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Post Lotharos

Race: Alien.

Type: Extradimensional

Place of Birth: Unknown; from an alternate dimension.

Gender: Male.

Nationality: N/A

Age: Unknown.

Height: 10'2" (variable, as Lotharos proves capable of expanding and compressing, but this is assumed default)

Weight: ~1000 Lb

Eye Color: Mottled green.

Skin Color: Sanguine, organlike red.

Skin Texture: Soft, yielding, slimy.

Hair? No.

Body Build: Amorpheous.

Tail? No.

Tentacles? Yes.

Number of Tentacles: Variable; central bodily mass can be shaped into tentacles as desired.

Wings? None.

# of Cocks: One, snaking and prehensile, 6" in width, variable length; capable of branching/splitting into multiple smaller cocks. Its length is smooth and slick, interspersed with large pulsing veins producing especially copious amounts of the pheromone secretions Lotharos is normally covered in, and is normally concealed in a slimy, robust 'sheath' which parts to allow its extension when he feels unthreatened.

Special Attributes/Powers:

Psionics: Lotharos' species is suspected to have auto-evolved itself away from the need for strong physiques, psionic powers rendering these obsolete and prefacing their physical degeneration and atrophy over many, many millenia. If true, it would imply that they lie beyond a technological singularity on the basis of their understanding of biochemistry alone.

It should be noted that at least a modicum of focus is required to employ these powers well; while mating (or especially aroused), he cannot muster the clarity of mind required to use his psionics at full capacity:

    Telepathy: Exceptionally powerful telepath. Lotharos' capabilities in this respect span a wide gamut, though they are most often employed to sense the brain activity of others as a sort of psychic radar, to communicate via the reading and transmission of thought, and to distort perceptions, modifying stimuli, including scent and touch as desired; he will often exploit the latter usage to appear, smell and even _feel_ human and otherwise weave perfectly convincing illusions to ensnare prey.

    At the more extreme end, Lotharos is capable of directly modifying a creature's memories, cognitive profile and functionality, or even taking direct and remote control over a victim's motor centres. While these methods would work perfectly well to create the slaves he prefers to employ, we have observed he finds them somehow 'distasteful' and would much rather enjoy his victim's struggles with semen addiction (see Semen entry below) until they willingly serve him. In addition, he explicitly does not employ the more lasting of these powers on the student body as per its prohibitions.

    Telekinesis: While still considerable, Lotharos' telekinetic capabilities lack anywhere near the strength of his telepathic ones, primarily used to supplement his atrophied physique, provide basic formation to his body, and as a means of locomotion, rendering him capable of low grade flight and hovering.

Addictive/Mutagenic Semen: NICE Note: Both the addictive and mutagenic properties of Lotharos' semen have been willingly (if reluctantly) suppressed by the monster in interactions with the Shokushu student body as per the school's charter.

Likely the outcome of preparatory biological modification, Lotharos' semen is addictive. Those so affected will increasingly find their sexual fantasies and desires preoccupied with his cock and testicles, becoming all the more fascinated and aroused by their grotesque nature. Over time, this progressively supplants their normal sexuality and preferences, which will at first be regarded with indifference, then disgust, until ultimately these displaced conventional sexual encounters and fantasies will be seen with the utmost revulsion. The victim's obsession with Lotharos' genitals will quickly grow to all consuming levels between 'feedings' until they dominate her every thought and nothing remains but an all-consuming need to service, slurp and suck them for a dose of semen.

At an advanced stage of dependence, the very sight of Lotharos' cock instantly and instinctively renders such victims utterly servile, submissive and pliant, bringing their twisted need for it to the fore, obviating all higher reasoning and leaving the victim literally unable to think of anything but its worship and pleasure, no matter the cost to themselves or others. Through this method, he transforms his victims into debased, fanatic cock-thralls that are in turn made to capture prey of all kinds, including their closest friends and lovers, going to any length in exchange for a fix, leaving him free to 'tend' to his victims (see Psychological Profile).

Surprisingly, the nutritional content of Lotharos' semen is quite high, allowing it to serve as food substitute; it seems that the addictive element has a supplanting effect on sustenance preferences as well as sexual ones, causing the victim to view conventional foods with increasing disgust as his semen becomes irresistibly delicious. At its conclusion, normal food will be nearly unpalatable, eaten only when absolutely necessary and to avoid suspicion of contamination, the victim's distaste almost impossible to conceal when it is consumed.

It should be noted that the addiction inflicted in this way isn't indelible if not reinforced, and can be ended through a variety of magical and mundane means, including the colloquially dubbed 'cold turkey' method. Withdrawl is a painful, punishing experience that physically and mentally enervates the subject until it is at last broken.

It is interesting to note that while this addiction persists, changes induced in a victim involve the development of a psychic link to her master, allowing him to savour her pain and agonized resistance. In addition to allowing for telepathic communication over effectively unlimited distances, it also renders the victim especially susceptible to Lotharos' mental influence (see Telepathy, above), and allows him to draw on her psychic energies and potential.

Perhaps the most visceral effect of the semen is its mutagenic properties upon vaginal exposure. It acts as a potent, fast acting retrovirus, efficiently hijacking cellular machinery, and twisting the genetic composition of his victim. Over time, the subject will mutate into a grotesque alien entity not dissimilar from himself, gifted with a fraction of his psychic prowess that is in turn used to help administrate his brood of slaves, and disguise her true nature as necessary. Secondary effects include enlarging of the breasts and lactation. These altered mammary glands then produce vast quantities of tainted milk that feature addictive and mutagenic properties consistent with those of Lotharos' semen for which it may act as a substitute; presumably to be used for the feeding and conversion of existing and prospective slaves.

Lastly, while something of a peripheral property, upon exposure to air, Lotharos' ejaculate proves exceptionally sticky and quickly hardens to a durable, semi-rigid sludge. He is fond of using this as a physical restraint, as noted by our limited surveillance. Samples retrieved appear to 'melt' and disintegrate upon exposure to high temperatures.

Pheromone Secretions: Lotharos constantly secretes a slick, foul-smelling, pheromone slime. The substance continually drips from his body, pooling while he is stationary. It is a powerful, adaptive aphrodisiac, in this case made to have maximum impact on the biology of its favoured sexual prey: human women. The scent of it though repulsive will immediately induce sexual receptiveness and desire. Similar to the alien's semen, the taste and scent of this sludge is addictive, even physically on the basis of prolonged or chronic exposure, though to a notably and considerably lesser extent.

Regeneration: Lotharos' cells are capable of rapid regeneration, allowing him to quickly regrow severed limbs and destroyed/damaged vitals. While rejuvenating in this manner, his appetite for food becomes voracious as his metabolism goes into overdrive, body requiring substantial nutrition to fuel the spike in cellular activity. During these times he will instruct his cock-thralls to prioritize collection of food over that of students.


Natural urges; sent into this dimension to reproduce and perpetuate his species. Has reluctantly agreed to render himself infertile for the duration of his activities on Shokushu.

Psychological Profile/Personality:

Though highly intelligent, Lotharos is utterly obsessed with reproduction, ruled by his need to mate and will not stop doing so unless required by other, more pressing biological imperatives, feeding, hunting, migration and survival being the most common reasons. Alternately, he will defer gratification for the opportunity to conduct long-term planning expected to yield a substantial return on investment with respect to the parameters of his mission.

Lotharos exhibits a twisted paternal affection and protectiveness for his cock-thralls and mutated consorts whom he sees, perhaps paradoxically, as both simple possessions and loved ones. Prefers to use cum-addicted slave girls to tend to his needs, including the capture and preparation of additional prey for integration, so as to minimize the time spent doing activities other than mating. Of his slaves, the consorts are however most favoured, ranking foremost amongst the hierarchy of his brood, just beneath the patriarch alien himself. These he invests with partial authority and psionic power, allowing them to champion his interests by feeding and telepathically commanding lesser slaves as he busies himself with more 'important' matters of self-gratification. The most mutated and perverse of these serve directly at his side as Lotharos' favoured consorts, considered by himself, and those subverted to be the greatest honour he can bestow.

It should be noted that this alien is particularly depraved, and has acquired many perverse sexual tastes since his introduction to Shokushu. Lotharos seems especially fond of humiliating his conquests, and corrupting them physically, mentally and sexually (see Sexual Oddities).

Given the relative inefficiency and self-indulgence of his methods when contrasted to behaviour we anticipate as being optimal for his apparent goals, we can only assume that his 'transition' into our world was imperfect, involving some manner of trauma that has indelibly warped his psyche; we furthermore find it exceedingly likely the damage is more extensive than has been detailed in the body of this profile.


Lotharos is a shapeless fleshy blob with gaping maws haphazardly strewn about his body, appearing roughly like an undefined mass of human viscera and organs. A single oversized eye of mottled green stares out from his centre. His entire body pulses and throbs at semi-regular intervals, denoting the circulation of a blood equivalent; naturally the frequency and intensity of these pulses increase during moments of sexual and physical excitement. Amorphous tentacles often extend from his biomass locus, though the precise number varies, and is subject to his whims, shaped and drawn from his core. Foul-smelling, slippery, translucent sludge constantly slathers and drips from his skin.

Though typically about ten feet in height and width, he is capable of compressing, and to a lesser extent expanding his body to take on a variety of physical profiles and shapes.

Sexual Oddities:

As discussed in his psychological profile, Lotharos has an undeniable affinity for the corruption of his sexual partners along a variety of axis'. Of these however, he seems to prefer mental and sexual corruption the most, delighting most in the reduction of a normal, well-adjusted female with a healthy sexuality into a hopeless pervert and addict, a pathetic, broken shell of a woman, desperate for his cum, degredation and approval; one who would willingly and eagerly surrender her friends, lovers and even family to Lotharos' whims just to get her next lewd fix. There is perhaps no irony to his noted love of resistant and feisty victims; it is probable he finds their breaking all the more satisfying and pleasurable.

Based on our observations, we further hypothesize that he especially enjoys contemplating the debasement of human sexuality, and the way he can, over time and with continual application, twist the erotic fantasies and desires of his victims to transition from the normalcy of attractive human males to his grotesque genitals and appearance until they are completely dominant to the exclusion of all others.

Perhaps above all, Lotharos seems to most appreciate those girls with a seed of perversion to nurture, whose sexual and mental proclivities are similar to his own, and require minimal revision. He revels at the prospective outcome of their total corruption and the unchaining of their darkest desires when they take their place at his side, likely to be counted amongst his most favoured consorts.

Human Disguise?

Yes. Uses telepathic powers to make himself appear human to his prey. This form is variable and can take on a variety of guises. Is able to compress his mass into a body suit when his telepathy cannot be relied upon. Often taps into a victim's notions of a physical ideal, and assumes that form.


While engaged in sex, Lotharos' telepathic powers are considerably diminished as they require focus and presence of mind to be used at maximum efficacy.

It is noted that Lotharos' cock is incredibly sensitive; this is undoubtedly why his species has evolved a robust sheath to protect it when not in use.

Miserably weak and atrophied, particularly by monster standards. Without the supplementation of telekinesis, Lotharos is sluggish, and awkward, scarcely able to move on his own initiative, and would struggle to physically overpower most human females.

Extremely high pitched noises well beyond the human hearing range can likewise disrupt his concentration (with the effect of diminishing his psionics) and cause him significant pain, particularly those sounds that cause him to vibrate at his natural frequency.

Lastly, psychic disruptions and anomalies have similar effects to those of such noises, only Lotharos' sensitivity to these is even greater, capable of subjecting the alien to real and lasting injury.


Intelligence/cunning (especially in his cock-thralls), corruption, dominating, mating, cock worship (his cock)


High pitched noises, psychic anomalies and feedback


Little is known about Lotharos save what has been observed and documented above. We know nothing of the bizarre dimension from whence he came, and therefore have no documented history beyond his activities at Shokushu.

Self-Indulgent Character Theme:

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Last edited by Lotharos on Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:41 am, edited 15 times in total.

Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:28 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
Well, you're not allowed to transform the students here...

Basically, think of it as a "Catch and Release" program. You can fuck'em all you want, but they must be left as is physically, and mentally for the most part.

Also, no pregnancies are allowed here.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:31 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
Modified the profile to remove permanent elements (mutation) and pregnancy references. Clarified temporary nature of addictions.

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Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:40 am
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Post Re: Lotharos
Various edits: Added image, refined wording, corrected typos.

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Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:53 am
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Post Re: Lotharos
Welcome aboard:)

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Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:20 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
You have a detailed and well organized profile, which I applaud. It is nice to be able to scan for exactly the information which one is looking for regarding a monster, and your division of the text into labeled sections facilitates this nicely. Welcome to the site, monster, and have fun here at Shokushu.


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:51 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
Ok, having looked this profile over in more detail... and a little discussion, I'm afraid there's some more issues I feel need pointing out. Namely these "Cock-thralls" you mention.

In the rules thread, it states this: There are several creatures on the board that use aphrodisiacs in attempts to make their victims more willing. Monsters who choose to use this or similar techniques are not in violation of the rules HOWEVER, after the encounter has taken place the student should not be having day dreams about their monster rapist. They should be A) Furious B) Petrified or C) Having forgot all about the encounter.

Basically meaning after said encounter, the monster shouldn't have much influance at all outside of some typical rape aftereffects. Especally since the inhibitors only affect humans. And if you're thinking about having NPC thralls... well, student NPCs arn't really prey for the monster. Only students who are PCed are to be considered "Targets" by monsters.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

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Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:06 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
Bah. Forum outage ate my initial reply.

I was under the understanding, based on seeing other profiles that feature 'addictive' cum and bodily fluids that do have lasting effects, that these are fine so long as they are temporary and can be negated or avoided. I'm more than happy to change my profile not to feature these elements if this isn't accurate.

My intent is certainly not to 'godmode', which I find a cardinal sin of RPing.

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Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:30 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
It's real simple - capture shag move on. No after effects of any sort with students. If you want something more ongoing, move into space.

And yeah, the server outage made me miss your reply but monster/student is intended for simple no-consequences grab and shag scenes. We added the space elements for those who want to explore more complex storylines.

Masochist "Whip me! Whip me!"
Sadist "No!"

Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:32 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
Mmm. Again I'm seeing stuff like hypnosis (Vespira), and mind control/altering/addictive semen (Slimer) for monsters that appear flagged as either general access or are school specific.

I certainly would like the versatility of being generally flagged; I suppose Lotharos can modulate his own biochemistry to cohere with the rules of Shokushu (if these are IC rather than simply OOC) so that his presence there is acceptable.

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Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:33 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
Well, it says in the rules you cannot taint the students in any way... and it's been in there for as long as I can remember...

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
Reminder: Madison's Mod-post color is Orange. When you see her post in this color, it'd be best to pay attention.

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Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:30 am
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Post Re: Lotharos
Lotharos wrote:
Mmm. Again I'm seeing stuff like hypnosis (Vespira), and mind control/altering/addictive semen (Slimer) for monsters that appear flagged as either general access or are school specific.

Hypnosis and mind control are acceptable provided they last only as long as that individual thread. Anything that lasts longer is forbidden (except sometimes in space where looser rules apply).

And you will note that Slimer's aphrodisiac specifically lasts a finite time.

The amount of slime and coverage of hair determines the length of ehanced/debilitated state, starting as fast as 5 minutes, lasting up to 30 minutes with total coverage, can always be reapplied as needed. The slime sticks to hair but against regular skin acts as a super lubricant, and evaporates after an hour leaving no trace and will also dilute in water to wash off and makes the effects weaker.

In any event, welcome to the island. I hope you enjoy your stay. Most people here are more than happy to help. And I think most of the rules here are a response to problems that they've had here in the past. They allowed more but people took advantage.

Good hunting. (Just ignore any Desi girls you may happen to see. :D)

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Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:28 am
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Post Re: Lotharos
His semen is imbued with his mind control/reading drug in addition to aphrodiacs, when delivered into the subject causes arousal and the ability to hear thoughs and place commands (although not often used for commands) much like a hypnotist.

This is what I was referring to; I don't see any specific limitation on duration. Duration of Vespira's hypnosis is also unlisted, and it's pretty strongly implied to be long-term/indefinite.

While I can't really cite specific examples off the top of my head, Seraph also informed me via IRC that there are instances of lasting effects/slavery/domination specific to the school.

That said, I can certainly understand the rationale of the rules, and have no problem following them; I just want to make sure that I'm not missing something here.

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Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:30 am
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Post Re: Lotharos
Bala hit the nail on the head.

As to why no specific times are listed... we figured people would be smart enough to know that since they can't perminantly alter a student, that it'd really only last for as long as a thread RP lasts. While we COULD list every single thing a student or a monster can and can't do, that'd be fairly belittling if you ask me. And setting aside the Admin Glasses for a moment, this forum is one of the few places on the Internet that I can honestly say has a bit of a calming effect for me.

Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves. --Abbess Helena the Virtuous, Dark Adeptus.[
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Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:41 pm
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Post Re: Lotharos
Haha, to be fair though, I did not list a specific duration either; I'm referring to duration of powers/abilities listed in monster profiles, _not_ statutory duration limits specified in the rules. Yes, there is an implication of long-term duration in Lotharos' description, but certainly no worse than say Vespira who has built up a small empire of slaves in her fluff (and appears generally flagged). That said, I have no problems limiting the duration of any of my powers/effects to that of a single thread if required.

Though I certainly don't mean to throw anyone 'under a bus', Natsuki/Kanoe comes to mind of a school specific lasting/ongoing master/slave relationship between monsters with lasting effects (as far as I can tell. By the way Kanoe, should you be reading, of the RP I've so far perused here on the forums, I've enjoyed yours some of the most; love the mind control/hypnosis/subversion elements <3).

So are such effects permitted if the players of both characters are willing? If so, it should be noted that I'd only ever intended to employ them in such entirely voluntary cases (I prefer to avoid godmoding).

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Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:29 pm
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