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 Dedication (for Minerva) 
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
"Agreed," Hylas readily put in, his cheeks red now, his chest rising and falling as he drew in draughts of air. Talos halted behind them. They could no longer feel the tremble through the earth nor hear the screech of his limps.

Then after a moment they could hear and feel them again as it moved away from the jungle. Making haste the four of them came out onto the beach, several Argonauts were milling around, chatting to one another while others loaded goats onto The Argos.

But before anything could be said a familiar view came into being at the end of the beech, Talos, getting several Greeks to point at the colossal statue while others made a mad dash to the ship and hurried aboard, no urging needed as they knew that their meager weapons where like tooth picks against that thing.


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Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:40 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva felt a tinge of relief as she felt couldn't feel the earth move. Talos seemed to be content to stand there as he is going to look for the four before moving after them. That suited the amazon just find, if he wouldn't pursue them without seeing them, then they will simply not be seen. There persistence in hugging the jungle as they moved was finally rewarded, as she heard the screeching legs of Talos move away from the jungle. All the four had to do now, was to get to the Argos and sail away before Talos found them.

Soon the jungle broke away as the four of them burst out on to the beach. They looked around as they found their fellow Argonauts wandering around on the beach either chatting with each other or gathering goats to bring aboard the ship. As Minerva was about the shout out a warning, her voice was drowned out by the screeching sounds of Talos's feet. The massive bronze warrior began to walk towards the mass of Greeks, causing most to begin fleeing to the ship. If they could all just get on board before he caught them.

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Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:01 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
They all managed to board given Talos' slow speed, Jason ordering his men to put their backs into it, though he did not have to prompt them any as they rowed the Argos away. When Talos did arrive at the beach the ship was out of reach. Had this been a horror movie Talos would have waded out to sea to get them as they were not far out.

But he seemed bound to the island and did not set a foot into the warm waters rather he walked away. When next they saw him Talos had moved to the end of the cove that they had to sail out of. Jason was screaming at the men to reverse course but they were too late, Talos was too close to them now.

Either leg on land, the gap that they had to sail through had been between the statues legs. Talos bent down though, seizing the ship as if it were some kind of model as he righted himself, shaking the ship from side to side.

The mast snapped and broke off, indivudals fell from it into the waters below, swimming back to shore. When Talos finished knocking all the people off of the ship into the sea he discarded the ship into the sea, the vessel now capsized, the giant began to head back in the direction of the beach were the men would no doubt swim towards.


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Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:35 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva raced aboard being the last one to make it aboard, and she quickly took an oar and began to row with all her might. Her strength was not add alot in the grand scheme of things, but she hoped that the last little bit of her strength would be enough for her to get them away. The ship managed to get away leaving the bronze warrior on the beach.

The red headed amazon let out a small cheer before as they left Talos on the beach. Then she saw Talos begin to move down the beach, and she suddenly realized that in horror that the huge statue was moving to the cove where the Argo had to go through to escape the island. Jason yelled the at everyone to reverse oars, but it was too late as the bronze warrior grabbed the ship with once scoop.

At first he merely held ship as he pulled it out of the water. Then Talos began to shake it back and forth. The red headed amazon struggled to hang on the for dear life as the ship was slowly torn apart by the giant warrior. Eventually Minerva was thrown clear of the ship, the red head amazon screamed as fell into the water.

With a splash, Minerva found herself in the bay's water. She immediately looked around for some sort of weapon while she was underwater, with the ship wrecked the only chance for anybody would be to somehow, someway, destroy Talos. It was a impossible task, but the only way to survive is to pull of the impossible.

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:18 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
There was no weapon to be found nearby, not with a quick look anyway though there had been plenty of broken wood from the ship floating in the sea. At least the water was relatively calm and warm now which was a blessing as Talos stomped off towards the beach again.

Some of the Greeks still had weapons that they grasped before going over board, the majority did not though as they washed up or swam to shore, Talos looming in the near distance.

What was not known was that Jason called upon aid once more just as he had with the shortage of food and water he asked the goddess now how to destroy Talos. It was the last time that she could assist him but relaid to him to look towards his ankle.

Once on shore though he directed the Argonaughts to distract Talos while he looked for this weakness.


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Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:31 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva grabbed a piece of wood and headed to shore. Well, this is better than nothing. Although nothing isn't much worse. The soaked amazon swam to shore and began to make her way on to the beach. The young woman noticed that Jason was already organizing the Argonaughts.

Not there was much to organize, most had barely made it to shore with their clothes on their backs. A few had managed to make to shore with weapons, but they were few and far between. The young woman noticed that Jason for organized the Argonaughts.

For some reason, Jason had seemed to have instructed the Argonaughts to get the attention of the Talos. The warriors did as they were told as they began to throw rocks and one even fired a bow and the bronze giant began to move in their direction. It was then she noticed Jason was maneuvering himself behind the giant warrior. Quietly, Minerva did the same; whatever Jason was up to she wanted to help out.

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:05 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Talos, distracted by the warriors moved in their direction at the shouts and rock and weapon hurling. Arrows deflected harmlessly off his hide as he came. Though as he did Minevra saw that Talos sported a strange [lug on his left ankle, one that Jason rushed towards.

There were two metal prongs jutting out of this plug, possibly for a large person to grip and open. Jason stuck his spear between the two using his weapon to pry open the plug or at least try for it did not seem to budge under his strength as he strained to open the plug, muscles bulging, veins swelling as he did so.


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Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:20 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva watched as Talos moved beyond her towards the Argonaughts as they continued to throw things at the bronze warrior. The amazon could see their weapons bounced off his metal body. All they were doing were making the giant warrior move towards them, which was exactly Jason's plan. The young woman saw the young man race from cover and head to the bronze warrior's left ankle. It appeared that Talos had some sort of strange plug with metal prongs sticking out of the plug.

Jason raced over and placed his spear underneath the prongs in attempt to pull the plug open. Despite his best efforts, he simply wasn't strong enough, he was going to need help. In an instant, the red headed amazon sprang into action. She rapidly closed the distance as he raced as fast as she could to Jason and Talos's ankle. Once there she grabbed on to Jason's spear, adding her strength to his efforts. With the little bit of extra strength and some luck, the two of them would be able to get the plug free. She hoped that loosing the plug would somehow stop this giant bronze warrior.

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:45 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
The plug was like a jar lid that was on too tight. The spear did provide them some levage and the plug was loosening barely, the strain in their limbs had been great though they popped it hearing an audible hissing sound as they did so. The plug know loose was able to be moved with greater ease as the pair frantically worked to loosen the plug.

They had and once the plug came away from Talos a sizzling red liquid shot from it, the effects immediate as the bronze warrior tilted this way and that as if it was attempting to maintain it's balance as it's life force escaped from the hole.

With a crash Talos fell to the earth, a stark tremor ripping through it, Talos was no more ...


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Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:35 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
As the amazon struggled with all her might, she could here an audible pop from the plug. Within in seconds, Minerva's ears were rewarded with the sound of hissing as the superheated liquid spilled out on the sand. The young woman renewed her efforts as she assisted Jason as he attempted to free the plug. Soon the two had the plug completely free as the red hot liquid shot everywhere. The beautiful red head looked up and could see the immediate effect on the bronze warrior that towered over her. Talos began to struggle to maintain his balance, even looked a little drunk as his coordination began to quickly fade away. With a few moments, the lifeless bronze statue fell to earth, a hollow shell of a creature.

It was then and only then that the amazon let herself her fatigue catch up with her. Minerva's knees hit the sand and the red head took a moment to catch her breath.

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Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:54 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Aegir had finally reach Minerva. He was easily within tentacle range but he had delayed her enough to make that possible, still he had not dropped the illusion just yet allowing matters to play out,

In her head, Minevra discovered that Hylas did not make it. He probably drown and the news disheartened Hercules who blamed himself for the matter. The gods punished Hylas rather than him the one that caused all this. But there was no body and Herc elected to stay here and search for Hylas. Jason told him that they would wait until night fall to sail incase the demi-god changed his mind.

The ship was repaired and needless to say they cast sail without Hercules. Days seemed to pass though in reality only a few seconds passed. Soon they came upon Phineas island, and could hear shrieking in the near distance.


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Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:30 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
When it was all over, Minerva looked took stock of the crew. After checking several times, it became that Hercules's friend Hylas was missing. None of the Argonauts could recall seeing the young Greek since falling off the ship. The crew looked for their missing member, but after a while it became clear that poor sailor probably drowned when he was thrown off the ship. However, Hercules was having none of that, he wouldn't rest until he found Hylas. Even after the Argonauts had repaired their ship, the demi-god refused to quit searching for him. It was great reluctance that Jason was forced to leave the demi-god behind as the Argo.

The ship traveled for days, the red headed amazon wondered if she would ever be able be able to escape this world she found herself stuck in. It all still felt so real, she even felt the loss of Hercules and Hylas. However after a few days, the ship caught sight of Phineas island, and it was then that the amazon heard shrieks. What was that?

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:12 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
"Zeus creations I recon," Thesus explained as he looked towards the skyline. "The harpies. A bird-like woman I have come to understand.

The order had been given to move out by Jason and their travels had been brief before they arrived at the ruins of a building, there was no roof or walls for that matter just pillars upon pillars that stretched skyward. The scattered remnant of food had been scattered about and an older man had been on his knees.

Jason rushed forward, many of the Argonauts paused, looking skyward as they spied a pair of creatures flying away to the likes that they had never seen which caused them to gawk for the most part.

"Are you alright?" Jason asked the man as he helped him up.

"Yes, yes, damn harpies! I have sinned Zeus but not everyday of my life!"

There were words of introduction, Jason had explained who he was and why he and the Argonauts had journeyed this far from Greece. The man introduced himself as Phineas, a blind profit. When hearing about Jason's reasons for coming he agreed to help him under the condition that the harpies be dealt with.

Jason readily agreed though many of his men showed outward signs of concern in dealing with monsters that Zeus himself created for this man's tormentors.


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Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:38 pm
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
Minerva was heard a little about harpies from her old school classes, they were half-women, half bird. She never expect to ever see one before, of course the red headed amazon didn't expect to see a giant bronze warrior come to life just days earlier. Still Jason ordered the Argonauts to move out and head inland. The group soon found themselves outside a ruined building with a pair of creatures flying away. The sight was fleeting, but it was then the amazon was sure they stumbled across the mythical beasts.

Jason continued to move into the building, while the Argonauts stood there staring at the beasts that just left. After a moment of gawking the rest of the Argonauts entered the building to find a man that on his knees. It became quickly clear that the man was Phineas, the blind profit that Jason was looking for. And he would be happy to help out Jason, if for a small price....Jason and the Argonauts would deal with the harpies that tormented Phineas so.

Many of the Argonauts shown signs of concern, maybe even a little fear at the deal, as they didn't want to fight creatures that they believed were made by the head of their gods. However, the red headed amazon knew that the only way she would complete this quest was to press forward, and besides she was outsider. She took up her shield and spear and moved next to Jason to show her solidarity with the leader of Argonauts. She hoped her support, would push the rest of the Argonauts into action.

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Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:00 am
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Post Re: Dedication (for Minerva)
"Not that we can do much the things are blessed with flight and will just fly away at any sign of trouble."

Many nods confirmed this but Jason was undaunted. "We shall construct a fishing net and place men there pn those ledges to draw the net around the ruins and drape it in such a manner as one would place a cloth over a bird's cage to take away their advantage.

"They will be trapped within and men on the ground can pull aside the net at the bottom to get inside and deal with the harpies. Phineas will draw them near by going on as if nothing is out of the ordinary and when the harpies come to torment him we will strike with such blinding speed that the harpies will only realize what's going on when it is too late.

"I see that there is one Argonaut amongst you willing to so her courage against these things. Are you going to allow a woman to show you up by standing up to the gods?"

"I'm in." Thesus chimed in as he stepped forward, next we grumbled signs of acceptance to this. Jason peeled his gaze over them then assigned them the task of constructing a net.


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Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:42 am
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