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 Taking things slow... (Andraste) 
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Post Taking things slow... (Andraste)
The sun was setting on yet another beautiful day upon the campus, well beautiful for Therion. Truly this place was a paradise for his kind and one that keeps on giving. New students arriving each day like fresh prey being paraded before him. Of course he watches them all, using his powers to remain invisible he takes pleasure in marking out the ones he wishes to lay claim to at some point in their stay here. Of course he knows many monsters will do the same and have their fun, but there is an harmony here upon this island with all the monsters never directly confronting each other unless they will it and sharing these poor unsuspecting students.

It just so happens that today is no different as he watches and waits outside the campus, many students seem to enjoy a late stroll to enjoy the sights of the forest or just the views. Some to escape the campus for some privacy or just to let loose. Of course it's those poor students who often fall prey to creatures like Therion, the darkness creeping over the island is his natural ally and now he need only wait and the island will provide the prey. It's almost too easy, perhaps he'll give this one a head start if only to enjoy the prize much more.

Resting he watches and waits, slipping into a deep slumber but one he easily can be awoken from once a student enters the scene, his powers alert and ready to awaken their master.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:29 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
The sights on this island were breathtaking. A short trip off campus and one was in a literal jungle. The wide array of fauna here was a small wonder to Liana whose native Ardennes was not especially known for its diversity. As she stepped cautiously through the forest she wondered if the cocktail of bewilderment and nervous fear was the same that so many explorers though out human history had felt.

Of course, many of them had to deal with the unknown dangers of the wilderness before them; hostile natives, hazardous geography and deadly predators. So far as Liana had been told, though, there were no such dangers here. The island was too small for a marauding band of natives, hazardous geography was well marked, and here were no predators on the island large enough to be a danger to humans.

This being Shokushu, however, meant that there were countless omissions from the brochure. Particularly that last part about the lack of predators. They were right in at least one sense; the island's predators weren't interested in the humans as food, but they were very much a danger. Liana, of course, was oblivious to that fact as she headed towards the beach. The forest itself was impressive but she'd steeled herself for a walk to the beach tonight, unaware that she was already being hunted.


Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:43 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
If any could see him, they would mistake him for a statue as he sleeps, his chest never rising or falling, making not sound. Almost like he was part of this nature around him but of course his desires are much more twisted. Alert, his eyes open to fix upon the dark blue haired student as she walks quite peacefully into the surrounding wild life. The look of wonder and awe upon her features is apparent and almost amusing to the demon. Clearly she has no idea of what real danger lurks upon this island, her dreams of adventure are about to come true but not how he imagines she pictured. For the time being however he will humour her as he begins to stalk her, like a silent predator eyeing up it's prey.

Dogging her every step he takes his time to study her youthful form, another attractive yet unique student just begging for his tender attention. In his own twisted mind he thinks she is lucky to run afoul of him, as he is one of the more "kinder" creatures upon this place. He takes the time to pay attention to her pleasure, so long as she submits when the time comes. He expects she will run, or be too afraid to believe what is happening. But he will soon find out.

With the open beach before her, he decides it's time to be introduced, the crashing waves the only real sound as the sun sets on the horizon and then he is there. Appearing before her, not too far from where she walks. One moment he isn't and the next the stone faced mask is staring towards her. A dark robe covering his body, in the dim light the mask almost looks human, his voice like a whisper that creeps into her mind and invades her most private thoughts.

"You must be new here... to come here so late at night. Surely you must have been told of the rules?"

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:54 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
It didn't take Liana long to make her way through the forest to the beach; it seemed the island wasn't that large after all. The view she was treated to when she arrived though, made the point moot. The view was absolutely stunning, to say the least. The sun was just settling itself beyond the horizon basking the sun and sky alike with an unbelievably gorgeous yellow and orange tinge.

The beach itself was superb as well. Pristine sand as far as she could see; not the much more common rocky beaches of Northern Europe. It was not unlike the beaches she had visited when in Marseilles. Even the scent was the same, that intense scent of salt water drifted through the air. Silently she wondered if the water was warm and quickly began to remove her socks and shoes.

She'd been on one foot at the edge of the sand when a voice echoed through her ears and her mind. In the shock and surprise of the unexpected interruption caused her to lose her balance. With a grunt that was half surprise, half pain, she rear first into the soft sand. Eyes wide with fear and confusion, she looked towards the statue that she swore was not at the edge of the forest not a moment before. <"Who is there?!"> she demanded in her native French.


Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:02 am
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
A soft laugh escapes him as he watches her sudden fright at the sound of his voice and appearance, her reaction almost "cute" if he wasn't about to do what he had planned that is. But he won't rush things, he'll give her a head start or atleast alittle time to amuse himself. Her voice is another problem, speaking in a different language to the rest, making him pause. His brother would simply be able to translate with a click of his fingers. Therion however never studied human languages. Lucky for him he doesn't need to. Expanding his powers his voice creeps further into her head. Speaking in his own demon tongue, it would seem clear english or rather french to her and vice versa for him.

"Your a curious one... I remember something about french and delicacies, I wonder if you will prove to be one."

Stepping closer, he calmly begins to march towards her, his hands moving softly to summon his shadow creatures. Appearing silently behind her, not too far from her. Waiting for their next command. Deciding he wishes to toy with her a little before he takes her. Atleast to amuse himself somewhat.

"As I was saying. Any student out late and is found by someone like me... well we get to do what we want with you. So I'd advise you to run, or those monsters behind you will be more then happy to rid you of those clothes."

Perhaps she will think he is on her side for this warning, as if he was here to protect students or remind them of the hidden dangers. In truth he simply wants to watch her struggle before the end. Wanting to enjoy wearing her down and then when it seems she has hope to escape, he will crush it.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:41 am
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
Liana's bright, wide eyes were transfixed on the approaching figure. Cold fingers seemed to grip her heart against the contrast of its rhythmic pounding in her ears. Instinctively she backed away, awkwardly as she could with her rear on the ground. Its voice seemed to come from everywhere at once, as if it was all around her, though she had little doubt that the thing approaching her was the source.

<"Delicacy, what, what do you mean?!"> she demanded, her attempt to steel her voice tempered by the dread she felt within. Every fibre of her being told her to flee, to run as quickly as possible, to be anywhere but here. His next words only cemented that desire in her; "do what we want with you..." drifted through her mind alongside his mention of proving to be a delicacy. Abruptly the proverbial light bulb clicked in her head, he or it or they as the case might be intended to eat her?!

Without even bothering to look behind her she scrambled to her feet as quickly as possible and started running down the beach. It seemed like the sound plan; she could at least see what was in front of her on the open beach. While it was a rational enough reason, she hadn't really planned beyond the immediate "flee" instinct. How she'd find her way back if she ran too far on the beach was another issue altogether.


Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:54 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
They always run, no matter what it seems their first thought. As if they have a hope of escaping something like him. The thought amuses him but it's what he wanted, now he can enjoy the chase or rather his shadows can. Looking towards them he simply flicks his head in her direction and they are off. Chasing her like wild beasts, they begin to dog her every step. Therion watches for a moment then simply vanishes, finding he wishes to enjoy this show without letting her know how close he is. The shadows soon catching up with her as they close the distance, the sound of them running must have now reached her ears.

They could have easily overrun her by now but Therion makes them hold back, wanting this girl to get lost as she charges along the beach. Sooner or later she will reach the cliffs and a dead end. After all this is an island with many features and not all to help her escape. To ensure she doesn't catch onto his games, the shadows take swipes at her from time to time, slashing their claws at her. Always careful not to cut or physically harm her. Sadly the same can't be said for her clothing, their real target. They tear strips of cloth from her back each time they "catch" up to her. Slowly starting to reduce her clothing to shredded rags but taking their time for now. Her clothes atleast still covering up her body and hanging on for the time being.

"Where will you go? Surely you must know you cannot escape. It's better to give up now..."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:05 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
It was rather interesting the subtle things one would notice, or recall, when fleeing in mortal terror. Liana had heard that one's life was supposed to flash before their eyes, but hers did not. Instead she noticed almost everything around her. The sand grains both beneath her bare feet and a handful unpleasantly in her undergarments. Everything that had been pleasant but moments before was rather abruptly gone, however. No longer could she smell the salt of the ocean, nor take in the beauty of the sunset.

The feeling of something sharp tearing at her blouse snapped her out of the fog that adrenaline had put her in. Whatever creatures he'd mentioned seemed quite real to her overwhelming dismay. Only barely was she keeping ahead of them and this kind of pursuit could not last long. She wasn't a marathon runner or a track and field type of girl and after only a few moments of running she was already heaving for breath.

Deciding she had to try something different, she changed course towards the tree line and before long saw what she needed. A smaller, younger tree grew at the edge of the forest and seemed just the right type. As she approached it, she extended her hand to grab it, hoping to use it to change direction faster than her pursuers could. Of course, things didn't go as planned. The tree was neither as strong nor as well anchored as she'd hoped. The abrupt loss of balance combined with her velocity threw her to the ground with considerable force.

Liana rolled over three times before finally coming to a stop, stunned and dazed. Slowly she rose to her knees, trying in vain to shake the fuzz from her head. Her previously pristine blouse was in such tatters that it slid from her form as she rose leaving her but an undergarment to cover her chest. Instinctively, she covered it with her arms though what the use was she was uncertain. <"What do you want from me?!"> she demanded angrily, tears welling up in her eyes.


Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
It's not long before the strain of running is apparent, her chest and flushed face now showing how worn out she is while the creatures that follow her are no where near as tired. Almost like they never run out of stamina, they don't even seem to need to breath as only the sound of their footsteps and snarls are the only real sound they make. Already gunning for her, she suddenly changes direction, keeping them on their toes as she makes a break for the trees. Perhaps hoping they will lose track in there only for her last hope to falter as she is sent crashing to the ground. A smirk escaping him as her blouse falls away and she tries in vain to cover her bra clad breasts from view. The two shadows now staring at her as Therion steps into view, kneeling down to clutch her chin between his fingers.

"What do I want? Why I want you of course. I want your body to be extact, and no I'm not going to eat you or harm you. Rather I'm going to use your body for my own pleasures. It's foolish to think you can stop this so don't even try unless you want to hurt yourself even more."

He draws back as the shadows now linger closer, snapping at her as they show their claws. What's left of her clothing clinging to her form but it gives him further amusement. An idea forming in his mind as he ponders if she is the sensible type. Will she see reason or continue to resist. Either way she won't escape his clutches.

"If you don't want the rest of your clothes to follow your blouse I suggest you remove them, unless you like the idea of walking back to the campus naked? And don't bother covering up... I will force you to reveal everything to me if I have to so make it easier for yourself. Be a smart girl."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:26 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
Ice gripped her chest as the man statue thing laid out the true danger of the situation for her. At least, he laid out enough for her to get a more accurate picture of what he had in mind. Some very quiet, very distant corner of her mind suggested that she heed his advice. Perhaps it was the fact that she was paralysed with fear, unable to will her body into action. Much louder, however, was the demand that she resist, fight, show nothing but defiance to her attacker.

"Va te faire enculer!" she shouted, spitting on the ground in front of him. It was a poor substitute for spitting in his face, but he was no longer that close. Her meaning shouldn't have been that difficult to understand even if the message itself was lost in translation. Behind her back she'd gathered a handful of sand which she then threw at the best of her ability in her attackers faces. With hope above all, she pleaded with whatever deity might be listening that it would be enough to allow her to escape, as she scrambled to her feet and tried to run towards the forest.


Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
As she spat at him in her native tongue only a soft sigh escapes him, as he reaches a hand to mask to clasp it softly only for her attempt at fleeing to follow suite as she throws sand towards him aiming to blind him. The only thing she earns is an annoyed snarl as his shadow creatures move. Tackling her to the ground before she has time to truly move. Already pinning her against the ground as what's left of her skirt is torn from her body leaving her in little more then her undergarments. The shadows force her to stand as they bind her hands behind her back with strips of her blouse. Therion walking towards her slowly as he pulls his mask away, his robe suddenly exploding only to reveal a pair of wings. His true appearance now revealed, with his sleek black frame and his horns. A true "monster" before.

"I warned you. But you humans never listen. This is your own fault..."

His claws extend as he reaches out, drawing his hand back as if going to slash her for her attempts to delay him. But the blow never lands upon her face or body, rather it slices through the front of her bra, expertly shredding the material and letting her bra fall open useless now. No longer cover or hiding her chest and with her hands bound behind her, there is little she can do as he makes sure she can see him studying her breasts, taking the time to admire them.

"Your body will make up for your ignorance...You will soon learn your place on this island."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:08 am
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
Liana screamed her lungs out as the two beasts hauled her roughly up to her feet and bound her arms behind her. She struggled against their hands and then her own tattered blouse. Both, she found, were beyond her meagre strength's ability to resist. Her resistance continued until the creature revealed its true nature. Her defiance melted as he reared back, claws extended. Unable to look, she winced as the blow barely skimmed her and snapped the tiny piece of fabric that kept it on her body.

She resisted the desire to whine as her breasts lie exposed to the mercies of a creature of obviously dark intent. His words echoed through her mind, touching off a confused feeling of despair and anger. Blinking through tears she looked him in the eye and again spit at him. "Résistance pour toujours!" she shouted, bringing up one of her legs in an awkward kick aimed at his groin.


Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:09 am
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
The shadows hold her firmly in place as he admires her attractive form, only one piece of clothing left to protect her from his advances and judging by how quickly the rest of her clothes went, it won't be a problem for him. But she seems still defiant as once again she resists and attempts to delay him by throwing a kick. One of his hands grabbing her ankle before it connect as he grips it tight, pressing closer to her. His finger like finger now rubbing between her legs, pressing the soft fabric against the lips of her pussy. Almost pushing it inside her along with his finger. A soft sigh escaping him before he smirks once more.

"So foolish. I guess you need to be broken in..."

His hand suddenly grips the waistband and tears open her last piece of clothing, tossing it to join the rest of the ruins as he forces her legs apart to expose her pussy to the cold air and his gaze. His finger returning to slowly press against her slit, moving up and down it's soft surface to tease her. Making sure to take his time with this one so she feels her hopes of escaping crumbling fast. His shadows suddenly push her towards him as he pins her up against one of the trees, her hands still bound and her back pressed against his chest, his hand still between her legs. His free hand now gliding up along her stomach only to suddenly grasp one of her breasts, rolling it around beneath his fingers before he squeezes it sharply. It's clear this is just the beginning of what is to come.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:42 am
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
Liana cried out in vain as he caught her leg mid kick and pushed himself uncomfortably close to her. As the helplessness of her situation began to sink in, she could do little more than expend her remaining energy trying in desperation to wiggle free. Tears began to well up in her eyes as his intentions sank in.

"<LET ME GO!"> she cried, her voice stricken with panic and anguish. The sensation of one of his tendrils running up the inside of her leg and across her nether regions reinvigored her need to resist. Her struggle against the shadows holding her in place abruptly ended when his hand painfully tore the last of her garments from her waist. Feeling the cooling evening air across the skin of her most private parts awoke a weak instinct. She tried to squeeze her legs closed, though the exercise was fruitless.

She bit her lip painfully and closed her eyes tightly as he played between her legs, trying her hardest to deny him the satisfaction of knowing what he was stirring up. Of course, he helped her cause by having her shoved against a nearby tree; the force of which made her grunt. Even so, the feeling of a strangers hands running all over her body had begun to stir up feelings inside, ones that she'd only felt before in the privacy of her bedroom. Her face had begun to flush and her body began to show the signs. Liana steeled herself against them though, she was NOT going to give him the satisfaction...


Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:23 pm
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Post Re: Taking things slow... (Andraste)
Her cries seem to fall on deaf ears as he keeps her pinned for the moment against the tree, savouring his trophy as he breaths in her scent enjoying the moment. She is so determined to resist and yet he knows she will break at some point. She is new to this, how long can she last against his advances. She is still only a human at heart, no matter how much she might try to fight him he has the advantage over her.

Taking great care, he traces his finger ever so slowly along her smooth slit, making sure to go painfully slow as his finger moves up and down her pussy's lips before he finally changes tactics. Using two fingers, he spreads her pussy open slowly only to slip the finger inside her. For the moment allowing it to pump in and out of her tight passage getting her ready for what is to come. If she is have any hope of handling it, she needs to be wet not just for his own pleasure of course.

His second hand retains it's grip upon her orb, rolling her breast around softly only to suddenly squeeze it again before his fingers capture her nipple. Taking care he rolls the tip between his fingers before suddenly pinching it roughly. He releases it and rubs it again teasing her as he switches from soft to pinching, and back again. He'll make her body betray her sooner or later no matter what.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:38 pm
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