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 Entrapment (For Ishtar) 
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Post Entrapment (For Ishtar)
The quicksilver orb noted that even though it could maneuver rather silently, the basement halls it had found itself in had enough ambient noise to make all but the most large or clumsy stalkers blend in well. It the noise that had brought Asura down here though. The creature could feel the terror, pain, and lust in this place. It practically dripped from the walls, to one able to sense it and feed from it like Asura.

Before it had taken on the mechanical body, it would have been able to subsist her just by feeding off the residual energy. Now, however... it needed to create its own, to be in close proximity to such a source when it was ripe. As a "new applicant", it had been told it was entitled to a couple "easy marks". Asura, it's understanding largely shaped by things like human fear, saw this as a bribe not to misbehave. It was just mechanical enough to enjoy the hierarchy of power on the island and have no designs for raising itself up the ladder, so long as it could entertain its more hedonistic personality.

Apparently this setup entailed a student, not of its own choosing but one that it had been assured would "exceed expectations", would be sent to a specified time and place and what happened to that student would be cleaned up after. Asura found the idea fascinating... it was more than familiar with the desire for power over others, though it's understanding of such a concept was more bestial in nature than political.

The orb had arrived at its destination ahead of schedule... a room well off the main corridor, almost lost amongst access panels and heating tubes. Simply slipping under the door quietly, it scanned the room in a few seconds, taking in everything. It was mostly empty save a table and a single chair, both of which were of surprisingly sturdy construction... looking as though they had been pulled from the former office of an administrator, and left to gather dust in the basement. Of course, they weren't dusty at all... this had all been set up in advance. The orb moved the chair behind the desk, making it look as though a school official would be sitting there waiting for her, while the orb itself rearranged itself, trying something different and shape shifting into a smaller but still comfortable chair, with soft armrests and a padded seat, pulled out as if inviting a student to sit.


Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:44 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
Ishtar paused for a second as she stood at the edge of the stairs, the young woman still can't believe she was being sent down here. She had gotten her days confused again and had gone to the beach instead of her Friday classes again. The administration was not pleased with the incident and a few weeks later a Head Girl told the blue haired student to head down to the basement to be punishment.

The young woman sighed and took steps down into the basement. The young woman didn't even like getting anywhere around here, much less anytime in the basement itself. It was so dark and made such sound strange sounds that Ishtar think for sure there was something following her the entire time she was down her. It was enough to put the poor student on edge the entire time.

The young woman followed the directions on the piece of paper given by the Head Girl as carefully as she could. She had been told that if she was not in the right room by the right time she would be get double punishment and have to stay twice the amount of time down in the basement. Ishtar shivered just as made her way to down the hallway and taking the turns as listed. Right down this hallway, second door to left....down this hallway....through this doorway....take a right. If the blue haired woman didn't have the piece of paper, she would have been lost for sure.

Soon the young woman found the room she was looking for. The young woman was a bit surprised that there was a school official already waiting for her. He was sitting behind a dusty table behind in a chair. It appeared that they didn't use it very often, which made the young woman wonder how much trouble she was truely in. A bit of nervous sweat appeared on her forehead as she took a nervous gulp. The student moved in front of the desk and bowed deeply. I am Ishtar Rocha, I have been told that I have been sent here to accept my punishment. Please accept my most humble apology. The young woman finished her bow and moved to sit down in the empty chair. To her relief, the chair was quite comfortable and the padded seat felt good against her tush.

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Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:17 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
The leather padding seemed to mold to her backside and legs as the lithe young student sat down. Asura could "See" from every exterior surface of his shape. Such vision would have confused a human, but to an ethereal manifestation and machine, it was quite normal. The machine seeped into the floorboards, extending itself beneath them up and behind the larger chair just enough to throw it's voice from the appropriate direction.

"Ishtar... what an unusual name. And you came here to be punished?"
It reverberated, fascinated that the girl would willingly subject herself to such a thing... she obviously didn't know about the dangers of the island, but that anyone would willing submit to any sort of punishment baffled Asura. It occurred to him that he didn't fully understand a lot about his prey, and if he was to be doing this with some frequency, perhaps investigation was in order.

"You willingly came here to be punished... interesting. And just what did they tell you your punishment would entail?"
It asked, it's voice sounding a little... off, as if it were coming from more than one mouth.


Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:47 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
Ishtar could feel the leather padding begin to mold to her back and legs as she 'sunk' into the chair a little. She had no idea what she was sitting on was not a chair at all but some sort of unusual machine. A machine that was already to spreading over to the chair on the other side of the room. It was about to put on an illusion even the magical student would be impressed with. parents named my and my sister after ancient goddesses because they wanted us to have unique names. The student was a bit worried when when the official asked her if she was here to be punished. Yes, again I am sorry for the trouble I have caused?

The official asked her again if she had come willingly to be punished and she knew what this punishment would involved. Now the blue haired woman was scared, she felt that the punishment had to be very bad if she was being asking if she came willingly. It further disturbed the student that the voice sound like it was coming for more than one mouth. N-no, I don't know what it would entail, sir. I was afraid I would get into more trouble if I did not show up on time. Ishtar wanted to flee and run away, but her she managed to stay in her seat know that she would get more trouble if she panicked.

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Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:38 am
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Asura pondered playing out his questions, but the longer she sat in the chair, the more likely she was to suspect something was off. It was aware that it's vocal patterns weren't considered normal by humans... even now it could sense fear from the girl... delicious fear, but it wanted far more than that.

"Yes... you would have. You're scared... I can tell without even looking at you. Why?" He asked from the disembodied voice again. Without warning or reason, what would feel and appear to be metal bands attempted to snap out from the chair's arms and legs, each grabbing at a wrist or ankle.

"Get comfortable goddess... your punishment may take a while."


Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:18 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
The young woman began to wonder what that exactly was going on. She was beginning to hear that there was multiple voices come from the chair. Not just the official's voice. The blue haired girl was beginning to become really fearful of what was going on. She wanted to be anywhere but here.

It was then that official told her that she was scared and he could tell it without looking. Ishtar suddenly felt metal bands spring out from the chair and wrap around each ankle and each wrist. Ishtar let out a shout of surprise as suddenly found herself trapped in the chair. The blue haired woman struggled to free herself. P-please...please let me go. I-I don't like where t-this is g-going!'

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Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:27 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
Asura pulled the vocalizing extension of itself back from the chair, brushing it's arm along the way and allowing it to lazily spin so that she could see it was empty. It reinforced itself upon her limbs, just concentrating on holding her for now. Another band would pop out... extending a little if need be... but attempting to pull her neck back against the head of the 'chair'.

"Curious that you would be sent here... just what did you do to warrant such a punishment anyhow, goddess?" It asked, not bothering to disguise it's voice's location anymore... the sound seeming to come from every part of the chair, or perhaps just echoing around the room unless she was astute. The machine attempted to inspect his prey from this form... looking over her attire and form appreciatively. It could feel the fear pouring off the girl... loving it... tasting it and wanting so much more.


Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:01 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
Ishtar continued to struggle as she tried to pull her out of the restraints that was holding her to chair. However it was futile as the young woman was no match for the metal constraints. The blue haired student let out a shout as she felt another band wrap around her neck and pulled her head back against the head of the chair. Ishtar's struggles stopped when she saw the official's chair turn her direction, revealing no one was there at all.

W-what is going on? I-I don't understand. The voice replied and it seemed to be coming from everywhere in the room. The voice asked her why she had been set down here. I missed my F-friday classes because I-I thought it was Sunday. P-please let me go, I problem I will never do it again.

Little did the young woman realize that the chair was the creature and it was checking out her nubile body. Ishtar was wearing the Shokushu school uniform; a navy vest, white shirt, red tie, plaid skirt with navy background with a red thin line to make the plaid.....crossed with green and yellow, white bra and panties, white socks, black shoes. The woman had long blue hair that flowed down to the near her rear. The young woman had a slender frame, but her wide blue eyes betrayed the fear she felt inside.

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Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:49 pm
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
"No." came the cold, rather uncaring response from around her. "I required a body... this is probably the intent of your 'punishment', so with that in mind, I'll try to make what follows as perilous as possible, yes? That's surely the intent... to divert you from future transgressions with negative reinforcement." It said, it's voice seeming a bit excited.

Thin tentacles extended from the base of the chair legs holding her ankles apart... trying to stay out of view as they began to tug first at her shoestrings, then violently tug off her shoes and socks... an odd way to start, likely, but it wanted to be slow about building up her tension. "It seems unlikely that one would make such a mistake in confusing two days which aren't even next to each other. Can you explain, Ishtar?"


Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:47 pm
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
Y-you require a body? Why what do you want to do with it. Ishtar mind raced as she tried to figure out what the creature wanted from her. She was concerned that the creature used the word 'perilous'. Worse still the voice sounded like it was excited to inflict the punishment on the poor forgetful student.

At first that seemed that like something weird was going on with her feet as she felt her shoes start coming loose over her forefeet. It was then that her shoes were yanked off her feet. The young woman let out a gasp as she struggled to try to look down. Unfortunately for Ishtar, the neck restraint would not let her see what was going. Suddenly she felt her socks yanked clear off her feet leaving her feet free for whatever was tormenting her. It was then that it asked a question. I-I forget things...I have memory problems....I thought it was the weekend already...please don't hurt me!

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Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:19 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
"A shame... I'll have to try to make this as memorable as possible, so you don't repeat the same mistake and end up back here. As a service to you, of course. Now then..." it spoke, pausing. Another band shot out... this one more malleable... softer than the metallic ones at her limbs and neck. It covered her eyes softly, blindfolding the blue-haired girl.

More free now, it began to form a pair of tentacles at the chair's back, looping them up and over the chair to pull and tug at her vest... eventually ripping the garment in half, and then completely off her body. "So many clothes... fun to unwrap though..." it said, talking to itself it seemed. One tentacle backed off after decimating the garment completely, but the other busied itself with the remaining shirt below... sneaking beneath the tie... leaving the top button at her collar intact but going to the next one down and popping it free of the blouse... following suit with the next one...


Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:46 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
The voice made a comment about try to making it as memorable as possible. Before Ishtar could respond another band shot out over her face. It wrapped tightly against here eyes, thought it was soft enough not to hurt the frightened girl. It acted a blindfold not allowing the young woman to see what was going to happen next to her body.

Ishtar suddenly felt to something grab her at her vest in two areas. They pulled and tugged until she could hear and feel the vest begin to rip apart and be yanked free of her body. The voice seemed to be enjoying this as it mentioned unwrapping her. She felt something like a tentacle begin to push into her shirt just below the top button. Slowly it began to move to the next button and pushing against it until it popped free of her blouse. Eventually the tendril had ripped all the buttons off the poor student's blouse except the top button as her bra and midriff was exposed. No, I have learned my l-lesson....I w-won't d-do it again!!

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Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:33 pm
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
"What a lovely... body you have... ishtar..." it said, pausing as it popped off button after button, finally pulling her shirt open and letting the tie drape in her cleavage. As it worked, it began searching... trying to see if it could recall this girl specifically from the numerous nightmares that had formed it's consciousness originally... if their proximity would bring anything back... any nightmares it could play on. Such a thing was unlikely and had never worked before, but it always liked to try anyhow.

Yet another part of its body began acting independently, extending out and opening the door... forming feet... then more feet... about 4 in all, all heavy. She would hear the loud creak of the heavy basement door, then the clomping of footsteps... likely male, from their weight. The feet began to vocalize as though independent entities, each circling around the poor girl.
"Wow, look at HER!"
"Yes... lovely catch today."
"Can you hear us dear? Looks like someone started to unwrap you for us... or did you do that yourself? Just that eager?"


Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:48 pm
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
Ishtar could feel the cooler air hit her exposed chest as her shirt was pulled completely open. She could feel her tie brush against her cleavage. The young woman began to wonder what was going to happen next and it was not knowing that the blue haired girl was most afraid of. Still the creature began complemented her about the body. Ishtar suddenly heard the door open behind her. The young woman gasped making her breasts bounce in fear.

She heard one set then a second set of foot prints enter the room. Soon a third set and a fourth set of foot prints follow. It was clear to the young woman all of them were heavy as if men had just walked into the room. They all begin to make a comments about her, where was the other person a minute ago? Please help get out of this chair, I'm tied down. I need to

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Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:26 am
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Post Re: Entrapment (For Ishtar)
Ishtar would feel a hand graze across her belly, lifting up against her right breast and squeezing the bra's material around her. "Well obviously... but what's in it for us? Seems like it'd be better to leave you like this..." it said, it's voice sneering... almost an exaggeration of a human, as if something ripped from a bad movie. The voices seemed to surround her...
"What do you guys think? I say we take turns with her... if she's real good, maybe we can let her go at the end."

"Oh definitely..." another began. The girl would feel fingers raking through her blue hair, pulling it back a little as another hand slapped across the other side of her bra, kneading the flesh underneath hungrily.

"Seems we've been interrupted..." Came the original voice... seeming as if only she could hear it, for the others didn't respond. It was soft now... right by her ears as if whispered. "Should I send them away?"


Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:41 am
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