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 The Great Race! (For Millie) 
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Post The Great Race! (For Millie)
A most unpolite thing to do is yawn with your mouth wide open. Crush didn't seem to care, as he practically unhinged his jaw with a tired yawn that would make a cat envious. He would be able to wake up more if he had something to do, he could have easily gone to the dorms and just picked up his prey as he passed through, but hell... He yawned again. It wasn't worth the trouble, he didn't feel like sneaking around anyways. And he didn't have another mission for a good few weeks or so.

Standing there, near the waterfall, he looked up at the sky and estimated the time. That star was moving on over to the west, still pretty high. Must've been late afternoon, maybe 3, 3:30.. He reached behind his ear and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with the tip of his finger and sticking it in the side of his mouth. Just holding it there. Yes, a dull stupor was what he was in. He really needed something productive to do.

He took a long drag on the cigarette and turned his head slightly. Maybe I should excercise? The thought was ludicrous, he needed no excercise, he was forever in shape. He needed to keep his weight down to what it was anyway, he wouldn't be able to fly if he gained too much more muscle. Losing fat was basically out of the question, he basically had none. Somehow, however, he found himself stretching his arms and legs. "I need a new hobby." He commented up at a bird that was staring at him. It squaked and flew away.

He scowled slightly and stopped stretching. This is a waste of time..wait.. His ears perked up as he heard something. The heartbeat of a mammal..around 100lbs, maybe more.. He listened to the forest around him, trying to make that certain pulse from it all. He could feel a family of rabbits beating hearts, down in a burrow, a few birds, barely hearable. He thought he could feel the slow thud of that resident hippo. He listened closer, his eyes closing. There it was..that matched a human's heart rate...only faster. He supposed they were either being raped by a monster without a heart, or out for a jog. He smirked. If the latter is true, than the former soon shall be... He decided he would wait, to see what way the heartbeat turned, it seemed to be moving..that reassured him. He put out his cigarette and tucked it behind his ear, not quite so bored anymore.

Crush, my character

Picture by: Persephone

Last edited by Crush on Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:15 am
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille jogged, moving along a forest path, her I-pod once again in her ears. She paid more attention this time, though, unwilling to step off the path. She wore her usual jogging outfit, a pair of shorts, these ones black, a tight white t-shirt, a headband, a pair of wristbands, and a grin. If one were close enough to her, they'd hear Lost Prophets blasting out of the earphones, "Start Something." One of her favorites.

Moving at a measured pace along the path, the girl soon entered a clearing. She continued running, holding a hand up to shield her eyes from the sudden, brilliant flash of the sun after the relative gloom of the forest. It made her smile, coming out into the light like that. Perhaps it was a sign of better days to come. Who could know? Feeling optimistic, as she almost always did while running, Mille continued through the clearing, picking up her pace, her footfalls soft and rapid on the dirt of the path.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:03 pm
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His eyes shifted more to the right as he centered into the sound of Alternative-Rock coming from a small set of speakers. Prolly a set of those ridiculous looking ear bud things.. The demon was pleased despite his general cynical attitude on ear buds. He could track her with his eyes closed, if she kept that music going. The demon looked up to a large tree and picked out a sturdy looking branch. Tendrils ready, he snapped them up and around the branch, pulling hard and lurching himself high into the air. In midair, he spread his wings and started to flap them, looking around as he stablized his position.

What to do, what to do... Deciding that he didn't quite need the sneaky approach if there was no one around to serve as a witness, he set his wings and cruised ahead down the path. Turning a small bend, he could see the girl ahead, about ten feet below on the path. He laughed to himself at the cliche' jogging outfit she had adorned, wrist bands and all. The reason he laughed at it, however, was not because it was cliche', it was because the girl's ass looked all the more sexy in the short-shorts. He laughed at the thought of what he would be doing to that ass of hers once he got the chance. His resolve more firm now, and his dick becoming firmer (despite the wind chill), he began to swoop down.

The demon flapped his wings, gaining some speed. Crush had always admired birds of prey, and he loved their method of scooping up a victim on the fly. He lowered and readied his tendrils, the wind blowing in his ears, a manic grin spreading across his face as excitement filled his chest. He doubted she would hear him, but perhaps his shadow was abit more obvious, his tendrils snapped out and reached forward, about to grasp her..

Crush, my character

Picture by: Persephone

Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:26 am
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille ran along, oblivious to the fact that there was a creature anywhere nearby, simply reveling in the feel of the wind against her as she moved, the sound of her music, the shadow that swiftly grew as something closed in...her eyes popped wide open, but she didn't bother to scream or look back, a fact which she was proud of. Mille simply acted, diving off to the side in hopes of getting out of the way of whatever it was coming down at her. One of her earphones popped out of her ear in her mad dive to the side, and she could now hear the beat of a pair of huge wings. Whatever this thing was, it was a safe bet that it wasn't small...

She looked back as she flung herself to the side, her wide eyes trying to widen even further at what she saw. It was some huge, red....demon thingy. I looked like a man, but massively muscled. With wings. Really big wings. A man with tentacles. Swooping down on his massive wings to try and catch her with his tentacles. She had a good guess or two as to what would happen next, were she to be ensnared by said tentacled and winged man-demon thingy. Mille groaned inwardly. It never failed. Every time she poked her head outdoors..."Go away..." She whispered silently, hoping that the thing would miss and decide she wasn't worth the trouble, perhaps finding some other prey to torture....

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:54 pm
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He smirked slightly, well, at least she had an idea of what was going on, smarter women had always appealed him. At least they could understand irony and book references. He couldn't help but smirk and turn his head back for a moment. On the ground, he could have easily pulled in his wings, grabbed a low hanging branch with his tail and shot himself right at her. However, that seemed a bit simple. He hated the word, and the idea. Simple. He was more or less in it for the thrill of the chase, and wringing terror from his victims. Rape still was one of his favorite pastimes though. He decided he would give her a small ray of hope. Just for the moment.

The demon angled his wings and beat them, suddenly shooting up and out of sight. It was surreal, how quickly he had been there and gone. The towering tree-tops allowed sunlight, but the siloutte of the demon was lost among the foliage. The sound of his wings started to fade away.

It seemed that the demon's presence had instilled a sense of fear in the general forest, as well as Millie. For, as the seconds slowly passed, the wild life started to remake its appearence. Rabbits and gophers popped out of their burrows, birds started to chirp and caw. The danger had seemed to have passed.

Crush, my character

Picture by: Persephone

Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:16 pm
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille gaped after the thing as it zipped past, watching as it was there...then suddenly gone. THAT was fast. Very fast. And far too close for her comfort. She closed her mouth, stood up, looked down at herself, dusted herself off a bit, then picked up a rock, all quite calmly despite her close encounter. Then, with far less calm, the hurled the rock with all her might towards the place she'd seen the demonic thing fly up and away, anger and fear on her face. She hated these things, so constantly trying to ruin her life, it seemed, for the sheer pleasure of it. And, to make things worse, they had to be perverted about the whole affair, too.

She calmed herself down, pressed her back against a tree, mostly so that nothing could come up behind her....she hoped...and began to think of her next move. The thing, whatever it had been, was apparently gone, since all the creatures had come back out to play again...but she didn't want to make any bets on that one. Probably, it was lying in wait somewhere further ahead. Something that big didn't simply give up because it missed its first chance. She half-expected it to come swooping back down for a second chance any minute now...perhaps she should head back to the dorms? Not that it was exactly safe there, but it was a hell of a lot closer to it than anything out here. She turned to go back...then considered that the creature, with its speed, might already be back in that direction as well. No way to tell for sure...

"Damn...I hate this place..." Mille sighed to herself. She decided to continue onward, carefully, in case the thing was indeed up would be better than going down the predictable path that lead back the way she'd come. Moving at a light jog, leaving her headphones out this time, she made her way further into the forest, quick but cautious, keeping an eye out for a sign that anything was wrong. Several times, she darted off the path as some bird gave a shrill call or a tree rustled, clinging to shadows until the cause of the disturbance was identified. After a short while of this, she began to feel paranoid. "Still, better paranoid than something's plaything, I suppose..." The words held a ring of truth to them, and she quit worrying about how she looked, once more concentrating on her route. She hoped she found a branch in the path that led back to the dorms soon...she really didn't feel like being out there anymore, not after that close call...

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:59 am
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A rock wizzed by, a pretty big one too. The demon eyed it warily as it made a wide arc around it. Apparently, once he was gone, she considered it a good time to retaliate. Well, it probably made her feel better anyways. The demon calmly flapped ahead, thinking of what he should do with this one. She seemed to like running, probably a great deal, considering the outfit she had for it. The demon cracked his knuckles to help him think.

Crush eventually smirked and headed down, a decent distance from the girl's path. Her heart was beating like a hammer, and she was practically sweating fear, he could trace that bitch for miles now, running or not.

He glided down, folded up his wings, and dropped to his feet. He walked over to a good looking tree and leaned against it. He was behind a corner in the path, once she turned the corner, she would be nearly face to face with him. The demon pulled a cigarette from behind his ear and lit it using a minor spell. He took a long drag and waited, thinking of how he should play this one out.

Crush, my character

Picture by: Persephone

Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:44 am
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille picked up her pace, an ominous feeling growing within her. Something wasn't right...was she being watched? No clue. She ran...then ran faster, hauling ass down the path, trying to get away. She turned a corner...and nearly slammed into the thing that had tried to grab her a moment ago. Before that occured, however, Mille managed to make a most admirable stop. If, by admirable, one meant one's feet slipping from beneath them as they tried to lock them against a patch of moss, depositing them on their backside and coming to a stop against said creature's knees.

Cursing to herself, she backpedalled quickly, crabwalking backwards and away from the thing, smelling something familiar...a cigarette? She scrambled up and stared at the thing, disbelief creeping across her face. Was this for real? Whatever this thing was, it was smoking a cig. Now they come as smokers too, huh? She thought to herself irritably. Perfect. I hate cigarettes...aloud she spoke warily, "I don't know who you are, and I don't particularly care...just go away and leave me alone!" She stomped her foot on the last word, a touch childish, but she was a touch angry anyway. Once again, she found her time for physical activity on the brink of ruin by some creature that should only have existed in fairytales and nightmares. Damn the luck.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:59 am
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The demon flinched as the girl turned the corner suddenly, her eyes widening as she hit the brakes and eventually skidded into him. As she looked up, she got a good look at his cock, which was hanging threateningly above her head. He looked down with some interest at her, his eyes followed her movements as she crawled backwards away from him. He seemed to be somewhat apathetic, not really making any attempt to grab her, even though she was easy prey at the moment. He wanted to finish his cigarette before really doing anything else.

He cocked his head slightly as she stood up and defiantly began to tell him off. Crush smirked slightly as she stamped her foot, it was funny to him, her making such demands, as if she had some kind of trump that she could use against him. She might have thought him the type to simply turn away after being told off, not like the others on this island. Maybe it was because he was he was very close to being a man. Maybe this girl was used to ordering around men.

He calmly sucked on the cigarette.

He took it out of his mouth and leaned his head back alittle, letting the smoke rise into the air, dispersing with the wind.

"For a runner, you're pretty slow." The demon said, a sort of cold disinterest dripping from every word. "I mean, do you think you'd be able to outrun me?" He laughed. "Why did you run? What do you think I want with you?"

Crush, my character

Picture by: Persephone

Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:03 am
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille continued to crabwalk away as quickly as she could, her breasts jiggling in interesting ways each time her arms took the shock of impact, until her short frame had been backed up against a tree. She stopped then, mostly because there was something in her way, but also partially because the thing was speaking to her. She blinked up at the creature, absorbing his words...and the improbable fact that he was still sucking a cancer stick. Suddenly, they clicked, and her emerald eyes went hard as diamonds, burning with anger. Slow? Mille, slow? Oddly enough, out of the myriad of emotions she could have, and should have, been feeling at the time, the one that presented itself to this thing's remarks was her anger. Perhaps it was this thing's casual dismissal of her desire to be left alone. Perhaps it was her apparent inability to even complete a simple jog before she was caught by one of these things. Whatever the reason may have been, Mille was officially and irrevocably pissed.

She rose to her full height...which wasn't very impressive at all, but she hoped that her towering rage made up for her less than awe-inspiring height. "Slow, huh? This from you? A freaking mountain with legs? If it weren't for those damn wings, I'd smoke you faster than you smoke that cig, you bastard! I bet in a race, I could cross the finish before you could get one of your legs off the starting line, if you didn't use them." She was positively shaking with anger now. "And why the hell should I know what you want? I'm not psychic, and even if I were, you think I'd be slogging through that disgusting sewer you call a mind? Not on your life!" She stopped there, glaring up into the towering fiend's eyes, her small form tense and rigid.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:45 am
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The demon smirked, some sharp teeth showing out of the side of his mouth. Damn, she was pissed. Looked like a murderous rage, guess I hurt her pride when I called her slow. He finished the cigarette and spit out the butt, his smirk disappearing as options began to slowly appear. I could shove my dick in her mouth and make her shut up...nah, too brutish. Thats how to get with barbarian chicks, not these barbie bubble pop schoolgirl bitches. The demon cocked his head, noticed her glaring at him, and realized she was done yelling.

He straightened up, a sudden idea flashing in his head. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to put your money where your mouth is... eh sweetie?" He sauntered over, untill she was cornered between the tree and himself. He placed one hand on her face, it felt hot against her skin. "You seem like an ambitious type, how about we have a little race?"

Crush, my character

Picture by: Persephone

Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:53 am
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It was noted somewhere that this kind of situation was what probably coined the phrase "making a deal with the devil" but Mille didn't pay any atention to the notation. She was pissed. It was more than just being called was all her anger coming to a boil, suddenly. The desire to beat one of these creatures, even in something so pitiful as a was overwhelming. She was lost in the rush. She saw those sharp, white teeth gleaming in his smile and wanted nothing more than to smash her fist into them, but refrained. Raging or not, she wasn't stupid...not entirely, anyway. He was far bigger than she, and that event wouldn't end pleasantly for her, she was sure.

She nearly spat at him as he suggested racing to her. It probably should have registered that a race wouldn't be any good...why would he be offering it if he didn't think he could win? But she was far past most rationality. "Fine! A race then, and I'll show you who's slow! But two things. First off...You get to race like me. Any panzy can act like they're badass when they've got an advantage over the other. We're doing this on a level playing field. YOu're running this on two legs, and there's no way in hell you're going to cheat by flying or else deal's off! And secondly, when I win, you leave me alone. No more even looking in my general direction! Got it?" She glared at him again, barely suppressing a snarl of anger. "Now then. Name the stakes so we can get this show on the road."

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:32 pm
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Oh wow, shes pissed now...she probably hates me completely.. His smirk became somewhat more pronounced. Perfect. The demon calmly ran one hand over her chest as she explained her demands. He palmed one of her breasts, running his thumb over her nipple through her tight t-shirt. "Mmm, you really have wonderful breasts.." he looked up and saw the glare she was giving him, a vein steadily pulsing on her forehead. He flashed her that maddening smirk of his and backed up.

"Who's a badass? I'm just trying to give you a good time.." He rolled his eyes. "But I'll follow your rules, I wasn't planning on using my wings in the first place." He whispered something, placed one hand on his chest, and a seal appeared. A flash of smoke surrounded him, and as it cleared, he was now wearing a pair of black shorts with a hole in the back, a black headband, and a black wifebeater. "Might as well dress the part...and, as for my stakes.." He winked. "I'd like to keep you warm tonight. When I win, I intend on doing just that, with no struggles, or avoidence." He walked over. "The race will be a straight path, If you win I'll leave you be forever, If I win, you'll be mine till sun-up tomorrow." He held out one hand. "We have a deal?"

Crush, my character

Picture by: Persephone

Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:55 pm
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille snarled and slapped his hand away from her breast irritably. "Take a picture. Yer not gonna see any more of 'em than that." She listened to his proposal and went a bit cold inside. If she lost, she'd have to spend all that time with him...she looked up, the sky was only just beginning to show the hints of dusk. It wasn't even properly night time yet...her determined look came back. All the more reason to win. She couldn't back down now anyway. If she did, he'd be free to just take her anyway.

"Deal. But remember...when I win, you disappear. Forever." She thrust her hand into his and shook, then took up her starting position, pointing at a large boulder a good hundred and fifty yards off. "That's our finish line. I hope you can run a hundred and fifty? They say smokers can't run too well. I'll take it easy on you." She smiled wickedly to herself. "Signal the start whenever you're ready, lungs. I'll give you a smoking like you've never had before, and then you can go and tell all your little monster friends how you got totally thrashed in a footrace by a girl."

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:01 am
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