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 Proper Behavior One (Vera) 
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
"And you were doing so well as my servant just moments ago besides a few minor mistakes," she replied calmly, "I already told you that you will be tending to my needs. Your concern should only be in serving and pleasing me. Failing to do so only proved that your conviction was only a mere visage. You know very well what you had to offer as you said it mulitple times. But when I ask for it, you hesitate. I already told you what I despise most and your hesitation and doubt is wasting my time, Laele. I do hope you asking questions about myself was not another front to hide your unwillingness to serve."

Vera's tone was even but tension could be felt in the air. The Head Girl did not turn around even as she heard the woman unzip her skirt. Feeling the radiating emotions from the other woman, she did not have to look. It was obvious the woman was still hesitating, relying on methodic motions to keep some sort of order even as she was stripped inside this woman's room.


Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:02 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
”You're right Miss Matsumoto. I am hesitant, I've never quite been asked to undress in someone else's room before and my doubt is only natural when such an unusual request is made in... forgive me for saying this, such a vague manner. I am only human, I was certain I was making a mistake that's all nothing more. I am still no less determined to be your student in the occult than I was earlier.
She was slowly regaining her composure as she spoke, clearing her mind, breathing slowly and letting the color fade from her cheeks. more than anything her pride had been hurt by what Vera said and she wouldn't let that stand without trying to redeem herself.
”Allow me to offer my apologies for wasting your time. Is there anyway I can redeem myself?"
She was sincere at least even if she was feeling a bit uncomfortable right now standing there in the sort of thing she'd normally sleep in.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:24 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
"You need not worry," she said calmly as she turned around, "Since you claim it is due to lack of experience, I shall train you so this mistake is not repeated. As a Head Girl, I prefer to correct students rather than punish them though few choose to see the difference. I can see you still hesitate so I shall make it very clear for you. Strip, I wish to see what I am receiving for teaching some of my secrets. Once you have finally done what I have asked you minutes ago, I want you to stand infront of this mirror. Your training as my student begins now, Laele." Vera would open her closet, revealing a full size mirror on the other side of the door. There, Laele would see herself in her full nudity when she finally stands before it.


Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:35 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Strip... being said so bluntly like that didn't make it any less strange to hear. She followed the order in silence as she watched her open her closet to reveal a mirror. She took hold of the camisole, lifting it over her head and just letting it drop to the floor not wanting to waste any more of Vera's time. Under the camisole was a rather simple white bra made of silk with just enough padding to keep things from showing should she get cold. Her thumbs hooked into her shorts before she slid them down her legs –making sure to stop and pull her boy short panties back to her hips when they had drifted downward, the white cloth matching the bra perfectly.
She stepped out of the shorts and towards Vera, she was forcing herself not to blush and doing a decent job of it. She thought this was what Vera had meant, her body was shown off well enough, her curves weren't hidden any longer with how close to her skin the garments lay. She herself would have been satisfied if she'd requested such of another. The somewhat prudish disciplined girl couldn't even fathom the idea that anyone other than a doctor or lover (or possibly attacker) would ask her to undress any further than this for any reason.
"I actually hadn't expected you to be ready to begin so soon with any sort of training Miss Matsumoto."
she covered every emotion with disciplined words from her teachers past to keep her stance and nerves steady before the woman she had already disappointed.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:55 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
"Neither had I," she replied calmly, "But, this is a matter that needed to be addressed immediately. As I said, I find your company pleasant so I shall offer this to you. For tonight only, you may choose to end the agreement and leave. The only stipulation is you do not speak of it to anyone. You have apparently never been used in such a way before. But you have nothing to worry about, I will teach you nice and slow." She waited for the woman to stand before the mirror. "First off, I commanded you to strip and you took it upon yourself to decide when to stop. Once more, you put your own desires before mine. If I wanted you to stop sooner I would have stopped you myself. Do you see now? You offer yourself to me and yet you hold things back. For someone with such discipline, you proving to be rather incapable of following even the simplest of commands."

"For making the same mistake twice in a row, I am going to show your exactly what you are offering me and what I will be taking from you," she whispered softly into Laele's ear, "I was hoping to have you as a loving and loyal servant but it seems I was too hasty in my judgement. I will train you from the ground up. Until you have pleased me well enough, you will refer to me as Mistress. And you are going to be my servant, my slave, my pet. Do you understand me?" Perhaps it was her fault for taking such a loose hold of the reins at first. But she intended to fix that issue right now even if it means harming their relationship they formed earlier.


Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:13 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
The idea of ending the agreement and leaving... the idea of having such a weak grasp of the abilities and never getting further; or having to ask every student she met if they knew about the occult or following rumors and gossip and hoping she'd eventually find someone to learn from. There wasn't really much choice in the matter, but it all depended on how far Vera was going to go with what Laele had offered.
When Vera had finished very word, every whisper she nodded slightly.
she tested the word under her breath; that wouldn't be too much of a problem but, being a pet to someone might be.
”I apologize for assuming this was what you meant by your command Mistress it wasn't my desire just my understanding that I put forward, however I don't believe you were too hasty in your judgment, I was hoping to be as loyal servant... I just didn't completely grasp everything I had offered when I offered to tend to your wishes. I understand now though, you want me to be your slave rather than your errand girl, maid, spy and cook. I've done many things but, I've never been a slave, I would need training to do that properly.”
She sounded ashamed at her failures and her stance & aura showed the very same thing.
”Before I continue though, I must ask, if I do decide to end the agreement tonight, would you still want to occasionally have my company? I'd still help you keep records of gifted students as a token of respect of course."
She did like the company of someone with as much, if not more discipline than herself, it would be a bit of a pity to lose that, how much would she tolerate to actually have a somewhat like minded person's company though? Even she didn't know.
When Vera had answered she ended with one last question, having decided to see what being a slave to vera could possibly be like she'd decide whether to continue with the agreement or end it before the end of this night.
"Would you like me to finish stripping Mistress or have your desires changed because of my mistakes?"

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:48 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
She smiled and stroked Laele's cheek. "Perhaps I could allow your company. But would you truly want it? Look what I am making you do. You are becoming my possession. Do you think you could truly look upon me the same way even if you did turn and run?" Vera made Laele continue stripping until there was nothing left. The disciplined woman would be left gazing upon her own nude body in the mirror. The Head Girl ran her hands up Laele's sides, grazing the sides of those impressive breasts before stroking just underneathe them. "Mmm... And you think your apperance is lacking?" she asked softly into her ear, "You are truly a beautiful woman, my little pet. I believe it is time for some personal questions. Answer honestly as it will help me teach you better. Have you ever had sex with a man or a woman before? Have you every pleasured yourself in private? Tell me how this feels right now..." Her fingers gently pinched and tugged on a nipple, rolling it around slowly while her other hand continued to softly knead the firm orb.


Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:00 pm

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
”I see no reason I couldn't. This is business in the end when all is said and done. I don't see anything you're doing that I myself wouldn't have done; though perhaps I'd have done this to a lesser extent.”
It was clear Vera's mind hadn't changed by the silence that followed. She simply reached back and unclasped her bra before slipping it off her shoulders and to the floor. She took a moment to continue but, did without a word. The white garment slipped down her legs and to the floor. She stepped in front of the mirror with a subtle sigh as she looked over herself. She stood with one foot crossed over the other, the tattoo that sat on her crotch the most obvious feature of her naked body, the scroll work around the musical note, the simple colors or black & white suited her.
”Yes, though lacking may not be the best word. Perhaps having too much in some places and not enough in others...”
she disliked having the vague pear shape of her figure and the slightly over sized breasts. She disliked the beauty mark on her left hip, she disliked the one atop her right breast and she also disliked the somewhat small (in comparison with her chest size) size of her nipples. Over all though most people would consider her rather attractive.
Vera's hands though... she was touching her naked breasts as she asked questions. Questions that were bad enough on their own, but it wasn't as though she was doing anything that horrific. Laele showed no change in stance or emotion though her eyes were only half open as she watched in the mirror.
”No Mistress, I've never slept with anyone... and pleasuring myself in private? Only once, to see what it was like and never again sin...w... what are you doing Mistress?!”
the blank expression had shifted to vague surprise at her actions when she took hold of the soft pink buds atop her chest. She was asked how it felt and right now it did feel good if just a bit strange
”It's a bit strange to have someone's hands on my chest at all... though it does not feel 'bad'.”

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Last edited by LaeleAzure on Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Despite the smaller size, those lovely nipples were still just as tender as any other it seemed. The loss of composure not gone unnoticed, Vera pinched the nipple harder this time. Her thumb gently stroked any slight pains away before pinching and twisting it again, repeating the process as the little nub swelled and hardened. "Nonsense," she whispered, letting her warm breath soak into and awaken the nerves on Laele's neck before grazing her lips over them, "You are very attractive, students here would give anything to have a body like your own. But why did you stop? Do you prefer having someone else pleasure you instead?" Her hand slide down the woman's breast and traced her fingertips teasingly around her navel. "Or perhaps you just do not know your own body as well as you thought.."


Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:03 pm

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Laele shivered slightly when Vera pinched her again, though if significantly pressured; the disciplined woman wouldn't deny that she was, at least on some level, enjoying this slightly rough touch from the white haired beauty.
”Thank you mistress, but in my experience very few actually like their own bodies.
she paused feeling the other woman's hand trail downward to her navel, it was apparent that Vera had done this (or similar things anyway) before.
”You're the first person to ever actually see me 'this' undressed save for the tattoo artist and my doctor so I can't prefer other people pleasuring me. Mistress, I just saw it as a waste of time that could be used on other, more pleasurable things. ”

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Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:26 pm
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
"Hmm?" she stroked the woman's erect teat that was no doubt a bit larger now that it had grown fully erect, "More pleasing than this?" As if to test the woman's answer, Vera's lips pressed against the spot her warm breaths had been caressing. The kiss was soft, her tongue pressing the spot just moments before her lips reached. She sucked gently for just a moment before breaking the kiss, once more letting her warm breathes soak into the tender spot she created. The Head Girl pinched and twisted a bit harder, adding more sparks of pain to mix with the pleasure. "If you found it a waste then you must have done something wrong," she teased, "Mm... If I were to command you to show me what you did, would you?" Vera continued to play her little game, seeing just what made her pet tick. Her fingertips traced the tattoo, her touch so light it may as well been the tip of a feather.


Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:01 pm

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
Soft lips against her neck preceded by the soft touch of her tongue. Laele's neck wasn't the most sensitive spot on her body but, it still felt nice. She even liked the feeling of Vera kissing the spot on her neck.
”Yes Mistress, I do know of things more pleasing than that.
she wouldn't give a list but, a nice warm bath, a good massage, hard work being praised, these were a few of the things she found more fulfilling than a touch or two. The next pinch though caused Laele to offer a faint pained muttering with her shiver.
”I'm certain I...”
she paused hearing Vera's question she couldn't help, but feel a bit unnerved at the idea of pleasuring herself again. The idea of doing it infront of someone that would be appraising her methods made it even worse of an idea. Of course the feathery touch of Vera's fingertips tracing that elaborate tattoo that shoed despite the way she stood didn't help matters, it was an almost relaxing touch.
”I'd really have no choice now would I mistress? I won't decide whether to keep our agreement or end it until the very final moment. I'm sure you understand the urge to have a decisiom be an informed one mistress.”

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:23 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
She stroked the pain away, noting the reaction and being gentler as the two stood before the mirror. "Always on business," she giggled softly, "But I suppose you are only here for one thing. The question is if the price is one you are willing to pay or not? Then again, you may not have enough to pay afterall. You certainly can provide your skills as a cook and servant well enough. But it is doubtful an ice cube will provide any warmth at my side. Of course I could accept you anyway and simply play with you like a doll like you are now."

Vera's body pressed against Laele's back, her own impressive bust gently rubbing with each soft breath she took. "You need not do anything, my pet. This is merely punishment for wasting my time earlier. I will just have to see what you have to offer myself," she whispered, kissing again before letting her fingertips graze lower. She teased the woman's netherlips, tracing up and down slowly with each pass lightly stroking the student's hooded pearl. The Head Girl would just have to see if there was any spark of desire within this one at all or will she have to reconsider how this one will pay for training.


Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:41 am

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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
It stung just a bit when Vera used the metaphor she did a simple sigh passed her lips.
”I'm also here because I enjoy your company actually... If I am being too cold for your taste Mistress I can tone down my manners a bit. I just thought you wanted me as disciplined as I had trained myself to be... I... I actually wouldn't mind relaxing it a little.”
She spoke softly staying as respectful as she had been since they had first met. Even if she wasn't Vera's pet at the moment she was still the one in power over Laele at some level.
When she felt Vera's fingers move downward again she did her best to not react yet, panic would have been the first response, any actual pleasure would be overwhelmed by that initial panic at first. She remembered the feeling well enough though the gently strokes as the finger would pass over the top most edge of her sex sent shivers down her spine. Laele had always questioned her sexual preference, and had decided long ago she didn't have one. She felt when she was ready it wouldn't matter whether it was a man or a woman as long as it felt good or was because she cared about the person... she didn't quite feel ready, but she also realized she was twenty two.
if not now then when? It isn't as though its hurting me.
a vague relieved sigh passed her lips now as she idly moved her arms to gently cross under her chest.

my characters:
Laele Azure Zazael
Xui Ta
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Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:44 am
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Post Re: Proper Behavior One (Vera)
"Do as you wish," she whispered, "But do you truly feel you need to hide behind your discipline at this very moment? I am not going to command you on how you should feel. I wanted a loyal servant, not a doll." Vera could feel every quiver of Laele's body as it remained pressed against her own. This was not really a form of affection or love the Head Girl was performing. It was merely dominance and control. But such things are no fun when you have nonresponsive doll as your target. That did not mean she will stop of course. Just meant she would have to push harder to get a reaction from the woman. There had to be something to make this woman tick.

"Hmm?" she heard the soft sigh and saw those arms cross infront of the woman in the mirror, "Are you bored already, Laele? Is my performance that poor?" Vera once again traced her fingertip, teasing the woman's entrance but lingering longer over that top most edge. She allowed her finger to trace slow circles around the spot. Her other hand squeezed her breast, massaging it firmly and having her palm grind against the hardened peak.


Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:06 am
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