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 Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia) 
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Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 922
Post Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia sighed as she flew her ship towards the station known only as Atlas, according to ADD reports, a hidden ring of slavers used this place as a base using the habitations domes this station had as a defence...the ADD couldn't try an outright attack incase of possible damages to the she had been sent in to try and arrest the slavers...Meia scoffed knowing this was crazy, one Agent wasn't going to be enough, a squad of agents might've worked...but just one was stupid...

Meia just muttered some choice words to the management as she flew her fighter towards one of the hangers of the station landing carefully, her ship luckily had some mild camouflage abilities as it looked like a normal ship rather than an ADD one as she calmly moved to the back of her ship and undressed out of her spacesuit putting it away as she put on a simple black top and shorts along with some boots as well as some weapons she had on her as she began moving out the door, keeping the weapons hidden slightly from view as she began moving out of the hanger towards where intel said the slavers met up for discussions...


Mon May 07, 2012 2:53 pm

Joined: Sat May 05, 2012 4:40 pm
Posts: 54
Location: Perched in the trees, stalking my prey...
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
The human known as Shadow Hunter, sat perched high above the hanger bay as she watched the new ship enter and settled down into one of the empty docking cradles. Though she had been born as one of the soft meats as the Kaji hunters referred to human beings, she had proven herself a more than capable huntress. She was dressed as all hunters did with the mesh body suit beneath her plate armor, hidden from detection by the alien cloaking device, only giving away her position if she moved or used the laser sights connected to the shoulder cannon that tracked with her head movements.

She cycled through the various vision modes before settling on thermal, easily picking out the form of the ships single occupant before they emerged. She switched back to regular vision and zoomed in, a little shocked to see a human woman stepping onto the deck of this wretched place...which meant she was most likely ADD. A wicked, feral smile formed on her lips as she felt the call of the hunt again.

Silently she began to move along the girders above the woman below, and then sliding down a thin cable to the top of the ship. Her booted feet barely made a sound as she crouched there and waited to see if her prey had noticed her movements.

Shadow Hunter

Mon May 07, 2012 3:15 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
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Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia calmly began to leave the hanger as she stopped just at the door that left the hanger and glanced around almost thinking she heard something one hand resting on the gun she kept on her hip holster as she glanced around while activating the door as it slid open as she moved backwards into the door, no doubt she was at least not a rookie as she watched her back first as she left the hanger the doors closed, she hadn't spotted this mysterious strange, but she at least detected a tiny bit of her presence....

Meia shaking off the feeling ran down the hallways deeper into the station as she looked around, knowing that the main bridge was where the slavers normally had meetings at, as she had to see if she could find them or at least any of the slave girls they had with them...


Mon May 07, 2012 3:19 pm

Joined: Sat May 05, 2012 4:40 pm
Posts: 54
Location: Perched in the trees, stalking my prey...
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Shadow had remained deadly still as she felt the woman's gaze pass over her, though she had continued on about her task. The hunter was curious to discover what had brought the woman here as she dropped to the floor and into the interior of the ship. She carefully searched through the contents of drawer and lockers until she came across and all too familiar badge.

~The ADD...I should have known...she should prove to be interesting prey at least...~ she thought to herself, making note of the woman's name as she took the badge and placing it on one of the many utility pouches hidden within her loin cloth before leaving the ship and scaling the beams back up to the ceiling and entered the ventilation system. She had hacked into the station computer during her initial hunt of the slavers here and now was going to use it again. She found the woman making her way to the conference room near the bridge and started to make her way to the same room, running through several of the recordings she had stored in her masks memory.

For Meia, what awaited her within the conference room was a lesson in brutally efficiency death...about a dozen or so aliens (both male and female) either slumped back in their expensive chairs or laying across the table they had been gathered around. Some of the bodies had neat holes in their chests where something obviously extremely sharp had penetrated, others had tiny darts sticking out of the sides of their necks while black veins showed where a potent poison had spread through their bodies. There where even a couple missing their heads, which lay in a bloody mess on the table at its center.

Shadow Hunter

Mon May 07, 2012 3:37 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 922
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia froze at the sight of this carnage. "Oh my...hmm looks like someone took it upon themselves..." Meia said as she approached one of the poisoned aliens and carefully grabbed the dart and pulled it out as she looked it over before calmly taking a small protective storage device and putting the dart inside for now for later analysis as she looked at them all...she would've been squeamish if these weren't she watched them she sighed.

"Someone professional...bounty hunter or something...." Meia said softly looking over every corpse carefully as she examined each of them carefully noticing the ways they were killed...

"Let's see...whoever did this...has high class weapons...possibly short sword or maybe some kind of dagger...very sharp.." She said looking at the holes in some of the victims chests... "Whoever this is...also very efficient...poisoned darts...these must've been the first kills...and this blood isn't that dried up yet....whoever did this might still be on this station...I gotta report this to the higher ups fast...bunch of pricks.." She muttered before she put away the darts she collected and stood up straight and glanced around the room carefully for any signs of this assassin..


Mon May 07, 2012 3:44 pm

Joined: Sat May 05, 2012 4:40 pm
Posts: 54
Location: Perched in the trees, stalking my prey...
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Shadow watched as Meia collected one of her darts, little that she would be able to find out about it other than it was of an alien make. The hunter listened as she made her plans, plans which the hunter had no intention of letting her complete. She moved away from her perch on the bridge and picked up a clip board one of the crew of the station had dropped, she now flung it across the room to impact with the far wall.

She saw the woman draw her weapons before she cautiously moved back towards the bridge, the huntress consider what she would do to make this a fair hunt, as there where rules to follow. She waited as her prey investigated the situation.

To add a little more tenseness to situation for the agent she used her mask to throw one of the voices of the many slaves she had freed earlier "Help me, please don't leave me... the voice sounded as if it where coming from a nearby room, the lights flickering on and off, making it more difficult to see what occupied the room than helped.

Shadow Hunter

Mon May 07, 2012 3:59 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 922
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia moved with speed as she pointed her gun in the direction of the far wall before seeing nothing in sight and narrowed her eyes as she moved slowly moving in a circle keeping her weapon ready to shoot in a moments notice as she glared around the area, knowing she was in enemy territory now...

Just then she heard a noise of a slave or at least she thought so as she carefully approached the room keeping to the walls to avoid being taken from behind as she calmly opened the door as best she could and peeked inside her gun close to her incase of a fast shot.

"I gotta get the girls out of here fast.." She said softly as she looked left and right looking into the dark room, barely able to see anything before moving to a pouch on her shorts and pulled out a small almost piece of metal that she tucked behind her right ear as a small green visor moved across her eyes as it began to show a infra red scope as she looked around the room.


Mon May 07, 2012 4:06 pm

Joined: Sat May 05, 2012 4:40 pm
Posts: 54
Location: Perched in the trees, stalking my prey...
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
The visor revealed no heat signatures in the room with the agent, Shadow mean while had carefully moved up behind her after her quarry had entered the room. She sighed while holding up her arm as the mechanical click and the faint sound of pressurized air was the only warning Meia would receive of an attack against her. While she had considered the variety of attacks that she could use against her prey, Shadow had decided to test the agent.

From her gauntlet flew a small fletchette that flickered with invisibility for a moment before it spread open into a net, while rather frail looking, the net was incredibly strong as it slammed into the woman's body. It drove her back to the far wall and began to tighten, as Shadow moved into the room. Thanks to the Kaji cloaking device, she was all but invisible to Meia's visor, her movement registering on the built in motion tracker.

As she approached closer, the dark haired woman reached up and stroked the trapped woman's cheek with a finger before she spoke, her voice filtered but it was easy to tell that the agents invisible assailant was a woman. "You are failing your calling...or perhaps you enjoying being some alien monsters cum slut Agent Meia?"

Shadow Hunter

Mon May 07, 2012 4:22 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 922
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia heard the little sound of pressurised air and spun around just as the net widened up as she widened her eyes and tried to dodge but the net got it's grip she had been able to save her right leg from getting tangled up in the webbing as she struggled violently in the grips of this web before feeling a finger stroking her cheek as something invisible was infront of her as she glared and struggled more violently.

"Grr! Let me go!" She snapped as she tried to wiggle or something to get the net off of her quickly as it tightened around her as she struggled more and more violently.


Mon May 07, 2012 4:31 pm

Joined: Sat May 05, 2012 4:40 pm
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Location: Perched in the trees, stalking my prey...
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Though she watched the young woman struggle, the huntress knew that there was very little chance of the ADD agent escaping on her own, the net soon tightening to the point that movement was painful and starting to cut into her flesh in some places if she moved too much. The shrouded woman roughly grabbed Meia by the mouth to shut her up as she examined her preys head. She did not say anything for a long moment before releasing her grip on the trapped agent and just moved back and let her squirm and wonder if Shadow had left.

The huntress meanwhile was considering her prize, her mask highlighting and listing the weapons as well as level of probable threat. After a moment the anchor ceased tightening the net just to the point where it was difficult for Meia to breath when the disembodied voice spoke up.

"I am a hunter, I choose my prey as the will of the hunt calls, the only ones that I hunt not according to that will are I have a proposal for you little agent...I will hunt you, if I win you will submit to my will as is the law of the hunt..." Shadow said, trailing off and not finishing her though while pacing around the room, restless but wanting more from this one that she had gotten already.

Shadow Hunter

Last edited by Shadow_Hunter on Mon May 07, 2012 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 07, 2012 8:40 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 922
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia grunted not giving this woman the joy of seeing her in pain as she didn't show signs of the pain feeling the net starting to cut into her flesh forcing her to stay still as she looked at this woman pacing it seemed around the room while she was forced to watch this as she glared at her as she forced herself to stay still and not struggle...

"Do I really have any choice," Meia muttered dryly as she watched this woman pace around forced to stay pinned to the wall against this tightening net it digging into her belly, legs and arms the most since her breasts and privates where covered by her clothing.


Mon May 07, 2012 9:17 pm

Joined: Sat May 05, 2012 4:40 pm
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Location: Perched in the trees, stalking my prey...
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
"You have a chance, if you win by making it back to your ship in the hanger I will let you leave and take the few remaining slave girls trapped in the careful cultivated jungle domes...likely being enjoyed by some creature or another," Shadow replied, her shrouded form rippling against the background as she moved back and forth. She noted the look of disgust that crossed the Agents face and knew that the trapped woman was thinking, that Shadow was no better than the aliens that stole the girls and turned the into the playthings for the perveted being all across the galaxy.

She smiled behind her mask and stopped, as she stared at the agent as she seemed to disappear again. There existed a balance between all things, predator and prey, hunter and hunted...there were rules to the hunt and she lived by those rules....not the flimsy morality that guided Meia in her quest for truth or justice "You don't like that a hunter is using bait?"

Shadow Hunter

Last edited by Shadow_Hunter on Tue May 08, 2012 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 07, 2012 10:54 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 922
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia glared at the woman as best she could that damn camouflage almost impossible to see her now due to that damn technology as she clenched her fists knowing she had to help those poor slave girls as she looked around.

"Fine I'll accept this so called 'hunt' now let me go!" Meia said not even thinking of getting back to her ship as she had to help the girls...her need to help the girls making more sense to her mind than escaping with her least that was what she thought as she looked around for that hunter...


Mon May 07, 2012 11:01 pm

Joined: Sat May 05, 2012 4:40 pm
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Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
With a precision that would have made a Kaji blademaster proud, Shadow sliced through the wires of the net so close to the woman's body with the blade of her glaive that she would have been about the felt the surface as it kissed her skin. The huntress stepped back and lowered her weapon and spoke up "Run little agent, run and hide..."

She waited while watching Meia scramble to her feet and as she disappeared through the door and off the bridge. She would give the agent a sporting chance with a head start as she felt her blood boil with the call of the hunt. She could sense the predator rising up within her impatiently wishing to stalk and run the agent to ground and dominate her as would be her right by the laws of the hunt.

Shadow Hunter

Mon May 07, 2012 11:26 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 922
Post Re: Hellish Hunt! (Shadow Hunter and Meia)
Meia was cut loose almost feeling that blade against her flesh as she glared at Shadow before she rushed past her heading out of one of the doors but instead of heading towards the bridge or the hanger she was going in the opposite direction towards one of the Habitation domes as she ran forward as fast as her legs moved.

"Get to the girls fast.." She whispered as she wanted to save the slave girls rather than escape from that huntress her damn urge to save them mixing with her need to escape...


Mon May 07, 2012 11:31 pm
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