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 MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch) 
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva spun in place as she she heard the door open behind her, as she did so the tight fitting outfit reminded her how aroused she remained. The swollen heavy mounds struggled being bound in the tight fitting tube top. It had become clear to the agent that whatever Morloch injected continued to flow through her veins forcing keeping the young woman in a constant state of arousal. Suddenly the robotic voice filled the room once again filled the room as it told the agent that she need to press on and head to some obstacle course. Arrows lit up to guide the beautiful red head through the confusing twisting corridors.

The redhead suddenly let out a loud moan as the orb began to vibrate inside her, her tormentor was simply not going to let her stay still to think this through. The agent struggled to move forward doing her best to follow the arrows as she mentally attempted to fight off the sensation going through her body. As she did so she attempted to memorize the route she was taking, hoping to remember how she was getting from one place to the other in this ship. Still it was very difficult, with the orb vibrating with in her.

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:22 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
By the time she finally reaches the next exam area, the orb stops vibrating and goes silent once more as the door opens before her to permit her access. The room before her appears to be just another hallway but it's clear this is the first section of the course. The first few sections look easy enough, simple parts with running and jumping while wearing her skimpy outfit and aroused. But of course she must know by now it's bound to get worse the further she gets after last time. The course seems to be divided into sections. Each time she completes one she unlocks the next and so on, but to make it even harder it seems it's got many paths like a maze so if she picks the wrong one she may be stuck here for longer.

Of course the alarm goes off signalling for her to start, the orb vibrating again if she delays, getting stronger and stronger as she continues along the course. The first section is simply obstacles her petite and agile form can easily clear. Of course the cameras are there, watching her and capturing each faint flash of her ass or wet slit, and her breasts straining against the top as she runs. The top squeezing so tight as if trying to make them burst out as she runs so quickly.

Thankfully the first section isn't too long and she quickly comes upon a cross roads. A door marked with blue and another with red. Her two paths, and curiously it seems the key to opening them is the orb buzzing inside her like a cruel twist on how this "game" operates. Making the toy inside her the only thing that can get her out of here meaning she can't lose it or throw it away the first chance she get's. If she loses it she will have to go back for it.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:47 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva gave a sigh of relief as she felt the orb suddenly stopped its vibrations inside her, the door opened a slight gust of wind brought her back to reality of the situation. She could feel the wind below across her body briefly, providing a slight cooling sensation to her heated body. The red headed agent looked ahead at her next challenge that she had to tried to accomplish. This looked simple enough, she just had to run across the room and just jump over some obstacles. Well simple enough if she didn't have the drugs flowing through her veins.

Suddenly she felt the orb vibrating again forcing a moan from the young agent. She would have to move forward if she was going to have any hope to escape. The red head started off in a run, the young woman could feel her breasts strain against the tight top, it felt like with every step like her orbs going to rip through her top and bounce free of the restrictive cloth. Each step felt like her flower was on fire as she took a step forward. All the while the agent could see the cameras attempting to focus on her underneath to get shots of exposed rear and flower.

Fortunately for the captive redhead she found herself at the end of the first section and at a crossroads between two doors. With little hesitation she immediately tried the red door. The orb's vibrations were getting stronger and she knew she didn't have long before it would become too much for her.

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Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:34 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
As the door way opens, a wave of heat hits the red head as steam exits the room hitting her face and body, already clinging to her almost nude form. Of course it only makes her tight fitting outfit cling to her wet skin all the more as the room seems to be completely engulfed in steam like a hot spring. Infact looking at the floor with what little can be seen, the room seems filled with water, it seems this section of the course was meant to test swimming but with the heat suddenly turned up the room is much more deadly now and she has no idea what is lurking under the surface.

The only way across is forwards, two ropes made of a smooth rubbery substance hang infront. One at floor level the other at her chest, like a bridge, she will need to balance on the bottom while holding onto the top. But with the steam the robes are slippery and wet making an already difficult task almost impossible to complete as it is. The orb's buzzing stops but the second she takes a step forward and starts the next task it will begin to buzz once more to ensure she cannot stall for time.

High above Morloch watches her still, the cameras recording everything, if she passes out again or loses conciousness the exam will stop and she will fail. Of course that's what he wants, an excuse to keep testing on the poor red head.

Let's see how the agent solves this course. I have read her file and added something she is weak against... I look forward to seeing what raw data she can provide.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:17 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
The door opened the last thing she was expecting was the sudden overwhelming heat, as she was surrounded the steam like she was stuck in a sauna. All at once the young agent could feel her outfit, what little of it there is, began to cling to her glistening body. Through the steam, the redhead could barely make out the room that contained her next test. It appeared that the room was filled with water as far as she could see. She shook her head as she didn't want to swim, as she sure the outfit would be completely become see through. Of course just standing here in the heat her sweat was starting to make it a moot point as parts of her nubile body was already starting to bee seen through the soaked garments.

It was then that the agent noticed a pair of ropes hanging in the room. The young woman quickly recognized its purpose, with one rope a few feet above the other as it crossed the room. From her ROTC days she recognized it as a commando bridge, a fast to build rope bridge to help soldiers get across a body of water quickly. The young woman smiled a bit as she immediately reached out for the bridge. The redhead foot touched the bottom rope, and she nearly slipped as she tried to get her grip. The rope was rubbery and wet from the steam, making it very slippery. It was going to very difficult for her to remain on the bridge, must less cross it. However it was already too late to go back, the instant the young woman stepped on the rope, the orb began to vibrate again in her flower. If she didn't cross quickly, it would cause her to fall in the water. The agent let out a soft moan and then grabbed the rope tightly with her hands before she placed her weight on the bottom rope and began to move into the room.

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:58 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Once she is started the door seals once more and the steam seems to fill the area leaving it impossible to tell how far is left and how far she has gone thus far. It just seems to be almost endless and only getting warmer. Of course the cameras are forever constant reminding her of her audience as they record and follow the red head's progress as her skimpy outfit does little to hide her appearance from view. About half way through the "course" Morloch releases the second test subject into the mix as the sound of a loud splash fills the room then silence. It could have been anything but thus far Morloch has given the agent every reason to suspect foul play. But once again things seem to settle if only for the moment.

Morloch is curious to see how she fares against his test subjects, she is the perfect candidate to face them, the perfect example of a human and her body is at peak condition. She has done well so far but can she outlast this turn of events. The water below her begins to ripple as a single tendril begins to creep from it's surface as she works her away across the room. Coiling along the robe it clutches it tightly only to suddenly give it a sharp tug, pulling the bottom rope down only to release it making it shake violently as the water around the red head seems to be rippling violently as more of these tendrils begin to explode from the surface and grasp upon the robe and her ankles trying to pull her in as if she wasn't having trouble already hanging on.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:06 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva nearly jumped when she heard the door shut behind, nearly causing her to lose her balance on the slippery ropes, no matter what now she would have to move forward. The steam had only gotten thicker as it was impossible to see what progress she was making. The only things she could make out the cameras that never seemed to leave her alone. She wanted to shoo them away but she knew if she didn't concentrate on the rope she would fall into the water for sure. So focused was she on the task, she barely noticed the splash that should have alerted her that she was not alone.

As continued to make her way across, the young agent failed to noticed the water below her begin to ripple. Slowly a tentacle appeared out of the water and wrapped around one of the ropes. The redhead let out a gasp when the tendril pulled the rope suddenly. Minerva initially was able to barely keep her balance to keep as her breasts bounced uncontrollably for the cameras. Then more tendrils reached and grabbed the rope and her ankles. The redhead screamed as she lost her balance and began to fall to the water below. Fortunately the young woman managed grab the lower robe and hang on for balance as she rolled underneath, her body hovering just inches above the water.

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:56 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
With the poor Agent dangling above the water, her situation only seems to be getting worse as the orb inside her, still vibrating begins to slip from her wet, abused passage like before, only to drop into the water below with a loud splash, leaving her stuck in this room even if she made it to the doorway out. Of course hovering above the water she is perfect prey for whatever creature has been released as the tentacles begin to coil around her long slender legs, worming them way up along her skin. They are wet and almost coated with slime, as they grip her legs firmly forcing them slowly apart as more begin to appear below her, hovering around her like examining their "catch".

They begin to push under her short skirt, one brushing it's tip against her slit as more work their way under the tight material and rub against her thighs as they grab the waistband of her skirt only to yank it down, tugging sharply upon the tight wet skirt until it slips free of her body and drops to the water below. It seems Morloch chooses now to mock her further or perhaps he finds it amusing to contiue to act as if he is on her side in all of this.

Do you wish to know what that is Miss Rocha? It is a prototype, the first of it's kind and you have the honour of putting it through it's paces. I needed a live test subject to see how well it performs, so kind of you to volunteer. By now you must realise the effects of my drug now running through your system. How every little touch seems to arouse your body, how no matter how many times you climax it never seems to be enough.

As he speaks the tentacles seem to decide to take advantage of her situation only further as suddenly one of them begins rigid and smacks against her exposed rear. The sound of it slapping the soft flesh echoing in the room only to be repeated as another tentacle slaps against her. They seem to have no end as more appear behind her and take turns, seeing how long she can withstand it before she falls. Once she does she won't be getting free anytime soon, that much is clear.

That is the first stage of my plan. To release my toxic into each colony, they will quickly fall to it's effects and lose their minds to it. You might be trained to resist it, but not ordinary humans. Once the toxic is in the air I will unleash my army of creatures created like the one below you to do my bidding...

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:36 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minvera let out a gasp as she felt her the orb start to work its way out of her flower. A loud splash had let her know that she had loss the vibrator and she was now trapped in the room. Meanwhile the slimy tentacles continued to make there way up her long legs, reaching up and grabbing the skirt. WIth a quick tug, the agent felt her skirt give way as it suddenly was pulled down her body and fall into the water below. Now the poor head head only had a thin cloth covering her to swollen blossom. The beautiful redhead let out a loud moan as she felt one of tentacles begin to brush against her already aroused flower, bring a full flush to the woman.

The young woman was force to listen to why she was being forced through this weird set of tests. To test the effects of that the drug to flowing through her body and apparently....AHHHH! She felt a painful slap across her rear as a tentacle hits her. Seconds later a second slap hits her rear, sending a wave of pleasure and pain through out her body. It was slowly getting more difficult for her to hang on to the rope. It was then that the bombshell hit.

Y-you won't get away with...AAHHHH!...with it. The ADD will stop.....AHHHHHH!!......stop you.

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:22 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Her words merely make Morloch laugh, his robotic laughter mixing with the sounds of flesh connecting with flesh as the tentacles continue their assault upon her rear. Leaving it a nice shade of red already as they continue to mercilessly hit again and again. Leaning forwards one of the cameras hovers infront of her face almost giving her something to look at and speak to as if speaking to Morloch. The tentacles still exploring her youthful body as she is hanging on, coiling around her waist and pushing upwards as they rub against the underside of her breasts sticking out from her tube top.

Why do you think I have been luring ADD Agents like yourself in? Do you think you will escape here and be able to resist after you have experienced my drug first hand? Your body is being studied, inside and out, I will know more about your own body then you do...

It's true, she is being pushed to her limits physically and mentally, given him better understanding of how to break Agents like herself. But none of that should be concerning her yet, she is still trapped as the tentacles brush against her already wet slit, rubbing backwards and forwards along it so painfully slow when it's already aroused and eager unlike her mind. One of them flicks against her clit only for two to press together around it, rolling it around between them as it's pinched and squeezed.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:39 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva could hear the laughter even as sounds of slaps joined in with the laughter. The young woman let out a loud moan with each strike on her now red rear. Each slap sent a wave pain and pleasure through her poor nubile body. Meanwhile tentacles continued to make their way up her body, slowly securing the agent in its clutches. Already the poor agent could feel her tentacles begin to play with the bottom of her swollen breasts. She could feel her grip starting to slip a little even as a camera moved up to her face as if to confront her.

I have to resist and...ahhhh....escape. It is duty. I have to warn the others.

Of course escape isn't going to be easy. Already tentacles were brushing against her aroused flower, already blooming from the effects of the orb earlier. Each sweep of the tentacle was making her arms weaker as she could feel the rush of pleasure with her body. Then a tentacle began to press her clit. Ahhhh....not there! The tentacle began to play with it just before it pinched and squeezed it. The redheaded agent released a cry of passion as she let go of the rope, only to catch the bottom rope before she fell completely in the water below. Her body still was in the water up to her waist.

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:19 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
With the steam so strong it's no longer even possible to really see below the water as the bottom half of her body seems to disappear beneath the waves, the warm heated water now embracing her and the tentacles given free rein over her lower body. Already more can be felt, trailing along her legs as they pull them apart even wider, keeping her pussy exposed to their actions, one still running up and down her slit until two more seem to push inside her aroused core and stretch her open wide for all to see. The tentacle pushing inside her only to wiggle around as it pushes deeper, the slime coated surface easily slipping so deep inside her. The tip beginning to spin around as it works almost like a drill it might feel as it rubs up against her pussy's inner walls while it makes it's way inside her passage.

More erupt from the water as her top is suddenly yanked down with enough force to make her breasts bounce alluringly but rather then strip her of the clothing they leave it tucked below her breasts, pushing them up to leave them jutting out all the more for their attention. A single tentacle snakes it way up along her stomach and between the valley of her orbs before it rams into her mouth muffling her voice as begins to wrestle with her wet tongue. Exploring her body but atleast her rear is no longer being slapped allowed to rest for the moment but for how long. At this rate there is far too many of them to expect them to be happy with just her mouth and pussy, they are already starting to work into a frenzy now she is in the creature's clutches quite firmly.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:36 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Being halfway in the water, Minerva quick became aware of the disadvantages as the steam so close to the water was extremely strong. She couldn't see anything in the foggy mist that the steam was providing. The redhead agent soon felt the other problem being partially water, her legs were soon covered with tentacles as they began to pull her legs apart. The young woman could feel the tentacle still slowly playing with her flower until suddenly began to push inside of her. The young woman's head pointed upwards as she let out a loud moan. She could feel it begin to move further inside her as it began to spin inside of her. She could only gasp and moan as she felt it wiggle and spin inside her.

So overwhelmed by the sensation, Minerva didn't initially notice the tentacles pop out of the water around her. Suddenly she felt something tug on her top and felt it get pulled down allow her trapped orbs to escape their bonds. Her young woman could breasts bounce a little as her top got stuck underneath them making them stick out like she was wearing a corset. The beautiful redhead looked down just to see a tentacle move up between her swollen mounds. Suddenly the woman found it push into her mouth and began to play with her tongue. The agent instinctively let go of the rope and reached out to try to pull the tentacle out of her mouth.

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:43 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
The second she falls into the water the robe snaps and is retracted into the walls leaving her trapped for the time being in more ways then one it must seem. The second her hands go for the tentacle, they are quick to lash out and wrap around her wrists, pulling them away and into the air only for her entire body to be lifted above the surface of the water held suspended upon the tentacles. Morloch is quite pleased with the results so far so he decides to allow the creature to have it's fun with the poor agent, atleast until she is too worn out to continue of course. He'd hate to lose his favourite test subject. Her legs are pushed up as it's almost like she was laying on a bed now as the tentacles hold her high up with her arms and legs stretched out. The one in her mouth only thrusting in and out of it faster as if to mock her attempt to pull it out which has doomed her now.

Of course now the one so deeply embedded in her core can really go deep as it suddenly stops teasing and begins to really thrust into her only to retract and slam into her again. The two that were used to stretch her pussy open seem to begin to push inside her two, testing her limits before they coil around one another, now really feeling like a oversized drill that continues to spin as it thrusts in and out of her wet passage. Not done with her yet, more begin to probe at her rear only to slowly begin to ease their way inside her, the wet surface that coats them making it less painful for the agent as they ease inside her but also meaning that more can force their way into her second opening too, with more still pressed into her hands as it seems the creature is going into a frenzy using her body like it's private plaything.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:06 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva didn't have time to notice the rope snap behind her as she fell. More tentacles reached out and grabbed the redhead's arms before she could grab the tentacle in her mouth. She struggled to resist the tentacles, to try to reach out to the one in her orifice. However, the strength of the creature was simply too much, the agent were slowly pulled into the air where she would not be able to any good. The young woman let out a gasp as she was pulled into the air as if she was some sort of prize. Unfortunately for Minerva, the creature was more than happy to play with its new prize.

The young woman could only let out loud muffled noises as the tentacle inside her flower began to ram and thrust, making her head and breasts bounce with each thrust. She couldn't believe it was so large inside her and didn't hurt her. It felt like something was spinning inside her. She wanted to let out a cry of passion, but she could not as the tentacle inside her mouth began to increase its pace. Still it wasn't the worse of it, a tentacle began to coat her rear as if to prepare her for yet another penetration. Minerva would have been horrified if her body wasn't so aroused by it all. Already she could feel the pleasure inside her start to build.

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Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:39 am
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