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 From Russia with love 
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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:00 am
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Post From Russia with love
OOC: I put in a rp sample just for fun. I havent sat down and wrote out something in awhile and I wanted to have some fun. It also exsplains how he got to the island ect.

Also you dont have to worry about him killing anyone or permanetly hurting anyone, i decided to make his saliva healing so a quick lick wounds gone. Any questions just as I cant wait to try my hand at this.

Name: Shirrow Yanagasawa (butcher of Kiev)
Race: Chiropteran
Type: Vampiric
Place of Birth: Kiev, Russia
Gender: Male
Nationality: Russian
Age: unkwn
Height: 10 ft
Weight: 360 lbs
Eye Color: red
Skin Color: Coal black
Skin Texture: Tough
Hair: yes
Hair Color: brown
Body Build: Muscular
Wings: Yes
Wingspan: 15 ft
Wing Color: brown/black in the membrane
Cock Size: 15 inches
Fighting Style: Arial hit and run/brawling
Motivation: Blood, easy prey
Psychological Profile: Shirrow is a well accomplished hunter of the night and for the long period of his life left a bloody trails across eastern Europe and most of Asia. He is no novice at acquiring prey and displays patients and skills of a seasoned veteran. He relies heavily of his seductive and alluring nature to peak the interest of his potential victims in order to make them more vulnerable to his advances. He is a cautious hunter and is always sure to strike in a secure location when the victim is alone, only in times of desperation will he become bold and strike in less secure areas. He realizes that if discovered it would ruin a good thing, and he is always careful never to kill or leave any permanent marks or scarring on his victims, usually he goes as far as to modify there memories using hypnotism.
He is a odd one among his species for his actions regarding his victims. Where most chiropteran hunt for blood and just blood he goes as far as to slake his sexual lust on his victims. The reasons behind this are unknown as his past before his infection has never been explored, infact most of the information about him in various government files is mere speculation for he has never sat down for a interview. :P
Personality: Arrogant and confident. Speaks with a slight sense of superiority. While in his disguise he can be cold and withdrawn, dodging questions about himself and past by changing the subject or lying if he must. He is very charismatic and a good speaker, usually dominating the conversation. He speaks with the subtle layer of aggression that some find intimidating, but it is this along with the general mysterious air about him that draws most of his victims.
Human Disguise Form: Yes
Human Disguise Appearance: A young 28 year old Japanese Biology teacher. He has pale milky white skin and intense green eyes with medium length back hair and glasses, as well as a mold above his lip on the right side. Sports a thin athletic build and a handsome though slightly feral face. He is always clean shaven, and speaks with a low smooth voice.
Clothing: black pants, white button up shirt, black tie and glasses.
Special Attributes: Regeneration, fast healing, hypnotism, and healing saliva.
Weaknesses: Sunlight
History: Little is known about the Chiropteran known only as the butcher of Kiev. It was assumed that he became active around the time of the Nazi invasion of Russia. He became the subject of many ghost stories. He would appear suddenly ambushing German patrols and gorging himself on entire units, and just as quickly vanish leaving only mangles corpses as a testament to his existence.
However his hunting was not limited to both sides, at the same time he would prey on the local populations of towns, his targets almost always young beautiful women. For the longest time the reports of mangled corpses went ignored on both sides until October of 1942. In a attempt to lessen the stress of active units the weirmacht sent a goupen of SS with the soul purpose of finding the "soviet threat" and eliminating it. What happened to the SS unit is conflicting. The Russian army reports list them as KIA, while conflicting Nazi reports list them as MIA and troubling still are those reporting there return to Germany and immediate discharge from the military, no living relatives have been found.
Following the Nazi defeat in 1945 the soviet high command finally went about a second secret series of purges eliminating what the believed to be Nazi war criminals. The chaos caused by The butcher finely received attention and in the winter of 1945 the red army sent a army group to the Kiev area in a attempt to get to the root of the problem.
There are several existing reports of vicious attacks of soviet troops in the Kiev around this time leading up to the event known as the Kiev massacre. That December the butcher ambushed a soviet patrol while moving threw a crowded market place, the soldiers opened fire killing dozens of innocent civilians as well as there own. During the chaos the butcher made his escape leaving the blame on the soviet officers who where eventually killed.
Realizing that the red army was looking for him he fled into central Asia. It was believed he spent time preying on local village girls in Kazakhstan before heading into parts of china, Tibet and eventually Vietnam once again using the conflict to cover his tracks. As time went on he became more calculating and less savage, not killing at all if he could help it realizing it would draw attention. After the war it was assumed he island hopped for awhile until reaching the shores of Japan, and beyond. His most recent victim was a biology teacher name Shirrow yanagasawa from shokushu High school. what horror that lies in store for the poor students of the school has yet to be revealed..


He has been at the school for about 2 weeks. He has realised there are other creatures there as well but he has looked for any conflict as he doesnt want to give himself away. He is seen little during the day, and he useally keeps his classroom dark as the sun irritates his skin and hurts his eyes.


Shirrow walked quietly threw the streets of the empty town making his way back toward the docks where he could catch a ferry back to the island. Most of the teachers him included stayed on campus but he would leave from time to time to acquire some specific items from the local markets before returning. He was quite young a recent addition to the staff. He was 28 and fresh into the teaching career. He enjoyed his job very much, though he was still getting into the swing of things. He was slightly shy during classes not that it wasn’t expected. Shokushu after all was a all girls school. Not that the girls where not attentive he just wondered as if they where actually listening to him or just admiring his body. His cheeks reddened and he swallowed hard, adjusting his glasses. He was very attractive standing around 5'6" with a firm athletic build. His face was thin and well cut with a small mole above his lip on the right side. His eyes where a intense deep green, and where perhaps his favorite feature.

He glanced around the empty street, it was getting late it was already dark and the street lights where coming on. If he didn't hurry he would miss the ferry and have to take the one in the morning. He hadn't been at the school long and if he was late he might loose he job. He increased his speed turning onto a small road that curved down toward the bay. All around him where various shops all of which where now closed. He didn't know why but he suddenly felt very tense. It could have been the off sound the wind made blowing threw the trees, or the shadows down the alleys between the buildings.

He increased his pace again, his free hand that wasn’t holding the bag of foodstuffs he had purchased was balled into a fist. His heart was hammering slightly in his chest. Something was wrong, why was he acting like this? It was if some basic instinct was telling him he was in trouble, that he was being watched..


The butcher shifted his weight into the lower branch of the tree he had chosen as his perch. The wood groaned but held but he dug a massive clawed hand into the trunk, just in case. His red glowing eyes scanned his surroundings. The town was mostly empty and he had yet to find any decent prey here. He had herd there was a high school around here too.. He sniffed at the air and caught a faint scent on the wind. It was human, young and male. He growled softly he preferred women. But he had not eaten in several days and as if to agree with this final thought his mouth started watering. He sifted his body once more toward the direction the man was coming from, he sniffed the air again. Yes, he was coming closer.

He sat waiting for several seconds eventually the man turned the corner and started heading down the street toward him. He could here the mans heart beat increase. His lips drew back in a smile revealing his elongated teeth. Fear was rising of the man, the butcher was sure the man could sense him, a throw back to the primal instincts of humanity back to when his species was much more common. The man passed under his tree, he would have struck but the branches would have made the attack awkward. He allowed the man to get about twenty or so yards away before he once again shifted himself, this time into a higher branch.

With quiet sounds of bones cracking and skin tearing his gigantic arms spit in two down the middle stretching apart and growing out into a pair of large bat like wings. With one mighty sweep of his wings he was airborne. He was a sight to behold roughly ten feet in high with a now massive fifteen foot wingspan. He glided over the roofs of several building before landing into and ally atop of a dumpster with a thud.


Shirrow felt a sudden breeze from behind him, and he thought for sure something had just moved over the top of him. He gasped and turned looking up at the empty sky, there was nothing. Moments later there was a loud thump from the ally across from him. The noise broke the silence like a gunshot and he jumped back raising his fist. "W-who's t-there?" He said quietly. His voice low and smooth but shaken with fear. A cat scurried out and raced across the street, he breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow. How foolish getting scarred over a cat, he needed to grow up.

He took a few nervous steps forward when a low grow made the hairs on his neck stand up. He became frozen in his shoes as he turned slowly toward the ally from where the cat had appeared. A pair of large glowing red orbs stared back at him, and he watched in terror as the rose a several feet to tower above him. He could now here heavy breathing and heavy footsteps. Slowly the creature came into the orange glow of the streetlamp. It stood a full ten feet. Its kin was a dark coal back and its body was covered in sleek brown hair. Its jaws came forward in a short snout and he was reminded of a over-grown vampire bat. But this was no bat he had ever seen. It stood up on two legs, its over long arms came down past its knees. It had a slightly stooped posture as if moving on the ground was awkward.

A fierce intelligence gleamed from behind its eyes, as the creature let out a low wheeze that sounded like a chuckle. He realized now that he had wet himself. The beast took a step forward advancing on him, yet he felt frozen solid. Finally something clicked in his brain RUN! He was moving before he could even register that his legs had regained there ability for motion. He dropped his bag sprinting down the street breathing hard overcome by complete panic.


The butcher grinned once more as the man began to run. He loved it when they ran. He took a few more clumsy steps after the man before lowering his body and using his arms to pull himself forward. With a great heave he threw his weight forward and he was airborne once more. But he didn't bother to shift this time he let his momentum carry him forward. He hit the ground with a loud thump behind a few feet behind his victim. He reached out with his massive arm garbing a hold of the feeling mans head and pulling him onto his back. He yelled and attempted to fight back, his feeble punches absorbed by his tough skin. He dug his claws into his face, the man screamed as the warm blood flowed out of his wounds and onto the butchers hands the intoxicating smell escaping into the night.

He yanked the man upward, a bit to hard as the movement was met with a sickening snap, the struggling shirrow went limp as a rag doll. The butcher frowned slightly, he wanted a bit more out of this one. The beast shrugged and opened up his gaping maw before biting down hard onto the mans neck. His teeth tore at the flesh and he greedily fed from the wound shirrow’s warm blood flowing into his mouth and down his throat. The butcher felt a rush of energy and vitality that he had been missing these last few days.

He held the man at that awkward angle for several long minutes until he dropped his now cold dead corpse onto the pavement, his body now empty of the precious liquid. He usually didn’t kill but he had not fed in quite some time, and he needed all he could get. But now properly sated he decided to find out a bit more about this man, as he had noticed that his clothing looked a bit out of place for a town like this. Casually he reached into the mans pocket and withdrew his wallet.

He flipped threw its contents reading the name on his ID "Shirrow Yanagasawa." he spoke in a low growl, glancing down at the lifeless corpse. "I like that name..mind if I borrow it?" The corpse showed no sign of protest so he nodded and went back to his investigation. He came across a boat pass, that confirmed his suspicion of this man not being from around here. He didn’t seem to have that much cash on him, ether he was payed next to nothing or he had bought more than beer. He sniffed at the corpse. "Been having some fun buddy?" he asked, though he couldn’t smell anything. "Guess not, see bud life’s to short you need to learn to cut loose." He chuckled slightly and decided to look at the pictures.

He paused for a second, looking down at the first one closely. There was this shirrow guy standing around wearing the same get up. Next to him were several very good looking schoolgirls. Curious he looked at the next few. One was him teaching a class, another of him drinking coffee in what looked like a teachers lounge. He removed the picture with a clawed hand and checked for a date on the back, and there it was written in pen the date of not a week earlier. His curiosity peaked he returned to the ID and slid this out as well now taking a closer look. Exactly as he though this man was a teacher at a place called shokushu. He checked reviewed the id for several second learning that this man was a biology teacher, and from the date on the card relatively new.

The grin returned to his face, a whole new door had opened for him. Grabbing the now unrecognizable corpse around the head he started to drag it back into another alleyway a few feet away. The prospect of a entire school filled with young beautiful girls was too much to pass up, and he had everything he needed to gain entry. "I hope you don’t mind if i borrow more than your name." He said, looking down at the corpse. Suddenly his body began to change his form shrank down to a normal size, his hair retracted and his skin paled. His claws turned into hands and his bat like face changed into a direct copy of the dead shirrow. However the butchers personality shown threw. No longer a shy timid teacher the new Shirrow was seductive and confident. His face was no longer soft but feral, which only happened to increase his for a lack of a better word sexyness.

He removed the clothing from the body and pulled it over himself, frowning slightly at the damp trousers but he chose to ignore it. Surprisingly he had gotten no blood on the white shirt. He pocketed the wallet and moved to admire himself in the window of a nearby shop. He looked good, not as good as his original human body but still pretty good. Butt he noticed something was missing, he glanced around for several second before seeing a glint a few feet away on the sidewalk. He strolled over and saw a pair of glasses. He figured they fell of in the chase. Smiling triumphantly he slid then over his nose. He glanced down at the docks he could catch the boat if he ran. A smile spread over the face of his new mask as he ran off into the night..

Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:10 am

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Ill post after I have been approved.

Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:27 am
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Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:23 pm
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Looks pretty good, there are just a couple of things I wanted to mention..."Healing saliva" is okay, but I suspect most girls would want not to be wounded at all in the first place. There really hasn't ever been much blood on this board, I think...The other thing is, you didn't actually describe your monster. I mean, you have "Chiropteran" and stuff like your skin color and wing size, but you don't actually what you LOOK like. You know? :P I think it'd be useful if you had somewhere that people could quickly read and get an idea of what your monster's like. Even if it's just a link to Minion of Leshrac. ;)

The students were sleeping all snug in their beds, while visions of tentacles danced in their heads.

Dendrite, irresistibly helpful tentacled alien! Message me to move your completed threads.

"You've got to be able to fuck when they can't."
--Jason Carter

As seen on Something Awful!

Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:05 pm

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Im working on getting a picture for him, I know exsactly what I want too, google isnt being helpful however.


Best i could do

Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:16 pm
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creepy... *shivers* and quite cool... i hope to see you around here ^_^ and if you need a partner dont hesitate to message me

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:05 am
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Thanks, glad you like him; and will do!

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:56 am
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Hee hee, characters just get darker and darker around here...

* impish grin with thoughts of evil*

Go get 'em kid, go get 'em. :twisted:

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
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Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:00 am
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ooo I like vampires..they are fun..anyway, if you want a little more of a challenge don't be shy, I'm almost always avalible =3

Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:16 am
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