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 A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail) 
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Post A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Slimer had his scientists working hard on the new substance and they were only a week from being able to start the test phase of the new fuel. The visit by the last ADD agent had his security extra vigilent following the infiltration they had allowed. Fortunately she had been taken care of by himself in a timely manner. The tower guards were on shortened shifts as they approached the test phase, with security being of the utmost importance.

The demon sat in his leather chair reviewing the notes on all the data collected so far in the successful catalytic combination. All these years of struggling to make the formula work appeared to be nearing fruition. His guards may think him paranoid, but better that than have a disruption at this vital juncture.

He worked in the subteranian level without sleep himself the last few days, well within his capabilities, but tonight he might actually try for a good nights rest in preparation for the final important stages. He thought about it and the distraction dreams may provide should he be able to reach REM sleep, would be a decent diversion. His mind raced at the power, money, and unlimited possibilities that would come with success.



Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:43 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
It was one of Nails first invultration mission that accully involved a search then distroy plan. Ordered to retrive some kind of experimental fuel and distroy the base located on some moon orbiting a planet some were in the cold dark backness of space. Simple enough for a Hel'corian mercenery. Nail's got her intell from the last A.D.D agent that visited the moon base for what ever reason but end up be capured and making an escape earlier or some, Nail dident remaiber how the report ended or the agents name come to think of it.
But regardless the soposive owner of the moonbase is a stranged alien named Alexaovo but uses the name Slimer for some strange reason not listed in the report Nail read earlyer. Taking the creature out might prove to give Nail a promotion sinces he has been reported to have brutaly raped some fellow agents and justed tossed them a side, according to what the reports say. It seems many of the A.D.Ds reports end badly. Nail could not help but think about that, but it was no time to waste time she had a base to bust.
Nail arrived roughly 200 yards over the lunar surface in an old A.D.D drop ship issued to her by her superiors plus the gear nessecry to make a stealth invultration to the base. The hatch to the space craft hissed open as nail stepped out hanging out side in the low gravity area. Wear a baggy jet black pressurized space suit with a Black tented helmet concealing her features. One could belive the suild would be hollow if not for the filling out of the suit its self.
Look at the moon serface from above was indeed a beautiful sight, but Nail was not here to take in the view. "Ok here we go." Nail let go of the grip bar of her ship and slow made a decent to the ground below using the moon lighter gravity to land safly. Once she landed Nail quickly made a dash to the bases nearist air-lock useing a security servalance blind spot she read about in the roport un-sure if it was fixed since the last attemp at infultrating this place.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:29 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
He examined the reports awhile longer before signing out of the computer. Using his key card he swiped the door which opened with a whoosh and headed down the underground tunnel connecting the palace proper to the warehouse. Stopping by the torture chamber he was delight to see the latest slave who had tried to run impaled on large rotating rod. She paused in her moans to beg forgiveness, walking closer he strokes her cheek with his clawed hand before turned the machine on higher causing her nude body to bounce up and down on the rod bringing her yet another orgasm. A day of being fucked by the machine and she would learn her place.

Moving on he exited making his way past the tunnel guards as they patrolled, and headed up the staircase at the end of the hall. Rounding the circular stair he moved past the fountain in the middle of the reception hall, and proceded to use the slaves stairs to ascend to the upper floors. Passing one blushing slave, he recalled her own punishment for failing in her duties and smiled back with a toothy grin. Running a hand through his short spiky brown hair the demon instructed her to wake him with her mouth in 8 hours.

The lecherous evil demon had truely grown accustomed to his lifestyle and was more determined than ever to finish the formula. This power and influence was but a taste of what to come when he succeeded in his endevours. For now though his bed call, and he tromped his way up the final stairs to his luxurious top floor room. His quickly showered before laying down to try and sleep and restless thoughts of his work flowed through his head...



Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:17 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail continued to dash twords the discusting creatures moon base using the security blind spot she read about in the last report of infultrating this place. Once to the outter shell of the base Nail hugged the wall untill he reached the a cornor leading to the airlock noted in the report. "The A.D.D report said it was near her." Muttering to her self as Nail peaked around the cornor seeing the air lock forunatly unguarded by and security personel.

Moveing forword nail quickly got to work on the outter airlock. Removing the outter door control panel, Nail jacked in the A.D.D supplied hacking program and sliced threw the security prodcall, opening the door in a matter of secoinds. Once the door opened Nail pulled the plud to the hack program and quickly moved into the inner room used to kerp the rest of the base pressureizd and activated it to began filling with air.

Once the room repressurized the inner door to the base opened as Nail wasted no time in taking in her surroundings making sure no enemys were near by befor removing her helmet. Pulling the helmet Nail shoke her head and let out a sigh of relife. "Aww thats better.." dropping her help to the off in a cornor out of view.

Ather ditching the helmet Nail looked around agin for enemy patrools but found nothing so she proceeded to change into somthing more confertable and fitting. Nail went to work undoing the straps, buckles and harnesses ofbthe heavy and bulky space suit leaving her in what she wore under it all. A almost skin tight black body suit. one that left her back exposed so the disk like spikes wernt eritated while unnesserly showing off her cherves. Pulling the supplies from her discarded suit and pushed it to the side out of view ready to proceed deeper into the base.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:26 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The demon lay there trying to get some sleep, but a wave of thoughts came crashing through his skull one after another. Formulas calculations, all the things he had worked so dilligently to make sure that no mistakes had been made. Looking up at the clock on the bedside table, the time seemed to have slowed each waking moment of insomnea seemed to take forever. Finally, he decided to get up and find something to distract him. Maybe he would return to work or better yet find that slave and burn off some energy...

On the main level of the compound two guards toting laser rifles walked along the perimeter of the walls. Their instructions to be more vigilent had fallen on deaf ears. They walked in there dark green uniforms while joking back and forth. They might have seemed oblivious but they occasionally looked around. Thats funny, she said you were hung like a tac... laughing hard the first guard can only shakes his head in protest and soon joined in the laughter. Swiping the key card, the walked into the upper level halls continuing their joyful rounds unaware that the base's security had already been comprimised. They made there way along a cooridor headed straight for the airlock now occupied by the infiltrator.



Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:32 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail just now got finished retrivng the supplied Items from from the discarded space suit. The Items were her pair of duel revolvers modivived to fire plasma rounds, also including extra rounds of ammo. The holster for the guns and a satchel of explosives demo charges, counting 8 bombs in all. "Ok every thing seems to be in order." One last look at her gun and Nail turned to proceed deeper into the base.

It was then she heard the sound of a door opening and foot steps. The two people talking about about some thing but Nail really wasnt listening to what they were saying. "Oh Shiiit" Nail whisperd to her self as she quickly looked around trying to find a place to hide out of view but only saw long empty halls with no place to hide.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:51 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The guards laughter comes filtering down the hall. Since when do you bathe daily... more laughter. The guards were of a species of aliens that were bipedal but walked slouched forward. Four arms extended from their torsos two from the normal should position, and two from their wastes. All the arms ended in hands that had only three fingers set at even points around the hands. They continued to walk on one taller at 4 feet while the shorter was only 3 and a half feet tall. The weapons they had slung over their shoulders made up for their diminutive stature.

Their voices got louder as they rounded the steel corner and if they weren't so bust lauhing they might have immediately noticed the ADD agent readying her supplies from the mission...Well then the bartender looks him in the eye and says we don't serve your kind here, and the blob says why I'm tasty, ask your wife... more laughter...



Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:08 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail quickly scaned the area for a place to hide but the long steel cordors dident leave many places to do that. The laughing voices of the guards only grew louder and louder as thet got closer and closer. Nail began to panicing. "What do I do!!What do I do!!" Nail whisperd to her self as she sudden came up with the one option she most likly she had since they where to close making it so she could not hide in the air lock.

Hugging the wall once morev Nail waited as she pulled out her revolver and put in a stun bullet as she waited for one of the alien secutiy guards to come around the cornor were she would try and pistol whip the closet guard up side its little head then attempt to stun blast the other make a stealthy knock out. Thats the plan any way.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:47 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
As she brought the metallic handle down on the first guards head, he went down like a sack of potatos. Then second guard was midlaughter eyes slightly closed when his partner's laughter stopped and he turned in time to see the agent pulling her arm back down for a shot at him. He tried to turn and fire but she had the drop on them, as he spun to shoot he felt an impact and began to fall as well. That was the last thing he remembered seeing before everything went black.

The guards who took the warning about heightened awareness for granted had paid, the only positive that the guards accomplished was a small one. As the second guards fell , his finger was over the trigger and as his hand and laser rifle struck the floor his weapon discharged in a low whoosh which impacted into the wall sending vibrations through it. Although it was not enough to raise alarms, the moonbase was outfitted with vibration sensor to detect comet impacts on the surface. Up in the main guard tower a low buzzing alarm of a minor impact went off. Flicking off the switch the guard rolled his eyes and waited before informing the night captain of the occurance.

Another damn impact from the asteroid belt sir, I'll radio the patrol to check for damages. He hoped those two weren't in the slave quarters again getting into trouble...



Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:11 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail managed to seccefully knock out the two guards, but quitly was another thing all together. Once the second guard droped to the floor, his rifle miss fired as it almost hit poor Nail and slaming into the steel wall behind her with a loud crash. shocked the first burst almost hit her, Nail took a deep breath and sighed with relife thatit missed. "That was close!" she whisperd to her self and quickly got to work tieing up the two guards as she disposing of their weapons, tied them both with some wire from her pack and dragged them both into the airlock were she closed the door so they were out of sight.

Afther getting rid of the two guards, Nail went off running down the long hall, headed to her first mission location to collect the experimental bio fuel sample. According to the report Nail read befor coming here it said one of the labs were located in the subtrainian level of this base, so thats were Nail was headed.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:32 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
After the agent bound and hid the trussed up guards, the radios on their belts crackled to life demanding their locations and went unanswered. With a lack of response the security boss became annoyed but not overly alarmed yet. The moons gravity was less than that of the planet it orbitted and strikes by spacely bodies weren't uncommon and most tended to be rather small in size.

As the agent made her way through the cooridors two guards were dispatched to the slave quarters to attempt to locate the wayward guards. Meanwhile the agent would have to make it past the guard on duty at the bottom of the staircase leading to the main labratory. Keycard access was required and the bored guard sat in his chair half asleep like usual as he pulled the most boring of the security shifts available.

Only the new radio chatter jerked him awake as he envied the two roaming guards who were probably balls deep in some slave right now...



Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:39 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The young Hel'corian agent ran threw the halls of the large moon base in her tight fitting stealth suit with her duel pistols in hand ready to blast any enemy standing between her and lab.

"I belive the lab is here." Nail try to quietly mutter to her self as she
made her way to a staircase leading downwords to what she would assume was the way to the fuel research lab in the subtrain section of this base. Slowly Nail creeped down the stair to see alone guard sleeping at his post to only be starteld awake by his own radio. Listening carfuly Nail over heard the voice on the other end describ what sounded like the two guards she knocked out back there and somthing about slaves. Nail had to think for a momment as she came to the idea she would look into the slave issue afther securing the fuel sample.

One the guard got off his radio and relaxed letting his defense lower Nail found her time to strike as she quickly rushed the guard leaning back innhis chair and put her gun to the back of his head and coved his mouth so he could not scream as she whisped to him while behind him. " Dont move....If you scream I wount hesitate to end your pittiful life now...were is the key to get past this door?" Nail made sure to kock her weapon to show she was in fact not playing around.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:00 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The guard finished chuckling at his cohort's believed actions and settled back into his chair, getting comfortable. He froze as he felt the weapon's metal pressed against the back of his head, the telltale cocking of the hammer an unmistakable noise. Please don't kill me the key card is in my upper pocket... the guard whined to his unknown assailant.

Meanwhile the demon finished with the slave. She was passed out cold covered in cum from the pleasurable experience and debated laying beside her to rest but insomnia seemed his destiny. Rather than waste the night wide awake seeking elusive rest, he decided to proceed with his progress on the fuel. Stretching he headed for his personal shower to clean himself before heading to the labs to continue working...



Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:27 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail kept the gun pointed at the guards head as she kept a close eye on him to make sure he dident try any thing funny. "Dont worry I wont hurt long as you obey." Nail rapped her arm around the guards neck as whispered into his ears she forcefully pulled him up and out of the chair making sure to keep the gun pointed at the side of the aliens head so he would not try any thing as he pleaded not to be hurt and reviled the card key was in his upper pocket as Nail pressed the barrel gun harder into the side of his head." Be a good dog and grab it for me....NOW WALK!!." Nail roughly jerked the creatures around as she held him by the neck to make him move as she guided him to the large door requiring the card access as she had him facing in front of it. "NOW OPEN IT!!" Nail yelled with anger as she increased the grip around the neck almost chocking him but not enough to case any real harm but with with her Superior strength she should easily snap his neck if she wanted too. But because Nail paranoia was setting in she made sure that the guards body was set in an angle to flip any direction just in case she needed to use him as a *Alien* shield for incoming blaster fire just in case.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:21 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The guard was trembling as the business end of the pistol pressed into his skull while the superior strength of the agent was only moments from choking him into unconciousness. you go.... the guard manages to gurggle out as he removes the key card and swipes the pad, the electronic door opening with a whoosh.

Inside was the main work area for Slimer's minions. It was a large metallic walled area with grated floors that allowed spilled chemicals to be collected beneath the floors. This.time of night the area was devoid of any workers. Slimer's personal lab was further in behind another key card door, in the hallway that lead past the torture room and slime pit, up to the stairs that lead to the palace where the slaves, guards and finally Slimer's quarters were located.

Chemicals of all kinds were store in glass cabinets along the walls. One with another keycard looked promising for containing the test chemicals...

Upstairs Slimer finished his shower and began heading towards his personal lab.



Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:41 am
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