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 Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful 
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Post Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
Translating to English (Cross ref: Black tongue)...

True Name: Drachn'yen
Mortal name: Destrov Soulrender
Race: Demon Prince (formerly human, self-assumed race)
Place of Birth: Earth
Gender: Male
Age: ~Inapplicable~

Physical description: Destrov stands at a mighty 15 feet, his broad shoulders covered in thick plates of armor. His face seems to be in a permanent state of anger, his fanged mouth able to bend back like that of a snake and unleash a deafening and disorienting roar, revealing a snake-like tongue that drips with a not-quite normal looking saliva. Two massive horns sprout from the sides of his head. The Demon Prince has massive fists, with sharp claws growing from the back of his hands. The armor he wears does not cover much of his body, merely a chest plate, thigh plate and shoulder pads, letting his muscled lower torso and limbs out into the open. His feet are hoofs, which he treads upon with a unexpected agility. From his back sprout large, leathery wings, each one midnight black and dull in color, seeming to absorb the light from the air around them. His phallus is typically 10" long and 1.5" thick. However, due to the mutating nature of his existence, it is susceptible to change and mutation.


Psychological analysis: Destrov Soulrender is a malefic creature, with great power in his very capable body. He is very aware of this power and has grown an ego to meet the enormous size of his baleful body. Destrov's mind was once very tactical, cold and calculating, with the ability to execute bloody coups after the shortest amount of thinking. As a mortal, he had the power to manipulate the weak minded and the desperate. But since his ascension to Demonhood, he has lost himself to an insanity born of a huge influx of freedom and power. Destrov is a destructive creature by nature, but has occasionally leashed himself in order to entertain himself with any particularly interesting specimens. As a mortal, Destrov respected tenacity, bravery and defiance. It meant ambition, which he could always turn to meet his ends as a man of living flesh. Now, these things cause pause in the elegant monstrosity, bestowing the unfortunately defiant victim with what he believes to be a much more satisfactory rape. As an immortal, he feeds from the fear, pleasure and ambition of mortals. As a once-man, he still craves the body of woman and the feeling of ecstasy.

History: In years untold, Destrov was once a great warlord, who gained power in politics through pacts sealed with a pantheon of Dark Gods known as the Gods of Chaos. His knowledge of these "Dark Gods" came from a crumbling, ancient-looking, buried text, called the Liber Chaotica. In truth, this was merely a book of pulp fiction, written to accommodate the Warhammer game, but the politically ineffective Destrov was desperate for power and acceptance, so he took the words to heart. It was, then, perhaps a miracle or a disaster, that a member of an extra-galactic race known as the Furrhions was present when Destrov found the text and, using their innate mind-reading capabilities, deciphered his plans. They then took the guise of his Dark Gods, using their telepathic capabilities to send him "visions" and instinct-like instructions. Through this mad-man's bid for power, they expected to gain an influx of slaves and perhaps a pawn on Earth's political system. The barter had been made to be a constant influx of souls for the Gods' great appetite, and in the end Destrov's own soul was theirs for the taking, should he die. What in fact did happen is moments before the ending of one of Destrov's sacrificial rituals, the man or woman would be discreetly moved aboard the Furrhion space craft, without Destrov's knowledge, through mysterious means. But the mortal man had great plans in life, great ambitions, to ascend his immortal shell and into the realm of demi-Godhood. It had been rumored in the past that those that truly appeased the Dark Gods would have their mortal shells transformed into a visage more pleasing to their Gods, and their souls forever tethered to the dark realm of their Gods. And such, whenever these reborn beings died, their souls would be siphoned back to the Realm of Chaos, to be slowly reconstructed and their forms recreated. However, such is the nature of Chaos, that once their mortal shell is destroyed, a Demon Prince may not return to the realm of mortals unless summoned by the sacrifice of souls and a blood ritual.

Destrov strove for this great ascension, and so sacrificed his very humanity to achieve this dark goal of his. Where once he had had a wife, who loved him despite his political incompetency,he had forsaken his emotions for her in order to concentrate on matters of conquest. He ceased to make love to her in the conventional sense, instead taking her in her sleep whenever the urge took him. She came to protest to this, eventually growing rebellious to his increasingly vile nature. His daughter, once Destrov's pride and joy, was neglected and ignored. What need had a man for an heir, should he become immortal? The slaughter dozens, all in the name of the Dark Pantheons of Chaos. Yet it wasn't enough. The Dark Gods received their sacrifice of lives and blood from Destrov, but they required him to make one final pact, one that would seal his fate for all of eternity. In a dream it came to him, the dark realization of what he must do. When Destrov awoke, he looked down at his chest and found an 8-pointed star emblazoned on his chest, (in truth a simple drawing with permanent marker, done while Destrov and his wife slept in a medically induced coma) slightly darker then his skin but nonetheless of his Gods' favor and confidence in him. The Furrhions had decided that Destrov's far too zealous devotion had begun to make it obvious that something was wrong. Soon he would be discovered and they would lose a most willing servant. So they decided it was time to destroy his mortal ties to the world and make him into something more beneficial.

So the once-man slew his wife, painting his body in ritualistic runes with her blood. So his daughter was forced to watch her mother die. Destrov had finally lost what little bit of sense had been left in his mind and, at the same time, the last vestiges of a mortal. With the sacrifice of his daughter's innocence and the love of his wife, Destrov was at last granted demon-hood. In mid-ascension, however, just as power coursed through his once mortal veins and his body tingled with change, Destrov's mind also began to warp and change. His ambition flared, quickly being immortal was not enough. His brain filled with thoughts of conquest beyond the mortal realm, he shouted his plan to overthrow the Gods themselves and become a God in his own right. The Furrhions became distraught as they sensed this, for Destrov was becoming a danger to them. In truth, they had abducted him moments before he had gone through with killing his wife. The woman was merely bleeding from several shallow wounds. Destrov had been brought aboard the Spacecraft, immediately knocked unconscience upon arrival. Then Furrhion flesh-moulders began their work, using alien hormones and grafts from different species to remake Destrov into a force of destruction. But then, just before he was to be awakened and explained his role as a soldier, Destrov's dreams revealed his growing ambitions. Fearing for their lives, the Furrhions induced madness upon the man's brain, warping his thoughts and ambitions, through an implanted device, which messed with the synapse of his conscience mind, yet leaving his motor-functions intact. He was then bound within what appeared to the awakening Destrov to be the Realm of Chaos, but was in fact a room with no gravity in it, thus leaving him floating in the middle, weightless, surrounded by nothing but the occasional puff of purple smoke and darkness.

There, Destrov raged in his insanity, screaming and roaring into the endless abyss, when at last through sheer force of will, he managed to escape the curse of his once Masters. Or so he thought, when in fact the Furrhions had allowed the implant to wane in its effects in preparation for using their new weapon on the battle-field. He was descended into a field of battle, into the front line of the enemy. Now an avatar of death, Destrov's might was unmatched as he fought across the battlefield. Rather then be confused, his great body demanded engorgement, and he set about the bloody business of slaughter. Quickly, he found himself confronted by an army opposing that which he had sated his blood lust on. At first they were terrified, but then they were exultant upon seeing the blood of their foes on his terrible claws. Greeted by their leader, Destrov was quickly accepted as an ally and dubbed an alien. Listening intently and fulfilling the roles asked of him by the commander of this army, Destrov tested and pushed his new body to its very limits, a dark corona of power growing around him as he continued to consume the souls of those he slew, an innate ability he had garnered from his Dark Gods upon his ascension. In fact all this was was Destrov's slowly developing reputation mingling with his slowly developing telekinetic capabilities, garnered from his transformation. The fears of the army he was fighting, produced by his bloody reputation, made Destrov into an even more terrifying creature.

It was perhaps coincidence or the will of the very same Gods that Destrov felt in his madness had betrayed him, that upon a particularly dangerous mission to annihilate the gun-batteries of his foes, a daring grape shot destroyed his living shell and returned his soul to the realm of his Dark Gods. The great lumbering beast was brought low by the grape shot, his body peppered and nearly destroyed, but he was quickly returned to the Furrhion medi-craft and his body tended to. Within his mind, Destrov felt himself descend back into insanity and the Furrhions implanted a dream of Destrov's old life, before he had begun this mad quest for power. They needed to calm him down, to tranquilize Destrov's seemingly endless zeal. He was becoming far too much of a threat, made all the more dangerous by the induced madness. And so the decision had come that he was to sate his lusts and expend his extreme emotions upon the isles of Shokushu. However, a single Furrhion is at all times watching Destrov, prepared to use the implant in his brain to force his great body to seize up whenever he is about to harm or kill a mortal. Once arriving on the planet, Destrov's madness slowly began to fade, but he had not seen any human woman in nearly 20 years and the only one he could remember now was his wife, the image of which he had had a dream of before being put on Shokushu. Thus, whenever he sees a human female, not only are his lusts of old renewed, but his hatred of his rebellious wife as well.

Strengths; Destrov is inhumanly strong and fast, but is rather clumsy, as to him this form of demonhood is rather new and he is not used to its powerful bulk. He can fly with the large wings that sprout from his shoulder blades. His body, once a mortal shell, now mutated into a horrific new form, retains the mutable qualities which one of the alien races from which his limbs were grafted from had. Never do the mutations exceed the changing of an arm or the sprouting of a few tentacles. Destrov's body is also prone to changing slightly to fit the fears of those he hunts. He has mostly undeveloped psychic capabilities. They are limited to simple readings of the most basic aspects of a person's fears.

Weaknesses; Destrov is ungainly and unused to his body, having only truly tested it a few times on the field of battle. Thus he is known to push himself farther then he should. At that, he is also very arrogant in his power. The mutations he wills over himself are not always as beneficial as he'd like. They can be random at times. His power can wane with the favor displayed by his patrons. Destrov's one greatest weakness, which none have yet taken advantage of, is his true name. Drach'nyen is the name the Furrhions dubbed upon him during his ascension. It is with this name that his presence is invoked. Destrov is forced to listen when his name is spoken and to obey. He is not aware of this trait that his name holds, nor has he told anyone what his true name is. Destrov is also constantly under the watch of a Furrhion overlord, whose presence he does not know, and should he ever come to be close to killing or irrevocably harming a woman, his body seizes up and he falls to the ground in a seizure. This lasts for about 5 seconds at a time, much to Destrov's frustration.

UPDATE: I changed about Destrov's abilities and background, hopefully bringing closer to home in the world of Shokushu.

Destrov Soulrender
~Soulless and Lustful~

Knowledgeable and proud of this character's basis on Warhammer40k

Last edited by Destrov_Soulrender on Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:21 am
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Post Re: Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
Someone's been hitting the Warhammer 40K books a bit hard.

Now I need to think this one over.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
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Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:16 am
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Post Re: Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
You think it over, Madison.

I, on the other hand, will be busy ensuring I stay in Khorne's favor. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! -sacrifices innocents to the Blood God-

Awesome character, if I may say so. XD

Click HERE for my character profiles! If you're interested in a thread, just send me a PM and we'll talk! :D

Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:19 am
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Post Re: Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
Excuse me while I get my Heavy Flamers and Immolator tank.

But on a more serious note: How would something from the 41st millenium be in the 21st century?

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

Now on Discord, flarecobra#8525

Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:28 am
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Post Re: Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
Madison wrote:
Someone's been hitting the Warhammer 40K books a bit hard.

A bit? I'm clearly not trying hard enough. :lol:

On a more serious note, I was actually trying to give off the feel that Destrov was from the realm of Warhammer Fantasy, then through the Warp got into the present. By guns and warmachines I meant rifles and cannons. :oops: I realize the picture is from the 40k universe, but I couldn't find one from Warhammer Fantasy.

Destrov Soulrender
~Soulless and Lustful~

Knowledgeable and proud of this character's basis on Warhammer40k

Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:13 am
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Post Re: Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
You've obviously put a lot of work into this, or at least borrowed it skilfully but the whole thing is very much combat oriented and not really geared towards the actual purpose of the roleplay here. It would be better to aim for something more appropriate than to try and shoehorn a character from another roleplay into this one.

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Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
My original intention was to put something created for slaughter in a position in which it could not...

Sort of like taking a barbarian, stripping him of his weapons and forcing him into modern society. I guess you could say sort of like a social experiment?

You're right, however, in that this character was inspired by pulp fiction (indeed of the Warhammer variety). I will get on re-working it into a character more appropriate for the role play.

Thank you for the replies! :)

Destrov Soulrender
~Soulless and Lustful~

Knowledgeable and proud of this character's basis on Warhammer40k

Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:40 pm
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Post Re: Destrov Soulrender ~ Soulless and Lustful
Updated the profile to hopefully fit in more. I'd like to give my most excessive thanks to Stormbringer for his help.

Destrov Soulrender
~Soulless and Lustful~

Knowledgeable and proud of this character's basis on Warhammer40k

Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:07 pm
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