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 Dedication (for Minerva) 
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
The ship drew up close to the island, men climbing off of a ladder or simply jumping over board into the shallows of water. Men broke off into groups, taking off after goats that they spied on the island, others after other game or to go off and collect water that was in short supply. Hopefully a fresh spring or stream could be located before long.

Hercules hurried off along with the others glad to stretch his legs. He was with the young fellow again. Thesus was on the beach casting his glance to and fro as if confused as to what he should be doing. There was no order here, just chaos, and he wondered briefly if there was any sort of plan established for him.

Apparently not, he spied Minevra and moved closer to her. "Shall we look for a spring?"


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Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:16 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva had jumped over board into the shallow near the shore. It felt good to feel the warm water around her legs as she made her way to the shore. The red haired amazon finally could feel the sand give way underneath her sandals as she made it on to shore. There she could see the other Argonauts milling around on the shore. Some were just enjoying time away from the ships, others were gathering up to go hunting the wildlife on the ship. It all seemed so disorganized.

However, the Greek she had befriended earlier had moved over closer to her and suggested they look for a spring. That is a good idea. Since there is animals on this island there has to be some sort of fresh water around to keep them alive. And it should not be too far away. Let us make our way inland.

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Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:33 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva had jumped over board into the shallow near the shore. It felt good to feel the warm water around her legs as she made her way to the shore. The red haired amazon finally could feel the sand give way underneath her sandals as she made it on to shore. There she could see the other Argonauts milling around on the shore. Some were just enjoying time away from the ships, others were gathering up to go hunting the wildlife on the ship. It all seemed so disorganized.

However, the Greek she had befriended earlier had moved over closer to her and suggested they look for a spring. That is a good idea. Since there is animals on this island there has to be some sort of fresh water around to keep them alive. And it should not be too far away. Let us make our way inland.

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Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:33 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
The pair made their way inland. The island was hot and tropical but not too the point where it had so humid that their moisture was being sapped. Before them had been jungle that they went into, Thesus stopping occasionally to note the tracks, which, he theorized, would eventually led them to water.

But they came put of the jungle not too long into their search entering into a vast valley where the glint of greenish-brown metal caught there eye.

There were collusi here, bronze statues weathered by the elements. Each forged by the god Hephaestus were easily the size of a sky scrapper and depicted various gods and goddesses each upon a sizeable relief the size of a building in it's own right.

Plagues with names inscribed on them had been here. Thesus seemed amazed at the splendor no mortal hands could have constructed. His eyes wide as he took everything in. "My word ..."


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Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:36 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
It seemed like that the two had been traveling for a while through the jungle. It was pretty warm and humid, but at least it was different that the cool winds they had been experiencing on the Argos. The red headed amazon was fortunate to have Thesus with her as he was able to find tracks of animals on the few trails they traveled on.

However, soon the the two of the warriors had come out to a valley filled with bronze statues. The statues were massive easily matching some of the larger buildings the young woman's hometown of Atlanta. She couldn't imagine anybody on Greek society being able to complete such a massive undertaking. Still it was very impressive, Wow, I wouldn't thought we would have found anything like this out here. Who knew there was anything like this on the island.

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Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:31 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
"Clearly bot I," Thesus gazed at the statues a little bit longer then wandered forward with Minevra. On the buildings were doors and plaques above each door depicting a god or goddesses name. "Look!"

Thesus pointed across the valley at a pair of specks. Even at this distance he was aware that one was clad in hides, the skin of a lion or other beast was drapped over his shoulder and he wielded a club. It was clear that the man was Hercules, the other no doubt his companion.

The pair vanished, both straining to open one of the doors of a building before going inside.


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Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:08 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva looked over at what Thesus was point at. At first she couldn't what her companion was pointing at, but then it became clear he was point at two men. One she quickly identified the bigger of the two was Hercules, the second was a man was a good friend of Hercules who name escaped the red headed amazon for the moment. She watched in disbelief as the two apparently found a way to enter one of the platforms that the bronze statues stood on.

Rats!!! The amazon began to start moving in the direction of Hercules and his companion. Jason warned us not to disturb anything and only take food and water. They are going to get us in alot of trouble if they take anything. Come on, Thesus! Normally, Minerva wouldn't given such a superstition another thought, but in this world Hercules actually existed as did Jason. She didn't want to take the chance that the wrath of the Greek gods would be delivered upon them.

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Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:38 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Hercules and Hylas vanished from sight as the two of them rushed forward. They felt a little winded by the time they made it over to the building and like others it was the base on which stood a huge bronze statue of a man. Above the door was a plaque with the name TALOS written on it.

In the room beyond she could see the glint of metal, gold, piles and piles of it as if this had been a treasure trove. Gold, jewels and other things caught her eye but only briefly as the door slammed shut sealing the occupants inside.


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Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva moved up to the door as quickly as she could as tried to warn the two Greeks not to go inside. But as she was about to say something, she was stunned by what she saw. There was gold, jewels, precious metals; the entire room to was filled in it. However the view was fleeting as suddenly the door slammed shut trapping Hercules and his friend. The red head amazon raced up to door and immediately struggled to push it open. However, she made no headway and she realized she was winded from her sprint. The young woman turned and put her back on the door. *huff* *huff* We have to figure a way to get those two out of the there, Thesus.

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Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:50 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Were the other buildings filled with treasures? Were they offerings that each god and goddess put them aside? As she contemplating helping Hylas and Hercules, Thesus wondered what they could do. There were no handles on the door and it looked like it pulled though it was in the midsts of wondering that Minevra moved. Her back was pushed, nay, the door as Hercules, blessed with divine strength and with the meager assistance (in comparison) of Hylas assisting him made steady progress with the door until it was opened enough that the two of them could squeeze out of it.

When they had it did not take the amazon long to notice that Hercules had a new javelin made of gold, nay, it was a giant brooch pin!


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Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:05 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva made another attempt to try to open the door on the statue, but it didn't budge. The young woman didn't know what to do, she just had to assume that the door was built the way to keep anybody out of the statue's treasures. The red head could only imagine how much treasure would be in all these statues. As she looked at Thesus for advice, she suddenly felt the door behind her begin to budge. At first it was slow going then the door opened wider and wider until the door was open enough to allow the two trapped Greeks.

It became clear that it was Hercules with a little help from Hylas had forced the door back open using raw force. The amazon had remember reading about Hercules legendary strength, but to see such a physical representation in person was something she never expected. He could have easily opened the door himself with out any help what so ever. In fact he appeared to be doing one handed, as he had a prize in another hand. He was carrying some sort of giant brooch pin.

What are you doing Hercules. Jason said we can't take anything from the island except food. You are going to get us in alot of trouble if you don't put it back.

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Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:29 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
"Put it back? It was just laying there, no guards at all, look!" He made a sweeping gesture behind him to the chamber. Hylas had told the demi-god the same thing though he did not listen in classical stubbornness that was Herc.

But there was little time for reflection for soon they could all hear the screeching sound of metal as the statue above moved. Talos was animated and focusing his gaze in there direction before hoping down from the building, his impact on the ground sending tremors through it as he landed and headed towards them.


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Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:04 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva looked at chamber behind him, filled with all sorts of of gold, jewels, and precious metals of all different shapes and sizes. It was all so tempting with all that treasure just sitting there. It would be very hard to resist, if the amazon had anywhere to take such treasure. For Hercules it proved to be impossible to resist.

It was then that the four heard the screeching sound of metal. Minerva looked at around trying to find the source of the noise, when she finally looked up. Before her eyes she saw the bronze statue of Talos come to life as it turned to stare at them. He then jumped off the platform and landed on the ground with an earth shaking thud. The amazon was nearly thrown off her feet, by the force of the tremors. But as giant bronze soldier began to make his way over to them, the red head managed to keep her balance. We need to get out of here, now!

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Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:30 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
There had been no disagreement; Hercules, Hylas and Thesus ran across the valley with Talos in hot pursuit. Fortunately Talos was bot as quick though the length of one of his strides had been greater than there own.

Still the men zig zagged from building to building knowing that in an open run that Talos would beat them by virtue of his size alone. They seemed to experience quite a few terrifying moments, Talos being heard all the while as his limps screeched but they were able to get out of the valley to the forests here where the trees were too narrow to allow the bronze warrior an easy path, more so they would have cover from him and would not be in his sight for the most part.


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Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:30 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva ran as fast as she could trying to keep up the three Argonauts as they attempted to outrun the huge Talos. But Talos is strides were so much bigger than theirs, that it was clear that he was going to overtake them. The four Argonauts dove behind one building before sprinting to another building, in attempt to make it harder for Talos to grab them. Everytime they sprinted to a building, the redheaded amazon could here the screeching noise of Talos's legs get a little quieter as they made their away from the beast, only to here that same noise get closer and closer before they were forced to dive behind another building.

Eventually, the four of them were able to make out of the valley to the relative safety of the jungle. The trees here would provide some cover from the bronze warrior's pupiless eyes, giving the opportunity for the Argonauts to continue to move without having to duck from cover to cover. We need to make our way back to the coast and warn the others, before Talos finds them.

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Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:38 pm
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