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 Proper Behavior One (Vera) 
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Post Proper Behavior One (Vera)
The girl was older than most of the other students she came across that had recently arrived; twice she had been mistaken for a senior by students that arrived after her. Not once had she seen this as an insult to her looks; she worked hard to look more mature than her age (she acted more mature too). Today she was walking up the stairs in her more casual attire; of course for her, at the time, casual was a uniform she'd worn in high school that still fit very well. It was black and white with a layered looking skirt of sorts. The tie was similar to an ascot in yellow and white. Besides the uniform she was wearing right now she was carrying a small sealed cooler with a faint mist leaking from the edges.

Earlier in the week, Laele had finally settled into her dorm room and had begun to look for ways to handle herself. She'd gotten a bit of a tour and made a friend so far. She knew where the places of general interest to the student body were and generally had a good idea of her way around. Of course she still had questions. She'd asked several students some unusual questions about very specific, most likely obscure rules and none had been able to give her an answer. She'd asked a professor or two and they had brushed it off as irrelevant and not worth their time. Her friend Pia had mentioned the head girls when they'd met so she began asking where she might meet one; she got various answers mostly that the students avoided the head girls, several said they had more power than the staff, one or two accused them of being monsters. She'd finally gotten fed up with all the childishness of random students and began asking the few she'd seen frequent the library. Even there she'd found only one girl to answer her clearly and she could only name one she happened to share a class with. With a name she was able to locate a room number for the woman. She had, the day before, collected some ingredients and made a simple gift for the woman (simple for someone of her training anyway).

She approached the door knocking simply with a quiet non-expressive look on her face; the sort of look you'd expect from a girl that been to boarding schools her whole life, it was almost like a military stance with her feet together, the container held in front of her in plain view, her back almost perfectly straight and her eyes open attentively.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:16 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Having students ask questions about the Head Girls and Prefects was nothing new and of little consequence for those in those particular roles. They were titles that held some weight in the school unlike positions such as the student council where they had little to no pull in what happens in the school. Even then, Prefects were left mostly in the dark about the deeper workings of the school leaving the Head Girls shrouded in a sort of mystery that only grew as gossip and rumors spread. Living away from everyone else high up in the tower suites, it was only natural for a few students to have more curiosity than fear about the women in power.

Unfortunately, it was not all glamour and abuse of power as Vera would gladly inform students that actually questioned her position. If she was not in class, tutoring other students, or doing special projects for the staff and the Headmasters, the silver haired woman was usually at her computer tracking and updating demerits for all students on campus. She was also responsible in enforcing the rules and correcting those who had too many demerits. Her Prefects assisted her in tasks to a point but with the guests of the island and the staff occasionally taking her Prefects away for their own desires, Vera was left handling much of her work alone while also balancing any and all other errands she may have to run.

The only boon for all this work was that it was reliable to find the Head Girl in her suite/office should students seek to ask questions or request assistance. The silver haired woman had an open door policy for any and all students that come to her door though few ever take advantage of it. She did not mind it though, giving her plenty of privacy as she continued to check and send emails and update files on her computer.

A light knock made her raise her gaze towards her door. She could sense a rather neutral aura just beyond. It was certainly a rarity to have a visitor and unless it was Clarice making a report, this would be a student who was not nervous or anxious coming to her much less emiting much emotion at all. "Come in," Vera called out, the door was unlocked should the student try the handle. Ignoring her work for the time being, she watched as her guest entered.

Her guest certainly knew about first impressions as she wore a very well kept uniform though not of Shokushu. It was not required to wear the school uniform to see her but Vera always appreciated a professional appearance. On the note of appearances, the woman had a lovely form that was perhaps a few inches shorter than the Head Girl's height. The straight short black hair went well with the focused expression on the student's face as she approached and she noted the woman's disciplined posture. Assuming this student did not make a foolish error on her part, Vera had no reason to be concerned about any trouble from this one. She noted the cooler but it was only a flash of a moment before her eyes were set to Laele's.

"May I help you, Miss?" she asked calmly.


Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:01 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
The voice wasn't familiar at all, but she did sound... well she didn't sound bothered which was always a good thing. She turned the knob without a moment of hesitation before she'd step In letting Vera speak first. Appearance wise Laele couldn't help but marvel at the level of care she put into her appearance; it reminded Laele of herself then of course there was the woman's beauty also didn't go unnoticed. She'd place the cooler down at her feet and curtsy to the head girl lowering her gaze as she did simply out of respect to the woman. Laele's voice held a clear english accent though it was soft and almost melodic in tone; a voice that might almost seem wasted on a woman who seemed to show such little expression.
”Yes Miss... Vera.”
She sounded just slightly off put by calling her that though her face remained as it had been.
”Do forgive me miss, I do hope I don't offend by calling you by your given name I was afraid I'd butcher your family name.”
The very last thing she wanted to do was offend the woman before even offering a name... her name! How could she have been so rude already? But, the slip hadn't phased her calm demeanor in the least as she straightened up before clearing her throat softly.
”Again, I am quite sorry to hold you at a moment's disadvantage. My name is Laele Azure Zazael, a relatively new student at Shokushu University. I was hoping you'd be able to spare me some time from your busy schedule; just for a few questions concerning the rules at the university that no one else has been able to or in fact willing to answer for me. I do hope that I am not interrupting anything important of course Miss Vera.”
She knelt down to collect the cooler again before straightening her skirt.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:00 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
The woman presented herself well enough, explaining her flaws and noticing and correct any and all mistakes made during this first impression opportunity. Being referred to by first name was a bit troubling and the student was aware of this and explaining it away as a failure in the tongue rather than being offensive on purpose. Still, she rather have the woman make an attempt at least. "It is fine, speak my name as best as you can, Miss Zazael," she replied, "It is pronounced just as its spelled. And you are not interrupting anything. Seeing to any questions or needs of the students is part of my responsibilities. Are there particular rules that you are having difficulty understanding?"

She noted the cooler again as the woman picked it up once more. "If you were just coming back from someplace, we can meet at another time if you need to drop off what you are carrying," she added, "Otherwise, you may have a seat." Laele was certainly a pleasant woman despite the overly cold visage. But while others would no doubt be troubled by such, Vera merely respected it as discipline. It was unfortunate that few students practiced such levels of it though.


Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:44 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Laele would simply nod to Vera at the instructions on her name. She let Vera finish talking before she herself would say a word.
”Thank you for your concern miss Mstsumoto, but No, I'm not coming back from anything. I actually brought this as a small treat for you if you'll accept it. I'm afraid it's a bit of a habit of mine to always bring something when I meet with someone in power without an appointment.”
She decided to begin with the cooler. First to empty her grip and second so she wouldn't forget to give it to the head-girl. She opened the lid tilting it slightly towards Vera. The mist leaking from inside was a bit cold inside were several fruit tarts; the ingredients had all been obtained at her own expense and they had been hand crafted; each tart had a perfect balance of flavor one would expect from a skilled hand at the pastry arts (not that Laele had gone deep into those, she had opted for the culinary arts instead).
She placed the cooler down before she finally took a seat in perfect poise with her hands folded neatly on her lap.
”My questions on the rules aren't actually from a misunderstanding Miss Matsumoto, but rather, I didn't find anything about these things in the basic student handbook. I'm sure it's only because they aren't often brought up. I hoped to see if my hobbies were against any school regulations as some of my hobbies can be considered questionable by certain groups.”
she explained as vaguely as she could for now, she didn't want to repeat herself when she actually asked the questions if she could help it at all.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:52 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Treat was perhaps not the appropriate term for this offering. Vera would not correct the woman directly though. There was nothing to gain from picking apart every little flaw. Then again, it may have given her more insight in how the woman handle such flaws being brought up. Still, the Head Girl saw no reason to be threaten by this student. She watched Laele open the cooler, revealing the tasty pastries. They certainly looked good and she had no reason to doubt that they would taste just as well. Laele would not leave the distraction open though, closing it to prevent more heat from getting into the cooler and setting it down. With both of them now sitting down, things could move onto business.

"Thank you for the thoughtful gift, Miss Zazael," she replied, "I accept your gift but know that such things are not required to come see me unannounced. My door is always open to all students who seek assistance." As Laele explained what led to her question, it was certainly rare to meet a student who has actually bothered to read the student handbook. It certainly had its uses for those who needed to know specific rules but most students usually just follow ignorance and learn when they are told the rules by a Head Girl or staff member. "If it is something not listed in the rules, you may want to reveal this hobby to me, Miss Zazael. I will provide what insight I can on the matter and if it is something beyond my position, I can pass it along to the staff for their views on the matter." It being referred to as questionable did raise some concern and she certainly hoped the gift was not in fact a bribe to try and let this possible violation slip by.


Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:23 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
”Of course Miss Matsumoto it was no problem at all., I'll keep that in mind next time I come with a question.
She took the word gift into consideration mentally deciding it would have probably been the better term to describe it. From that she cleared her throat.
“Yes, well the primary hobby I question is the study of the occult, cryptozoology, extraterrestrials, the UFO phenomena and other paranormal or supernatural things. My first school wasn't quite clear that the staff was adamantly against the 'black arts' as they put it and expelled me without a second word on the matter. First, I wish simply to know if the studies are allowed at all since it would be pointless to ask further if they're not.”
the gray neutral of her usual aura was vaguely tinted now, just slightly with anxiety; she knew people considered those that studied these things either creepy or insane and really she didn't wish to be labeled as either just because she happened to have unusual hobbies.
"of course if they're not allowed feel free to keep the tarts and enjoy them. I would hate them to go to waste . It isn't as thought you control the rules only enforce them and inform us of them."
it had crossed her mind that the gift may have been considered a possible bribe and she wanted to shoot down that possibility as quickly and clearly as possible, she had never even considered bribing anyone for any reason to get her way. law and order was an important thing for any community after all.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:51 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
The question was harmless enough. But it seemed important to the woman as the faint change in the aura revealed. The student seemed a bit nervous though not outwardly expressing it. Truly, if it is merely studying ghost stories and aliens, then there was no issues. The only potential problem would involve the other students on campus. While it was an incredibly small percentage, there are students who have powers of the occult at their disposal. The inhibitors did limit the problems these troublesome students could cause the school but, revealing mysteries such as magic existing would only produce more what if questions that the staff did not want the students learning are actually true.

From what she had heard so far, it did not seem like Laele had any actual knowledge of real magic. The question was how she should handle this one? It would be simple enough to mention the standard parameters of safety and letting the woman go on her way. But then there would be nothing stopping this woman from meeting a student with potential and learning the truth and expanding that knowledge further. Would that be much of a problem? Not really. NICE labs and Shokushu have been doing what they did for many years now and a few school girl novices of the occult were not going to stop the wheel from turning. Still though, Vera preferred to keep the occult matter under as much control as possible. Even with the inhibitors, it was best to limit all possible risks when the opportunity presents itself.

"I see no issues with being interested in fantasy and sci fi phenomena," the silver haired woman answered, "As long as such studies do not hinder your progress in class and does not cause any damage to your fellow students or school property, you are free to study what you wish on your free time. Though I am curious of why you are interested in such topics, Miss Zazael. Is there anything particular you wish to look into?"


Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:19 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Always fantasy and science fiction, no one ever took it seriously when she mentioned her hobbies; it was part of the reason she stopped mentioning it to people that asked her. She worked at holding her tone steady as she began.
”I don't see any issues with it hindering my progress or causing damage. i hope anyway Why I do it though?”
she paused for a moment to think taking a silent moment trying to decide what the best way to put this would be.
I could easily just say it's a passing interest or to find the truth; that would be lying of course and lying to an authority figure is abominable and I doubt the truth will lead to punishment. I've always had the oddest feeling that at the very least the occult... Magick & alchemy and what not... are more than fantasy. I've always seen things outside the corner of my eye; I've heard of people having profetic dreams and even experienced them once or twice myself, I've read stories of unusual happenings that are impossible to explain with current science from rational people. I've always been normal, I lack of power, I lack of control, I always have to follow the rules so stringently and work so hard to discipline myself for so little in return; It is all incredibly frustrating! I don't care about furthering man-kind's knowledge or ability, I don't care about curing disease or seeking the truth of the universe, I'm doing this studying for the most selfish reasons possible. No matter how shameful it may be for me to admit it, the cold hard truth is I just want the power & control that only a privileged few may actually have. Judge me as you will for it Miss Matsumoto."
she was sure this woman before her would have a horrible impression of her at this point, but she didn't care now. She had been asked and she didn't want to break her moral code despite what not doing so normally did in this situation. Her tone remained level the entire time she spoke her hands remained in her lap and the faint anxiety had faded. she was looking into vera's eyes with some confidence, but no defiance. even with the (normally considered) strong possibility that she really was just slightly insane she didn't seem even slightly deterred.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:47 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Vera waited patiently for Laele to finish her long even toned explanation. Such selfish desires were perfectly normal and something one could easily exploit if the resources were available. This did mean that this student would no doubt attach to those who have seen beyond the veil and are truly able to make fantasy a reality. The creatures on the island could use this to their advantage as well but that was a matter between them and this student. The Head Girl was only concerned about keeping order and control over the student body.

"Why would I judge you, Miss Zazael?" she replied simply, "I already said that your studies are fine as long as no harm comes to the students or property of this school. I was merely asking as a simple curiosity. How have you progressed in your studies so far? I trust such things as studying the unknown to be a rather difficult task indeed." The Head Girl remained calm, revealing nothing to her stolid guest. She will merely poke and prod to learn more about this student before considering how she will handle this one. With such discipline, it was possible she can keep this one under control. But, it was doubtful this woman would obey even if she did tell her to stop studying the occult.


Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:47 pm

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
She nodded at the simple but, seemingly kind words that Vera had offered. Something was different about this woman though, that much was clear to Laele.
She's either the least judgmental person alive, is a brilliant actress or she knows something she isn't telling me. Do wish I could read minds. “True, though people tend to judge people very quickly when they admit to having such strong selfish desires.”
she stated flatly as she began to look over Vera for some sort of tell to help her figure out what was off about how the head girl was handling this slightly unique conversation or as to why she was asking such questions.
”My progress has been... limited. I have enough bits of evidence gathered to at least prove to me that there is something real to he occult... the books of Crowley trying to tie an almost scientific telling to it, studies from the 15th century by the vatican; which I do take with quite a bit of salt due to their somewhat zealot like approach to everything they do. I have a few IR recordings of psychics that don't charge for their services as they give them and those show some interesting results too... unfortunately I don't have anything physical to show for it. I've been recently studying rituals in wicca and native american shamanism, I haven't actually tried any because I'm not sure how I'd capture the evidence, nor do I know what would happen if I made a mistake. If I AM right and do something wrong with a ritual it's perfectly possible -- though somewhat unlikely-- i'll bring about some evil and get hurt. Though may I ask why you seem so interested Miss Matsumoto? Are you interested in the occult as well?”
It was just striking her that this woman had white hair and extremely pale skin. after a moments pause something clicked in her head and her expression shifted ever so slightly.
she's rather young to have hair like that... I wonder...

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:53 pm
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
"Are you claiming I am one of those people, Miss Zazael?" she replied. Hearing what the woman had so far, limited was putting it kindly. Then again, this is about as far as any common mortal could get without the right resources. With what knowledge Laele had so far, it was unlikely anything she attempts would be of any real threat. Native american shamanism tended to work totems and spirit animals. This being an alien planet, those spirit totems will simply not exist here and be impossible to summon or channel properly. Wiccans would have better luck as it supposedly relies on nature and the elements. But most wiccan books had nothing that led to any true magic. With the inhibitors in effect as well, it was more than likely impossible for this woman to make any serious progress towards the power she desired.

"I was merely curious of the details," she said calmly after the woman finished, "I do not believe there is any reason for concern. Though I suppose if sudden storms began to occur here on the island, I may have to consider your practices. To judge you would be judging any student who is different in this school. It is not as if you are the first one to study wiccans or claim to be a witch. It does certainly sound like your studies are all over the place. What are you going to do if you do find something that may give the power you need?"


Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:32 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
”Of course not, I was just speaking in a vague general way about most people. I meant no disrespect Miss Matsumoto. ”
her next question was one that took a bit more thought. She knew she wanted power, she knew she wanted control over her fate, but what would she do with it? She'd never quite considered it before.
”Well, I think first I want to improve my life, perhaps change how I look a bit if such things are possible with magick, I have always disliked being so plain looking. After that, it would really depend on how far reaching true magic's power is. I would like to use it to perhaps find other people that know how to use it, find someone experienced with it that might be willing to teach how to harness it properly.”
these were of course the first things that came to mind and they were more or less to find psychological peace with her appearance and to make sure she'd be safe using it; both logical things to do and things that most people would probably attempt to do first if they found an unimaginable mythical power.
Unusual physical characteristics... which book mentioned that as a possible sign of magical awareness or ability... I'm certain I remember it from somewhere...

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:02 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
"I fail to see any reason to change your appearance, Miss Zazael," she said cooly, "You do not give your body enough credit. You are a rather attractive woman with a voice to match." This was certainly an opportunity she could take advantage of. She could very well teach some things to the woman to see if there was any potential at all. Seeing that the woman knew nothing about mana or how to channel it, it would take much time for this one to reach any point where she could begin practicing spells. But throwing the woman a bone would cause this one to keep coming back. Perhaps it was time to give the woman a treat or a test.

"Well I have only met a few exceptional students in my time here," she began, "But, a student who no longer attends here did provide an interesting breathing excerise that may be of use." Vera wrote down a list of directions involving the steps to see mana. It all involved blocking out all sounds and listening to the sound of mana hidden within the breeze. Of course it may be too difficult for the woman or take time for her to understand what the results should be. Even then, would this student come back to see her if she did see the colorful threads of mana that around her and inside her?

"I do wish you luck in your studies and I thank you for the gift, Miss Zazael," she said, sliding the paper forward for her to take, "As I said, you are allowed to study what you wish on your free time. Just do not let it hinder your classes or cause any damage to school property and we will not have any issues."


Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:31 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Laele was taken aback by Vera's words about her appearance and voice. She hadn't expected such kind words on that part of her. She offered just a bit of a nod to Vera, but the surprises hadn't ended there. She listened curiously as Vera spoke of a student who didn't attend shokushu anymore and wrote something down on a piece of paper. She wondered for a moment what these breathing exercises might have been meant to do or if perhaps Vera was making up this student as a convenience to hide her own knowledge of magic. She wasn't sure about how today had gone nor what she thought of Vera; she seemed nice of course... almost like a kindred spirit in a few ways. Finally she replied as she took the paper standing up slowly offering a simple cursty.
”Thank you, Miss Matsumoto and you're quite welcome. Before I leave allow me to offer you one other gift. If you ever wish for someone to cook for you or for an event you're throwing I'm a Cordon Bleu trained chef and it would be a horrible waste to let that training go to waste on cooking for just myself.”
she would offer a slightly more tangible smile to the woman though the disciplined gaze was still in the forefront. She looked over the paper quietly for several moments then wondering still about its exact purpose.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
Feel free to PM for whatever! PM box is always open

Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:02 am
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