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 Sweet Revenge (Iria) 
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Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
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Post Sweet Revenge (Iria)
Battle Lord Vi'kar tapped his foot in annoyance as he sat in the primitive throne. He didn't care about the cracks on the back, or the blood stained into the crude unrefined gold. The original occupant has simply been cast aside, the alien having outlived it's usefulness. The fact that it had brought massive profits to the Midrozi was meaningless. Money meant nothing to the hundred odd warriors who had stormed this slaver base. The alien slavers had been slaughted, unprepared for the savagery of a Midrozi attack, and unable to do anything against the Battle Lord who led them. Not even the slaves had escaped the slaughter, a potential harvest worth millions of credits thrown away in a spray of blood and death.

And all this for one simple reason. Revenge. It had been two weeks since the failed slave raid on Buladi IV. At least as humans measured time. Two weeks when their brothers and sisters had been slaughtered by human filth. The Midrozi were angry, and in that anger they had turned to Vi'Kar, one who even other Battle lords stepped lightly around. It had been easy enough to hack into the ADD database, agents had been captured, and had their minds corrupted completely within hours, turning them into spies and servants to Midrozi masters. Names had been gathered, possibilities assessed. And finally a chance had arisen for the Midrozi to target one of the two main sources of their humiliation and defeat. Iria had been sent to Kaura VII's moon to take down a slaver base. The Kaura system was isolated, and the base was one the Midrozi already knew everything about. The perfect place to spring their trap shut and give them a chance to get the revenge their arrogance demanded.

The Kaura system was large, two suns danced with each other at the heart of the system, and nearly 20 planets wove a complex pattern throughout the space around them. Asteroid belts were common, proof that many more planets had been here, but had 'failed' the test put upon them by the swirling gravity of the two stars. Most planets had multiple moons, with Kaura VII being the only exception.

It's moon was fairly small, but containing a high density of Veldspar, making anything but a surface mapping impossible. A plus side of the high concentration meant that the moon would have a much higher gravity than it's size suggested, near enough to earth levels, as well as an atmosphere. A surface scan would reveal the slaver base, but thermal scans would show no sign of heat, or life, coming from it. A visual zoom would, likewise, show an empty compound. The Midrozi had made sure that there was no external damage to the compound, and their own ship had vanished into one of the nearby asteroid belts, cloaking technology keeping it hidden from scans as asteroids kept it impossible to spot it visually.

And with their trap set the warriors settled down to wait, meditating to prepare themselves for the battle that was to come. And to have a chance to sate their burning hatred for any being not Jarri. If only a little bit.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:43 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
After having to deal with working with the ADD special forces group, the busty agent was looking forward to this solo mission. It seemed odd they were giving her this mission after being forced to work in a group dealing with the Midrozi. Maybe this was just a reward as the ADD knew that this particular agent preferred working alone and preferred missions where she got to fight and break things. Taking on a slaver base seemed to be perfect in fulfilling her wish.

There was not much of a briefing, all she needed was sent in the mission report including her license to fly her ship again. Taking her supplies, she was quick to leave as soon as possible in her scout ship. The system was large and was a perfect place to hide numerous bases. With so many asteroids, it was nearly impossible to do a visual scan of the entire system and even then it did not reveal if anything was hiding inside the larger floating rocks. Thankfully the briefing included the location of the planet and moon in question. Guess the slavers were hoping to set up camp and raid the other planets in the area within the safety of the asteroid belts.

Something was off though as her ship approached the marked location. She could see no life signs in the area. Was the base shield from heat scans? Her mission report was clear though, take down the base. If it is already cleared, she was going to be pissed. But she would still need to check the area out and see if there are any logs reporting what had happened.

Surprisingly enough, the moon had a breathable atmosphere and reliable gravity. Bringing her ship down to land, Iria finished sealing her skin tight latex suit. She groaned as her mountainous globes were forced to compress into a more managable, though still very large, E cup. Her ammo belt hung loosely around her waist with a blaster in its holster. She was equiped with the standard ADD package plus her signature weapon, a very large and heavy warhammer. Prepared, she stepped out and proceeded the rest of the way on foot.

Visual scans showed only one entrace into the base. It did not seem very large. It was probably just for a smaller band of slavers. The amazon woman approached the doors and checked to see if it was locked. If not, she would proceed cautiously inside. Naturally, the lack of guards was making her a bit uneasy.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:07 pm

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
The door to the base would open cleanly, and show no sign of forced entry. It was as if it had been left unlocked. The base still seemed powered, the entrance foyer was well lit. Of course as fast and vicious as the Midrozi assault had been they had been unable to take the base with no signs of fighting, and so they hadn't bothered concealing the damage once they were inside.

The sentries that had been posted here were both dead. All four were aliens of varying species, and all had been smashed several feet by vicious looking 5" barbed spikes. Blood streaks on the ground would reveal that the aliens had been knocked nearly a foot from the impact, their body armour being smashed like clay, along with bones and muscles being shredded. If they were lucky the initial impact would of killed them, and if not they would of bled to death rapidly, their body screaming in pain.

The weapons were clearly Midrozi, and considering how much Nallia had tried to go over the Midrozi weapons and tactics Iria should be able to recognise that full blown Midrozi Warriors had led this attack, rather than hunters. Assuming she had bothered to pay any attention during those lessons, and could remember and apply that knowledge to the current situation.

The compound stretched out, just a single door leading to a corridor that would lead to the main security station. The double blast doors had been smashed open from this side, and those were doors borrowed off a retired warships bulkheads, designed to seal off compromised sections of the ship from vacuum following battle damage.

Outside the base two squads of warriors rose from concealment, casting the hunter caste cloaks they had borrowed aside. A kill zone was established around the door of the compound. Five members of each squad of six carried the standard bolt rifle, while the sixth of each squad carried something far heavier. High tech missile launchers, with each warhead carrying a payload designed to destroy a building ... or a parked spaceship. They both took aim, using a number of targeting technologies to ensure that any attempt by the ship to jam their attack would be counteracted, and fired, the two warheads speeding towards Iria's scoutship. Unless the AI on board was several decades in front of most ADD ships, the chances of it surviving the dual missile attack were next to none.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:33 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
It did not take much investigating to know what had happened at this base. The Midrozi were not exactly friends with other slavers and species and decided to target the enemy of an enemy for once. But before she could explore any further into the base, the ship's alarm went off. Someone was either attacking her ship or attempting to hijack it. The alarm beemed for several moments until it suddenly cuts off, either disabled or the entire ship was destroyed. It seemed that the Midrozi were still here.

The weapons used on the slavers were a step up from the hunters she fought back on Buladi IV. But the amazon was not too concerned. Nallia mentioned fight ability above standard ADD marines and psychic abilities. The amazon already had experienced their telekinetic ability. It was no match for her superior strength. She will just have to crush their fragile bodies just like she did before.

With her ship gone, she will need to call for help or find the Midrozi ship in order to get off this rock. She will not be able to send a distress signal until after the attackers are dealt with. With the base still powered, she went to a console to see if the security cameras still worked to see if the Midrozi were heading there way here.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:53 pm

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
The security console itself was undamaged, but all external, and most internal, cameras were dead. Either the connection had been cut or the camera's themselves had been destroyed. The only cameras that still worked were the ones to the slave pens, letting Iria see that the slaves who had been held at this base were dead, slaughted just as callously as the rest of the slavers had been, and what had been the throne room of the boss of this particular base.

The throne room looked like a full blown war zone. The fixed camera could see nearly two dozen slavers dead, all by what appeared to be knife wounds. Only a single, unarmed and unarmoured, Midrozi was in the room. Vi'kar was tall, even for Jarri. Barely an inch shy of 8' he sat in the ruin of what had once been an ornate throne, not noticing the blood on his shoes, hands, or where it stained his long and otherwise white hair. His outfit was nothing special, the standard set of tightly fitting pants and shirts, covering all of his body bar his head and neck, and with additional armour plating over his chest. There was no sign of any storage mesh on his clothing, and while the dead alien bodies had been left in the room all weapons had been removed.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
Seeing the outcome of the slaves themselves, it was doubtful that she would survive being captured by these aliens. Majority of the camera feeds were either broken static or completely blank. Just before Iria grew frustrated enough to break the console, something of interest popped up. It was a lone Midrozi sitting in a throne room. The throne seemed out of place in such a base but it seemed that this was the leader of this group. Perhaps they were making this into their own base.

In any case, Iria now had a target. While the Midrozi who attacked her ship were coming her way, she could quickly take out their leader. At the very least, it would mean one less warrior to deal with in this outnumbered situation. Pulling up a map, the busty agent gripped her hammer tightly as she quickly ran down the halls to where the Jarri was waiting. A one on one fight, this was her only chance to have some sort of advantage in a mission that just keeps getting worse and worse.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:19 pm

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
Posts: 253
Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
Iria would be unopposed as she raced through the base, the warriors under strict orders to remain out of her way. Vi'kar honestly didn't think there was any point to bringing them, at least beyond the initial rush of the base. But arrogance had cost his brothers and sisters their lives, and he was a smart enough warrior to not fall for the same mistake. He would try and handle her himself, and on the off chance that did not look like it was going to succeed the agent would be cut down with guns. It would be a shame to be so cheated of revenge, but better to be alive to savour even a bitter-sweet victory than dead.

Vi'kar was facing the door when it slid open to admit Iria, and those white eyes looked up and down the very busty agent's body. His vision focused on her breasts for a moment, as well as a few other choice spots. Most would assume he was looking her up and down for sexual reasons, but in reality he was letting his senses locate the agents weak points. His targets.

You would be ... Iria. I was wondering when you were going to reach here. It would of been a shame to have gone to all this trouble only for you not to arrive. Vi'kar's English was perfect, although he could do nothing about his natural accent that made it sound as if a choir was singing the words. You realise that you have no chance of survival. I suppose I should do the standard surrender and you'll have a chance, however small, of living. Not that I expect you to agree. his posture was relaxed as he sat on the throne, seemingly not taking you as a serious threat. Or a threat at all.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:29 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
There were no traps, no guards, nothing to stop Iria's advance towards the throne room. It seemed odd, Midrozi usually used traps and manipulation in their combats. Were they that confident in this shell of a base? The doors to the throne were unlocked and opened for her as she approached. The leader was waiting for her and had not moved since she saw the alien in the cameras.

The Midrozi warrior did not even stand up as he spoke to her. Knowing her name, this looked to be a set up. Was this why she was sent alone? Eitherway, she was not going to sit idly by and let herself be captured. When the Midrozi offered surrender, Iria answered in her own way.

Growling angerly, the ADD agent rushed towards the sitting male. Her hammer trailed behind her as she continued to build up speed. Once within striking range, she would swing the hammer over her head and bring its full might down upon the Midrozi leader and his throne. Already knowing the limits of psychic shields, she was fully prepared to smash whatever passive defenses this monster had prepared for her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:57 pm

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
Posts: 253
Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
Vi'kar just smirked as the agent acted exactly as he expected her to. Animals are such predictable things. He mused to himself as he shot a glance at the oncoming hammer. It was easy to calculate the path it would take, even before Iria was in attack range his eyes had locked on a point where the hammer would pass through. At least if his guess was correct.

That smirk grew into a smile as the hammer flashed into his vision, passing through that precise spot and arcing towards him with enough force to splinter his entire skeleton. Iria had fought warriors before, and knew about the psychic shield. But Vi'kar wasn't just a warrior. He was a Battle Lord, a member of the leadership caste. And his abilities were on another level entirely to regular warriors.

He rose to his feet in a single fluid motion, psychically enhanced muscles moving fast enough that Iria wouldn't even see the movement that got him to his feet. A single hand reached out, fingers outstretched and palm open. The hammer smashed into it, and he simply caught it, the shock from the blow bouncing off him and sending straight back down the handle into you. That's the problem with an impact weapon like that Iria. If something checks the weapon all that force has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is generally back into you.

He remained still for a few more seconds before launching his own attack, his movements one solid blur that would bring a fist to the Agent's stomach, and than loop around behind her to deliver an elbow to her back to send her sprawling into the heavy and ruined golden throne that had belonged to the old leader. You can hit harder and move faster than that can't you Iria? Because your about as pathetic as those freaks. A hand is waved in the direction of the dead aliens.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:09 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
Muscles strained as her unstoppable force just hit the immovable object. The force rippled through her body but she managed to hold onto her weapon and endure the recoil. But the moment of being stunned was enough of an opportunity to counterattack. She grunts in pain as the fist crashed into her stomach before she was sent flying into the throne by a solid elbow into the back of her head. The throne would topple over, leaving Iria laying on her side on the hard floor. This alien was far stronger than the others.

Stars flecked across her vision from the blow to her head. But, she managed to regain her senses enough to get back to her feet. Iria gripped her hammer once more, glaring back at the taunting Midrozi. "Shut up!" she hissed as she turned, taking a step towards the Midrozi. Her heavy hammer swung fully around, heading for the tall alien's ribs. As the weapon came towards her opponent, she would take another step forward to add even more of her unnatural strength into the blow.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:32 pm

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
Posts: 253
Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
Vi'kar just smirked as he stood there, watching the agent recover and rise to her feet. He chuckled softly to himself as she swung at him again, this time not even bothering to raise his hand to project the psychic shield that stopped the hammer dead. This time Vi'kar launched into his own attack before Iria had even felt the full force of the recoil of her hammer being stopped like that.

The alien warrior darted in close, and one hand would snap out to grab one of the agents wrists and hold it tight. The other darted up to her chest, two fingers being surprisingly gentle as they stroked one of the busty human's breasts through her outfit for a few seconds before he used the grip on her wrist to throw her across the room just as realization of what he was doing set in her mind.

You know the ADD file on you was quite an interesting read Iria. How long do you think you can hold out against someone who knows everything about how you fight, and how to make you kneel on the floor? Vi'kar was toying with the agent, a desire to fuel his arrogance that he simply couldn't resist sating.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:29 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
The Midrozi warrior did not even bother defending against her attack. The shield blocked the entire blow with ease. Before she could even follow through, her wrist was grabbed while the other reached for her large breast. But instead of punching her, the monster gave her a gentle caress. Iria's eyes grew wide as her cheeks flushed in rage. Then her world went upside down as she was thrown to the other side of the room. Her hammer flew a much shorted distance, crashing into the flood with a loud clang that even dented the metal floor.

Her eyes narrow, her blood was boiling as she rolled to her feet. This trade off was far less damaging but now she was without her primary weapon. But her hammer was too slow even with her superior strength. The warrior was able to stop her blows with just a thought. It was not like the other one where she could force her way through so easily. The ADD agent stood up, taking a fighting stance once more. The thing would have to bring that shield down to attack her so for now, she closed the distance more cautiously now. This was indeed a worthy opponent but Iria would not dare submit to this slaver.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:51 pm

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
Posts: 253
Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
Vi'kar chuckled as the agent rolled to her feet, not bothering moving from where he had thrown her as he waits for Iria to inch closer. He doubted she had any real understanding of just how his powers worked, or what he could do with them. Even without his combat abilities he was under no threat from Iria. Her brute force approach had failed, and she wasn't as fast as a Midrozi. Let alone one who could operate at the speed of his thoughts, rather than being limited by the body.

When she was still four feet away from him he struck, the faint almost un-noticeable haze around him that was his shield rippling out from a single point as a psychic projection, a physical manifestation of his mental ability, lashed out at Iria. She could see the transparent 'whip' as it arched out from Vi'kar and towards her breasts, moving almost as fast as a thought. While the attack was restrained, restrained for Vi'kar was still powerful and the whip would hit hard if Iria was unable to get out of the way.

Your going to have to try a lot harder than that Iria. You'll have to dance if you want to get close. Vi'kar saw no reason to mention that the Midrozi considered hand to hand combat a 'dance', either bladed or not, and just approaching him head on would achieve nothing but have you pummeled, either physically or psychically.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:30 am
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Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:45 am
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
The hazy shield around the monster was what lashed out this time. While the whip was incredibly fast, Iria's body was trained to the point of relying on instinct to fight. Her body suddenly twisted to the side, causing the whip to graze across her large breasts. It still stung as the pain lanced through her entire chest. But spreading the inpact and ensuring it was not a solid blow made it far less than it could have been.

She pushed off her legs then as she closed the rest of the distance between the two fighters. The amazon could only hope the Midrozi's arrogance would cause him to hesitate from the woman's reaction time. Iria would lash out her fist, aiming for the leader's throat. Though she could punch at metal armor, it was better for her to strike at softer places of the body in order to disable her foe more effectively.

((sorry for short post T.T))

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:42 am

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Sweet Revenge (Iria)
<tis ok>

Clever girl. Vi'kar praised Iria as you darted to the side, making no move to enter any form of combat stance as she leapt forward and covered the rest of the ground between them in moments, super strong fist aimed at the alien slavers throat. He toyed with the idea of letting her just hit his shield again, but discarded it for something far more fun. He would wait until the last possible second, moving the moment her body was too committed into the attack to break out of it.

The moment Iria reached that point he darted forward and down, slipping underneath the blow and ending up behind her. His hands lashed out, one trying to grab one of your wrists and twist it behind your back as the other kept it's fingers straight and dug in, pressing harshly against a nerve cluster in just the right way to cause them to start overloading your bodies nervous system with messages of pain.

Your not much of a dancer ... so lets see if you can sing instead.

The Midrozi clan

The Midrozi are currently prowling the space lanes, and their survey team on Shokushu are evaluating the various students.

For a list of my chars go to here

I'm always up for a scene (well unless I'm already flat out of course) and don't hesitate to pm me if you would be interested in one

Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:55 am
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