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 Hunted (for Nail) 
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Post Hunted (for Nail)
The target was Drez, and the ADD wouldn't have a better opportunity to get at him. Apparently he was at his hideout on Ko and other than some ruins there that scholars picked clean in the past there really wasn't anything there other than this base or so their informant claimed.

Just him and two others, nothing much to deal with, though his forces were quite large in the past they tended to scatter between assignments to draw less attention to themselves so this was to be a blessing in disguise. That was until she got her ...

Her ship had been shot down by enemy fighters and by now it was crawling with search teams looking for her. Apparently Drez was planning on launching a rather large operation soon and had plenty of slavers on hand to accomplish that end. More than even she could hope to take out herself.

There was something to be said about guerilla tactics though if Drez was planning something he'd be long gone before long so that was no good either.

She knew where Drez's hidden base was though other than the fact that he was suppose to be with two aliens she knew nothing. The others weren't suppose to be here and she had no clear cut information on their numbers.

Occasionally a fighter zipped over head no doubt searching for her and calling in the grids that they searched. It was only a matter of time before they found her too ...


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Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:21 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
The young Hel'corian agent was issued out on a search and capture mission located on a far planet known as Ko. Her target a slaver scum bag named Drez, wanted by the A.D.D for multiple crimes, her report dident go into much detail other then he was pulling together a massive force ageist the A.D.D for a large scale operation that couldn't be good for any one.

Nail awoke several minutes after the ship crashed, finding her self still seated in the pilots seat slumped over the controls. Her head bleeding from the bumpy crash landing were she smacked her head into the glass display screen, leaving a head sized hole in the control panel of down ship. It appeared the jet black flight suits air bags saved her from serious injury from the crash as slowly Nail pulled her self up out of the pilots seat and staggered to cockpit doors. "What...What the hell happen!" Nail muttered to her self as she walked confused holding her pounding head making her way threw the ship corridors fining sparking wires dangling from the walls and ceiling while small fires blazed out of control threw out the ship. Soon enough Nail found a emergency hatch she took to escape the inferno, escaping into the jungle of Ko.

Nail ran threw the jungle trying to make distance between her self and the crash site. Stripping off pieces of the damaged flight suit as she ran leaving them behind discarded, leaving her self in what she wore underneath, a tight jet black sleeveless body suit. Hiding in the bushes, trying to stay low out of sight as aircrafts zipped over head no doubt searching for her while enemy search party's roamed the area.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
She could here the distinct whine of hover bikes coming this way, the pair of bikes zipped around trees here in the jungle as a pair of pilots in silver armor scanned their instruments and looked for her visually. They knew she could have gotten far on foot.

Following the trail of discarded clothing they had long since noticed that nothing else had been stripped but knew the general direction that she headed in. Splotches of blood at the crash site showed that she was wounded too, that she couldn't have gotten far.

The two bikes stopped and she could hear one of the pilot's on a communication device.

"She's close ... we got some dried blood on some of the ferns so she couldn't have gotten far. She's hiding out in the jungle somewhere or one of the ruins, we'll find her though."

The engines of the bikes started up again and the bikes continued on. Obviously each pilot over looked her with the vast ground they could cover though they were much faster and no doubt would loop back this way after a short while.

Nearby there was a stream, the world was a hot humid one being a binary world two suns sat high in the sky. Nearby was one of the ruins the world was known for, pillars of stone jutted out of the earth here and there along with a few broken and crumbling walls. From her vantage point there were no intact buildings but much jungle separate herself from the place in question.


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Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:06 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
The young Hel'corian soldier layed low under the bushes and leaves as the two aliens in their silver armor approched. Noticing how they both pulled out a strange Item that shined light on the area, a heat scanner mybe. Afther what felt like ages Nail crulled out of her hinding place afther they both left, hearing the engins of the hover bike roar as it grew more faint the farther they got from her locations.

" How stupid...I lead them right to my self...sloppy mistake Nail!!" Nail muttered to her self as she brushing the leafs and dirt of her self afther coming out of hiding. She Paused to take in her surroundings for a bref momment knowing she couldnt stay in the same area for long as she quickly noticed the tall stone pillers off in the distance along side the incredible hott jungle air and the blood still dripping from her cut forehead. "Eesss when did this happen!?" Nail hissed in pain feeling the sting as she helding her wound trying to wipe the blood way but knew she would need a more purminate solution. Making her way to the river were she would wash the blood off her self and use mudd to cover the wound on her head and stop the bleeding. Finding her self to warm Nail unzipped the front of her suit to let some cool air in befor heading out twords the ruins traving low and quite trying her best to avoid detection.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:32 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Eventually after treating her wound she made her way to the ruins bushing through the over growth. At least now she was not leaving a blood trail in her wake and while she could hear the whine of repulsor engines there was nothing nearb that she could see. She knew that they were out there searching for her.

The ruins appeared to be lonely stone buildings in disarray given how long they stood hear. Many had lost walls and none had doors left. On a hill rested 22 smaller standing stones and half that which laid atop them. The ruins seemed deserted at least at first then she realized that their was a young man staring at her, startled to see her or oogling what he could make out of her. His mouth hung opened and he was of weathered skin though he was not entirely human but some kind of near human.

After a moment he spoke up, his voice a bit shakey as he did so. "They never bothered with this place before but they must be looking for you, that's the third time in the last 30 minutes they've passed over head."


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Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:34 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail walked for sevral minutes trying her best to stay down out of site of the enemy search party untill she stubbled out of the brush into the ancint site. Managing to find her way to the ruins, she saw off in the distances quickly notice how runn down and weathered this place really was befor some even more unexpected caught her eye.

Nail stared back at the young man just as suprised. Speechless seeing another living thing not trying to shoot her on sight. The he had to go open his big mouth about the enemy and there rounds forcing Nail to quickly charged him roughly tackling, him to the ground behind what ever was near by for cover. "SHUT UP!!, you want them to find me!" Nail whispered nervously as she sat on his chest covering the stupid boys mouth, not relizing her suits zipper was still down past her breasts.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:23 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"Ooph!" The wind was forced out of his lungs as she tackled him though a moment later he found her hand clapped over his mouth. He was wide eyed, as if he was unsure of her motivation though when she asked her question he shook his head since any words he'd mutter would have been swallowed up.

But being prone on the ground wasn't all that bad. He could feel the press of her breasts against him and he'd probably not have though he'd have a girl atop him this day.

Unable to control the natural order of things he found that his body was getting stiff beneath her own, poking at her belly and from the feel of it he was quite well endowed. Still, he was too afraid to do anything about that, or perhaps it was totally unintended on his part though his cheeks were reddening and he turned his head to the side so he didn't have to look her in the eye.


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Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:05 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail Sat on top of the boys chest as she carfuly scaned her surroundings for any enemys that would have happen to hear the idiot kid yell out her postion as she covered his mouth leaning over him. "Shut up!!" Nail whispered hearing him try and mutter out what could be words. It was untell she suddenly Nails had the strange feeling of somthing poking agiest her bare somic.

Looking down Nail's heart skipped a beat as she blushed with embarassment realizing her suit was zipped down passed her lovly orbs showing off every thing and what it really was poking her seeing the pulge. Quickly she paniced jumping off his chest scrambling backwords acrost the ground away from him as she quickly zipped up her tight black body suit and crossed her arms over her chest. "H-HEY D-DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA!!" Nail muttered out almost shouting as she blushed looking away from the totle stranger.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:51 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
No one seemed to be on foot or if they were the whine of repulsor engines from their bikes might have been louder masking their sounds. Nail leapt back and as she zipped up the flight suit the boy got up to his feet, holding his arms out in front of himself and waving his hands.

"Oh, no, no, no, it's not like that," he protested though she could still make out the bulge in his pants from where she stood. On the ground near him was a back pack that had all manners of tools in it that he wasn't paying attention to at the moment.

"You need to get inside out of sight incase they fly back over and have a think about what you're going to do before they find you though. Why are they after you? You had to kick the bee hive or something to get them all worked up like this, I haven't seen them so active before."


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Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:47 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"Yah right then whats that!?" Nail whispered blushing as she poined at the *Bulg* clearly poking at the inside of his pants afther giving the young man a angry yet embarresed scowl. Watching him flail his arms around trying to make him self sound less like a pervert. Nail made a slight distance away from the boy as she slowly got to her feet putting her back agiest a tree as she quickly noticed the bag near by him full of what she could make out as tools of some kind.

"What ever like I can trust you!" Nail muttered out trying too keep her voice down. Unable to keep her eyes from wondering back to the noticable bulg between his legs, blushing worse each time she noticed it. Hearing the roar of more bike engines screaming threw the trees near by keep por Nail on edg as she was forced to quickly change her mind, findig her self in a strange possion. Blushing Nail gave the young man a dirty look. "Fine...take me out of sight...But keep your hands to your self!!" Nail said softly as she tryed to watch him closly make sure there was no sudden movements.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:09 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"Do you have a choice?" He nervously stated, though he supposed that convinced her as she changed her mind upon hearing the nearby whine of the repulsor bikes searching for her. His hands had moved to his groin before then though as if attempting to hide his excitement.

The only movements he made though was to seize up the bag before sprinting inside of one of the crumbling buildings with her. Shortly after reach it she heard the bikes zip on over head.

The boy was a young teen she could tell. His hands and sleeves dirtied by work, digging perhaps, though once inside her sat down with his back pressed to a partially collapsed wall.

"You look ... well, mean ... I mean," he said while waving his hands in front of him, "you wouldn't have to worry about me doing anything and probably won't even brake a sweat kicking my ass. You never did answer me about what got them all stirred up."


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Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:31 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail gave the young man a angry glare as he spoke, but he was right she dident have much of a choice. It was either wonder around the jungle until getting captured or...worse but Nail could not help but giggle seeing him recoil back in embaresment befor running over to grab is bag. Nail followed closly behind as he lead her to a large ruined temple that looked as if a small brezze could knock them over.

Nail followed him inside the temple ruins, watching him sit down agiest a crumbling wall as she would turn to peek out every so offten to watch out for any enemy search partys befor she too took aseat beside him. Letting out a sigh of relief finnily find aplace to rest. It wasnt long befor the silance was broken and he asked her yet another question. "I look what!" Nail said as she stared at him coldly hearing him speak." Thats right I can so you better not get any ideas or you will regret it...and its classified..."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:13 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"Wouldn't dream of it ..." he glanced over his shoulder at the door way as if expecting to see something as a bike zipped on by. It was only a matter of time before they caught on and began searching the ruins after their search turned up nothing. An hour? Two? He supposed it would only be a detailed search if they really wanted to get at her.

"Alright. Classified. You know you could at least throw me a bone here, if I'm about to get killed I think I'm entitled to know a little bit about it."

He pulled his bag closer to him and dug out a few things, a flash light chief amongst them. He turned it on only to check to ensure it was working, then turned towards her again. "I mean I can't really help you if I don't know of the situation. For all I know you could have killed twelve babies and these guys want to bring you in. I seriously doubt that though ... they're probably the pirates."


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Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail glared at the young man sitting beside her with an annoyed and angry look in her eye afther hearing his tiny little rant about wanting to know what she was doing here and why these pirates where afther her. It dident take much befor her and her famous short fused temper got the better of her. Jumping up to her feet, Nail move infront of him as she glared down over him. " No body asked for you help....YOU COULD HAVE JUST WALKED AWAY DONT ACT LIKE I OWE YOU ANY THING!!" Nail screamed enraged slaming her hand into the wall he sat agiest, almost shaking the entire structure of the ruins as dust and even small pices of rubble feel from the celing as the horns on her head grew ever so slightly in her anger. "SO ANY THING ELS YOU WANT TO KNOW!!" Nail shouted befor the relization finnily hit her, the boy was just trying to help as she slowly started to calm down feeling embaressed about her little out burst seeing as she turned away from him to not look him in the eye. "sorry I did mean..." Nail muttered out quietly.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:21 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
His visage twisted into panic and he nearly shrank beneath her glare.

"... I didn't ... I could have but ..."

He fell silent then as she apologized he shook his head a little, probably too stunned to speak or perhaps not trusting how it would come out he fell quiet for a moment.

"... it's ok. But what now? What's the plan? How do you suppose we handle it? It's just a matter of time before they check the ruins out."


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Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:10 pm
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