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 Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler) 
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Post Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
It had been only a few weeks since Guan had his first real victory since coming to this island, a spirited student whom he had pleasure in defeating and then raping. That fire in her eyes only aroused his desires further and that need to do it again. To face her once more and many other times until he completely defeats her body and mind, that will be an even sweeter victory. It was easy for him to track her even as night falls upon the school. A girl like her enjoys her privacy to practice, and he knows her scent well enough. Despite his bulk, he manages to remain silent as he stalks through the empty hallways, slipping past any other monsters he encounters as he tracks his prey. She must have played entertainer for many more of them, not just him, but he will make sure she remembers him just as clearly as her most recent rapist, every time.

Tracking, he soon finds himself drawn to a classroom much to his luck, it seems she has lingered back after class. Perhaps to do some late night studying or training. Whatever it is, she has no idea what trouble is about to bring upon herself. Smirking, one of his tongues tastes the air, while he peers into the classroom. More curious for the moment to see what she is doing or preparing to do, after all it's much more fun to give chase or fight her again rather then simply snatch her and have his way with her as she exits the classroom. He wants a challenge and he knows she will provide some sport for him before he takes his time with her body.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:57 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
In the deserted classroom a young student sat alone at her own desk with several books scatterd around her. Being forced by her teacher Ms: Vivan, Yolia was to do late night craming for her next bio-class test that she was oviously not perpaired for becuse of "distractions" perfenting her ability to take notes. Yolia sat at her desk looking into the book with her head resting on her left hand as she twirleda red ballpoint pen in her right hands fanger with a scowl of frustration on her face as she read to her self outloud. "...and cells such as the ameba reproduce in a matter of slipping blaa blaa blaa...."

Yolia filled with anger and frustration soon jumped up slamming her feet agiest the floor and pushing the chair she was sitting in aside into the desk acrost from hers. She slamed her fist on the book she was origanaly reading almost as if she was trying to break the desk. "THIS IS SO STUPID!!!" Yolia screamed with frusration as her Echo could be heard down the school halls. The frustraed student was almost at the brink of pulled her hair out. Soon finding her self pacing back and forth between the row her desk was located which happen to be the 2nd to last.

Hola!, I'm Yolia if you ever want to fight with me, just shoot me a Message!!

Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:15 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
Her powerful cries echo loud in the near empty hallway outside the classroom, much to Guan's pleasure he has found her. Finding her in such a mood is even more perfect, she will surely seek to fight him in this state of mind to take our her frustrations and avoid another brutal rape at his hands. After all the insults to her pride after the last time he is sure she must be seeking to have his head on a stick at this stage. Sneaking around isn't really his thing, so calmly, he opens the classroom door and steps inside before slamming it shut with enough force to make it shake on it's hinges. while a smirk drifts across his features, his tongues can already taste her sweet flesh yet again.

"Well, well look what I found. It's my little plaything, and it looks like you've been waiting for me to return all this time. You must really want a rematch if your here all alone yelling out loud. I thought you were smarter after the pounding you got last time. Foolish little girl.."

Making sure he blocks the doorway with his bulk, Guan drops into a lazy stance as if mocking her. Like she isn't even considered a threat to him after her last defeat. It's all to add insult to injury after all humans often let their emotion take charge and make foolish choices. Like trying to fight a monster they know will surely rape them give the chance to again.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:24 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
Yolia continued to pace back and forth inbetwen the Ieal of desks stomping as she walked oviously frustrated. It was untill Yolia heard a loud slame from the far corner of the room causing Yolia's hair to stand on end and let out a loud yelped from the scare. Stumbling back Yolia tripped on her own seat and fell backwords on to the classroom floor with a thud, landing on her backside with her lower legs still resting on the seat.

Yolia winced as her head smacked agiest the floor but left no damage as she sat up to see what had happen to make since of the situation and what Yolia saw made her heart nearly stop as her eyes open wide in shock seeing the familure sight. It was Guan the discusting creature that defeated her in gym class and did "thing" untell she was exhausted to the point she could bairly move and forced to sneak back to her dorm room nearly naked other then the cloths she could salvage. The memory of their encounter flooded her mind as she suddenly gave him a angry scowle and clinched her fist. "Is it time for that rematch allready!!" Yolia watched him from her prone position.

Hola!, I'm Yolia if you ever want to fight with me, just shoot me a Message!!

Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:16 am
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
A familiar chuckle escapes Guan as he calmly begins to march towards her with purpose, his lower arms extending to push the desks apart as he walks. While his higher arms begin to flex as if preparing for the coming battle. His four tongues snaking out from his lips before disappearing once more. He hasn't brought his armor this time, instead wearing only a simple cloth, his chest bared to reveal his many scars and of course his bulk. He could easily snap her in two if he wanted but he is pleased to see her fists prepared. Always the fighters that get him off the most, it's ironic that the more they resist, the more he wants them.

"But of course, you didn't think I was going to let you slack off now did you? After all you went down so easily last time, you clearly need more training. What's better to help you learn then first hand experience.. and now you know what will happen if you lose so you have even more reason to defeat me."

Even without his armor Guan knows full well there is nothing a human like her can do to truly hurt him enough to defeat him, after all he used to battle and slay demons. Perhaps if she was older and trained to battle his kind, many then she will be an even match for him. He will look forward to that day, after he has raped her countless times of course until she can do nothing but think about killing him.

"What's wrong? Your already on your ass, don't tell me your too frightened. Or are you just gonna be a good little girl and let me rape you again?"

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
Yolia sat on her firm ass as she watched the monster approch. Its slimie toungs slipped from its discusting mouth sent a shiver down yolias spin as the sheer sight creeped her out."Gross..." Yolia watched him from her position as his intimidating size and scares showed his toughness. Giving the monster a angry look yolia slowly got to her feet and readjusted her skirt and blouse. "Can you let me slack off this once.....I got a important test tommoro and I need to studie.....So umm go crawl under a rock or somthing!" slowly steped back away from the monster trying to make some distance from him knowing if he got a hold of her there would be know letting go.

The young student back away slowly untill she felt somthing bumping into her. looking back Yolia saw it was only the desk ageast her rear. Suddenly the idea hit her. She could use the desk's chair as a weapon and escape this room and run as fast as she could out of the class room and to safety but needed a diversion. Yolia sneakly up her hand on the chair, gripping the head f the seat as she suddenly pointed with her other hand past guan. "WHATS THAT!!" Yolia screamed as when or if he turned she threw the chair at the monster and attempted to bolted past him to the door.

Hola!, I'm Yolia if you ever want to fight with me, just shoot me a Message!!

Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:49 am
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
(Sorry for the delay, Christmas and New Year craziness)

"An important test? You have a far more important one now. To see whether or not you have learned and can protect yourself from me... if not, well i'm going to enjoy my trophy once again."

As he closes in he studies her carefully as her fearful expression seems to flash determination for a moment the first hint she is going to fight back much to his amusement and pleasure. Of course as expected of her, her attack is brutal. Or it would be if her foe was human. The chair smashes against Guan's thick flesh and muscles before exploding into pieces of broken wood and metal, buying her some time to make a run for the door.

But Guan isn't so easily dispatched as one of his arms quickly grabs the back of her shirt as she runs back and yanks on it sharply, to throw her off balance and of course tear it from her body in the process while he spins around to face her again. His lower arms ripping her shirt to pieces before her very eyes as he snarls softly under his breath.

"Tricks won't work, you must defeat me if you wish to escape. If you try to run, I'll chase you all night if I have to."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:23 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
Yolia's sneak attack worked as the chair made contact. All working out atleast she thought as she attempted to make her run past the discusting creature quickly took a turn for the worse."Yah Important test!!!" Almost threw the door yolia ran for it as fast as she could untill she heard the crash of the chair she threw breaking and the sudden sound of ripping fabric."NoNoNO!!" Yolia yelled as she felt him grab hold of her school blouse and sharply pull her back causing her to fall back on to her back as he quickly came back around as he ripped the very shirt of her back. Today happen to be Yolia laundry day and all her bras were in the wash, so to day she forced to go with out one.

The young now shirtless student blushed and looking down in horrier as she saw her shirt was now gone leaving her topless on the class from floor with the hulking beast towering over her as he peared down at her. Quickly covering her exposed breasts Yolia try to quickly stand up and get threw the now half way open door and hopeful get out of her.

Hola!, I'm Yolia if you ever want to fight with me, just shoot me a Message!!

Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:44 am
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
It seems everything is playing into Guan's hands tonight as not only is she already at his feet, she is topless and all too easy a prey now. Amused he pushes the desks further aside before he moves to block her path before she can stand up, cutting her off from the doorway once more but this time his arms extend behind him as he drags the teacher's desk over to the door and presses it against it blocking her exit. Perhaps she can push the desk out of the way but it would cost valuable time.

"Looks like you have been waiting for this to happen. Your already making it easy for me, running around wearing so little. You must enjoy fighting me while naked, let's hope you last longer then last time."

Flexing his fingers once more, he drops back into his stance. Allowing her to get up if only to amuse himself by seeing what she will attempt to do next, after all she is really just wearing herself out whether it be by trying to escape him or fighting him, it's all the same. In the end he will have her and enjoy defeating her completely just like before.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:36 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
Yolia was almost to the door untill the hulking beast forcfuly slamed it and blocked the way with the large desk."I dont enjoy fight any one naked!!" Yolia blushed quickly tryingto stand up and get to the other side of the room far away from the beast to hopeful find an ulternate escape route.

Hugging her chest tight she kept a stance ment for quickness and mobility incase this discusting creature came rushing at her agin. "I dont want to play your sick games tonight I have work to do." With a sudden scowle of anger Yolia pointed at him while still consealing her lusious orbs. "AND YOU RIPPED MY LAST CLEAN SHIRT!!"

Hola!, I'm Yolia if you ever want to fight with me, just shoot me a Message!!

Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:30 am
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
If anything her shouting only amuses Guan further rather then have any real effect on him. His eyes of course wander over her topless form, pleased with what he sees and amused by her attempts to protect her dignity, as if she won't end tonight just like the last time. He approaches her slowly, taking his time to drag this out. Making sure to give the impression of dread and no escape from the hulking beast before her. He wants her to make another attempt if only to amuse him alittle longer.

"You don't seem to understand you only have two choices, either you fight and defeat me. Or you leave here naked and only after I'd have my fun with you. There is no other option available to you. I'm sure you must have had fun running around the school naked after our last little warm up match."

Again he hopes to annoy her or make her act rashly by bringing up fresh memories of the humiliation last thing and what will surely happen again if this goes on any longer.

"Don't tell your already too afraid to put up a fight? Just a helpless little girl.."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:48 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
( sorry about being gone so long been working on other things lol )
Yolia gave the disgusting monster a angry look as she hugged her exposed chest. "I'm not afraid of any one....especially not you!!" Yolia watched as he approached her slowly, and stared at her topless form. Giving the creature the same expression." Hey my eyes are up here!" she made a hand gesture to her eyes as she could not help but blush. Unsure what to do Yolia next since he was blocking the exit and jumping out the window was not a good plane. Yolia instead just Watched The horrible beast closely and carefully ready to run or get out of the way if he try ed to go in for a grab or anything.

Hola!, I'm Yolia if you ever want to fight with me, just shoot me a Message!!

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:51 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
(Don't worry about it, I've been abit busy too.)

Still rather amused by her reactions Guan suppresses another chuckle as he backs her into another desk, ensuring his arms are ready to stop her if she tries to run past him. With lightning fast reflexes he lashes out but rather then aim for her chest, she has made the mistake of leaving her skirt an open target. With the same brutal power he rips it from her with ease and leaving her little chance to save it as he tears it apart before her very eyes much like the rest of her clothing before it. Letting the destroyed cloth drop the floor he steps back to study her almost completely nude form in the darkness.

"Not bad, atleast your body doesn't disappoint me, but your actions have been rather dull. Could it be you want me to pin you again and rape you? I guess I'll have to if you just stand there.."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:40 pm
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
Yolia stud across the room trying her best to conceal her dignity as best she could with her back to a desk looking for a way to hopefully get past the hulking behemoth in her way. It was until poor Yolia failed to protect her skirt, the last bit of clothing she had left from the monstrous Guan as he lunged forward and ripped her skirt right off her pretty little body, be for she could even react. Blushing as she was left in nothing but her light pink panties, the pair with a small white bunny face on the but. These pair were Yolias least favorite because they made her feel so childish but was forced to wear them because it was the only pair she had left that was not in the wash, so it was either wear them or come to school with none all together. Hugging her chest she looked at Guan shocked and full of angry, Yolia blushed as she watch the disgusting creature while he stud partly hidden in the shadows. "SHUT UP!!.....Its been awhile since Ive practiced!!!!" Yolia snapped back at the creature, Shouting in rage. Yolia looked at him with frustration as she try ed to think of a way to get the hell out of the class room and to safety but saw no possible way around Guan. It was almost like he planed this, in order to force the poor student to fight him again. Yolia then gave the monster a angry scowl and clinched her fist. "Your not doing a thing to me!!" With those words Yolia quickly charged at the monster, swing her right leg out to kick him in the rib's, but this was a diversion as her true attack was her left leg kicked forward hard, aimed for a very specific target at this creature "Manhood".

Hola!, I'm Yolia if you ever want to fight with me, just shoot me a Message!!

Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:10 am
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Post Re: Unscheduled After Class Activities? (Yolia Seyler)
It was all too... perfect. Spotting her choice of underwear only amuses Guan further still as he can tell it must add to her embarrassment of this entire situation and humiliate her further to allow him of all people to see her wearing such a thing. It seems to be the final push Guan needed to apply before she snapped. Finally she performs as he hoped, attacking with such raw power that would surely unhinge a human foe. But for Guan it only excites him to see her like this and his promised battle finally begins. Her opening attack is quite clever but she forgets Guan isn't a normal foe. Even as he blocks the first blow, his second pair of arms move to block the second before pushing her back once more. Using all four arms his defenses are alot harder to break through and of course his considerable bulk and size adds further to his advantage.

"That all you've got? If that's the case why don't you run along to your room...?"

Guan moves to one side, creating an opening for her to make a run for the door. A clean straight line, past him of course. The question is, will she take it or is he just waiting for her to fall into his trap. Even if she manages to slip past, he will chase her down through the school.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:01 pm
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