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 Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm 
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Post Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm
((OOC - an idea that's been floating around in my head for a while - looking for some feedback))

NICE Labs Unexpected Event Report 28341

Instigating Project: Remote Visual Monitoring via Dimensional Energy

"At 13:07 local time, Dr Laura Samuels, along with Chief Technician Mariko Kasumi, were preparing an initial test of their Remote Dimensional Monitor, or RDiM. As you know RDiM was a project designed to facilitate the monitoring and observation of the student body without resorting to physical cameras which could be seen, detected and disabled.

Dr Samuels idea was to modify the warp technolgy obtained from some of the alien visitors to Shokushu to open a undectable microscopic warp portal through which staff could observe any location on the island at will.

Dr Samuels and Technician Kasumi were working in isolation lab 36 for their initial attempts to create the stable, remote warp portal. Initial indications were showing that the warp energy was stable, as they slowly increased the power to the point necessary for the formation of a warp portal.

As the warp energy hit 95% of the expected portal threshold, the energy suddenly spiked for a reason which was not known at the time.

As the energy spiked, a stable warp portal opened inside isolab 36 - but rather than the microscopic portal that was intended, this portal was of sufficient size and energy to form a visual event horizon. Please watch the visual log accompanying this report."

[The screen goes black for a moment before showing a view of a rather sophisticated lab. The lab is dominated by a rather large mechanism in the center of the room. The main focus of the mechanism is a rather large circular 'portal' which is lined with a series of antennae that are focusing what looks like purple lightning into the center of the circular portal.

A pretty blonde woman is sitting at a large desk covered with monitors and computer controls, while a younger black-haired Asian woman is standing to the side of the mechanism, calling out numbers to the blonde. Everything seems calm at the start when suddenly there is a flare of light from the portal, and the purple 'lightning' stabilizes into solid wires connecting the antennae to a floating 2-foot circle in the middle of the portal. Through the portal, all that can be seen is a vast array of rays of light - like looking down on thousands of lasers being fired, except the light moves and bends rather than going in straight lines.]

"As you can see, the warp portal stabilized, but we were not observing the Shokushu campus as planned. Instead, Dr Samuels seemed to have tapped into an alternative dimension of some sort that was filled with a kind of energy we could not identify. While extraordinary, this, by itself, would not have necessitated the filing of this report. What follows, does though. Some kind of energy based life form entered through the portal and, at first, seemed to attack Technician Kasumi."

[As the two women begin to rush around the controls, trying to make sure everything is safe, while also trying to determine what they are observing when a 'cloud' of golden sparks stretches out of the portal just as Mariko passes in front of the portal. The woman gasps and comes to a stop, dropping the clipboard she was carrying, causing Dr Samuels to turn at the sound.

Mariko moans in obvious pleasure as she reaches out to grab onto the edge of the desk as she falls to her knees while the sparkling energy seems to grow around the helpless woman, surrounding her in cascading sparkles of gold and white. Moments later the lab technician screams as her body convulses in a powerful orgasm. Mariko slumps to the floor, gasping, and shaking her head in denial as her body starts arching as a second orgasm strikes her almost as soon as the first had ended.]

"Isolation protocols were enacted automatically, cutting all experimental power to the lab, but leaving monitoring systems engaged. This is the only reason we know what happened next. In a flagrant disregard of proper procedures, Dr Samuels attempted to come to the aid of Technician Kasumi. The result was, unfortunately, quite predictable."

[As the blonde reaches out to touch the writhing body of her assistant, the golden glow shifts up the doctor's arm - drawing a whimper of pleasure from her lips, as her eyes go wide in shock. She moans loudly as she is quickly overcome by the same sexual stimulation that is still overwhelming the lab tech. Dr Samuels manages to gasp out a few words "Alive!!....uhh...oh.... Dimensional.... Swarm..uhh..oh..oh god.. oh god please... stop..." before she screams and starts to orgasm just as violently as Mariko.]

"Those words were the last intelligible words spoken by either woman. The entity continued its 'assault' on the two women for four hours - the full recording of this assault can be viewed at record 7293921-3. During which time, neither woman ceased their orgasmic physical response. Based on Dr Samuels' final words, we have been keeping the entity contained within an energy grid for further investigation. Preliminary examinations indicate that this is an energy based life form with some kind of sophisticated hive mentality.

The contents of the swarm seems to change despite the energy grid, suggesting that the barrier is restrictive to the entity, but does not restrain it completely.

Both Dr Samuels and Technician Kasumi remain in catatonic states induced by a combination of some kind of telepathic communication, and by excessive orgasmic stimulation. It is currently not known when, or if, either woman will recover.

Based on the telepathic damage, we believe that this was an attempt to establish communication and was not intended as an assault on NICE Labs personnel. See attached experiment proposal 92385-2 for details on proposed release of this entity into the Shokushu campus for observation."

- from the desk of Senior Experimental Director Adam Jones

tiwepe.jpg [ 187.63 KiB | Viewed 5796 times ]

Actual Name: Unknown
NICE Labs Name: T.I.W.E.P.E. #1 (nicknamed ty-weep)
Race: Trans-Dimensional Intelligent Warp Energy Particle Entity
Type: Energy Swarm
Place of Birth: Dimensional Warp Field
Gender: N/A
Age: Ancient (as a collective), N/A (as individuals)
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Eye Color: N/A
Skin Color: N/A
Skin Texture: N/A
Hair? N/A
Hair Color: N/A
Body Build: N/A
Tail? N/A
Tail Length: N/A
Tentacles? Individually no, swarms may act as tentacles
Number of Tentacles: As desired or needed, limited only by the size of the swarm
Wings? N/A
Wingspan: N/A
Wing Color: N/A
Cock Size: See Tentacles
# of Cocks: See Tentacles

Fighting Style: Tiwepe does not 'fight' per se. As a multi-dimensional hive entity, Tiwepe will swarm its 'prey' and surround it in a web of its indvidual particles.
It can then use this web to either attempt to merge into its prey's dimension, or it can create a small pocket, drawing its prey into its own higher-dimensional space.

Motivation: Dimensional explorer seeking a method of communication

Psychological Profile: Tiwepe is, by nature, curious. It intends no harm to its victims, rather it is just seeking knowledge and experience which becomes added to the hive mind, and perpetuated throughout the lifecycle of the hive. As such it will always seek any type of new experience that it can find, even those that could be dangerous to its individual members. The swarm mentality rules Tiwepe, and it will willingly sacrifice a portion of itself in order to 'record' a new experience for the swarm. Its methods are cold and practical as the swarm does not seem capable of any kind of emotional response. It is not unlike human biologists or ecologists studying animals in the wild - observing with a scientific detachment.

Sexual Oddities: Tiwepe is not actually a sexual creature. The fact that its attempts to communicate with humans results in sexual response is purely coincidental to Tiwepe, although its natural curiosity does allow it to enjoy the sexual responses on a rather objective level. It will not hesitate to try and elicit different responses from its subjects, or to test their threshold for maintaining contact with the swarm.

Human Disguise Form? No

Special Attributes: Tiwepe is a collective life form, and as such, can separate itself into multiple manifestations.

Distinguishing features: Tiwepe is a multi-dimensional energy entity. It's 3-dimensional manifestation will cause it to look like a swarm of sparks or lights. Depending on the orientation this can be anything from a 'cloud of dust in a sunray', to a 'spark shower', to a small rainbow hued cloud. In its own dimension, the swarm is more like tendrils and rays of energy that can enfold, manipulate or bind.

Behavior: Tiwepe is an explorer, and experiencing something new to add to the collective memory is always its primary goal. In addition, being a swarm entity gives it a perspective that is often quite different and confusing to 'single-entity lifeforms'.

Tiwepe's very nature gives it a number of unique abilities in our world.

Higher Dimensional Existence --
As a higher-dimensional lifeform, three dimensional physical obstructions are meaningless to it. It can pass through matter as if it were not there merely by moving through other dimensions.
Conversely it is also unable to manipulate or control three dimensional physical objects, meaning it has no way to restrain or capture its prey.

Energy Swarm --
As a swarm/collective lifeform, Tiwepe will experience everything that any single particle of the swarm experiences. They can work together seamlessly in a way no non-collective intelligence could manage. In addition, losing or sacrificing portions of itself has no detriment to the swarm as a whole, making each 'probe' expendable if need be.

Telepathy --
The swarm communicates telepathically within itself, and also uses telepathy in its attempts to communicate with other species. The effect that this telepathy has on the target depends on the brain patterns of the species. It is not known why, but Tiwepe's telepathy seems to have a highly sexual effect on three dimensional life forms, especially females, resulting in arousal, stimulation or even orgasmic levels of pleasure.

Dimensional Warp --
In addition to its telepathy, Tiwepe can temporarily shift into three dimensional space by merging with a living entity. In this state, Tiwepe is able to 'hitchhike' on a life form, and experience everything from its "partner's" perspective. This merging though increases the side effects of Tiwepe's telepathy drastically.

Alternatively, Tiwepe can temporarily enfold a life form into its own higher-dimensional space. This will be disorienting to the prey, but will allow for actual physical contact between the prey and Tiwepe's energy forms.

It would be nearly impossible to hurt or destroy Tiwepe as an entity, as it would require the destruction/transformation of every energy particle in the swarm.

Individual swarms or particles though are highly vulnerable to various forms of energy manipulation.

Telepathic energy can be used to temporarily sever the connection of the hive, leaving each particle unable to communicate with the whole, leaving only a primitive sentience to each particle. At its highest level, telepathic energy could even 'turn off' a particle, causing it to cease to exist.

Other types of energy transformation or high-energy discharges (magic, lightning, teleportation) can have similar deleterious effects on small swarms or particles.

Energy can also be used as a barricade against Tiwepe - but it must be a complete enclosure. A single "wall" would not stop Tiwepe from moving around it via its dimensional shift, but a full sphere or cube would be capable of keeping Tiwepe out (or in some cases IN).

Likes: New experiences, challenges, discovering knowledge, intelligent lifeforms, creativity/art/music

Dislikes: Repetition, emptiness, being trapped

Tiwepe began as a primitive physical life form in its home dimension, much as life on Earth developed from single cell organisms.

But for whatever reason, where Earth's evolution led along increasing physical complexity of individual lifeforms, Tiwepe's evolution progressed along the growth of a collective life form. Originally Tiwepe was a physical swarm, living by instinct, with only the most basic of animal intelligence. But as the hive mind grew, and experienced more, that intelligence grew. It grew smarter, cleverer, binding the parts more closely into the hive, and yet leaving them physically disparate.

Eventually Tiwepe evolved beyond a physical form, as the simple life forms 'ascended' into an energy based life-form, and as such it found a whole new world to experience in its own dimension. For millenia, Tiwepe searched and explored and grew within its home, spawning off thousands of separate 'swarms' to simultaneously explore the worlds it found.

With each new life form it found, it would make telepathic contact, finding the common ground to communicate with the new life form, adding new knowledge to the entire collective. As Tiwepe's knowledge grew, it continues to evolve to ever more complex energy forms until it discovered there were other dimensions, both higher and lower than its own, and it soon learned to traverse these dimensions, giving it entire new worlds to explore, and new types of life to experience.

It was one of these other dimensions that was breached by the NICE Labs experiment that drew the first Tiwepe swarm into our dimension.

Tiwepe is still exploring this new dimension, and still attempting to establish a method of communication with the life forms here. Now that the first swarm has entered this dimension, Tiwepe is capable of sending other parts of its collective self to this dimension at will.

Lab Entry for TIWEPE
Sarh Taz - Cybernetic Warrior

Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:10 am
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Post Re: Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm
It is definitely a different kind of monster on the campus, welcome to Shokushu!

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Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:34 am
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Post Re: Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm
A very original concept =D>

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

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Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:24 pm
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Post Re: Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm
Rather clever idea.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

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Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:49 pm
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Post Re: Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm
Thank you Ishtar, Pia and Madison.

I was hoping to bring something new with Tiwepe - and around here that's not as easy as it sounds.
There are a lot of very creative players around here.

I'm pleased to hear that I have succeeded in that goal at least - now the challenge is going to be actually playing them.

Lab Entry for TIWEPE
Sarh Taz - Cybernetic Warrior

Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:06 am
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Post Re: Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm
That'd be the real trick, huh? :)

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

Now on Discord, flarecobra#8525

Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:10 am
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Post Re: Tiwepe - Trans-Dimensional Energy Swarm
Belated Welcome to Shokushu from Alli and Ana. :-)

Cousin Anairah

We are always open to Rp. Just PM us. :wink:

Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:52 am
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