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 Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole) 
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Post Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
"...The automatic trajectory correction field, which allows larger ships to pass the asteroid field unharmed, has been deactivated, Calista, and the station does not answer to our calls. Therefore we need you to approach the mining base with a light fighter, which you will get the financial means to acquire. It is in Wolf 356, and i think you know what that means."

General Andrea Makumbes dark skinned face, the face of an attractive woman in her mid-fourties, did vanish from the monitor while saying this, and was replaced by a picture of a large asteroid with a big airlock that covered the hangar of the station. The average mining station, Calista would have seen hundreds of them. Asteroid Mines were almost the worst place in the universe. All kinds of scum worked there, criminals who wanted to escape the law, or... because it was an ADD station... convicts who served their sentence. And every month or two, when the belly of the mining barge was full, the captain would undock, and return with a few crates of beer and cheap porn flicks to lift the morale. But its position in Wolf 356 meant it was part of the DMZ, and as such a breach of the Tholian contracts with the Thanatos Systems. If someone knew about humans digging for weapons grade Thyrium here... a full fledged war could be the result. Another reason for a "small scale approach".

The picture on the monitor did freeze when the message reached its end. There were two holobuttons hovering above the video monitor now. One red for "Decline" and one green for "Accept"

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
Calista quickly pulled her blond hair back into a tight ponytail as she read over the details of the mission and she understood the need for secrecy on this one since the ADD could ill-afford a war at the moment with the Thanatos. She sat down in the pilot's seat of the Mindnight Nova and as she pressed the green accept button, it felt like she were betraying an old friend as she realized she would have to be purchasing a smaller craft for the mission, though with trajectory fields down and being within the DMZ, she could leave any traces back to the ADD.

She brought up the local starcharts ad plotted a course to Gavrik's Staryard Emporium, one of the local dealers in used starships that owed her a favor or two. A moment later with course plotted, Calista engaged the FTL drive and the Nova accelerated before disappearing into subspace.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:12 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
Acquiring a small scale fighter is easy business, acquiring one with the necessary agility not so much. Gavrik had good quality, no doubt, but what Calista needed was a scout, not a fighter. It took Gavrik a few hours of effort to find a seller, who, and that was even more important, did not ask questions.
Scout ships were designed for this job, they were built to hide in asteroid belts, dodge the bigger rocks, while their shields were made to vaporize the smaller ones, even if those same shields wouldn't stand the fire of a military lasers for a second, but that was not important. Scouts were built to be fast, agile, and to stay out of sight. The ship she got was a "Wasp", practically the penultimate scout. Instead of sitting in it on a pilots seat, this baby was flown like a motorcycle in space. The Cockpit was closed yes, but the "driver" operated it with his whole body, by shifting his balance point. And because it was very sensible, this technic often gave a pilot necessary fractions of a second to do what the machine was build for. Dodge and hide.

Yet, even if the thing between her legs was a basically a sex machine in space, which vibrated calm between her legs as she controlled it, and whose roaring thrusters were emanating a deep dark grumbling sound through the cockpit with every turn, Calista had no time to enjoy it. The constant supervision of the shields was necessary, as was the trajectory monitor, which told her where to turn next, to avoid a definitely deadly collision. It took only five minutes, but it seemed like an eternity, before the large round airlock of the mining station came into view.
There was no greeting though. Neither did the station hail her when she approached, nor did it do anything else, or even hostile. The lights around the arilock were still on and blinking, but there was no reaction whatsoever. The bigger was the surprise, as the Airlock responded to the transmission of the control key, and opened.

The hangar though... was dark, and only the headlights of her Wasp brought some light into the spooky scenery. Gravity still worked... as did the containment field, which kept the air in, while the airlock was open. As Calistas Wasp entered the hangar in hovering mode, the lightcone of its headlights ran over the Hull of the stations mining barge. Calista knew the model, a large dinosaur of a transport, even though it needed only one captain as a crew. A Titan, a good ship. Nevertheless, without the trajectory correction field on, it was just a sitting duck.

Just as this came to her mind, the lights of the hangar turned on, immersed it in a cold clinical neon light, and showed Calista... nothing. Besides the mining barge, and now her ship that was hovering over the scenery, there was nothing in the hangar. Not even any equipment which was necessary to load the barge. As if it was stored away somewhere.

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:15 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
The Wasp was a unique and maneuverable little vessel and she would owe Gavrik one for getting his hands on one and while she wasn't able to take full advantage of the subtle vibrations, they still caused her body to become aroused, though she focused on the task at hand, deciding that after this mission would be taking this baby for a little joy ride as slight smirk crossed her features. She shook her head as focused on scanning the area ahead after the base lighting came on light, she noted the lack of signs of a struggle of any kind present in the docking area to indicate an attack. Calista decided against conducting a sensor scan as Thyrium tended to muck with the result and gave false positives, she deftly landed the tiny scout craft next to the bulk of the ancient ore hauler, a moment later the bay door began to seal shut as she climbed out of the cockpit, pulling her M-30A rifle out before slinging across her back.

Her gray colored body suit covered her from neck to toe like a second skin, leaving very little to the imagination as it enticingly dipped between her firm buttocks, only the black ceramic plates marred the smoothness of her profile as they covered her torso, with a pair of combat boots on her feet with her hands covered by a pair of fingerless gloves, which were adjusting the multi-spectrum goggles that she perched atop her head before she pulled her rifle from her back and decided to head to the Station commanders office to see if there was any log concerning what was going on here.

Carefully and by the numbers she moved deeper into the eerily silent complex, she fought back the rush of memories from her childhood with the only sounds filling the rough hewn corridors the crunch of her booted feet on the grit covered floors and the groans of the asteroid as it tumbled lazily through space. She soon found the office, doing a quick telepathic scan, she opened the door and leveled her rifle on a simple oscillating fan that was still running, after a moment the green eyed agent lowered her rifle before slinging it across her back to begin accessing the computer system.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
The Computer was still booting, as Calista would hear a thudding sound from the hangar, or at least its general direction, screaming metal, a crackling noise in her earphone, and then...silence.

Silence that shouldn't be there, because there was always a little rustle that told her that the communication channel was still intact. The communication channel which connected her over the amplifier in the "Wasp" fighter with her own ship, and thus to the outside universe. Just in case she needed help... but where static noise filled the channel earlier, there was nothing now but the eerie silence that filled the station again.

The computer meanwhile did finish its job of booting, and autostarted the surveillance program, whose three windows then covered three quarters of the desktop backgound that showed a sexy nude blonde, lying with legs spread, masturbating on the engine hood of a white Ferrari.

Calista saw, in flickering pictures, what the three low quality surveillance cameras that the station could afford were recording. At first she saw the hangar, and her Wasp... or what was left of it. It seemed as if something, or someone did just grab the machine and tore it apart. Metal braces marked the sections which once belonged together, though the rest of the machine, if it was not destroyed, lay on the metal floor of the hangar. But what, or whoever did that.. it or he was gone now.

The second camera showed her an empty cantina, once the "social" center of this facility, if it ever had one. Now it was empty as the rest of the station... or so it seemed...

But only on the first glance, because Calistas instinct and her trained senses would have made her look closer onto the last of the three videostreams.
There was a door, leading to some dark room out of view, and on the floor, reaching out of it, almost hidden by the interference of the cheap camera, there was an arm.

It just lay there, its pale hand half open, motionless, but covered in the dark crimson which Calistas trained eye immediately recognized as blood. Next to it, as if by chance, there was a sign on the floor, most probably the doorsign, because it was missing on top of the door. It said: Field Generator.

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Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:27 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
The blond ADD Agent stood up to leave the office to investigate what had caused the horrendous sound of shearing metal, cutting off her contact with the outside, though she stopped as the computer finished booting up with the lewd of the blond and the Ferrari. Men, she thought to herself as the grainy, slightly jumpy video feeds appeared. The first she looked at was for the camera monitoring the docking bay, gasping slightly as she saw the ruined remains of her small scout ship, the only way that she knew it was the ship she had come in was by the mostly intact bulbous cockpit that lay off to the side, her mind began running through the possibilities of what could have done the through damage when she suddenly sensed a sudden flash of malign was fleeting and she wasn't sure if she had actually sensed something or if it had just been nerves maybe. In any case she pulled her rifle closer to be able to bring it to bear quickly if she needed too.

She returned her attention back to the feeds and carefully scanned them as her trained eyes began to look for anything out of the ordinary, to give her a clue as to what was had caused the crew to go missing. She saw the second feed showing the lifeless cantina and knew that should be her first destination to see if any survivors maybe hiding out there, just to drunk to bother responding to hails or the like. As the camera panned by on the third monitor, she caught sight the grainy image of the blood stained arm laying lifeless outside of the door to the generator room, the placard discarded on the ground as if someone where trying to hide the rooms location. Suddenly the camera feed burst into static as a dark shadow passed in front of it, effectively cutting off any visual surveillance capabilities she had into that portion of the station. Switching off the computer, she found herself pondering what was going on here...was it a Xeno-infestation or a more intelligent threat?

She picked up her rifle as she made to leave the office, pulling out a small Blackberry like device and accessing her downloaded schematic of the complex, finding the quickest way to the cantina so she could clear the area there before proceeding to reactivate the trajectory field. She put the device away and walked cautiously down the corridor towards the lifts just as the lights shut down and for what seemed like an eternity the only illumination was the small tactical light that did little to dispell the suddenly oppressive gloom, Calista looking up and down the corridor as the harsh red emergency lighting activated "Great, just what this place if the ambiance didn't already have a creepy effect all it's own..."

She turned back to her intend path, finding the lifts still had power, stepping into one and riding it down to the third level where the cantina was. The ride was short and uneventful as the doors parted to show the lighting on this level either broken or flickering and doing nothing to provide illumination. She slowly scanned the corridor, checking dark and empty rooms as she went until she finally reached to the double bulkhead doors of the cantina. The Agent didn't know what to expect on the side of the doors, but readied her rifle and stepped through as the doors parted.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:21 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
In the folds that held the only recently grown sexual organs, there was a movement, and a tension,as the creature watched the human woman enter the cantina.

It was still new, this feeling. This sensation that always began to emanate from the depths of the alien body, whenever it was near a human woman which caught its attraction. In the last month there had been only the posters of those miners, showing human girls in lewd positions, scattered over the whole mining station, and they were a pale comparison to the "real thing" who was scanning the kitchen over the barrel of her rifle, passing one of those very posters as she passed by the refrigerator.

The creature didn't plan for this, it did expect a male, but it had to admit to itself that this was not an unwelcome deviation. Its very body insisted that it was not. It exhaled quietly, keeping its own arousal in check. There was a time for joy, and a time for work, and now it seemed as if its plan could reap fruits even sweeter than the ones it expected. But it depended on being quick and it depended on being frightful.

And so it barely moved in its hiding place over the grilled metal ceiling and waited for its chance. Of course the cantina was round... and the ventialtion ducts of the station were large enough even for a monster like itself. So much for keeping everything according to tradition. And of course the cantina was filthy.

The table, were everyone would have eaten, was round just as the cantina, and marked the center of the room. The food in the silver metal dish, which lay at its base as if it had been cast aside heedlessly, did not yet rot completely, but a greenish mold was mushrooming on it wildly. Whoever has eaten here last time did not take the time to clean up before he . And he was eating on his own, because there were no other dishes.

And in its hideout the creature was waiting, and kept its arousal at bay, waiting until the human nature would take hold to find traces even if there could be none. Though... there was a rippling in the warp, which was surrounding this girl... a psychic echo of considerable strength, which made her even more interesting to a creature like Thorak. If it had been one of those filthy miners whose brains it had devoured, it would probably have masturbated in expectation, just as they did so often to the videos which the captain brought from his flights. But it didn't, because it was also a warrior.

It just waited.

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Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:58 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
The blond haired agent slowly scanned the cantina, carefully checking any places that could serve as an ambush point, scanning the room with not only her eyes, but her psychic abilities and instantly sensed that malign presence from before, only it was stronger this time and very close. The presence felt like a swarm of buzzing flies against her skin as she moved around the room, checking the scattered and over turned bowls of food, noticing the mold growing on a half eaten bowl and as she was about to investigate it when she felt a familiar surge of human emotion this time. She stopped and looked around, knowing the she was alone in the room, but she knew what she was sensing...a sudden chill down her spine cause her to shiver as she felt eyes watching her.

Real or imagined, she protectively grasped her weapon as she unwittingly moved closer to the Xenos hiding spot, distracted by the psychic emanations of human emotion that she was missing the tiny details that would have given him away to a fully functioning Calista.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:13 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
The weapons were a problem, so it had to care for them first. The creature was strong and durable and its carapace could withstand most small caliber fire, even explosions if not too close, but rifles and energy weapons were always a problem, and there was no sense in taking unnecessary risks. But everything after that...

The hardest part would be to drive her back into the hangar and not to rape her right here on the table, which was something that the stiffening primary sex organs, though still hidden inside the creatures body, were hard pressing to do. Literally. Put her onto the table, shred her clothes to pieces, and then... rape her, fuck her... just to think that it still had to wait until it could put its sex into her warm wet folds was unbearable...

Yet.. necessary. The creature concentrated. Breathing quietly, rythmically, in and out, helped the monster relax a little, until Calista was in reach, standing just beneath the aliens hideout. Then the warrior took over.

From Calistas point of view it was a matter of fractions of a second, in which several things happened at the same time. Accompanied by a loud clanking, the creature fell down, taking the metal grill that was covering its hideout with it. Some tentacle, Calista would not see at first were from, drove a compound of four long horny blades through the rifle that she was holding, effectively ripping it to pieces as the blades spread like the fingers of a four fingered hand. The energy gun at her side exploded to pieces at practically the same moment because of the same reasons but another tentacle, while the electronic of her energy blade gave away a sizzling noise as a third one drove a horny thorn into its control unit.

Horns, tentacles... there was movement all around, robbing Calista of most possibilities to find orientation. It would have fallen directly onto her, but inexplicably... it missed. Probably it was the effort to destroy most of her killing equipment at once, that made it miss her, such that the massive frame hit the floor of the kitchen in front of her together with the metal grill through which it broke at the ceiling. From Calistas point of view it seemed as if, whatever it was, did assess its own fall wrong, which was were she was lucky. Yet her guns were gone as was her blade that still produced the sizzling electronic sounds of a short circuit, while the creature, seemingly unaffected from the fall, began to erect itself before her.

It was her training which made her realize the numbers despite all the chaos: six limbs, two arms, two legs and two weapon limbs, which were in the process of unfolding. Four large tentacles grew from the back of the creature, three of them would have just spoiled her weapons. It sported a head with countless squirming tentacles where the mouth would be. It had black eyes, six of them, three on each side of the head, without any form of pupil, most probably due to protective sheets for the real eyes underneath... and... it attacked her weapons first.

There were several more fractions of a second for Calista to come to a decision, while the creature basically seemed to... well... sort itself after this partially sucessful attack. The Door behind the creature was a no go, she would have to pass too close by the monster to get there, and her psionic blast, though strong, would probably not push a creature of this size and weight from its feets, even if it could buy her time to reach the other exit, that would inevitably bring her back to the hangar and the captains office. There was nothing else up there. But it would bring her doors to shut, space to move and time to think. Something that her current situation was missing.

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Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:11 am
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
Everything happened so fast, the xeno moved with such speed and precision that she was shocked that it hadn't landed on top of her as suddenly the human emotion that had been confusing Calista before disappeared, she stared into the inky pools that consisted of its eyes and felt as a dark and malignant mind touched hers briefly. She quickly began considering her option as she watched it start to rise up to it's full high and decided quickly on a course, her eyes flared a luminous emerald color for a brief few seconds as she focused her telepathic powers into a shard of searing pain as she jabbed it directly into the mind of the alien before her, meeting resistance from the monsters own mental barriers, though she gave a hard mental push that drove her attack deep into the creatures mind and caused it to start screeching in agony while she turned and made a break for the doors that lead back the way she had come.

She dashed through the double doors, stopping long enough to seal the door before shattering the interface to lock it shut, hearing a heavy whump as the alien threw its massive frame against the door, causing it to bulge out as it continued to batter against the portal blocking its path. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing the door deforming as the metal groaned and creaked in protest, she reached the lift tube and pressed the button several times, her training overriding more of the fear she was feeling, but it was still there and was driving her to keep pushing the button. Just as the doors the alien beast was pounding on gave way as the alien spilled out into the corridor as the left bell dinged, the doors opening as Calista threw herself in and pressed the button for the main level since it was the only way she could go at the moment. Her mind worked out a dozen different scenarios on what she could do to either immobilize or incapacitate the xeno with only one thought that seemed like it had any reasonable chance of success..but she was going to have to be quick once she reached the administration level of the complex, sensing the dark and seething mind of the creature as it made to follow.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:59 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
It was the first time in the existence of the alien creature that it endured actual pain. Its nerve cortex was protected by several autonomous protective clusters, which buffered all but the most intense pain, caused only by threats which could be mortal even to the aliens species. But this one mental blast just passed by those guards, and hit were it actually hurts.
It screamed, even though the scream was nothing like Calista would have heard ever before. It was a mixture of a staccato like shrieks, a creaking noise and some deep howling siren.

The creature was hurt, angry... and now it was close on Calistas heels.

As the lift doors were closing, she could see its face again. After several tries, it had just torn the double door on the other side of the corridor from its angles.
But it was now upside down, and basically shifted through the distance that parted her and it. Twitching tentacles filled the corridor, as the creature seemed to alternately run on floor, wall and ceiling, ruining the walls with the claws that dug deep into the grey metal as if it was meat. Its eyes were of glowing orange color now, it was not clear if by a wound caused by Calistas mental attack, or because of some unexplained biological process deep within the aliens body. Only one thing was clear, it gave the creature a fierce, unforgiving expression... as if it wasn't unsettling enough.

The door did close, the elevator did move, but the screaming metal and the following rythmically thudding sounds made clear that it was still there, just on her trail, the only thing that was protecting her was the very floor of the elevator cabin.
One could already imagine how the creature was following her through the elevators shaft, even if one would rather not want do that.
And then the elevator stopped with a loud creaking noise, while screaming metal and the alien sounds from underneath made clear that it was beginning to work its way through the cabins floor.

But too late, because as the emergency hatch in the elevators ceiling opened, due to the emergency protocol in case of unplanned stops, Calista would see through it the doors of the elevator shaft opening for the very same reason. Just a meter above the elevators roof. The administration level. Very much in reach for soldier as fit as Calista was.

But just beneath the elevator cabins floor, the monster was smiling on the inside. Soon it would have her, and then... yes... then there would be no place to run anymore. Then her true nightmare would begin, a nightmare that she wasn't even beginning to understand just yet. Then it would reap the fruits, and sow its seed.

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Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:33 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
Calista didn't hesitate as the escape hatch popped open shortly after the pained sounds of grinding, tearing metal came from below her, mixed with the angry and threatening hisses of the xeno; she crouched for a moment before launching herself up towards the lip of the open hatch. Her hands caught it as she swung her body up through the opening with the skill and form of an Olympic gymnast, she landed easily, turning to face the open doors above her as the elevator shook from the creatures assault below. Just as she is taking hold of the rungs leading up to the relative safety beyond, her right leg is violently jerked back as one of the creatures tentacles snake up from below, wrapping around her calf as it tried to pull her back down into the lift with it.

For the first time, if anyone where atop the lift with the agent, they would see the edges of fear in Calista’s eyes as they dart between the thick tentacle wrapped in a crushing grip around her leg and the ajar doors leading up into the Administration level and where the key to her plan rest beyond. A brief moment came when she stood on the precipice of panic, but then she shut her eyes and breathed deeply – slowly - calming her mind and senses. Her hand moved of its own accord, pulling the survival knife she kept tucked away in her boot, stabbing the laser honed blade into the fleshy appendage. It jerked back suddenly, black ichor oozing from around the wound, ripping the weapon from her hands as she scrambled up the ladder and to the hall way beyond.

The corridor beyond seemed to extend on forever to the blond haired woman as she ran towards the hanger and the idle Titan, hearing her blood rushing hard in her ears as she ran, the sound of shredding metal marking the demise of the lift. As she moved through the silent, impassive stone and metal corridor, her breathing ragged from the effort of focusing her mind to boost her speed beyond the limit of what was humanly possible as she raced to reach the hanger before the alien catches her, she again notices the rhythmic thrumming of the xeno as it renews its pursuit.

Louder now.


Much Closer.

The agent dove forward as her telepathy gave her a fraction of a second warning, rolling and flipping in a display of impressive acrobatic skill along the floor as several tentacles lashed out at her, trying to trip or ensnare as she hears a hissing roar of frustration at her continued escape...but something in the back of her mind strikes her as odd, a strange tickling sensation of the answer being right at the edge of her mind. She has little time to devote to discovering the answer, though if her plan works she won't have to worry about it any more. The doors leading into the hanger slid open automatically, she flew past them as several tentacles embedded themselves in the metal frame of the door before a screeching was heard behind her. Instead of wasting time with taking the stairs, she went gliding down the hand rail, landing on the deck below as she rolled to launch herself into a sprint for the lower boarding ramp of the aging freighter.

While under any normal circumstance the short distance would seems insignificant, the perception change when you had a enraged xeno chasing you with no weapons. She made it up the ramp and slapped the button to close the portal and seal the Titan's heat shields, which was an agonizingly slow process since the ship was at least twenty years old and running more on wishful thinking and duct tape. The blond haired woman was drawn to look out the small observation port and saw the creature forcing its way through the door, leaping down to the floor as it menacingly approached the flimsy rear hatch as she turned and raced for the bridge.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Last edited by Kieran on Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:17 am
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
The old freighter smelled for oil, ozone and sweat and all the other different elements that kept a ship of this age running, or which were byproducts, of which, Calista knew, sweat was most important but also the most prominent.

At any other day Calista would have called it stench, cursed it, held her breath while running through the long narrow corridor which brought her closer to the cockpit every second. But today, now, while she was running and breathing deep, inhaling this very scent that the owner left on it in years of service, today it was not the scent but the sounds which would cause nausea.

“Whooomph” and then “Whooomph”.

Calista would know that those heat shields were built to last at least hundred reentries. But… just outside of the body of this freighter, the remainders of her “Wasp” were lying, spread all over the hangar. Most probably it was this thing… outside… which did tear it apart, and who knew what strength lay in the form of that creature…


Now closer. Was it looking for a weak spot? There were none, the captain would not risk to lose a shield plate, would he? They were expensive but to lose a heat shield could mean to burn alive….


Calista would pass a drawing on the left of one of those hatches, that divided the long corridor into sections of 10 meter length. It was showing one of those comic Pin-up Girls, with a much too large head, sitting on a bomb that was in the process of falling, clad only in some leather and latex stuff. Unimportant. Only three sections to go.

There was No “Wooomph”…

Did it already enter the ship? Was it probably looking for her already? Why didn’t it woomph?… It can’t be that strong can it? Only two sections to go, then there was the last hatch. Why didn’t it woomph?


But now… it sounded different, nearer, darker… almost hollow. A weak spot? A lose heat shield… So the captain really was an idiot and she would have to pay for it dearly?.

The last hatch, and then the “lounge”… another word that seemed strangely unfitting for the messy room that Calista was passing. It had three exits beside the one through which she entered. One in front led to the Cockpit, the one to the left would lead to a small bath with a shower, the one to the right to a small cabin with a bed and some cabinets in the wall. Calista, being a miner’s daughter, would know this kind of ship inside out. It was basically the “beast of burden” of the rim territories. Yet there was no time for nostalgy…


Even if it was probably only the large metal hull that conducted sound better… this didn’t sound good.

Meanwhile… on the outside of the ship, the abominable creature saw, how the lights in the cockpit lit. It threw its mass against another heat shield, for good measure, even though the assault left nothing but a large bump. Nevertheless… inexplicable… it was content as it thought “It’s about time…”

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Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:52 pm
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
The cockpit of the aging freighter was like an old companion to the ADD Agent, while each owner of such vessels invariably made their own little personalizations here and there, the control layouts remained fairly simple due to the fact that many of the miners, while skilled at their chosen professions, were not pilots and should the captain of the vessel be incapacitated, it would likely fall to them to keep the ship on course and mostly out of harms way.

The ADD Agent leaned over the controls for the ship, feeling a jumble of emotion clamouring at her mind despite the calm that she forced upon herself. She began running the preflight checks for the engines as the ships systems began the slow start up process. She could sense the mind of the creature outside, predatory and hungry as the scraping of claws against metal screeched only slightly muted before the vessel shivered with the force of the xeno's body being thrown against it. She licked her lips as the systems moved to phase two check list while the engines started priming. As she watched the display indicator crawled agonzingly up from yellow to green, she wanted to scream and pound on the console, anything to make it go faster a moment before a pleasant chiming sound indicated the the engines where primed and ready.

The blond haired agent slammed her hand down on the ignition, the ship shaking violently with the force being exerted against the frame of the aging mining vessel. She waited to a ten count before shutting down the afterburners, seeing the air outside shimmering in super heated waves. She reset the engines to standby mode before turning to leave the cockpit while mentally scanning for any sign of the creature in case it had some how survived. The safety sensors was lit an angry red, indicating that the outside environment was too hostile for human survival and she had to wait several minutes before the heat was slowly leeched away by the icy fingers of hard vacuum beyond the safety barrier of the hanger.

The light finally turned to a more welcoming green while the rear heat shield retracted followed by a hiss of compressed air as the gangway extended from the back of the ship. The air hung heavy with the acrid scent of engine exhaust as the engines popped and pinged, Calista hefted a metal pipe as she exited the ship, she looked around the room and noticed the remained of the Wasp were nothing more than a pile of molten slag. She carefully scanned the hangar and the ship before she made her way back up the stairs and towards the Trajectory field room.

From the shadows of the heat shields, six points of orange glowed brightly from the shadowed hiding place...

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:43 am
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Post Re: Freeing the beast (for Calista Cole)
Reaching the room with the trajectory field generator turned out to be a major undertaking. This is a short sentence but it contains a lot of drama:

The elevator was torn to pieces, its dented remained hanging in the shaft, skewed and at a damaged steel cable with lose little wires, that were sticking out all around it. Skreeching and groaning sounds, as much as the occasional sparks from short circuits,that were falling down the shaft and dying down at the bottom, would tell her that she had to climb carefully, if she wouldn't want to risk it crashing down on her or with her inside.

She had time, but not too much, even if there was no sign of the creature since it presumably burned in the fire of the titans engines. The whole facility was as calm as in the moment when she entered it first.

Instead there was another threat now. Heat and sweat... her sweat, became her steady companions, and told her about the breakdown of the life support.
This was no surprise though, the massive heat wave of several thousand degrees hot plasma in the hangar would have been its end, it was not designed for this kind of stress. And to fix it would take an engineer, and not a soldier. Here and there small fires began to eat up the remaining oxygen and urged Calista to hurry. A working life support would have extinguished them.
Dust and smoke stuck to Calistas face, her hands and her hair as she finally climbed the last meters.

Compared to the climb, the rest of the way was a piece of cake... that was... until she found the crew... one by one. Each of them, all men, mangled in the same harrowing way. Their eyes hollow and the skullkap... gone. The rest of the body seemed oddly intact, but their skulls were empty... where the brain should be there was just a gaping, large cavity. Traces of dried slime on their eyebrows, shoulders and noses told who... or what... did that.

Then Calista found the generator room and there she found him. The man to the hand she saw on the video feed earlier. Though… There was a difference to the other corpses. His brain wasn't gone... it was splattered about the wall against which he was leaning. The gun in his right told the rest of the story. Would the dark blood and the mess not have spoiled everything he might have been attractive once. There was no entry wound, and that meant that he did use his mouth, but recognizing that would make Calista hate her training. Especially Forensic 101.

Nevertheless there was something that she had to do, if she planned to escape before all the oxygen was used up. Although... it didn't work at first, the standard code for reactivating the generator didn't work. Someone changed the password before deactivating it and it took Calistas ADD Security Identification to overwrite it. This someone wanted to close this generator down, and he had done it thoroughly.
Yet.. Calista would have no time to ponder it. The generator started to hum... and sent a massive spike of energy into the system of the facility. And then the calming voice of the computer, female, the standard voice on most ADD facilities resounded through the corridor.

"Self destruction has been activated. 10 minutes till ignition... Please evacuate the station. Self destruction has been activated. 9 minutes 50 seconds till ignition... Please evacuate the station"

Calista would have to get away and leave the station... and the asteroid field... before the whole damn rock blew up.

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Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:50 pm
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