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 In the enemies house [Rei & Calista] 
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Post In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
The pirate cruiser slid noiselessly through the dark of space as it stalked it latest victim, the private yacht of a influential family whose rather attractive daughters had caught the eye of several collectors on Vanejin. There was no sound as several bolts of blue energy shot out across the void of space and impacted the much smaller ship. Boarding parties where quickly assembled on the rag tag flight deck and began loading into the old but surprisingly well maintained troop shuttles. Calista Cole, an ADD special talent, was currently part of this crew and working deep cover as Bela Delstee in order to find a way to stop their raids as they had quickly shot up the pirate food chain to being the top dogs in the region. She was disguised as a Vin'loush, a reptilian species known to be one of the deadliest and most desirable species in the galaxy. Her normally blond hair had been shaded a deep lustrous and pulled into a single top knot, her green skin she wore was a sophisticated suit that resembled the sleek scaled flesh of the aliens, while she also had the ability to produce the same pheromones that a Vin'oush could, allowing her to more easily manipulate the crew. She was wearing her typical dark purple sleeveless shirt that enticingly showed off her taut mid-riff, a vest over that with a pair of black military surplus BDUs on with a pair of well worn, but still expensive looking boots on.

She sat down in her seat on the shuttle and looked over to the seat next to her and saw Rei Yamamoto next to her. She had read up on the woman's file, former SHS student and ADD Agent turned pirate, though her psych profile had hinted at criminal tendencies she was surprised to find the young woman in amongst these slavers...that didn't fly so there was another angle Rei was working. Several times the undercover agent had tried to read Rei's thoughts but hadn't gotten much more than surface thoughts...which lead Calista to believe that there was a Teep hidden among the crew.

Smiling a million watt smile that was much more suited to a movie starlet or a TV personality, Calista leaned in close to Rei and whispered "Heard the haul on this run is supposed to bring a pretty stack of creds once we hit heard anything Rei?

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Thu May 03, 2012 8:41 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Rei Yamamoto was clad in her yellow jumpsuit with black highlights that covered her from neck to legs. A pair of yellow boots completed the outfit, but did little to hide the curves of the young pirate. The young woman tanned skin was only visible with her exposed hands and head. The woman had short white hair that a single lock of hair stood out from the rest and wrapped around in front of her face. The hair accented her stunning ruby red eyes, eyes that she had modified to make her stand out a bit.

The young woman was the only human on ship and the one of the few non-Dousi on the pirate cruiser. The Dousi seemed to fairly similar to humans except they had weird webbed fins that stuck out of the side of their heads and pointy ears. They all had the fashion sense of the old post-apocalypse movies that were on late night TV when Rei was a teenager back in school. It was rumored that males were much different that a human male, but the female pirate did not want to find out. However, they paid large amounts of credits for her to be a pilot to be one of their shuttle pilots, so she could not complain.

The snow-haired pirate turned to person that had sat down in the shuttle behind her, Bela Delstee, the ship's soul Vin'loush. The reptilian species had a reputation of being one of the most dangerous and deadly species in the galaxy. The species was also know as being among the most desirable. Rei could already feel herself getting a flush in the face being so close the reptilian woman. Ummm....yes, the captain said there would enough cred for all of us to big share, not to mention the loot on board. Had the pirate had known that she was really talking to an undercover ADD agent she would have keep her mouth shut.

It was the true that the private yacht was one of an influential family in the sector, the Jaddo family. They had their hands in businesses far and wide in the sector. As a result the ship was full of expensive art and furniture, much of which would fetch a high price on the market. The attractive daughters would fetch an even higher price on Vanejin, but none of that was on the tan-skinned woman's mind. Instead what Rei was really interested in was paperwork, yes paperwork. She was sure that the Jaddo family had been skimming money off the businesses throughout the sector and has been hiding them in various accounts on different planets. If she could find out how to access to even a few accounts, the young pirate could retire to a resort planet and never have to worry about money ever again.

And if the snow-haired pirate played her card rights and kept track of the daughters, she could send the information to the Jaddo family in exchange for them never ever coming after her. All in all, an excellent plan one that only really betrayed by her eyes lost in thought and if the Teep boards another shuttle her actual thoughts...

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Thu May 03, 2012 7:23 pm
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Calista smiled as she sat back when the shuttle door clanged shut before sealing tight. The engines made the shuttle shake as it lifted off and was soon skimming through the inky blackness of space towards the yacht. The ADD Agent had her own plans to help the Jaddo daughters, though they would still end up being taken by the pirates. She intended to give them tracer beacons so an ADD strike team could track them anywhere in the known galaxy so they could be returned home to their families. This mission was a little personal for Calista as her own sister had faced this sort of thing, but in her case there was no one who tried to help try and find her.

She had been lost in her reverie and was shaken from it when she say the lead Dousi stand up and head for the burner lock as a muffled thump sounded through out the passenger hold. She gathered her weapons and easily dropped into the persona of her cover ID, looking over at Rei and gave her a feral smile, running a finger along the other womans jaw sensually as she spoke "Maybe when we get back to the ship you and me could play pretend with all our share of the bounty...what do you say lovely?"

Though she was wearing special nasal filters that blocked out most of the pheromones, she still breathed some in that cause her to flush with excitement as she let her eyes run hungrily over the other womans clothed form.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Thu May 03, 2012 8:16 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Rei heard the door slam shut and looked back to the see a Dousi signal that they were ready to go. The young woman began to run through the start up sequence to get shuttle ready to take off. Soon the bay door opened and the shuttle began to follow the other shuttles to the yacht. It did not take long for the shuttles to close the difference between the cruiser and the now helpless yacht. However this was when things got tricky as the shuttles moved to line up at different positions on the yacht. Rei had to be careful on the approach as she did not want damage the shuttle or accidently run into another shuttle. Also if she damaged the yacht too much then the shuttle would not even be able to hook up the crippled ship.

The shuttle "kissed" the yacht just right, and the Dousi were quickly beginning to head to the burner lock as was planned, a testament to snow-haired woman's skills as a pilot. However, now those skills were no longer needed as the tan-skinned woman would now assist the boarding team. As she stood up and gathered her pistol, she suddenly felt a finger move sensually across her jaw. The ruby-red eyes looked up to see the beautiful reptilian giving her a very feral smile. The alien woman suggested that they roleplay a little with their part of the bounty later.

Rei blushed a bit in as she thought about the prospect. The woman in front of her was so beautiful and so deadly that saying no was simply not an option. Not when Bela was hungrily eyeing the beautiful pirate as much as she was eyeing Bela's own gorgeous body. Ummm, sure I would love to. Not really the smartest thing Rei had ever said, but managed to get that out with out stumbling over her own words.

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Fri May 04, 2012 6:32 am
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Calista smirked at the white haired woman's reaction and licked her lips as she drew her weapons and moved to join the other Dousi boarding parties as the impromptu entrance was made while the alien raiders dropped through the hole and into the other ship. She as through and moving down the corridors swiftly leaving the pirates to fight the on board security teams, she had a mission and she needed to make sure that was finished before anything else. Most of the families security was busy trying to stop the Duosi, leaving only a few guards to watch over the girls and other important areas of the ships which suited the undercover agents needs perfectly.

She rounded the corner and leveled her blaster at the first guard and fired off a burst of blue stun bolts, nail him and his partner and dropping the pair to the deck. She didn't take much pleasure in dropping the men, but at least they would live.

“Pirate!” a guard cried out.

The other guards had been in the rooms with their charges, figuring on a double layer defense for their appointed task. Two of them raced out of the girls room and confronted her. She gave them both a feral grin as she produced a collapsible baton. As they charged her, she hit the first one with the baton several times and kicked the other in the stomach, back, chest and chin before he lay still. She replace the baton on her belt as she pulled out an injector and entered the girls rooms.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Mon May 07, 2012 2:19 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Rei watched as the reptilian woman gave a smirk and then drew her weapons to join the other Dousi. The snow-haired woman could not to help but notice that that the Bela had licked her lips as she seemed to enjoy the anticipation of the woman as she joined the raiding parties. Rei took a moment and shook her head as she realized that she had a job to do and that the money comes first. The female pirate moved through the boarding entrance as she listened to gunfire between the raiders and the on board security teams. It sounds like that the guards were focused on the boarding teams exactly as tan-skinned woman had hoped.

The young woman moved around another corner and was surprised to find a pair of guards lying on the ground. The breathed ever slightly, proving to Rei that they were still conscious. This surprised the white-haired woman as the Dousi were not in the habit of taking prisoners of people who had no value.

Suddenly Rei heard a guard shout out nearby. The young woman looked up and realized that around the corner a pirate was in the middle of a fight with some of the guards. The white-haired woman looked around the corner and was surprised to see the Vin'loush in hand to hand combat with the two guards all by herself. She appeared to be using some sort of baton, on the two. This was really odd as Vin'loush had a reputation for being deadly and this was far from deadly. In fact the way the reptilian woman handled them, it seemed like she was toying with them. Clearly there was more to this woman than meets the eye.

Rei quietly watched from a far as Bela knocked out the remaining guards and pulled out some sort of other weapon before entering the girl's rooms. The pirate was not sure what she was up to, but she needed to get stuff done first. The white-haired woman deliberately snuck past as she went to go to a nearby office where she could gather files that would hopefully give her access to all the family's investments. She would have to check on this Bela later.

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Tue May 08, 2012 4:19 am
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
The lovely light haired sisters had been afraid when the disguised Calista had burst into their room, they had begged her not to take them and any other time she would have obliged them. Though in her cover ID, she quickly and easily subdued the young women, tranqing the first sister to try and rush past her, she stumbled as the fast acting drugs entered her system before Calista pushed her over onto one of the plush beds. The other sister grabbed a rather expensive looking metal candlestick and charged her reptilian assailant. Calista admired the spunk the woman had and wondered if the ADD would try to recruit them, but let the question slip from her mind as her eyes flared luminously a moment before the impromptu club flew from her hands and a needle was lodged deeply in her thigh with a surgeon precision. Calista eased her second victim to the deck before injecting the tracer nanites with the tranq gun. Once the pirates targets were passed out, the disguised human proceeded to efficiently hogtie the unconscious women, swallowing back the taste of bile in her throat as she stood up and moved towards the door.

Once there she stopped and looked back on her trussed up packages and pursed her mauve colored lips, pulling out a knife from the small of her back and walked back over to the girls, strategically slicing, ripping and shredding the girls clothing, and shook her head in amusement as she found neither were wearing underwear...a decision that they would likely rue if they were rescued. She turned and walked out of the quarters, activating her call tag to inform the pirates they had their prize.

Meanwhile, outside the small office that the head of the Jaddo family, Cato, kept on every one of this personal yacht's were two rather heavily armed guards compared to the security guarding his daughters. Despite the sounds of fighting elsewhere on the yacth they did not move from their post, standing a steely vigil as implacable guardians to the secrets kept within, never noticing the white haired young woman watching them from around the corner at the end of the corridor.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:14 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Rei moved the around the corner, only to have duck back out of site as she almost walked into two heavy armed guards. Damn, why are they still here. If we take the ship, they are at our mercy otherwise. The young woman moved slowly back to the edge of the corner. A check around the corner confirmed that the soldiers were heavy armed. Whatever files they were guarding, Cato Jaddo; thought it very important to put such heavy security to. Which of course meant the pirate had to have it.

Fortunately, Rei had the proper thing to break the stalemate between herself and the guards who had no idea that was nearby. Surprise would tip the advantage back into the young woman's favor and a flashbang would do the job just nicely. The pirate tossed the flashbang into the middle of the two guards, she instinctly ducked back to protect herself from the blast. If any of the guards had noticed the flashbang, they did not have the opportunity to react before their world was awash in light and sound.

Instantly, the pirate reacted moving the two stunned guards with her pistol drawn. She lined up her first shot and put a round into the guard's head. She wasn't sure she killed him, but he dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. He's helmet may have saved the man's life, but he was out of the fight either way. She then fired on the second guard, but he recovered quickly and shot missed. The man rapidy brought up his rifle up ready to gun down the sexy pirate in her yellow jumpsuit. However, Rei had run as fast as she could at him and at the last second jumped up on and put her legs around his head. Using the remaining momentum, the young woman twisted and drove the man to the ground. In a second, the man was knocked out and on the floor. Rei slowly got up, wincing a little bit in pain. Ahh, that was alot harder than it looked. Rei picked up the guard rifle and moved over to the door. That was alot security to guard to guard files even as the ship was being lost. The pirate was sure they were guarding something or someone else as well.

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Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:10 am
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Sitting in the room waiting for Rei was something she certainly wouldn't expect given the current situation on the ship. Sitting behind the desk sat Cato Jaddo with a robed figured and several rather fearsome, heavily muscled Dousi warriors around the small office, with long leathery dreadlock-like appendages hanging pulled back into a tight ponytail to hang down their backs while terrifying war masks covered their faces. Their plasma rifles were slung across their backs while ornate yet functional armor covered their bodies. They appeared to be more like statues than living beings, while the long blade like weapons they held point downward into the deck were like sleek, deadly looking shards of ice.

"Ahhh miss Yamamoto so good of you to join us, Lord Ss'Rethai has been telling me so much about your plans for my fortune and my daughters rescue to stay my wrath...a noble plan to be sure but a foolish one you see I arranged for my daughters to be taken by slavers...I have already arranged for their auction on Vanejin, the bronze skinned man said nonchalantly while indicating the Dousi lord sitting across from him "Lord Ss'Rethai has acted as my broker...I was in need of capital for a new venture and my daughters...well they are such beautiful, nubile young women...classically trained in all the ways befits young ladies of their station...well a businessman uses all his assets to succeed in business."

With that Rei would be able to feel an intense pressure within her mind forcing her limbs to comply as the rifle clattered loudly to the deck. Next she was forced to walk forward an kneel beside the robed Dousi as one of the warriors slit the back of her yellow uniform before it was ripped open and allowed to bunch around her waist to reveal the soft swell of her breast and smooth, taut skin of her stomach.

Trapped within her own mind, Rei would be forced to endure the ogling stares of Cato and the stoic warriors as the Dousi psychic began to manipulate the pleasure centers of the human woman's brain, causing her to feel as if there were hangs groping her breasts, fingers twisting her nipples while it also felt as if there were more plunging to the depths of her flower.

ADD - Agent Calista Cole, Special Talent
Monster - The Pleasure Parasties

I'm always up for a scene, shoot me a PM and we can work something out!

Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:46 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: In the enemies house [Rei & Calista]
Rei came across perhaps the weirdest sight she had seen during her career. As she entered the room was the Cato Jaddo, the very owner of the yacht and all of it's valuable secrets. While it was not unusually to see him on his own private yacht, but to be surrounded by Dousi warriors was something totally strange. Especially ones that appeared to be among the best the Dousi had to offer. That meant that entire the thing was some sort elaborate set up. And this pirate had just walked right into the middle of it.

It was then that Cato Jaddo revealed his plan. Not only did he know why the pirate was here but that Lord Ss'Rethai, her 'employer' also knew what she was doing here. How did Ss'Rethai, know anything about her plans? She had always kept that to herself. However that wasn't all, apparently Cato Jado had already arranged for his own girls to be taken by the Dousi to be sold at a Vanejin auction. If that was true why would the man go through the effort of resisting this raid? Why would the Dousi go through the trouble of drilling through the ship. Unless this was an insurance scam as well. Rei's went wide as she suddenly had that epiphany, if he was willing to sell off his own sisters, than of course he would be more than willing to scam his insurance.

The young woman was trying to figure out her next course of action when she suddenly felt an intense pressure on her mind. Wha....the....What is going? Suddenly Rei's hands went numb as her she dropped the rifle in her hand and it clattered against the ship's deck. Her feet began to move forward as she tried to resist. However the pressure on her mind was simply too intense and she found herself moving in front of the robed Dousi and kneeled in front of them. If they had the power to do this than it was a simple effort to read her mind.

Any thoughts about suddenly stopped as Rei felt something sharp against her back, as it went up her spine. Ad it did so she could feel the cooler air as a slit was being open across the back of her suit. The warrior cut was absolutely perfect, tearing through the cloth without so much as leaving a cut on her skin. The warrior then turned his blade to catch each piece of the out outfit and pull it down Rei's nubile body down to her waist. Rei was extremely embarrassed to be exposed from the waist up as the Cato and the Dousi seem to practically ogle the poor woman. P-please don't do this. Suddenly, she felt her breast being groped and massaged as if by invisible hands. It was then that she felt psychic fingers begin to thrust in and out of her sex. The poor woman let out gasps and moans as her body and breasts bounced up and down like she was rutting with an invisible man.

To see Rei's Profile, click here

Please PM me, if you want to RP an adventure with me!

Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:58 am
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