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 Dreamscapes (for Kanoe) 
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
Aided by her lover, Clair assisted her with the ritual. A summoning circle had been painstakingly etched upon the floor to lock away what they summoned though in short order the smell of sulfur filled their nostrils.

It felt warmer to, and the air had been thick with smoke. There had been a brillant flash of light and when sight returned to her Kanoe could see the outline of a small creature, perhaps a foot and a half in height, bat-like wings hitched over it's body like a cloak while a prehensile tail, ending in a nasty stinger that drip some sort of corrossive green substance leaked from it's tip.

It's jaw was full of tiny but sharp fangs while it's hands ended in small claws. It's scaly body was naked but it appeared to be sexless. It's eyes glew with an amber radiance, it yawned, showing a sea of tiny teeth then rasped out in a deep, yet unconvincing voice:

"Who dares summon Aziz, the Eviscerator, slayer of the mighty arch angel Gabriel, corrupter of Baaelzelbub, Lord of the Sixth. For what magnificient purpose have you summoned thee?"


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Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:14 am
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
It was not often that both of them used their mana together like this. Kanoe's mana tended to be much darker compared to Claire's more pure mana. The smell of sulfur gave sign that a connection between this world and the demon world was made. A surge of heat and light flowed outwards from the circle before the temperature began to equalize and return to normal. The dark witch blinked to see that they had infact successfully summoned a small imp.

She smiled faintly to see the tiny demon stretch and try to sound menacing. But part of her told her to remain cautious. Size did not always matter as far as magic was concerned. The dark witch gave a slight bow of respect to the small demon standing in the circle. "Greetings Aziz, I am Kanoe and this is Clarice," she greeted the creature, "We were not expecting someone as powerful as you to answer our call. We both wish to learn more of the demonic plan and your kind. Assuming the price is not too high, perhaps we can come to some sort of agreement?"

The witch left out the prank for now. This was an opportunity and she wanted to learn what she could from an actual demon. Hopefully such a small imp had equally small requirements. If things do not go her way, she can always banish the imp back to its home plane.

((sorry for the late reply, writer's block T.T))

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:24 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
The imp took flight, hovering in pace as he gazed down at the intricate summoning circle that it was trapped in. Little arms folded across his chest as he studied it for a moment then flickered his gaze back up against Kanoe's own. He flew forward his hand uncurling from his chest to reach out in front of him until it made contact against an invisible barrier causing him to nod to himself as he tested out his prison.

He looked back at Kanoe. "A trade for knowledge? The great Aziz will require something in exchange based on the darkness of what you seek to learn. For simple information the blood of a pig, goat or other such animal will slake my thirst. Of course something more sinister or secretive such as the true name of a demon lord will cost you a virgin sacrifice in the least. It is not wise to provoke the wrath of one of the lords."

"We have some pig's blood," Claire whispered to her as if she were reminding her though she did not know exactly what sort of knowledge that she was after.

The imp watched them as it hovered, a small grin slipping over it's face.

(it's ok, it happens to use all)


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Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:23 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
The demon tested the ritual bindings and the circle seemed to have no issue containing the little imp. A faint spark shocked the hand that reached outwards but otherwise did not harm the creature. Kanoe was pleased that the spell was holding. Even a minor demon like an imp would be a pain to deal with if it were to escape.

"Just some basic knowledge of your plane and the various demons there are will be enough for a start," she replied. The matter of punishing the student that embarassed her was now forgotten. A successful and safe summoning, this was quite an opportunity. But she was not going to reveal that the summoning was just a test. That would probably just anger the imp. She could not imagine being summoned only to see if she would answer the call.

Kanoe grabbed a vial of pig's blood and approached the circle. "And no lies or trickery," she said, frowning at the demon, "The sooner we get this exchange done, the sooner you can return home." She poured a little bit of blood onto a spoon and offered it beyond the barrier, ensuring her own hand could not be touched by the devious imp. The witch had to be careful, she was uncertain what methods there were to escape these bindings.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
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Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:37 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
"No lying ..." the demon sighed, lying of course was in it's nature but not for terms of an agreement. Other demons far more powerful then he may negotiate for souls or the like but given his inferior status he bargained for lesser things. He just like the feeling of empowerment in pretending that he was more influential then he was.

"Very well ..." he agreed after a moment. When the blood was offered he hesitated, making sure that his words may not be the basis of trickery before he accepted the offering. "There are numerous demons, too many to list in your life time though I can tell you about the common ones. If you accept that then we have an accord."

If the terms were agreeable he would drink up the offered blood before thinking of how to structure his words so that they were free of the usual trickery.


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Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:52 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
The imp seemed discouraged at the mention of no lying. Though there were only a number of people capable of summoning spawns of hell, it would not be surprising to find that demons had methods of twisting words and agreements to their benefit. It was a dangerous game especially for first encounters with a new demonic servant.

"That will suffice," Kanoe replied simply. She only knew of a moderate list of demons that a mage would even consider summoning and some were mentioned in her various tomes and scrolls she had access to. Assuming they both knew what was considered common, the witch may have ways to check the imps answers should he decide to just spit out lies.

Accepting allowed the imp to drink the blood and Kanoe pulled the spoon away to pour a bit more. She was not going to be stingy after things have gone this smoothly. The witch offered it another spoonful as she waited to see what information the imp would provide.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
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Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:24 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
"Ah, thanks," the imp wiped his mouth with the back of his hand after cleaning off the corners of it. He glanced to the ceiling, thought for a moment then looked back.

"The Abyss is such an infernal place, said to be infinite in dimension, layers upon layers that are ruled over by god-like beings, the demon lords. I suspect that their are finite numbers of planes, rather than subscribing to the common theory that it has no end though in any case each plane is literally hellish in nature and usually has some sick or twisted theme.

"The souls of the wicked find torment there at the hands of demons, as well as unlucky demons themselves, weaker ones that are subject to torment by stronger ones. Only strength is respected there, the strong lord over the weak but demons being demons their chaotic disposition makes them unyieldly to use efficiently since most demons are motivated by fear or power. Remove that and there is no longer any motivation for them.

"The torments are beyond mortal means of comprehension seeing that they affect the physical as well as spiritual aspect of a person.

"Demons range in all wakes and shapes. Quasits and imps are usually fashioned to serve spellcasters. They attempt to corrupt them damning their souls to eternal torment in the Abyss .... well not eternal but you get the idea.

"Dretches and nupperio demons are perha[s the most common but weakest of the lot. Mindless creatures that instinctively obey stronger demons one can find them among the tortured victims of stronger demons or as a food source since a dead one of those reforms from the primidol chaos of the Abyss after centuries. Wick souls might be transformed into one after centuries of torment. With me so far?"


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Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:47 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
The beginning was rather broad with information that her books had already covered. The hierarchy of power that demons seemed to run on was not that surprising either though power could mean many things when it comes to mystical and demonic beings. Kanoe decided not to ask about the countless demonic planes there were and the imp seemed content with moving on to the demons themselves.

"I am with you," she replied, "But do try to be more detailed about each type of demon. How exactly does an imp damn their master's soul? The witch was uncertain if the imp would comply to the request as the deal was already made. Perhaps being a bit more specific in the deal would have been better. But, the dark witch was still slightly shocked they managed to summon not only a demon but the correct demon and without losing control over it.

As their lives were not being threatened, she could live with just getting this minor deal completed and banishing the imp back to its plane. The successful summoning is enough progress for her for one day. Getting greedy would only increase the risk of losing everything.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
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Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:56 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
The imp nodded his head. "Of course," he said almost by reflex. He considered the request for a small moment then went on.

"Imps and quasits damn their masters simply by advising them. Seeing how they are often employed as familiars, both creatures can shape change into animals to hide their true nature, and since we are immortal beings barring death and so forth an imp or quasit can steer a being towards evil little by little. First they may present advice in the form of the lesser of two evils, which of course is still evil. Over the years of such erroneous judgement an imp ... or quasit can make their master do more and more depraved things as they come to accept this or that evil as a common enough occurrence gradually changing their outlook on things.

"Some may be resistant at first denying a glib tongue or doing something totally unexpected that is not evil, following a path that isn't recommended to them for instance but these beings tend to fall quicker for once one matter comes to pass they fall like dominos once they give in once. It takes a while for the "saints" to brake.

"So usually it takes awhile to influence beings in this way but we have the time. Besides, once they become tainted their souls are given over to the demonic realms. See each person is created with a finite portion of energy and when they pass on that energy, the soul if you will, departs. Depending on how they've lived their lives is where that energy drifts to, drawn to the likeness of energy from the chaos of the Abyss or the Seven Heavens or so forth. In this way we collect this energy which can ultimately be shaped into other demons or used to power rituals and the like by demon lords that consume a portion of this energy to fuel their fantastic spells.

"Succubi and incubi work quicker, often corrupting through amorous means. Their targets get attached to them and are willing to do more and more deprived things to keep their affections."


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Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:18 am
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
The quick agreement was reassuring for the dark witch. Perhaps the imp was obeying her and the deal they made. What the little creature said made sense. Dealing with demons would lead to corruption much like using her dark magic was slowly corrupting her. All she could do was try to make herself live longer or make her energy strong enough to be a contender in the demonic planes.

"I see," she replied, "Please continue, Aziz." Kanoe would make note of everything that was being said and add them to her journal later. For now, she wanted to get out as much information as possible from the little demon until it decides that the deal has been fulfilled. The witch still had some blood left to offer it but she did not want the creature to get too comfortable in staying with them. Only if there is something particularly interesting would she try and keep the creature here longer.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
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Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:52 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
And as if reading her thoughts he drifted down to the floor, stretched out his wings and gave the muscles there a bit of a rest. He extended his hands back against the invisible barrier, jolted by a shock on contact but use to feeling far worse pain in the Abyss he managed to ignore it easy enough as he leaned back so that his body was at a 45 degree angle with the floor as he seemed relaxed and nonchalant.

"The babau are demons covered with a corrosive slime and the bar-igura resemble gigantic primates, quite strong. Both are physically capable and serve as warriors in the demonic armies usually lead by things like the enormous nalfeshee and balors the strongest of the common demons though I guess they're not common but well known. They sort of look like that balrog thing from that fantasy movie there ... ah, Lord of the Ring I think. Anyway, I guess their one of the best known demons ouside of the succubus."

He paused for a moment for effect rather than thinking about things of course. "They could muster a powerful army and conquer the Heavens if that was their wish. Of course two things stop that from happening.

"Their chaotic and resist authority so any legions are difficult for them to assemble and command. And two, they have to deal with their rivals, devils, from the neighboring layers of Hell. They are weaker but far more ... persuassive. While one uses brute force, the other uses guile. Plus devils have a natural affinity for organization and have huge hierachies. Plus they're more adapt at following the commands of their leaders.

"For as long as any being can remember the two fiends have been fighting. Which brings up the issue of the Abyss. If it really were infinite and saw there was only a single being on each layer that would mean infinite demons right? So why would devil's wage a war they can't win? Either the Abyss is finite or only a finite number of demons are involved with the war efforts. Take your pick, either way it amounts to the same thing. After all devils believe they can win the war.

"They too use the energy of people and often get it by striking bargains for their souls ... what's a wait of a century, even two for one of them anyway seeing how their immortal too?"


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Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:12 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
Her eyes narrow at the imp as it leaned casually against the barrier. As long as it keeps it contained is enough for the witch. The small demon continued to speak about other demons that reside on the many planes of the abyss as well as moving on to why such a nearly infinite supply of demons has not simply taken over the rest of the planes of existence. The reason was very similar to why there is no world peace in the world, different views and selfish desires.

"The war is none of our concern but thank you for the information," Kanoe said cooly, "Tell us more about making deals with demons. For all the trouble the war is for some of them, maybe they prefer to be summoned by mere mortals." She smiled faintly as she stretched lightly. The dark witch took a seat in a nearby chair. Might as well get comfortable since the imp was doing the same.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
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Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:09 pm
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
Claire remained quiet alllowing Kanoe to do alll the speaking though when her lover sat she did to so as not to be the only one standing around. Aziz shifted, his shoulders now taking the brunt of his weight as he folded his hands on top of his stomach.

"On the contrary the war is a big deal here since both devils and demons vie to collect souls to fuel their powers and generate lesser kin. None make a physical move here though figuring that the guy upstairs might do something about it and get all medieval on their asses with an army of angels. Believe me, neither side wants to be fighting a war on two fronts. Geez, if we learned anything from World War II it's that. Germany and the Russians battling it out.

"But you're right, some demons prefer being summoned rather than be forced to enlist in a war they have no stake in. Some, like succubi and quasits are created for the purposes of harvesting souls for their war. Others seek out the duty, if you've ever been to the Abyss or Hell for that matter you'd realize rather quickly that anywhere else is Heaven by comparison."

His gaze flickered down to the floor to the sigil inscribed their. "Nice work warding off demons with that," he said as he straightened out his posture. "An excellent ward against demons I might add. You got it precisely right warding it against their chaotic components quite well where they are trapped within and can't project their magical abilities out of the circle."

He looked down again then back up with a grin spread across his face.


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Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:17 am
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
The answer provided little information at all which worried the witch some. Perhaps her payment was running short now and the imp was just teasing now. The praise for the ward made Kanoe narrow her eyes. Was there something wrong with the circle? It was keeping the demon inside and she has not noticed any sort of spells being cast beyond the circle.

Kanoe was beginning to think the imp has overstayed its welcome. "Thank you," she replied, "I think that is enough." The witch looked over to Claire. "Lets send Aziz back home. Perhaps we can make another deal in the future little one." Her mana began to flare as she prepared to chant the necessary incantations to banish the imp back to the demon plane.

My Student: Kanoe
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Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:37 am
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Post Re: Dreamscapes (for Kanoe)
"Go, already? Man I hate the Abyss." He stalked up to the edge of the barrier without touching it though he could feel the stirring of mana rustling about the room, the familiar energies of a dismissal rite whip about and it had to be now.

"You're circle is impecable," he commented as Claire joined her mana with Kanoe's stirring up the power to dismiss the thing, which was walking forward with a great deal of resistance, energy crackling off him causing Aziz to scream out but he kept moving forward, visibly slowed by the barrier though he pushed through it painstakingly.

"I'm not a demon ..." he flung a tiny hand outward towards Kanoe delievering a telekinetic blow to her abdomen. He had no time to assess damage as he busied himself bounding into the air to take flight hoping to avoid counter spells.

Aziz was still grinning though. "Imps belong to the infernal realms, created by and servants to devils. Or did I fail to mention that part? Demons have quasits, devils imps." He relayed, now on a bookcase for the time being but preparing to leap from that little perch to evade what he assumed would be their spells.


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Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:00 am
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