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 Nostalgia (for Sinead) 
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Post Nostalgia (for Sinead)
The briefing was simple really, go to Hestia and once on the planet locate and capture Savalis. At least on paper it seemed easy enough. The planet was isolated and known by only a few, had mysterious ruins there, and was being used by Savalis as a hideout.

He had recently ripped off another slaver by peddling disease merchandise that infected other slaves and so many other slavers were against him. His power base was small and there was some grumblings in his own camp about the recent turn of events since his followers were being targeted by other slavers now as well as the ADD.

Information was supplied to the ADD from a reliable source, one of Savalis men nonetheless that was just seeking an out without reprecussions from Savalis in leaving. So at most she would be dealing with half a dozen men, unlikely to have formidable defenses or the money for them anyway.

It was unlikely, but possible, that this was a trap of some sort or the informant secretly worked for another slaver and was seeking to have the ADD do their dirty work for them but Savalis was a nuisance and now they had a chance to nab him that they simply could not pass up and thus had to send an agent to investigate.

If things looked to daunting or there was something there that was out of place she was to report back and then get back up to take on the place. If, however, there was a chance for one agent to bypass the defenses then she could take it if success was high enough.

If she wasn't heard from in 24 hours other agents would be sent in to investigate the matter or possible rescue her.

Their was the planet, she was coming up too it now. There was nothing on her sensors as of yet and nothing abnormal. There were no satelites in orbit of the planet and no ships to dissuade visitors. It seemed that by appearing low key they wished to dissuade anyone from believing that anyone was here. Of course the ADD's informant gave them the location of the subteranean hideout and also revealed that their was an exhaust shaft leading into the place that was once used as a vent for the air supply of the place, one of many it would appear, though the motion detectors in that section where faulty, often giving false readings to the point that anything abnormal in that region was rarely checked since they went off so often. They were in the process of being fixed when Savalis came into all sorts of trouble and priorities were momentarily shifted to other events.


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Fri May 18, 2012 1:47 am
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
The control center of the small transport seemed especially lonely today. It wasn't that she didn't like going on missions by herself... quite the opposite, she felt command was tasking her with important things and trusting her and only her to get the job done. No, it was... for some stupid reason... Sinead didn't like the idea of being an assassin. Which was ridiculous, she continued to tell herself. She had killed plenty of attackers in self defense before. This wasn't all that different: A dangerous slaver was vulnerable. He would certainly continue to abduct people, kill, and generally cause misery wherever he went.

Even so, as she sat cleaning her antique, bolt-action rifle, she was disquieted. Shaking it off, or doing her best, she placed the cleaning kit aside and worked the bolt back and forth quickly, before loading it and then sitting a bit longer... snapping at the lens cap nervously. Eventually the young agent rose, slipping about 12 more round into her belt for the rifle, and twice as many for her revolver. The sidearm hung heavily against her latex covered thigh, the black material gleaming a bit save where the orange stripes would interrupt the coloring, slashing their way down her toned legs. She pulled her matching, midriff-baring top over an orange sport bra and zipped it about halfway up, just hinting at her young chest and not quite reaching the old slave collar she still wore about her neck. The jacket stopped just past her shoulders, leaving plenty of room as she pulled on her long gauntlets, synching up her communicator with the ship's computer.

Slinging the rifle over her shoulder, she grabbed a hand hold as the ship touched down a couple miles from the supposed target. Activating her encoded signal to tell command she had landed, she made her way back to the cargo bay and revved the engine of her motorcycle, letting it roar a little as she sped from the loading ramp and begin to cross the planet's surface. It was rather unremarkable... which is to say it was life sustaining, and therefore quite remarkable, but familiar. Her hair whipped in the breathable air as she approached the site.

About a mile away, Sinead stopped her bike and pulled herself off, uncovering her rifle's scope and scouting the exhaust vent... finding it just like their informant had said. She looked for a moment longer, trying to make sure it wasn't guarded...


Fri May 18, 2012 5:58 am
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
As she studied the terrain though the scope she could make out the ruins of a settlement in the near distance. Closer, however, was a circle of standing stones that probably stood a silent vigil over the place for countless centuries.

But she did notice movement, not at the vent location itself but closer to the ruins and heading towards the standing stones. A humanoid creature, mauve skinned as she focused in on it with the scope to get a better look.

It had no legs but rather a mass of tentacles that pulled it along the ground at a slow pace. In fact it looked like a hybrid of a man and octopi. It didn't seem to see her in the rocky terrain or was even looking for her but seemed rather focused on getting to the standing stones for some reason.

It suddenly paused, looking up and towards her, as if it knew where she was, but how could it possibly have seen her from there? Heard her? It had no nose so it couldn't have smelled her.

It paused for a moment looking in that direction but making no movement closer to her position. Perhaps it didn't see her but it wasn't looking around any so it was as if he were looking directly at her. It then looked away from her and kept going at a steady pace towards those stones.

With that distraction she almost missed the other movement, closer to the vent. A pair of hover bikes floated a meter or so above the ground pointed at a stone, that rumbled and opened allowing the two bikes to enter into it before the stone closed behind them. The front door perhaps? Concealed from sight probably unless one was right on top of the place. Savalis probably had the place for a good deal of time when things weren't so bad.


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Fri May 18, 2012 2:14 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
The young redhead peered through her optics, not noticing anything at first... then sighting in on a creature, though it didn't appear to be Savalis. The thing almost looked... lovecraftian? She hadn't read much into that mythos but it was fairly popular with her occult friend in the agency, and Sinead had, on more than one occasion, been lectured on how such creatures actually existed. Sinead neither dismissed nor bought into it... there were plenty of other life forms in the universe to worry about for the time being. She was about to turn away, dismissing it with a laugh and a notion to tell her friend, whom she was sure would be overjoyed, when the creature turned and stared at her.

The agent froze. She was just over a mile out, it wasn't that on the planet's surface... there was no way that it should have seen, smelt, or heard her. And yet it was looking right at her, as if to say "Yes, I see you." Something about the creature chilled her blood a little... probably just its uncanny stare, that seemed to pierce through her optics and into her soul. And then it was moving again, as was her chest as she started breathing... never realizing she had stopped.

She was about to lower her scope when she caught more movement across the area, still at the stones but closer to the vent. A pair of hover bikes, entering some sort of secret entrance? Sinead watched for a few more moments before slinging her rifle and kicking her motorcycle into gear to speed for the vent. During the ride over, she occasionally looked for the other creature... not noticing it now, though it could have just passed behind one of the many stones.

The girl stopped her bike well short of the vent, hiding it behind a stone monolith and proceeding on foot towards the exhaust tube. She readied her rifle again, though didn't expect trouble just yet.


Fri May 18, 2012 5:46 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
Getting to the vent was easy enough. She stashed her bike and met with no opposition as she moved towards the exhaust port. Perhaps it was like she was told, the sensors in this area were too finky to check out all the time.

A glance towards the secret entrance revealed no motion and a paranoid glance about herself for the other creature she had seen though there were no signs of it. The stones that littered the landscape made for many great hiding places and her movement on her bike was far quicker than that thing's slow pace.

Looking around the area she easily found the exhaust port, a large rock stood beside a manhole sized hatch on the ground that had been conealed by some dirt. It was probably left opened and concealed by other means when it was in use but it must not have been used in some time and sealed up, or perhaps it was still in use from time to time, though according to the informant the information was given about it and that it hadn't been guarded though the area was probably frought with sensors, possible even hidden cameras in sections though the informant said nothing about the later so there was a chance that they didn't exist at all.

It seemed that all that was left was to open up this hatch and decent into this hidden strong hold.


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Sat May 19, 2012 12:20 am
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
With one more quick glance around, Sinead was sure she hadn't been spotted... at least not by anything living. She walked around the plate, inspecting it for sensors, even though she wasn't very well trained at such things. Not noticing any herself, she pulled back on the plate and slipped herself through.

Her mind wandered a bit as she climbed down a ladder quietly... thinking back on the odd creature and wondering if it was somehow involved with Savalis, and if she wouldn't regret not firing on it later. Then again, if it was really just an innocent bystander, it was worth the risk.

The agent dropped softly into a dark tunnel, looking around and drawing her revolver as she crept towards the first source of light. She flicked her communicator on, the small eyepiece overlaying her right eye's vision with a heads up display and enhanced optics for navigating the dark tunnel.


Sat May 19, 2012 2:50 am
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
She could have gone a floor lower but that would have done her little good. There was a massive fan their though it was off and she noticed many small vents branching off from the shaft as she descended it. That seemed to make sense was that the fan, when on, freshened the air here and pushed it along those vents to other areas of the compound but they probably had a better way now in circulating air here.

Getting out at the floor before the fan she found herself in a dark room. It was evident that this part of the strong hold had been used less frequently now since she doubted that Savalis had any real need to conserve electricity despite his finances,

But a door slid opened at the end of the room. A halo of rectangular light lit up two silohettes that entered the chamber before the lights where turned on. She barely had time to dart behind a crated here so she wasn't immediately seen. Fortunately for her this was some sort of storage area that was powered down when not in use.

She could here the foot falls of the two men as they slowly walked forward.

"Sensor fours going off again."

"So, it always goes off."

"Not since they replaced it. Anyway, look alert and be fortunate will you. It might just be an animal again, at least we don't have to go outside for it any more but vent four is in the same sector and this this is the room that branches off from it so if it isn't an animal they'd access four."

The man explained to an obvious newbie though his voice was getting louder so she could roughly gauge how close they were. Then they halted and seemed to be speaking over a readio.

Team A fall back. Sensor three is going off now so it's probably just an animal, B is being sent top side to have a quick look just incase it isn't. You know how the chief can get at the best of times.

"Yeah, copy."

And with that she could hear the two rescending, the door opening again, the lights going back out and the door closing again.


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Sat May 19, 2012 1:37 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
A quick scan of the room she had dropped into revealed it was some sort of storage room... and one not often used, at that. This should be a good place to start, she thinks to herself. No sooner had she gotten out the thought than the door to the room opened and two lights began to pierce into the darkness, prompting Sinead to skid behind a crate and hold her weapon at the ready... hoping she wouldn't need it. In hindsight, she really should have asked for a silenced weapon for this sort of mission, she thinks.

The girl holds her breath as they search the room, and exhales softly as they move to leave. She waits a few moments, catching her breath against the crate and giving the slavers time to move away from her position before rising and moving towards the door. She opened it slowly, peaking her head out and looking both ways down the hall before proceeding along.

She wished there had been some sort of map of this complex... some imagery or anything to go off of, instead of letting her wander around completely in the dark, so to speak.


Sat May 19, 2012 4:38 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
Peering out into the hall she had it easier in that one way was darkened, the other had lights so she could theorize that the darkened area.

Sulking in that direction her noise told her where the mess hall was, or therabouts, as she received the aroma of some stew being brewed. From beyond one of the doors she could hear someone or something working on something, a ship? A bike? An engine?

That was anyone's guess, though at least one person was in there, another one probably in the mess hall and if she assumed B team consisted of two individuals she could figure out where four of the six personal where.

It was then that she heard the familiar cocking of a bolt action rifle from behind her.

"SSStop right there!"

A voice hissed out behind her, yet it sounded oddly familiar too.

"Try it, I dare you."


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Sat May 19, 2012 5:42 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
The agent swept her enhanced vision over the darkened corridor… not noting anything of interest in the area and moving in the other direction, probably towards some form of life. She passed by what must have been a mess hall by the smells… surprisingly good smells, for alien cooking, which she had never taken much of a taste to despite her sense of adventure. She supposed there were some things you just had to be raised on to appreciate.

The sound of something loud operating nearby drowned out her footsteps as she continued down the corridor… though unfortunately, it also masked the approach of someone behind her. The young redhead swallowed, stopping dead in her tracks at the sound of a rifle. Not many aliens used antiquated human technology… these guys must have been really hurting for money.

“I’m… putting my gun down.” She said softly, though loud enough that whoever was behind her would hear without turning around. She didn’t want to get shot, but perhaps if she could lure them in before they called for backup, she could use the hidden Taser in her gauntlets to incapacitate them. “Just… just don’t fire, ok?” she followed up timidly, trying to make her voice small and meek while raising one hand awkwardly while slowly setting her revolver on the ground... waiting for the person (or creature) to get close behind her...


Sat May 19, 2012 10:15 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
Whoever was behind her did not immmediately close in. "Now kick it away from you."

It commanded waiting for that to be done before commanding her again, this time to turn around. He seemed pleasantly shocked to see her, half his face turned up in a toothy grin. A large sauron creature was standing there with a blast vest, an ancient rifle and side arm though a more modern blaster strapped to his other hip. He also had a wicked dagger strapped to his left leg.

"Thisss is going to be fun ... ssso the ADD got a hold of you after all."

She recognized the creature as the one she met that day long ago, or at least he appeared to be very similar outside of his left eye that was now a sightless white orb.

"Now let'sss sssee about hidden weaponsss, ssstrip."

So far he was cagey enough to remain far enough from her so that he could get a shot off on her at point blank range before she could complete a lunging attack.


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Wed May 23, 2012 2:05 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
As the agent turned, she recognized the Saurian... the one that had, in a way, made her an agent by trying to turn her into a slave. It felt as though the blood might boil in her veins... the memory of the agents that had sacrificed themselves to save the few women this bastard had been smuggling... the promises he had made to her... it was all she could do to maintain control.

"I don't recall you being so afraid of me last time..." She said, trying to stay calm. She wanted to keep her gauntlets on, so made a show of letting her rifle drop behind her and kicking it away. "Lots of things I remember about you... not a name, you never gave me that much. Apparently I wasn't worthy. I'm Sinead, in case you've forgotten." She said, still keeping her arms raised. "I remember you liked this..." She said, unzipping her jacket to reveal the orange sport bra beneath, seeming to barely hold in her breasts.

"Thought you liked to do the stripping too? Don't think you can take me hand to hand? You used to be so good at it..." She taunted, trying to jeer him into a fist fight. She still had the hidden taser in her gauntlet and might be able to take him in a fair fight anyways.


Thu May 24, 2012 3:08 am
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
He grinned as he watched the show obviously appreciating what he saw. But the sauron held his ground for the time being. He sneered at her, chuckling softly.

"Thingsss have changed, Sssinead. When lassst we meet you were a mere ssstudent. But I am Ssstirge."

He watched her for a moment as if he was secretly appraising her worth then stepped forward as a reptilian hand rested on one of her covered breasts, squeezing the orb as one would squeeze a melon for ripeness.

"Gonna try and hit me with thossse gauntletsss of yoursss?" He almost goaded her, the press of the rifle's shorter stock resting beneath her breast, then slowly trailing down her body as his other hand grasped and tugged at her bra revealing her breasts, forcing another grin across his face.


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Thu May 24, 2012 2:59 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
The agent watched Stirge draw closer... not moving. She wagered he could put a bullet through her before she could react, even at this range. And he seemed to consider her threat enough to do so now. As he gripped one of her prominent breasts, however, a look of surprise, perhaps even shock, crossed her features... the agent would seem to be trying to suppress it though failing.

"Kind of forgot that I liked this... your scaled hands on my breasts... feeling like you owned them... owned me..." She almost purrs, her tone softening. She makes no move to resist... almost seeming to enjoy it as he pumped her breasts. In point of fact... she did, to a degree, though that disgusted her in its own right. Even so, she was still playing at a game, waiting...

As he asked about her gloves, she shook her head. "No... not yet..." She almost seemed to gasp, her tone definitely sexual now. The redhead hoped her show had thrown him off enough, or this could end up being a short mission. With her hands still raised, exposing her chest, she allowed him to lift one of her tits with the gun's muzzle before it trailed down her and he lifted her bra.

Suddenly she struck, only having to move her elbow a short distance to send it bashing into the creature's face. She didn't need her gloves to make THAT hurt, she reckoned. Whether or not it connected she would follow after him, grabbing for the rifle or trying to knock it away...


Thu May 24, 2012 7:12 pm
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Post Re: Nostalgia (for Sinead)
He grinned, dipping his head enough so that his tongue caressed her nipple as she could feel his tail sliding up her leg. Certainly he was enjoying himself.

"That'sss becaussse you are."

It was in the midst of a grin that she struck at him. At close range she was unable to get her full leverage behind the blow but caught Stirge on the jaw causing him to stagger back. She could hear the discharge of his gun too, though fortunately his arm staggered back from her body and thus the round discharged into the floor.

She followed though before he could aim the weapon true or even rechamber a round, a trickle of blood rolling down the corner of his mouth. His hand came at her abdomen in a quick jab as she closed while his tail whipped at her legs a split second later in an effort to trip her up.

Useless in such close quarters he dropped the rifle freeing up that hand to better defend himself with rather than attempting to use the weapon as a weapon more than as a firearm since if he was trained in melee he still could have used it as a spear of sorts, jabbing with it and while it wasn't a piercing weapon it was still likely to be effective so he was either not trained, panicked or felt more at ease using his claws. It was often said that a brawler that learned fancy fighting techniques too reverted back to being a brawler once hurt so that could have been the case too. He was probably more comfortable with them then he was with the rifle.


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Fri May 25, 2012 1:51 pm
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