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 Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster) 
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Post Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
It took her a long while to find it on this island, but she finally has done. Her aboriginal descent and background prompted her to follow her traditions as a Cree. Days ago, she harvested a plant that she thought wouldn't even grow on this land. A plant which was a herb. A healing herb for the spirit. Sage is often used when one is troubled or for ceremony purposes, during a smudge. She waited till this day when she wasn't on her "moon-time," or her Period. It was practiced that women on her moon-time wouldn't smudge, due to health reasons and possibly conceiving during that time, making it unhealthy for in there. Now that she was off her moon-time, it would be a time to do the aboriginal tradition of smudging. A ritual where it's said to relieve the weight off one's back, clean their spirit and mind and continue on with life, where weight would stack up once again. The tradition was every powwow, or every season. A celebration with drums, singing and dancing around the drums.

With a small bowl, a shell she found at the beach, that the sage could be put in, she sat atop of a hill, peering over the beach, and a decent viewing over mountains and behind her, the forest, where she found the sage. With an eagle feather she was given when she was at a powwow in Alberta, with a Woodland Cree tribe. The air was still, not a breeze at the moment, and the sun beat down on her with the still air made the weather boil yet wet and sticky with humidity. Her clothes started sticking to her with the evaporation of the ocean's water clinging to her. She set down the small shell on a rock, getting ready for the smudging. The first of her time here. Often there would be a second person here, to hold the shell as she smudged and then with the feather bless her with the spirits of the earth. She took out her dried up sage and placed some in the shell and with a match, she lit the sage, creating a smoke. The smoke giving off a scent, very familiar to her. Kneeling over the bowl, she clasped her hands over it as if she was getting water from a stream and poured the smoke over her. Her face, her ears, her eyes, her body, then her legs, and arms, cleansing herself and as she did, all her worries seem to of left, giving her a feeling of refreshment.

Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:17 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
Slimer had been wandering through the woods for some time seeking wood both for the old fashioned firepits in his cave and also suitable dry wood for his torches which encouraged prey to explore his domain. It was a chore but a neccessary evil for both work, to continue his chemistry experiments, but also recreation in fucking those brave enough to venture into his newly-settled home. Carrying a bunch of short dead branches he came upon a strange sight. Settling the branches aside, he quickly went invisible to study the strange scene that was unfolding.

Making sure he stayed in the shadows so his outline didn't blur the air as he moved. A cautios eye could catch the movement and realize something unnatural and large was there.

Moving closer he kept a good distance but sneaked close enough to see and hear. It appeared someone, apparently a human student, although it was hard to tell due to the smoke, was bathing in it. Settling in curiosity grabbed hold and he sat back to watch.



Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:55 am
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
The ritual unfolded with a small drum song. A small ceremonial song. Despite the lack of a sacred fire, she figured herself it would also help relieve some of the stress this post-secondary school is putting on her with all these courses. She took out a drum from a plastic bag she was carrying with herself and started drumming, a simple beat and the drum was able to "Heyomahse, hiyo yamah, heyomahse, hiyo yamah, hio yamaha, yaaa...hey...ya ho...Weiya! Weiya! Weiya yo mata' do' " she began singing- A song from an Ojibwa group that came to a powwow she went to in Alberta. She ended the song soon, a tear rolling down her eyes, as she misses her family and the powwows she went to. At the end of the song, she let out a loud high-pitched native war cry, 'arrrrrrrrraaah!' She stood up, brushed the dirt off her jeans and began putting all the stuff away. The drums, the shell, and a bag of sage. Once she was finished she walked over towards the edge of a small cliff, and watched the ocean in the distance.

Genetically, being half east asian, she was use to the heat. Although, the humidity was a different story, prompting her to unbutton the top two buttons of her blouse, hoping she'll cool down a bit. It was peaceful, the sight of the ocean, waves flowing up on the shore, trying to take over the beach. She sat down, leaning herself against a tree to rest up for the week ahead. 'That reminds me, I've got to get down to the fitness room later today.' she thought to herself, as she relaxed, slowly falling asleep, although sleep was soon disturbed with the rustling of grass and bushes behind her. She quickly get to her feet, focusing on what's in the forest. Deciding it was just a small animal, she soon decided to take the forest way.

Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:22 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
Slimer watched curiously as the ritual unfolded. She finished bathing in the smoke only to proceed to chant and beat on a small drum before her. As the time went on he lost himself in the curious rythym. Finally, he was shaken from his trance like thoughts as the beauty finished with a loud shout. As she turned and stared out over the ocean Slimer had time to admire tight butt, and as his thoughts went in that direction he realized she had captured his mind as well as stirred his body, and he knew she would be his next victim.

Torn between finding out more, and satisfying himself with her he decided he would learn all he could about the fascinating girl before taking her unless the perfect situation presented itself. Such a situation seemed eminent, as she laid against a tree as was about to take a nap. Cautiously stalking closer from behind he made his way closer to the girl until he rustled some grass setting her on guard. Holding off he figured he needed to learn more and set in to invisibly follow her as patience was one of his greatest assets.



Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:14 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
The beautiful landscape set her mind at awh, even though such awh will soon become an every week scene and slightly borish. She reached into her jean pocket to find her iPod Nano. She was old fashioned in a sense, that she preferred the iPod Nano to the new iPod touch or iPads. She pulled out large head phones that covered around her ears with surround sound to the music of her preference- She even had a dislike for ear buds since her ears would often get sore, while the surround sound ones, despite being highly expensive did the trick for her. Scanning through the songs, her eyes focused on the small screen, she picked an Amon Amarth song, Pursuit of the Vikings. The style of music, she would find herself to be picked on, with it being seen as either Satanic, Gothic or 'Emo', due to some songs have death growls. She didn't mind though- she figured it's better than the corporate-made crap teens would listen to back in High School.

Nodding to the music that blasted in her ears- and due to the quality of the head phones, can be heard meters away- she started nodding her head to the beat of the drums in the song she's listening to. Her eyes focused on what's in front of her, every so often turning to admire the environment around her. Her dark brown eyes focused on nothing, and the music disrupting her hearing to almost nothing but the sound of a guitar, drums and a growler, blasting in her ear.

Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:52 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
It seemed he had spooked the girl and she set off along the forest path heading back towards the school grounds. As he trailed along he was careful not to make too much noise to further spook her. Invisibly he trailed through the warm strangely animal free woods, care ending as she brought out headphones that encapsulated her ears. Loud music seemed to bump from the headset meaning there was very little chance she would hear him stalking her.

Quickly he closed the distance but opted out from snagging her in the woods, hoping to learn more about his strange prey as he followed her back into her everyday routinr. Her pert ass swaying hypnotically in front of him as he walked. At least it was the best scenery on a trip to the campus he had yet to view. As he made it to only a few feet behind the student, he began getting better samples of the music she was listening to. Even her taste in human music was different than the pieces he heard coming from open doors in dorms he perused at times. She was certainly different enough to reward his patience. How long he could hold his lust in check for the exotic girl was the real question...



Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:58 am
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
Her love for such 'demonic' music came to her at a young age, her fascination with such heavy sound drove her to learn how to play the guitar and learn how to sing- especially after hearing the vocalist from a Russian folk metal band called Arkona where she would growl as well as sing clean. The song on her iPod changed from Amon Amarth to a black/extreme metal band known as Cradle of Filth, the song called, "The Death of Love". Ironically from the title, it was a song she loved to sing along with. The chorus came up where a female vocalist, portraying in the song as Joanne d'arc starts singing which is where Anna would also sing, "Where will you be when god is glorifying? there we will be between the dead and dying, where will you be my darling? where will you be when god is glorifying."

The vocalist on the song, Dani Filth started growling after the Chorus of the song. Her musical moment was soon caught with the movement of something at the corner of her left eye. Taking her headphones off, she looked to her left... Nothing. Turning her head forward, she focused on everything around her. She took her iPod out and turned it off, placing it back in her pocket. Brushing her hair back behind her, she thought to herself, 'If that is a student out there, I warn you, I kick ass.' She figured the heat must be getting to her. Hallucinating is probably not the best thing when it's this hot out. She figured she'd take a small detour towards the school, through the forest instead of just on the path since there's a lot of dew on the trees from it raining last night. And the shade. Hopefully both these things would cool her down, despite her clothes getting sticking from sweat and water molecules in the air cling to her. She felt disgusting, and soaked in a warm dew. Even her hair started dripping of water and such. Soon finding a small river, a stream, she felt relieved, she can finally cool herself off.

Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:36 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
Slimer was enjoying the view on the walk through the woods of both the scenery and his intended victim, with her delicate curves. The lack of wildlife on the island always seemed strange and somewhat artificial. A dead give away there was something wrong with the island but most the students out in the woods had larger, more threatening concerns so it was no wonder so few actually took notice of it. As they went she was absorbed in her music until they reached the stream. Something made her search her surroundings and he froze not more than five feet behind her. He watched as she slipped the headphones from her head.

Her arms reaching up made the clinging shirt accentuate her lovely chest. Dew mixed with sweat, which made all of her clothes cling to her nubile body. Waiting still to learn more he holds still taking in the sight of her body barely hidden by the wet jeans and slightly unbuttoned shirt. Should he take her in these isolated woods? He weighed it in his head, deciding he had nothing to lose and intimate knowledge to gain he held onto patience a little longer...



Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
With her hands scooped and placed in the water, she lifted up a cup of water in her hands, and splashed her face with the contents in her hand. Soaking herself in a cooling sensation of chilled natural water. Cupping her hands with water and splashing over her face once more with such sensation. Her body shivered slightly but it felt so good on her skin. She then took off her shoes and socks, and dunked them in the cooling water. Why not? She thought to herself. She dropped whole self in the water, clothes and all, figuring that she'll be able to drive as soon as she got back. The cool spring water was more refreshing than the water at the beach. Her clothing was completely soaked in spring water but this didn't mind her. The water soothed and cooled her in the heat. Something she felt she needed for the time she was out. Soon succumbing to such a relaxing sensation she began unbuttoning her blouse and take it off, not in fear of what's around her, after all, what could be out here, besides her?

Her bra was also soaked as much as her blouse was. Yet this was as far as she was going when it came to being undressed herself. She just came here for a relaxing time and what could be better in the springs? deep in a forest, the heat equalizing with the cold. The ambient sound of the river flowing and the trees blowing in a wind only starting to stir. Laying there without a care in the world on this nice weekends' day.

Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:26 am
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
Slimer watched as she reached the stream and decided to cool off and wash the sweat and sticky dew from her face. She seemed content with the lukewarm water, the hot air made a dip seem very inviting. She removed her shoes and socks as she went for a dip, looking around she even unbutton and removed her shirt, leaving her soaked in her jeans and bra. The wet bra only served to accentuate her lovely perky tits. As she lay back floating in the stream Slimer could hold back no longer as he watched her relaxing.

First he silently grabbed the discarded shirt, shoes, socks and other belongings and moved them behind a large tree a few feet from the stream. As he returned she was still lazing in the water enjoying her care-free weekend day. Well it was care-free but the demon had plans on ruining that shortly.

He thought about the best way to surprise her, as she would surely notice the splashes as he entered the stream invisibly. He moved upstream from where she floated in the waist high stream and entered. Dropping his invisibility, and lowering his large sliming tail under the water, he appeared to be a hugely muscular bronzed humanoid. His extra set of legs hidden by the rushing water, his tentacles retracted, he looked like a relatively normal man with short spikey brown hair and glittering green eyes except for the slightly pointy ears.

He made his way splashing down stream to where she rested, Why hello there, waving a strong arm and grinning as he approached, hoping for her to not notice what he truely was until it was too late. He walked closer through the running water as it washed over hit firm abs.



Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:38 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
Her eyes closed, soaking up the water and sun, which was interrupted when a shadow casted over her, and the voice of a male. She opened her eyes, to see a man. Tall and muscular, she figured, although what she saw was darkened from an almost silhouette effect on the figure. Her eyes laying on him, waving at her, his muscular physic sparking some interest. Her thoughts over him was interesting, although, it kind of made her shy and embarrassed that someone was actually out here. and the fact that the figure was male as well.

She tried covering her chest up, cowering her figure in a small uncomfortable shape. She looked at him awkwardly and said, "Hey... Uh... Hot weather it is. Nice way to cool down, to... uh... bathe in this small stream?" She said, solemnly, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment. She had continued to think that she knew she was the only person here. Where did he come from? Must be a teacher? Seems like a reasonable explanation to this, she figured. A teacher, yet, she's a student. Maybe he's young, she thought to herself. Or a new teacher?

She kept herself in a position showing slight uncomfortable mood. His figured to her was quite intimidating, yet she remembered she's of Native blood. Often it is said Natives where strong. If he should do something...

Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:50 am
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
Slimer could see the girls embarrassment at his unexpected intrusion into her relaxation time. He chuckled slightly at her reaction knowing that he planned a much morepersonal intrusion. The light seemed to be playing to his advantage as it shown around his form, making a close inspection difficult from the distance he was away. Its amazingly beautiful and peaceful here in these woods isn't it? And heere I was expecting to be alone enjoying a dip in this cooling waters... he says slowly wading closer to the embarrassed girl.

He took in her brave face as he moved closer, she seemed to being trying to convince herself of her own bravery as flashes of uncertainty rippled across her features now and then. Well I suppose if I must share this swim I could ask for someone less stunning to share it with. Slimer says with a harmless grin. So who do I have the lovely pleasure of swimming with today?



Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:36 am
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
She couldn't see him very clearly, although, she decided to believe him for now and the comment about her being 'stunning' made her blush immensely. She spoke, "My name is Anna... Labobe. Not entirely the most... thrilling name out there..." She said, nervously. He eyes kept fixed on him and his actions. Her hands, blindly reaching behind to get her shirt, only finding it's not where she left it. "What the-" She looked back to see her shoes, shirt and socks aren't there. "Hey, what happened to my stuff?" She asked, as she searched around for her clothes. She turned over, leaning onto the shore, searching for her clothes.

Getting out of the water, she continued to look. Turning to the man that appeared out of the blue, she saw in the semi-transparent water, something else, behind the man. Somewhat curious as to what it was, without thinking, she sunk herself back in the water, focused all this thing, that was almost floating in the water. This worm like thing which seems to be attached to him. "What the-..."

Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:46 pm
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Post Re: Rituals for the spiritual and other (Open for a Monster)
She seemed surprised to find her clothes missing and happened to notice something strange in the water. As she swam closer she apparently made it out as she discovered the two foot wide tail he used to slime his victims. Her face told him all he needed to know and he lunged forward to grab her as she turned to flee. Catching her in his arms he pulls her backwards towards his strong chest, sitting her on his lap the water coming up to just above her belly button.

I was hoping we could have kept that discovery off for a little bit longer my sweet Anna, he says whispering into her ear as she struggles. Its been awhile since I had a great conversation but apparently you'll have to find out what it is all about now I guess. Maybe in the future you won't let curiosity get the best of you, he finishes and with arms arm locked securely around her toned waist, as she struggles.

He brings the tail up over her head, filling the appendage with his chemically laced slime. The mouth of the tail begins to open as the green slime begins to blob out. The thick goo begins hanging lower and lower moving only a couple inches at a time and in thirty second it would reach the crown of her head and begin flowing slowly over her dark hair, Its my own creation it delivers chemicals through your hair follicles and after five minutes your muscles will relax making more than speech hard for thirty minute, while your sense of touch is multiplied, and your need for pleasure will mount, but don't worry I'll be here to help with that, he finishes laughing evilly as the green goo was halfway towards her head.



Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:17 am
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