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 Pretty Prey! (Zoe,Cms) 
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Post Pretty Prey! (Zoe,Cms)
[Kumo set thier webs on a medium used jogging track and started the long wait]

Stay and Play!... HeHeHe

Last edited by Kumo Thuy on Tue May 22, 2007 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 21, 2007 12:42 am
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I'd a talked with the teacher an all about me music recital. Well she had suggested I met with some girl named Zoe 'bout it all and then come by for a practice session that evening like.

Well, I liked music, an a sharing it with anybody wuz like real exciting. What’s more so the sweet voice on the other side of that there phone was like music to me ears on all. She seemed to be willing an all to get with me in the dorm’s day room for a starting on the is project, an I couldn't wait to meet her with the music I'd been a writing as of late.

Me heart did a lil flip flop, an I pulled the short lil school skirt down a lil on me long athletic legs on account of it being so short an all. I smoothed down me white cotton blouse an took one more look into mirror to ensure that I wuz dressed like a proper young school girl. Me red hair hung in loose curls over me shoulders, the sheen of it glisten in the lights. Yeap, squeaky clean an smelling of roses an vanilla.....I smiled at me self, the lips a lil fuller since I came her, the eyes a lil wiser I suppose.

Grabbing me pack filled with me music I bounced over to Hanaji and gave me love a sweet lil kiss on the lips, but kept me hands carefully by me side so as to not cause me to be late an a mess up me dress. Then skipping to the door, me hair a flying hind me like I proceeded out the door of the room waving at me love Hanaji while I left. For a minute I thought once 'gain how ma an pa would feel 'bout their daughter an wuz really non to sure if this was really ok an all, but then angels an priests had said it wuz and so who am I to doubt them all.

With a cheerful gate, me crucifix a thumping on me chest I eagerly bounced down the hallway to me meeting an eventual piana playing!

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue May 22, 2007 8:53 am
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Coming from the dayroom, a simple melody could be heard:

"Do-ri-me-la-so-la-me-ri-la-do," it went floating down the hallways, slow like honey, heavy with mood. It was a simple scale, something singers and musicians alike a taught from the very beginning. There nothing special about it... save the voice that carried it. Golden, classically trained, and well rechersed, it was.

It sounded like too much voice to be coming from the petite girl who sat on the dayroom couch, still in her uniform, legs demurely crossed. But come from her it did.

There was smile on Zoë’s face. It would be nice to share her singing and music in general with someone again. And this Cassie should like a real peach... Zoë was already enamored of her new partners accent.

"Do-ri-me-la-so-la-me-ri-la-do," Zoe repeated, this time an octave higher. Aside form her purse and trusty MP3 player, Zoë hadn't brought nay additional materials, wasn’t exactly sure what she would need, truth be told. She was just about to attempt the next higher octave, when a familiar tightness across her chest prompted her to tug at her bra. It then occurred o her hadn’t expressed any milk since that morning, and it might be a good idea to do so before...

No sooner and Zoë stood up, then she heard footsteps approaching. Oh well it could wait.

She turned to face the hallway, looking forward to the first glimpse of her new friend...

Cute as a button!
Couldn't you just eat her up?
Zoe's Bio

Tue May 22, 2007 9:19 am
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The sweetest of notes came from the day room, the scale perfect….tone…it almost stopped me in my tracks jus to let it continue. It was like the one lady I’d a played for, a voice of an angel I’d swear. This, this was like that, only different cause the voice had a richness behind it that could take the note an push it down the hall to let it echo of the walls unchanged….

I sped up me steps, the black leather soled shoes clacking out the beat of me steps, a lil more hurried till I entered that place of typical debauchery…..but she….she wuz different. Anyone could tell, the way she held herself, happy, content, safe, but not like she owned that sofa she sat upon. Not striking a pose of any sort. No, she be real, jus like the natural blonde hair that bounced round her shoulders.

A kinda short petite girl perhaps a bit older….least the eyes seemed to have that wisdom bout them. Smiling I approached as she looked up with them big ol brown eyes. They say a measure of a person can be gained in thar eyes. An she offered nothing but herself in those eyes….yet a shadow wuz thar….strange ….. nah…can’t me head cocked a lil as I offered me hand an a curtsied a bit. “I’m Cassie, an you gotta be Zoe….I mean the music teacher said you were good an all, an that…that was otta here really…I mean” I wuz a bouncing a lil, happy to see this lady, happy to be able to play for her an a getting mighty excited ‘bout it. I mean they’d said I could use the special piana hall with that wonderful piana in it an all. “so like this is gonna be great, don’cha think so…I mean its an honor to play the piana for yah….” Me eyes wide an hopeful, “oh, sorry I jus been a blathering on an all so I’ll be real quite like for a bit an let yah get a word in edge wise, cause its like me mama says, god gave yah two ears on only one mouth for a good reason cassie….and she is a real wise woman an all.” Me breath gone I took in a big un, happily waiting for the response

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue May 22, 2007 10:02 am
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Zoë placed her left hand over her moth and giggled lightly, while accepting Casssie’s offered hand with her right. "That's ok," Zoë replied simply. "You go right on talking. I'm a good listener, and yours is the most lyrical accent I've heard since forever. Zoë offered a curtsey of her own. It was a bit on the clumsy side, as she had never done it before. "Its nice to meet you Cassie."

And it was. Though Zoë had to pretty much look up at all times to make eye contact, that was a fact of life she had grown used to. She smiled warmly, feeling like herself for the first time since... well, since before the birth of her daughter, actually. Her mood was so high, so genuinely happy, that her diligence slipped for a moment... but that was enough. Against her will she found her eyes straying away from Cassies's face to her to gaze at ringlets of red hair, down to her noticeable chest and on down further to her shapely and deliciously bare legs.

Zoë shook her head, wresting control back before looking back up at Cassie’s eyes, feeling somewhat guilty.

She let go of Cassie’s hand them and smoothed the pleats of her skirt. "Yep I'm Zoë," she confirmed. "Its nice to meet you. Now... tell me more about this piano of yours," Picking up her purse from the couch, Zoë walked over to Cassies's side, and on impulse, took her hand. "Lets walk and talk, kay? If you play half as pretty as you look, I'm in for quite a treat."

The compliments.. the hand holding.. was that her being herself, or was it Jane again... It was so hard to tell sometimes...

Cute as a button!
Couldn't you just eat her up?
Zoe's Bio

Tue May 22, 2007 10:23 am
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[Kumo waited and started to hum to herself enjoing the sun in the tree]
" that Diana got to me i've got to work it out i liked her she might
become a friend or hopefully more but thats for the future i hope"

Stay and Play!... HeHeHe

Tue May 22, 2007 11:10 am
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The handshake was warm an firm, but not overly so….it was like I could feel her feeling in that shake….so nice. An the brown eyes, they drunk me in like I wuz an old friend…. though I got a lil embarrassed as them eyes slid down me body like, an took me in, though not in the same way as that other girl I met the first day of me being here an all. Like, what wuz her name….Linnis, the one that seemed to positively drool o’er me and me roommate at the time tabby warned me ‘bout. At that time I didn’t know nothing bout what girls could do with girls an everything in me upbringing said I’d be a laying with me husband on me wedding night….something’s in life change…an having jus left hanaji I knew now how much that could be true. Perhaps if there’d been boys about an I hadn’t met me guardian angel none of this woulda happened.

Well I still liked the warm way she greeted me, an I’d of given her a hug…perhaps later would be better as she grabbed me hand an we started waling off. I stepped in beside her, jus two new friends a holding hands an a walking to the concert hall in the music building. I squeezed her hand twice jus to be friendly and started a talking ‘gain. She’d a asked the question an all, so it wuz only civil for me to oblige the asking.

“The Piana, well it’s the Alma-Tadema” me eyes going unfocused an thankfully I held her hand or I’d of fallen down the stairs I reckon. Dreamily I spoke ‘gain “It…..Wuz sold by a Christie's auction for $1.2 million in 1997, an never in me wildest dreams would I have thought I’d ever see one like it….let alone….let alone play on it. So yah see how much of a honor it is to be able to play the accompaniment for your singing on it, cause without yah I might never get to sit at that key board ‘gain an feel them ivories under me fingers. “ I paused for a moment an looked cross at her as we bounced down the stairs, “ummm, I get a lil distracted at first by the piana…its like it talks to me so please, don’t get worried…it’ll all sort itself out in the end….thars jus nothing like it in the world …really…even sex maybe” the words slipping out fore I could stop um. I could feel the heat roll up me chest an into me face….oh gods what would she think bout me……

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue May 22, 2007 8:56 pm
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Zoë flashed Cassie a knowing look and small smile when she made the comparisons between the piano and sex, but chose not to say anything. "Oh, I think I understand. My mother gets the same way around the piano we have back home."

They had reached the front door, and Zoë let go of Cassie's hand long enough to open the door. "She would sit on the bench in front of for hours," Zoë went on in a wistful tone, "fingers on the keys, feet on the pedals... not playing, just feeling. She used to say the piano told her the notes of each one of her songs; she just copied it down..." Zoë shook her head, taking Cassie's hands again once they were outside. "Oh, my mom's a singer by trade... I think I forgot to explain that part... In any event, I cant wait to hear what we sound like. I bet we'll make great music together!"

Cute as a button!
Couldn't you just eat her up?
Zoe's Bio

Fri May 25, 2007 1:26 am
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“Really?!” Me heart leapt in me throat at her words….I mean to think I wuzn’t really all that strange of a sudden. I’d been kinda worried that I wuz a strange one after that last encounter…though I got a lil distracted a thinking that a mom could be having sex on a piana an all… eyes going wide as I thought ‘bout me mom…no, no moms don’t do that kinda thing Cassie….

“But that’s what it is….yes, what its like” I bounced once into the air then swung her around and gave her a great big ole hug a swinging her as I spun like. Oh lord It made me happy…..”Zoe, yah’ve made me day an all…..Good lord in heaven I thought I wuz kinda strange an all, but your mama, I mean what yah said an all, well its like that with me”, I, stopped an set her down, looking at this wise girl in the eyes….still holding the hand I shook it a lil, happily going on. “Why it’s like you know how to describe what I goes through me, like you feel the ivory, caress it with your fingers an it gives sooo much back to yah an all. Piana can talk, maybe not like you an I, an not like they be alive….but each un is different, an Yah can feel it, truly yah can.”

I bubbled inside with excitement now, the school lights along the concrete walkway taking on the hues of a rainbow it wuz so nice…..or maybe it wuz jus the humidity. Me insides did a lil flip flop of joy…a flutter that I would soon be a touching this thing….then the embarrassin’ thought hit me. I mean I’d like to remove me panties fore playing an all, like last time….now that was embarrasin’ to explain, an maybe it’d be best If I didn’t….no I wuz gonna have to excuse me self….yeap, it’d work out. I could feel the heat an quickly tried to change me thoughts a bit.

“Zoe, I am looking forward to this soooo much like. Thanks” I swung our hand high in the air an started to skip…me shoes making that scuffing noise on the pathway with each step. Me hair a blaze of red that bounces in flies in the air about me face….Happy hair, happy thoughts. Feet high in the air, jus a happy as can be….and the lord tell the truth more that a lil ummmm ‘hot n bothered’ is what I think they call it. We wuz gonna make some great music together no doubt!

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri May 25, 2007 5:10 am
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Zoë gasped in surprise at being swung around, but soon found herself giggling at Cassie's enthusiasm. There was something else there, too... an excitement that went beyond artistic appreciation. Zoë felt a sudden blues warm her cheeks and hoped Cassie wouldn't notice.

No sooner had Cassie set Zoë down again than off she went, skipping this time down the walkway, and Zoë had no choice to skip herself to keep up.

"Not so fast!" Zoë joked. "My legs aren't as long as yours!" In truth, Zoë hand to exaggerate her skipping stride to keep up, and her every bounce sent the hem of her skirt to the level of her waists, flashing her panties to the world, though she barely noticed. She did notice, however, when her toe caught and even section of the sidewalk, and she tripped, falling forwward to the ground. One hand went out to brace her fall, the other was still holding Cassie's

"Oh, shi --!" was all she was able to get out.

Cute as a button!
Couldn't you just eat her up?
Zoe's Bio

Tue May 29, 2007 6:49 am
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Off we went… until she I felt the tug upon me hand and me friend Zoe began to pull upon me….off balance I went sideways, falling towards the girl, me hand only coming free as I me foot caught her an in a none to graceful demonstration of me skill and balance proceeded to toss meself over me new friend with flailing arms and legs.

Dust billowed from the ground about me, a fine brown mist that hung in the air an swirled with each of me breaths. A large green fern lay broken an bent ‘neath me as I moved a foot then another. Me hands hurt a bit, knee maybe skinned….but nothing seemed to be dreadfully wrong until I realized me bottom was a lil light on coverings on account of the red thong I’d worn to commemorate me time on the piana an that me skirt had a flipped up. Quickly rolling over an a smoothing the short lil thing in place corrected that problem….I hoped that I’d in no way she’d a noticed how lil I’d been wearing as It’d be a might bit embarrasin.

I looked o’er at me new frined….”Zoe…ZOe are yah okay….I’m I’m sorry fur being such a clutz an all….I mean really…” I looked down, aware of how I’d probably tripped her and maybe hurt me new friend and how that she might be mad at me or not wanna sing now an all. I felt real bad like, hoping I could make it up to her….

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue May 29, 2007 7:16 am
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[On hearing the noise Kumo moved through the trees quietly to take a
look at what or who made the noise]
(two girls both very cute,We wonder if talking might do any good?)
[Kumo started to make a noise by useing web shots and rustle tree branches and hopfully guide them to the webs we've set up earlier]

Stay and Play!... HeHeHe

Tue May 29, 2007 8:46 am
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Zoë managed to half-catch herself on the way down, and barely managed to avoid busting her nose on the sidewalk. Her torso took the brunt of the impact, knocking the wind out of her lungs and squeezing her swollen breasts with sudden impact.

She opened her mouth to say "ow" but had looked up at just the right time to see Cassie's shapely, milky rear of full display, the thong leaving little to the imagination. An entirely different word left her lips instead: "Wow". this was followed by her licking those same lips, as a hunger that had nothing to do with food welled up in her with a sudden intensity that she had a hard time getting a clamp on for a moment.

She pushed herself up. "I'm ok," she answered Cassie’s worried question. "Just a scraped knee and some sprained pride. Good thing about being short is I don’t have so far to fall," she added with a smile, trying to lighten he mood. She was still trying to catch her breath and her wrists and knee hurt, which might have been why she didn’t notice that her chest was slightly damp; the fall having provided enough pressure to squeeze out enough milk to cuasea pair of quarter sized damp spots to appear on her blouse.

"Well laugh about this some --" Zoë stopped talking suddenly, having heard a rustling in the trees. She had been here long enough that any outside noise made her nervous.

"Did you hear something?" she asked, unable to keep the tremble from her voice.

Cute as a button!
Couldn't you just eat her up?
Zoe's Bio

Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:37 pm
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Turning o’er I noted her look at me….that kinda weird expression on her face that came an went in a flash. With me hand I smoother the blue school skirt like down an all kinda embarrassed bout the chance that she may have seen me without the regulation …. Well, maybe she’d seen stuff that only Hanaji saw an all.

The heat rose to me face but her eyes soon darted into the trees at the strange rustle of noise me ears picked up. A voice so sweet an filled with mirth a moment ago changed to one of fear, the quiver easy to pick up in her voice. I grinned at her question, easing me breath as I did so. “yeap, probably monkeys” though when I thought ‘bout it for a bit I’d never seen none. But didn’t every island paradise have sum?

Rising up I took the step to her an lowered me hand to help her up. Killer monkeys from mars weren’t bout to stop me from a chance at that piana an a chance to have it accompanied by such a talented sweet voice. I think me panties were wet with the thought of a having a chance to sit at it ‘gain….lord knows why he made me the way he did, but music held a special place in me heart, an this piana an place were even more special.

“we better get a move on if we gonna have nough time to really get a good practice session in” the monkeys in the trees still making them noises an all.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:44 pm
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[Did she call us monkeys]<GIGGLE>
<We are not monkeys!>
[We continue guiding the girls to our webs and looking at our prey judging
their abilities and how best to seduce them both!]

Stay and Play!... HeHeHe

Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:19 am
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