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 The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi) 
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Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:55 am
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Post The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
Well, that could've gone a bit better, Kakumaoh thought as he stood in the dorm's hallway. Say, if I'd taken the time to scout things out first instead of just coming here on a whim.

His reasons for going to this room were perfectly understandable: he'd heard rumors of the infamous 'orgy room', and had decided to meet the residents. Unfortunately, he'd happened to pick a time when none of them were in. Nor was there a prefect available who he could 'convince' to let him into the room to wait.

Nothing else for it, I guess. Slipping into a nearby janitorial closet, he began to watch the hall for any students who looked worthy of his attention.

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:04 pm
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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
The 'Orgy Room', started by a girl that was now a head girl was room 300. Airi... she didn't live in that room, she lived not too far away in room 305. She was kind of lonely in that room without a roommate, she was still getting used to the whole lonely feeling. She was standing outside the door for the time being looking for someone to pass by to no avail. She sighed softly to herself muttering to herself in Japanese, something about loneliness being evil.

She stood there quietly for well over twenty minutes in public, people passed by and when she tried to say hello they were either in too much of a rush, listening to music or talking to someone else. Feeling as though she'd failed she decided she may as well be lonely in her room and sing a little.

She went into her room and nudged the door closed, she didn't care if it closed completely or not, maybe if someone heard her sing they'd find some interest in her and want to hang out a bit. she didn't turn on any music, instead she simply sung a song from her memory. He voice as soothing as always though she didn't know there was something that would be effected far more than a human would be by her voice within earshot. (


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:07 pm

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Location: Just behind that tree... or that wall... or maybe that door...
Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
This isn't working at all. There'd been a flurry of students heading to or from classes, which had made the halls too crowded for him to try anything, and now the halls were empty again. Nor had he seen anyone worth his attention going into any of the rooms he could see. He was about to go elsewhere to hunt for a 'companion' when he heard singing from a nearby room.

Not really my type of music, but she's got a nice voice, he thought. Worth checking out; if she looks even half as pretty as she sounds, she'll be worthy of my attention.

The singing was coming from a room a few doors down on the same side of the hallway as his hiding place, which explained why he hadn't seen Airi. Frustratingly, while the door was open a crack, allowing her singing to escape into the hall, it wasn't open enough for him to see her. With a mental sigh, he positioned himself so that, if she opened the door, he'd be able to see her but would remain hidden from her, and then knocked lightly on the door.

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Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:01 pm
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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
Her voice was a generous gift, something she shared with the beings that humans called 'angels' whatever they really were, it was a frequency that tended to make those that humans called 'demons' either soothed or uncomfortable, and either way it usually wouldn't be a good thing.

He singing was drawn to a sudden stop when she heard the knock at her door. she stood from her bed and moved quietly to it. she nudged the door open peeking out and glancing down the hall in both directions.

"Harō? Dare mo ga aru?"((hello? is anyone there))

She asked in japanese, which tended to be her default language when she wasn't actually focused on what she was saying, she tended to be a little spacy sometimes.

The first thing anyone would notice was that she was a bit petite, though it was obvious she was fully grown woman she was a small woman in many respects. second would have been her hair which almost dragged the floor. she wasn't what one would call 'sexy', not incredibly so anyway, really she was more in the realm of 'cute' with a slightly sexy natural lean to how she stood.

.oO(no one... imagining things I am so lonely? maybe...)
she turned away from the door and returned to her bed. she sighed softly to herself as she plopped back onto the soft matress and opened a small notebook looking through ideas, she hadn't written anything in a while and had an odd urge to.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:20 am

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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
Well, this seems to have worked out after all. Maybe the orgy room'll have to wait for another day, but this girl should be quite entertaining. While her appearance suggested that her reactions would be different from what he'd expect from his intended targets, he'd found that the cute, innocent type were quite enjoyable in their own way. And, of course, there was the possibility that her appearance was deceiving. Either way, it was time to introduce himself to her.

As quietly as he could, he pushed the door open and entered the room, aiming to be inside and have the door closed before she could react.

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Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:38 pm
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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
Airi Had laid down on the bed shortly before Kakumaoh had stepped through her door. she put down the note book with a bit of a sigh her arm landed limply on a button atop a CD player on the nightstand beside her bed an arm resting over her eyes. Obviously she wasn't in the best of moods and a monster standing in her doorway wouldn't have helped and neither was being raped and neither would knowing that the way she was laying was showing off her blue and white striped panties to a monster.

the music that played was rather somber, it held a melancholy tone to it, the lyrics which Airi mimicked were certainly in a familiar language for the monster that had taken a Japanese name that was invading her privacy. She got her feelings out through song when she 'thought' she was alone. The air vibrated with her gentle voice in an odd frequency that no doubt Kakumaoh noticed, whether it would anger, entice or sooth the monster depended on what frequency his home dimension vibrated at.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:07 am

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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
The girl apparently failed to notice his entrance; certainly, she didn't seem to react to it. Her singing had an odd effect on him, though, not one that he could define easily. Normally, he'd take this opportunity to admire her figure some more before making his move. This time, he felt a desire to hurry up and take her, a desire completely at odds with the lyrics and sound of the song. Moving as quietly as he could, he moved up to the side of her bed and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hello," he said with a lupine grin.

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Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:18 pm
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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
She stopped singing the moment she felt the hand on her shoulder, with the sound stopped the urge to be quick with this would fade away as though it had never been there.
Airi moved the arm that hid her teal eyes from view, she blinked slightly not sure what to make of what she was seeing it wasn't a look of fear that was on her face but, there was a bit of amazement and curiosity. She had never in her life expected to see something from one of her father's shinto tapestries in real life even if she believed in the existence of creatures like it. for several quiet seconds she tried to remember the kanji that had been written on the bit of artwork.
she muttered loud enough for him to hear, it was hard to tell if she was asking him it or not. she shifted slightly on the bed and shifted to sitting on her knees on her bed fixing her skirt a little. this made it all the more obvious she had no idea about the island and it's dangers, though she did have some warnings from a friend.
"Why is the Kakumaoh in my room at a college...?"
she asked, just as much to herself as to him.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:24 pm

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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
The strange desire to have his way with her as soon as possible disappeared as she stopped singing, to quickly be replaced by puzzlement as she identified him by name. He knew he'd never seen her before today, and her reaction made it obvious that she didn't know about the school's 'guests' at all, much less a particular one.

Must have heard one of the stories of one time I was summoned. Means she won't know of my... appreciation... of human women; that witch was the last person to summon me to Earth, and she only referred to me as 'Dark One' or 'Dark Lord'. I doubt she told anyone about the encounter, either. As he remembered some of the earlier summonings, another thought occurred to him. Somehow, I don't think the story will exactly reassure her. Not when I was usually used as a means of getting rid of enemies... permanently. That wouldn't do; he'd rather not deal with someone expecting him to disembowel them at any moment.

"Not for any reason you might assume from any old Japanese tales you might have heard, I assure you. No-one has summoned me to get rid of you or anything like that." He gave her his most reassuring smile, which, due to his general appearance and especially his teeth, was probably rather unsettling. "No, I merely find you human women quite... desirable, and I happened to notice you while looking for someone to... pass some time with."

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Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:18 pm
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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
"So Hybria records did not send you to claim me and force me back home or kill me if I refused, Well that is good..."

she sighed faintly in relief, the mention of an alien race as the name of a company may strike him as unusual. What he had said about human women had struck her as a bit strange though. she cocked her head to the side slightly as she tried to make sense of it and failed.
"Well... yes I was looking for someone to spend time with... I am not used to being this lonely for this long... it is very uncomfortable. I was not expecting the Kakumaoh though, I didn't summon you, I don't even know the ritual, just the art from father's shrine."

she explained softly shaking her head.
"You want to spend time with me though? Hmmm... what does the great Kakumaoh enjoy doing for fun I wonder... Music? Cards? Video games?"
she offered a bit of a giggle at the thoughts passing through her mind, some she didn't mention. she couldn't get over the thought of a demon lord dancing in tights to classical music out of her head for some reason.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:31 pm

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Post Re: The Advantages of Not Planning Ahead (for Airi)
The name of the record company meant nothing to him; he wasn't familiar with most non-human races that weren't part of his empire.

Her explanation that she hadn't summoned him didn't surprise him at all; he was reasonably sure that there were no copies of the spell to summon him left except for the one that had brought him to the island, and he didn't think she'd been here long enough to have been the one who had used that. Her words and actions seemed to confirm this; she seemed too naive to have even heard the rumors of the dark side of the school, much less to have experienced them. "Oh, I knew you hadn't summoned me. You don't seem like you've been here for two years or more, and I'd come up here myself... investigating some rumors, you might say, when I saw you. As for what I like doing for fun... Well, while I enjoy reading, that's more of a solitary pastime. As for music, I have this feeling our tastes there are rather different." An understatement, if what she was singing is typical of her preferences. I doubt there's much crossover fandom between that and strange, complicated music with lyrics in non-human languages. "No, my activities of choice are a bit more... primal." If his leer didn't give away his meaning, his loincloth was doing little to hide a more obvious clue. "You'd be surprised how popular you human girls are among non-humans, actually," he said as he moved closer and reached down to grab her arm.

Kakumaoh's profile and hunt record.

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:16 pm
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