hell offered many opportunities for the demonic entity and he soon found himself growing powerful with each accomplishment of devilry he was challenged with. But even causing bad occurrences and rising in the ranks; it never truly satisfied him until one night in particular…

The first time he actually faced a human female was a young maiden who had been slipped some drugs in her sake while talking with a man who had the least honorable intentions of any male Sole had encountered. He watched from afar as the man tried several times to lead the woman to any place secretive but failed when there seemed to be too many witnesses. Finally landing in an alley, he simply ripped her yukata apart.

But deciding to have his own curiosity take wing, Sole ventures towards them in silence and looms over the delirious girl and drunken man from a roof. And just before the man can find himself in her depths, Sole’s tail wraps around the man and hoists him up to be eaten without a second thought. The woman being so out of reality had no idea what was going on and curiously Sole inspects the woman. Being naked before him sent wild sensations through him and before he knew it, the mouth on his stomach opens for the first time and tentacles wrap around the limp woman. Through means of exploring and experimenting Sole found himself enjoying the woman and plunged himself into her.

Through several hours of intensity the woman finally succumbed to fatigue and Sole quietly left. Decades and centuries rolled by of catching women in such ways that he succeeded in becoming a first class demon. Collecting souls and making contracts became his passion and as he grew stronger over centuries, he wanted to have a place to settle and reap the benefits of being around lovely females. He had heard tales of Shokushu and the creatures already taking advantage of such a trove of human females. Deciding that perhaps that was his place of calling for the time, Sole took the time to find the exact location of this school and to his amazement to find out that it was on another planet entirely from Earth. But perhaps there were specific reasons, though Sole cared little of such details. Finding himself in this strange island is one thing, but he knows he’ll just have to make do with what he ahs before him. And judging by the number of college girls walking around, he thinks he’ll do just fine.


Sole is prone to making brain twisters to see how a female reacts. He’s very ‘coy’ that way.

Last edited by Sole on Thu May 06, 2010 2:47 pm, edited 8 times in total.

Mon May 03, 2010 9:05 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
My first attempt at a real deal monster. :oops: Clarice needs a beastial friend too ya know.

Mon May 03, 2010 10:43 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
wow ... I'm impressed. I take it he wouldn't like Seraph one bit?

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Mon May 03, 2010 11:32 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
uhm...I don't mean to say but I believe you should change the body. Monsters are generally ok, but there are some hidden rules also you should know. A dragon on campus isn't something we had in mind, and I don't think a dragon raping a student feels right at all. if that picture is truly what you are talking about when you want others to think of how your character looks like, then you should change it. So please do so.

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Tue May 04, 2010 5:48 am
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
Not to mention the sheer size of it would make it hard to keep hidden from the students who are not the targets..

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Tue May 04, 2010 7:55 am
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
The description does mention that it uses shapechanging to hide itself. I suppose it could also have some invisiblitly powers, or maybe be able to alter its size. It should be easy enough to make some minor adaptions, I wager.

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Tue May 04, 2010 1:03 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
So I am to understand that because he's got dragon like heads and he's big he's not okay?

I'm sorry; I seem to be slow when it comes to understanding what exactly the problem is. I don't any where see how a dragon like monster is not okay. And if they're hidden, how am I supposed to find these rules to refer off to so as to not make a monster unsatisfying for Shokushu? I don't want to make a monster that's not with the rules. I have been here too long to want to cause issues to the mods or admins.

Plus, As Piam very nicely put, he has ways to transform himself into animals to get around his massive girth.

And Sole isn't just dragon like. I made descriptions in to set him apart. He has a mouth on his stomach that has slimy tentacles wriggling out. He has so many distinguishing features aside from breathing fire, flying, and looking like just a dragon. He has the said stomach, snake like creatures can come from them, he can speak or talk through telepathy, he has magic like capabilities, and he is actually a demon, not a dragon in race. I refer to him as one because it's something else to describe him by what he looks like, but I'd like some more detail as to what it is that's wrong with him of you don't mind. Because I’m honestly drawing a blank to what you think is against the rules.

So to answer Dawn’s questioning statement of if Sole’s picture is all he looks like then no, that’s not entirely it. I’ve re-read the rules over and over again and still see nothing close to Sole being against them.

And besides, Madison, I love big demons. Hehe, he’s no where near as tall or big as Alucard to devour students and rape them on the inside, but his monster did give me many ideas to what you see now.

If nothing else, I really like how my monster turned out aside from Dawn’s and Madison’s apprehensiveness. Unless either of you give me more then because of his size or what he may look like from the neck up, I’m stumped and bewildered.

Tue May 04, 2010 1:40 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
I have to say the term 'hidden rules' is kinda stupid. Her monster is fine except for some invisible rules that have never been added?

As for size, Cukoo our classic sea blob can reach up to 10 feet tall and I believe there are a few others who's full size may be as large as Sole's. I think she made it pretty clear that she was not a dragon though I fail to see much problem in having an alien that has draconic or demonic properties (Grail was pretty close though his was a reincarnated lizardman despite the wings).

With shapechanging to adjust the size, I see no real issues with the monster. There is no reason to confuse both old and new players with rules that are not written anywhere on the forum. Not picking a fight but I do find the idea of these hidden rules silly and unnecessarily restrictive.

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Tue May 04, 2010 2:03 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
If the size is an issue than why wasn't it raised when the cybernetic T-Rex (13 feet from Toe to top of hips, 40 feet from Tip of snout to tip of tail) that was proposed. At that time I did ask about it, but no mods commented. Being a being of magic I would assume Sole would be much more capable of concealing his existence than that.

Is the issue with his appearance that he looks too much like a dragon? As an example comparison I know there is a monster that is a Minotaur with a cybernetic arm, would a normal Minotaur with no cybernetic arm be rejected? Or is it more the dragon arch-type that is not intended to be here? Or both?

And if there are hidden rules regarding what can and cannot be a monster could I ask that they be put somewhere so people wanting to make a monster can read them?

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Tue May 04, 2010 2:09 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
What hidden rules, Dawn?

And After looking it over and having some time to think it over, I think I know what's triggering my suggestions. It almost sounds like you're trying to cover just about any possability that can occur.

Now for a little bit of clarification...what do you plan on doing with these "contrats?" I'm not exactly sure about that.

Also, three foot+ long cock? Sounds a bit painful...Though I'll hazard a guess and say that it won't really be going into any of the girls...just to coat them.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
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Tue May 04, 2010 2:46 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
I'll be honest and say that given his size he might be a little hard to get around, but honestly I only figured one or two animal like creatures to get around his massive size and compact him a little. Like an aquatic reptile… or a gecko. It wasn’t necessarily meant as to cover occurrences that may come, but it was just to compact him. The fact he can use these disguises so that he can merely trick a girl into following and/or eliding them away from crowds is about the extent I can see happening with him. It’s just like human disguises… only bluer.

The contracts that have been given in the profile are things about life after death. It in no way affects the lively hood of the woman (Though they’ll probably feel like they are owned by him, which is not the case but it makes them more… compliant.) while they're alive. It’s pretty simplistic, if you don’t mind me giving an example. Pretty much like the Devil. If you sell your soul to him then you can whoop it up on Earth or wherever. But as soon as you die, you’ll belong to him. That’s pretty much a reference on Christianity though a little loosely. But even possibly keeping them alive with immortality is just something to scare a human female with. Of course if the woman asks for immortality to escape such a fate, then it would only last until the woman goes insane from wanting an end that will never come.

It was just a little uniqueness I wanted so that even when an enslaved woman, ADD agent, or even Head Girls meet the end, that doesn't necessarily mean she’s free from a monster's hold if you get my meaning.

But as for the cock, now that is something I can edit. Now that I look at it when I take a scale and pull it to that length, penetration almost sounds like childbirth would be better for the woman so I can change the size of that now that I think long and hard over it.

I’m sure there will be occurrences beyond Sole’s control even after these clarifications are made. I’m not trying to cover any occurrences, though now you’re making me think what could happen now, but I won’t change him even if something does happen. It’s not like he’s invincible which is why he’ll think twice about dragging a magically inclined woman into a part where a simple blast could possibly kill him you know.

Tue May 04, 2010 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
Oh my... Sole does look to be a fun character, whatever people say! He's big... but if he can go invisible and shape shift, he can still get around...

I'm not sure how Karen would feel about a dragon roaming about! Even trying to defeat a lizard-monster or minotaur is a bit beyond her without a real, sharp sword...

Nonetheless, send me a message if you are interested in playing a little.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
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Wed May 05, 2010 5:27 am
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
My own impression is that as a monster it tries to roll every permutation into one character. In a lot of ways that suits the basis of the campus where students are expected to lose but perhaps it's a bit too 'belt and braces' in having a ready made answer to just about any hindrance it might encounter.

That's just a personal observation.

The contracts I'm rather less happy with. Apart from the religious overtones they sound rather like a back door to 'owning' certain students.

Shapeshifting is dreadfully abused in shs generally. The idea that a huge monster can somehow compress its bulk down to look like a human male, or bambi or a mouse or whatever... Just doesn't work for me. There's no rule against it of course. We don't do a lot with rules to inhibit the imagination. There's no rule that says you can't shapeshift a nearby galaxy into a size that would fit into a matchbox either.

But to me, giving at least a nod to science makes for more realistic roleplay and requires less suspension of disbelief. Shape shifting doesn't really have any implication that it has the ability to affect mass, size, weight or inertia. Compress a four ton monster down into the size of a hamster so that it can sneak into the dorms and you should end up with a four ton hamster that, even if it could move, would find it incredibly difficult to change direction or stop.

That was general observation of course. Not personally aimed at this monster, and aside from the contracts, which go into a rather gray area there's nothing I would put my finger on as requiring change. Just a sense that maybe you're trying a bit too hard to cover all the angles and that might leave you with a lack of coherent focus in your roleplaying.

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Wed May 05, 2010 10:19 am
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
Well I do apologize if it seems that way, Stormbringer.

Compressing Sole into a mildly small form was just my imagination going, but with the contracts it was just something I found among researching what demons particularly do. They offer wonderful things but in the end you lose something precious. Of course that in itself is what demons do, with or without such powers; I can easily take the contracts out and adapt Sole to a more comfortable monster. There are plenty of other ways to make a student compliant.

I just didn't see reason to change his appearance, which was what mostly Dawn and Madison were a little particular about.

Like I said, it never occurred (Or perhaps it should've considering even Stormbringer decided to put his opinion on here) to me as simply covering hindrances. My imagination had just rolled along with Sole leading a student away by means of being 'none threatening' or cute... and the fact a talking gecko probably would be adorable, but maybe that's just me. I’ve seen shape changing most from demon to human in my experiences. Maybe a few changing into plants now that I think along those lines, but I’ve never seen one pertaining to an animal. Of course you should know my focus is very narrow, I don’t doubt I might’ve missed such a monster that already has those adaptations.

I really don't want to change too much because he's perceived as wanting to cover all the blocks. That was not my intention at all; Madison was the one who made me think about it at all about Sole.

I thought his abilities fit in with being born from a serpent like dragon who could pretty much do all these things but in a more direct ‘world domination’ kind of way.

But I thank-you for you know, being specific on what you don’t like, Stormbringer. But aside from his inner workings, Sole is a demon. As far as I know, suggesting scientific reason into spiritual perception might be a little difficult. You said so yourself to give some reason for science to make things at least not beyond human perception all the time. But the fact remains is that Sole is a demon. Anything pertaining to the spiritual realm seems mildly unscientific no? Sole himself is a little bit of an anomaly in the scientific realm, but I get what you’re saying.

And you needn’t worry; I take no offense to having you put your opinion out. And aside from that, you made valid points that I can understand what things need to be changed.

Wed May 05, 2010 1:22 pm
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Post Re: Sole (Myth To Reality)
Well I wouldn't take it that you really need to change anything except perhaps the contracts since we normally keep such implications of ongoing dependencies between monster and human to the space locations.

The observation about shape shifting was a general one. Future science and magic can paper over any gaping cracks in reality but they can also become a sort of shortcut in much the same way as hypnosis is sometimes used as a shortcut to subduing a victim or gaining their cooperation. Overabuse of shortcuts reduces the potential for interesting roleplay and brings everything down to "BadGuy stares into the eyes of VictimGirl for 10 seconds and she immediately strips off all her clothes and moans 'take me quick!' ". So I guess my point, generally aimed, there is that having to find more creative ways around the negative aspects of a fantasy creation than waving a magic wand would tend to produce a greater sense of accomplishment and make for a more interesting scene.

So anyway, I'm not really getting at you or your creation. The contracts are in that gray area but beyond that I was asked to take a look here and it led me to comments, both specific and generic - and hopefully to an interesting discussion about the formation of monsters in general.

Masochist "Whip me! Whip me!"
Sadist "No!"

Thu May 06, 2010 10:54 am
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